The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 09, 1904, Image 3

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s drains
Tin South want Limited Kaiisai City to
Chicago, The Orcrland Limited to Chicago
m Omaha, Th Pioneer Limitod St. Paul ; '
U Chicago, raa m
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
j Railway
Each route offers noneroui attraoiioas.
n. prinapri'll,toi,' iM. ,i,k,
comfortable trip east is to boo that your t
tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & -
St I'aal Railway, , ;
) f y ?
.... 1 . K
Geiwrl Afcnt
134 Third Street, Portland
New Style Restaurant
I ' ' Everything First Class. ' The Bestftnc Market Affords.
I Open Day and Night , Good Service.
120 Uth St. ntxt door to Griffin Broi.
and sdjolninj thi Offlc Sitoon
Y U :' iPf-Xf Wholesale and Retail j ' 1 . 0
R 61iTs,' lagging Camps and Mills supplieoVon short notice.
J m -i. nr-tf . a a . . . a at . e j A.
to CMMt w iJ! poiaU LoU
vttie, Mentis.' New5 Orleans, sal all
points Htrth. -vi ' . .
gee that your ticket reads fla, ta
IIUMU Central R. R. Thoroughly mod-
tira train connect with all transconu
nental lines at St. Paul and OnaU.
, i r i ' i -t "
If your friends aro coming wort let tw
know and wo will ttuoto thorn direct
tho specially low rts now In effect
from all eastern xwnv.
Any Information -at to rate, rout,
onnllc&tloil. .
010.. curei rm-
a. II. TRUMBULL Commercial
Ageat, 1 Third atroet, Portland. Or.
J. C. LINDSBT, t; F. k P. A., 1
, Third itreet, Portland, or.
P. B. THOUP80N, F. . P. A.,
Time Carol ol Mas
1 :;ji.? PORTLAND
: Iihtm Aarivoa
Punt Sound LlmlUd.7: a at l:
Kaaoaa Ctty8t. Looti
SdmIoI X. e:U pm
North CoMt limited l:M o n T:M a
Tacoma aad Seattle Night
Expreee ....... ....U: pm t:M pm
Tako Puget Sound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Graya Harbor point
Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym
PM dlroot- . .. ' , " 1
Tako Puget Sound Limited er Xaa
ms aty-St. Loula Special for KUta
on Soath Bend branch.
Double dally train eorrloo on Oray
Harbor branch.
Four trains dally between Portland,
Tacomn and Senttl
..TO.. :
"As the
Crow Flies'V
The shortest line v, between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Chicago is
the route of the famous )
North- I
Western ' ;
, , ,"Th Train Per Comfort" ,
, every night in the year.'
Before starting krtp-a mattar
Whero wrlta (br latercstlof Inforaia
tion about aomtorlakle traTlln(,
H.LSISLER, General Agent,
132 Third St Portland,' Oregon.
T. w. TRiRDixis,' ' -' '
Qenaral PaMDKr Ageat, :
tit Paal, Mtun.
Notorious Car Barn Murderers at
Last Face Chicago
Crimea Were Notorious and Case
la Eipected f Attract Wida
Attentloa-Takea After
Chicago, Feb. I. Tho trial of the
bandit, Peter Neldermeier, Henry Van
Dlno and Oustav Marx, charged with
tho murder of Francis W. Btewart and
James B. Johnson at the 61st street car
barns of the City Railway Company be
gan today. The men were shot Sunday
morning, August SO, Marx wa cap
tured ten weeks tator after be had shot
and killed Detective Wlllam Qulnn, who
had placed blm under arrest. Neldef-
meter and Vandlne were taken after
an all day fight In Lake county, Indi
ana, tho laat of November.
Alter a month's effort, the attorneys
Anally agreed on a Jury last Saturday.
Coughs and cold, down to the very
borderland of connurnptlon, yield to the
soothing h call nit Influences of Dr
Wopfl'n Nrwny Pin Frrnn.
at Astoria, In the state of Oregon, at
the close of business January 22, 1904:
Loans and discounts ....... .30S,438 41'
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured , 6,8(7 33
U. 8. bonds to secure clr- ,
culatlon 12,600 00
Premiums on U. 8. bonds.. 760 00
Stocks, securities, etc. 7S.1U 93
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures 2,600 00
Other real -estate owned .. lt.331 60
Due from' national "banks '
(not reserve agents) h, 2,317 II
Dn from atate banks and . ',-
baikera 1,737 76
Duo from approved reserve
agents 76,114 44
Checks and other eash items 1,361 61
Notes of other national "
banks U6 66
Fraetlenal , paper currency,
nickels and oeats 2i 78
Lawful Money Reeerv in ,
Specie .... ...... .161661 86
Legal tender notes. 2,231 66 63,863 86
Redemption fund with U. S.
treasurer (I per cent clr- .
culatlon) ..i... 621 66
.1664,833 36
Total .
Capital stock paid In 8 68,646 60
Surplus fund
Undivided prolta, lesa ex
penses and taxes paid.... 16,132 74
National bank notes out-
standing ...... ........... 18,666 60
Individual deposit subject
to check ......3214.868 72
Demand certificate of de
posit. 63,081 82
Time certificates ' of oe-
poslt 188.648 68
CerUfled checks..' 1,000 00 477.800 62
For FU Particulars, Rates, - Folded,
I Btt.;:C4l on .or: Address
: City Tlckeli Agent.'
"132 Third Street, Portland.
t.: TRW. a.'.w. P.'A. :
SU rmi Arne, 'lwo- . "
immmm mis
Men. 7 O' V'H I'rioc,, .r w . IS
n Wixl- l't.'"iin...iili. ttUbr
NOrtlm. OlilrkMAtrldunlwir.
. Subscribe for The Astoria . ' j
L 3
Total .. . .....3564.933 36
State of Oregon, county of Clatsop, ss:
TV. TTImrlna fonhlfr Of the
1, d , JU.
abovZ-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. E. HIOGINS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 28th day of January, 1904,
GEO. C. FULTON, Notary Fuoiic.
Correct Attest: '
Geo. H. George, - .
Vfm. H. Barker,
A. Scherneckau, Dlreeters.
Th "Northwestern Llsalted' train,
electrio lighted throughout, both Inside
and out,, and steam heated, are with
out exception, tho Onset trains in the
world. They embody the latest, newest
and best Idea for comfort, conversance
and luxury ever offered the travelling
Dublio. and altogether are the moot
complete and splendid production ef th
car builder' art.'
The splendid Trams
Connect With
The Great Northers
The Northern Pacific and
. ' The ' Canadian Pacific '
CHICAGO ' and the CAST.
No extr .cbar for. the uierior
acommod.tlona and all claws of tick
et xe available for t passag on the
train' on thi line are protected hi th
latertookl Bleak System. -
Sold Every Hinutis
41,640 every hour, ; 1,000,000 ; wry;-dayThe largest
selling , brand of cigars in the ; world You owe it to your
self to find5 out why so many people smoke the Cremo.
-5 cents invested ia Cfemo will explain it. ' Sold in every
store, in every townm "every State." "1 -f
The Hand is the Smoker's Protection,
Itching, Burning Palms,
Painful Finger Ends,
Shapeless Nails. ;
Wmi Itching Buniliig
Sore, Tender and
' Perspiring.
' laz tbtcaadioortUrinslnaitrocg,
hot, areany lather of Cuticnra Soap.
Dry and anolst freely with Cuticnra
Olatmeat, the great skin cor and purest
' of emollient. Wear, daring the night,
eld, to kid gloves, or bandage lightly
In eld, soft cotton or linen. For red,
roagh and chapped hands, dry, Assured,
Itching, fevarlah palm, with brittle,
shapeless nails and painful finger ends,
this treatment 1 (imply wonderful, fre
qnently caring In a single application.
Complete . local and constitutional
treatment for every humour of the
akin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair,
may now be had for one dollar. Bathe
with hot water and Cuticnra Soap, to
cleanse the surface of crusts and scales,
and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry,
without hard robbing, and apply Cntl
cura Ointment freely, to allay itching,
irritation and Inflammation, and soothe
and heal, and lastly, take the Cntkura
Resolvent Pills to cool and cleanse the
blood. This treatment affords Instant
relief, permits rest and sleep in the
severest forms of Bcxema and other
Itching, burning' and scaly humours,
and points to a speedy, permanent and
economical cure of torturing, disfigur
ing humours, from pimples to scrofula,
from Infancy to age, when all other
remedies and the best physicians fall.
SeMfbrmtkMittomM. Cottar Kwehmt We. (I
ma if CkwWi Mrf Mk IM jwtiiI ef ). Oi
Mpt. Mi., to.,. He Dm i London. CkuMHwaM
H l . B, it. kli, Boston, 19 CtluniKtt Av.
loter Dnif Ckm. Cor.. Sol PropHort.
New York Minister Points - Out That
" Famous Exponent of Free Silver -
.11 f..'S'
New York, Feb. 8. The Rev Dr. Nancy McCee Waters; pastor ef
15 Jhompkios avenue Congregational church, preached last night oa
''WorkiVealth and Poverty, Wllonr to LiveJiVith Them." Among
othe't .things Djr. Waters' d j j v f , .;k '
Lots Like It Beinq Done Right Her In
Astoria. - .
Aatnrtft riMnle are Miirnrlsed at the
work belnir done by "The Little Con
queror." Public expression on the sub
ect brlnw the matter frequently before
the public. At first there were many
rimihurs. and why not? So many
claims of a similar nature have been
made with little or no backing, except
ing the word of some stranirer ' resid
ing In a far away place; this evidence
was accepted for lack of better, not
necessary to accept It any longer . All
sufferers from any kidney 111 can find
plenty of local endorsement for rem
edy that will cure them. Surely the
wonderful work of Doan's Kidney Pills
rla-ht here at home Is proof sufficient
to satisfy any skeptic Bead the. ex
pression of a Portland man on the sub
ject: J.' Carson, employed at the Portland
Lumber Company.- foot of Lincoln St.
Portland, who resides at 366 First St.,
says; "I was feelinir miserable with
a depressing- lameness around the
small of my back all last summer. At
nrst I did not pay mucn attention to it
but It continued to nrow -worse and
finally became so bad that I thought
I would have to lay oft work. To bend
or move quickly caused severe twlntres
and I was often attacked with dissy
spells. Specks appeared before my
eyes and I had no ambition or enertry.
In the morning I arose as tired a when
I went to bed. . In fact I had all of the
symptoms of a very sever case of kid
ney trouble. When I was suffering the
worst I read about Doan's kidney pills
and -procured a box.' I soon noticed an
improvement in my condition and the
pain and achinjf across my back soon
disappeared. About six weeks afro I
was laid up with a siere of the erln
for two weeks. Symptoms of kidney
omnlnlnt made their appearance aenln
and I resorted to Doan's Kidney Pills
a second time. They Just as thorough
ly freed me of the trouble as In the for
mer case. I cannot express what a
change thev have made in me. I sim
ply reel like a different person."
Plenty more Proof like this from As.
toria people. Call at 'Charles Roarers
drusr store and ask what his customers
report ,,
For sal by all denlers. Price KO
per box. Foster-MUburn, Co., Buf
fa!o. N. T., sole agents for the TJ. S.
- Remember the name Doan's and take
ne etaer. -
MWe have two men Wore one fifth and the Ath?r RoVir. r'ie. ri?n
man's home is before the poor man's and the same paths lead the one
and the other to the end of their pnrsnits. Out of this rise 'qnestioas,
Some hard." Is it always to he so t :J After all is the dollar mark to he
pared to the gospel of equality t"'-There 10 difference between tie
(wo. .One man ealled the capitalists and the other tie, laborer.
After afl wkiC 4w it mettl. Whatis in a kamet..' , . '
. . V Soaaetimes eapital is wise' and labor is foolish and seateriates laser
w wise and capital is foolish. Generally eapital is shrewder ; ; labar mere
patient. '- ; - y .. t ,j y- , . : -j ' .
"I want to aay personally, capitalists hate neyer lomei a aea
ipiracy , aad labor is not a cheap commodity. . Labor is .alire.; Persaas
say, 'I have a right to run my. business to suit myself.' They.kare net
A saloon-keeper has no right to ran hk business to auitiiiaself.-. Te
man who pwns fuel mines has not the right to run them in hisrawm way
-and let -us freeze.'? - ' "'-V . - KJ'.J. ''
"I once heard Bryan make one of lis' longest and grahdest speeehes
to a company of workingmen. It was the most sublime I ever heard.
And ,bv the way, I want to say that William Jennings Bryan is eoraig
back. ' Brj-an is a gentleman a scholar and a Christian. Everything he
says rings true. I like Roosevelt beeause he does not let "Wall street
control him. But' regarding the question of labor and soeialism, the
problems get sorer 'and go deeper and deeper into us. I believe there
will be strife here, a rebellion unless God preserves order. - U
"But let me say; that ten years from tonight William Jenniajs
Brvan will be the conservative and not the radical. lie is fearless ami
r .. ' - . - . . . v . .. - . '
Christian and his teachings wiU be regarciea as the pearis 01 a ior
string of beads.'' ' V )
Dr. Waters declared Bryan to be a most sincere man and likeneel
him to Abraham Lincoln as a man of truth. ' ;
SaW-Mill For; Philippines. '
San Francisco, Feb.' 8. A. B. " John-
son,-formerly of Denver, but a resident
of Manila, where he organized the
company Whicii is building; a; S0-mQe
electric road through that city, under
a special concession from the Philip
pine commissioners, .has arrived her
on his way to the Island With him
are a number of millwrights employed
to pass judgment On a big saw mill en
terprise, of which he is the hetrd. Lum-
- - V .; V . i " . . i
per is very high In Manila and aU ei
it Is Imported, although the Islands.
abound with forests. The intention Is
to operate a home lumber industry un
der special arrangements with the gov.
ernmenti : ' ' '
Nearly Forfeit Hi Life.
"A r way almost endinar fatally.
started a horrible ulcer on the lesr of J.
a Orner. Franklin Grove. 111. For four
years It defied all doctors and all rem
edies. But Bucklin's Arnica Salve had
no trouble to cure him. Equally good
for burns, bruises, skin eruptions and
Piles. 25c at Charles Rotrera' drnr
,i . i '; .f'-f S - i t ' . ' '. " "'
! These who have ever felt its keen, cutting pains; or witnessed the Intense
tufferinff ef others, know that Rheumatism is torture, and that it is right
lycalled "'The King-of Pain;"; i , , r v. . 1:
i i ,i .r-.i;v .QrtmariidflptiW sfi7pflwitn the most excrucia.
ting peine, and it seems every muscle and joint in the body was being torn
.sMe hrerit fri wathr or TDosure to damn, chillvwincls or night
SB) OUMWVM -14jO ' - . . . .
air brings on a fierce attack, lasting ior days perhaps, and leaving the pa-
cent with a Tjeakenea consuiuuon or cnppiea anu ucjoiuicw ua i nv.
An acid, polluted condition ot the blood is the cause of every form and
t,.nm,i',M fiieMi1ar ArtiVulnr. Acute. Chronic". Inflammatorv
and Sciatic, and the blood must be purged and purified before there is an
..ji. ....i,...niMi'n 1 p-rtwrrtol onnl i-atirtis theimeof liniments and
iotra 1.-Tniirhtownrd temoorarv relief, but such treatmentdoes not reach
the real cause or cleanse the diseased blood ; but S. S. S., the greatest of all
blood purifiers aud tonics, does cure Kneumau3m Dy anuuoung ucua.i-
Ine the poisonous acia3 ana Duuainz up me wcaKuuaoiusii
saieanarenaDiein au iotbisoi juicuiunuiiiu, "..
rA ontA YJnnA rioll find the nain -tortured mus-
MAW V.AA .vu( X
-cks and joints are relieved, the shattered nerves are
maae strong, ana inc cnuicopttm wiumrwivw .v
.,rv v ihnhca rtf thin rreat vegetable rcmcdv.
I rt I. fa.e f tilivQtpf'inft will furnish with-
ut charge auy iuforuiation desired, and we will mail free our book oa
RbeumatiMu. . . . , Ti!2l7:fT SPZGSHS CO., ATUiZ7A,.JU 4
- " r - l r a
c-y c-y ..c-y