PAGE TWO. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 11KN. Morning Astorian Established IS73 - ? DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. mmm labeT RATES. ij mail, per year By mail, per month :..... By carriers, per mouth $6 00 50 60 -THE SEMI-WEEKLY ASTOKIAX. By uail, jtr year, in advance $1 00 ASTORIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. AND ENGLAND AND FRANCE! r One of the most pointed of yesterday's cables to the Comme reial Tribune was neither Jong nor official Kays the Cincinnati paper, but it was pregnant of other troubles across the water, and it was in these words: v v At Lloyds today 30 per cent was paid to insure against the risk of war between France"and, Great Britain within six months. Yesterday the rate was 20 per cent. v "Within six months" has a wide and an ominous latitude. Bound to Russia by treaty alliances and mutual interests, France is in a most peculiar and dangerous position. She is not required to aid Rus sia with men nor with ships unless Russia should be attacked by two powers. England is not hampered in any way as to any attitude she may desire to as sume, and neither is Germany, while the other powers of Europe are as but pawns upon the board and need not be considered in the present possibilities, for not one is in position to attack, and few in position to be able even to defend against attack. But China is a power possibly to be despised but htill a power. She is an independent government with troops and ships and knowing with absolute certamtythat the suceess of Russia in the conflict with Japan means for herself the position of a Rus sian province, governed by a Russian viceroy, and her total extinction as a world power of any magnitude. In the Chinese port of Shanghai theRiiKsian cruiser the Jlandjur, w bottled up, and on the outside are two first-class battleships awaiting her outcouiing. Yesterday in an attempt to get out of the harbor she wa cbasnl by the Japanese and run back to anchor age, from which she has leen premptorily ordered away by the Chinese authorities, pursuant to the proclamation of strict Chinese neutrality. Having " hou " vvui.m to make up her mind, she will at tempt to escape under cover of the night, and the rest is with the Japanese. It may be the incident and the consequent anger or the czar may bring about a conflict with China, and in that event France would be bound to go to the assistance of Russia -and Lloyds know the drift of events. With France moving a man or a ship in aid of Russia, or furnishing her munitions of war, there would come the death grapple, with England's fleet sweeping the channel and the Armageddon of the giants would be on to the death. The successes of the Japanese are marvelous, and Russia must have assistance, even if shhas to play most foullv for it The news henceforth will be even of greater interest ana import than it has been. own 10,000 hens and take a short cut to onpuleiice Right there the hen draws the Hue. It is refaetury on the aubject of trusts. Eggs may be cornered, but not the lien. It is partial to a community of reason able size. It likes an old-fashioned farm, where there is room to skirmish for a living, with its pretty pro geny scampering here and there through the grin. NV skyscrapers or huge rows of prison mmh for th hen. It goes out of business if too extensively system atiatl as a commercial proposition. As a eims.nueiic. uo hen syndicate has been, formed, with the usual apitalizahon of $100,000,000. Promoters have Imyii unable to subdue the hen to. their purposes. And vet the hen lays one of the goldeu eggs of commerce and is a big fact in modern existence. It is worth scien tific investigation and a reasonable degree of iutelli gent attention. But don't try to govern the hen too much, or organize it in big egg factories seven stork high. In that case the stockholder will finally have to charge up the plant to profit and loss, and the grasshoppers themselves as a means of subsist ence. THE JAP'S "SINEWS OK WAR." Seventeen Japanese residents of New York city, representing the more important among the numer ous Japanese commercial and financial interests then have formally agreed -to raise a fund of $r,000,000 with which to-did their country in its war with Rus sia. A public meeting of Japanese residents of New York will be called at au early date and furtheram of this plan, and it is confidently predicted that Xully $500,000 a month can be remitted to the government from the American metropolis, if need be, during the continuance of the war. This is strikingly indicative of Japanese patriot ism, says the New York Commercial. No matter in what corner of the world the Japanese casts his lot, his intense love of country remains with him to the end, and he can always be depended upon to make any reasonable sacrifice for the mother country -to go home and fight for her, even, if his services are thus required. This quality exists, too, without the slightest inclination to national isolation among Jap anese colonies in foreign lauds. Here in the United States our Japanese immigrants take with remark able readiness to our business and social customs and adjust themselves speedily, and without much effort apparently, to our manner of life in general Their moral standards are verv high, they are gen erally very ambitious, and their industry, intelli gence and thrift are proverbial. And they are mod est and unobtrusive withaL In New York there are at least 1500 Japanese. With remarkable few exceptions they are well-to-do, and many of them moderately wealthy. They can easily raise 5.0')0.000 for aid in nrosecutinf? this war twice that should their country it The Russian colony in New York doubtless out numbers the Japanese more than ten to one, all con tributing provinces and dependencies of the Museo-i vite empire being included. It would be something of! a surprise, however, to learn of a war fund Ix-ing! raised in this colony with which to aid the czar inj pushing the "Russian advance" southward. I it'. MlHi t Siillljj PfCORATING The iiMt, jit'tWtie WaTitr of any Imtue is 'easily 'iorITwII Sack cS &tste in 'iiti lowiriiiiMis. wi?h stnnt( tl.nt i'bf N w Yr find n$m Wtftrp4wiftkn la 4o Scorat ing tbiw vcr N w juttcm w 5tcinning !tft utrivft, anl all we jwk isTbjit vtin lawm uhn op jKfltnnity to vhtv, 'yon 1te linci. a F.ALLEN Q SON. ?65-7 Comrrxrdd Sirttt BLACKSMITH I NO. CARPJAGE AXD WAOvOX .BnilWitt. FIRTCLAS HORi: SUOElXil tosslns Camp Work. All kind of wtgem ttetriale n m f.- J. We raraste tt W ' Kt4ociatbe-Jtj-. iYkwancht. ANDREW ASP. Corner TVrifti wJ 1um Mreeia. TV 291, Let us assure our estimable friend, the Orcgonian. that We still believe that Portland demands a bar tlifit will fit the Portland channel. As for the Indrnsamha she was merely lucky, as her pilot, Captain Pease, stated to a representative of The Astoria n. - She caught the tides just rijrht arid made n lively passage down theVivcr. She was compelled to lie in the lower harbor for 10 days or more because of severe storms then raging, and would have remained there during that period even had there been a depth of .'() feet in the harlwr entrance. We beg to further assure the Oregonian that it will not Ik; necessary for the pe0 pic of Astorm to blow Tongue Point over into thr channel of the river in order to block navigation above this city. The port of Portland's Snag islan jetty is accomplishing that result, and incidentally ruining Astoria s upper harbor, to say nothing ( auering conditions at the mouth of the river. It might also be proper to observe at this time that the bar dredge Chinook is to he given a fair trial. HENS AS CIVILIZERS. A correspondent at Panama says that eggs are worth 10 cents apiece and are sometimes difficult to obtain at that price. Eggs have been 4 or 5 cents each in Boston this winter, and not much less in New York. Even in western cities a fresh egg costs 3 cents. It is argued that at 5 cents the food value of an egg is at least equal to that of 5 cents' worth of steak or chops, leaving out the question of waste. sw',ris ,,lflt 'e hen has not been fully appreciated. i roiessors oj ie "dismal science" of political econ omy nave Keen so lofty in their views that they do the hen far less justice as a prominent force in the progress and enlightenment of the world. In the win ning of the west, says the (Jlobe-Democrat, the pin jn.j..-y o. me pioneer mothers came chiefly fro,,, e.'gy and fried chicken the piece de resistance ofU.e testa) hoard when the hardy frontiersman kept ad vancing with a rifle i o,.e, hand and a hoe in the ..4 1. A .... 1 I. . - "igner-at least more elaborate-social development is reached, the egg goes up in money value, and enters into the menu in such myriad forms that the student of civilization is compelled to admit that the hen can lay a claim to a manifest destiny along with other bipeds, some of which (tramps, for instance) can not be depended upon .to produce any- mill? viuilu rvnx a in'imy wni c trio oarth nprfVtinna t t t a daily revolution. 1 'm Tt 'M h P,ncnt that the society Since eggs have risen in value, and are also sul, S ZZ I & 8Ur- ject to the doubtful basing of coid-storage.wly not S " " " " aW St. louis lorld's Fair News FROM HEADQUARTERS A Great Combination Offer We will furoinh the Twice-- Wwh iwue of tb St. Louis Globe-Democrat WITH TIU Twice-a-Week Astorian Both Papers $B)(0i ONE YEAR THE 8T. LOUIS UUimiDKMOCKAT 1 iMued emi-Wwkly, ehtht wgc or i. more, every Tuesday rdJ Friday. It in 1 KbrLBLICAN in politic t' no equal or rim! a GREAT MODERN NEWSPAPER If you want til the of t!i World' Fair, nil the news of the notional cin I'SittD, and nil the new of the earth, you taunt huve the lil.OBlvDKAK CBAT ami TIIK ASTORIAN' during theeoming year. NOW IS THE TIME Head us I.5 TO-IJA Y and get your Best Home Parand the irentct Newi prr of the World'e Fair City, tsnb for a full year. Addre he ASTORIAN Astoria, r. Dr; T. L. Ball DENTfST 624 Commercial street. Astoria, Ore. C. W. Barr-Dentist Maoscll Building 573 Commercial Street, Astoria, Ore T ELK PHONE EED 200L (lilfil 1 Xf tnMhr- v A Economy I Brand I Evaporaictl' V " i ''it bears the above cap label. Contains fully as much , kod substance per can as the watery Imitations In larger cans. It Is smooth and perfect because skillfully pre- pared. Its purity Is guaranteed. ACTftDIi iHin fnillMDtal ftj uii(t nnu wvbuniuiA, k RIVER RAILROAD f LEAVE PORTLAND ARIUVil 190 a mi PoitUnd Union Dt) U:it im 7; 00 p mj pot for Astoii andj 1:40 p m IWarPomta ASTORIA 7:ttam Por Portland andlU:Man 1 11 p m Way PoinU j 10:M p m SEASIDE DIVISION l it a inj Astoria, for Wartn- 7:40 a in U:SSam ton. PlaTti Portl 4:00 pm l:S0 p mj Stevens, llammonaj!0:4t a tn 'and Seaside :amj g " " 17-7 ljiloTra :9am renton. riavel.l T:tOpn 1.S0 p ml Hammond. Fort M:t a m I Btereni A Astoria 'Sunday only AH trains make close connections at Ooble with all Northern Paclflo trains to and from the East and Sound points. J. C. Mayo, Genera! Freight and Pass. Ant. The rtiovoiiif-nt started last nijrht for a s-a wi,ll alon"- tli walrr front is oik; of the inost important Ktcrw ever iin(h-rtakcn in Astoria. Certain it is i the city is wer to attain commercial greatness thr water trout must be improved. The time is ripe ti make the improvement, which will he far less M pensive than at a later date when the front is lined with warehouses. " Kvery property owner should t tend the meeting Tuesday night. It is to Ins inter ests to do so. The National Woman Suffrage Association l.n announced its determination of meeting in Portland in 1M). We thank the association for the warnin.r and hojKi to he out of the state at the time of the eon. vention. Dr. Oswald H. BecKman PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Kinney Building. Phone No. 2481. Office hour, to A. M. tol2 M., 2 to 4 I'M 7 P.M., to 8 P. M. Humluylt2PM Dk. vaucjiiax, Dkxtist. Pytlian Building, Atoria, Oregon. C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping Ajtent Wells. Fargo and Nprthern Pacific Express Companies. CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. OSTEO PATHY DR. RH0DA CHICKS W. C. Logan IIHXTIST 578 Commercial Street Shanahan Buildinj JAY TUniE, Rl. D. PHYSICIAN AND HUKOEON Acting Assistant Surgeon U. H. Marine Hospital Service. Ollice hours: 10 to 12 A. M , 1 to 4:30 P. M in commercial street, 2nd t'oor. Manned Pldg. Phone Black 2068 , 673 Commercial St Astoria Ore. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. . Telephone tZL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING AU roods shipped to our cut Will recMv anaist EU.1VU. NO 538 Duaae 8t W. J. COOK. iSmr. RELIANCK Electrical Works 428 O ON D T. We s-re thorough! prepared for rnaklnj estimates and executing orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing Pnpnlle In stock. We s'll the celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone UH. H. W. CYRUS. - Mgr 'Tlsn't safe to be a day without Elec tric OH In the bouse. Never can tell what mement an accident Is going to happen. V The, Scenic Line TO TUB KA8T AND SOUTH. 1 Through Salt Lake city, Uadvttle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Offers the Choice of Three Route Thiouich the Famous Itocky Moun tain Scenery, and Five Distinct Routvs East and South of Denver. 3-FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Between Ogden and Denver, Carrying All Clisses of Modern Equipment Ported Dining Car Service and Per sonally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to All Points Eaat STOP OVERS ALLOWED On All Classes of Tickets, Fcr Information or Illustrated litera ture call on or address . W. C. M:BRIDIC. n.n.r.i ; 12 Third St. Portland. Or. Where do you get shaved now? On the face, of course. What for? ' ' 15c. Where?- At the Occident Barber Shop THE BOSS TONSORAL ARTISTS Taeee tiny Qapiule) are suponoi to. Balsam of Copaiba. 1 Cubebs or Injections anJMfrJ, CURE IN 43 HOURSlW,'' the same diseases with-w j out inconvenience. Ik Mi MMv$i Gajsiifes fUUTlVE CURB rjrIaaftmm(illonoTfltTh w ill HiHddrr.nd l)iM1u(l tltln. So our no US. Z the womt oidi ol no matrof howlon ,mui. n Alolntlr hwmlM, TK! SAMTAl-PEPSIN 00, saixaeoNTAiNK. auuC Sold by Chas. Rogers. 469 Commercial T)viinAnalaKaM s BurdoicBioor Iy, permanently, Regulates and tone the sUmach,