PAGE EIGHT. THE MORNING AStORIAN; SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1 904. You Need a Bath ; AT LEAST ONCB A WEEK Tou might M well bath in the . river u In u old wooden Mb, but , ther Is no occasion for doing either bo long a up-to-date bath tuba can be had reasonably. Talk Vlth us about the matter. kr W J. SCULLEY rf jA 170-471 Commercial, phone Black J14S 1 f All Wnnl Dues' ' 7' ; ' 75 cents each L. H. HENNINGSEN I CO. 504 BOND STREET, ASTORIA. OREGON. PHONE. RED 2305 1 TEN BONDS BOUGHT UP Water Commission Is Now Saving $1900 Yearly In Us Inter- est Account. ANNUAL STATEMENT IS MADE Report of Clerk Mntiselt Shown That Depnrtnient Gained Mor Thn $tKKK) During ltMKl. BkACKSMlTHlNG. CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDING. FIRST-CLASS HORSE SHOEING. , Logging Camp Work. . ' All kinds of wagon materials in stork or sale. VTe guarantee tbe be st work done in the city. Prices right. ANDREW ASP. Corner Twelfth and Duaae Streets. 'Phooe.291, Do Yoti Smoke 4a9fe,JvVWt Any Old Thing or are you discriminating? Yon will be offered only the BEST at yi 11 Madison's, - 604 Commercial St., and 114 Eleventh St. The Astoria water commission hat Just purchased 10 11000 bonds from a New Tork speculator who, fortunate!) for the city ot Astoria, needed the money. The bonds were bought Jan uary 13. - They were Issued in 1895 for a period of .30 years and bore In terest at the rate of 8 per cent The commission paid a big premium toi them, but was very glad to buy up the bonds even at the rate ot 109. The recent flurry In stocks In New Tork made the bonds available. Some broker who had Invested in Astoria water bonds probably got Into a pit full ot clawing bears or goring bulls As other brokers have been compelled to do, he was forced to sacrifice some of his securities, and the water bondi became available. Their face value at which a full atendance Is desired was 110,000. but each bond sold at $90 Bautlst 'The Scarlet Thread" will nrpmium. The comm salon also raid be the subject lor Dotn morning and tor Scott,' chairman,; proclaimed the candidacy of Senators 8..B, Elklne for Nice-president, H. 8. New, of Indiana, and, that of Senator Fairbanks, while U. B. Schneider declared John L Web ster, of Nebraska, out for the place. Better 'l nan Gold". "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debtl Ity," writes P. O. Green, of Lancaster N. H. "No remedy holped me until uncd Electric Hitters, which did me more rood than.-all the medicine I had ever used. They have also kept, my wife In excellent health for years. Hhe Hiivs Klectrlo bitters are Just splendid for female troubles: that they are a grand tonic and luvlgorator for weuk run-down women.-. No other medlcin can. take Its place In our family." Try them. Only SO cents. Satisfaction guaranteed, by Charles Rogers. Nelson Gets Deolslon. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 5. Battling Nelson, of Chicago, got the decision over Jack O'Neill ,of Philadelphia, in the sixth round tonight CHURCH SERVICES. Methodist Episcopal The pastor, Rev. W. & Orim, will preach at It m. and 7:30 p. m. The subject for tht morning will be, "Blessings In DIs guise;" evening, "The Supernatural In Religion." Sunday school at 12:16; Epworth League at 1:30, led by Pro fessor A. L. Clark. The subject foi the league service will be, "Tht Unl versa! and personal Christ" Congregational Rev. C. F. Clapp will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. Regular annual business meeting will be held Monday evening, accrued Interest from January 1 t January 13, and the total cost of the bonds was $10,91106. The original issue of water was $300,000, of which $200,000 was de-i rived from 5 per cent bonds and $100, 000 from I per cent bonds. Because ot the excellent condition of the watei department bonds reached a premium, and it Is seldom that a broker offers any for sale. However, the commis- evenlng services. Only one remedy In the world that will ,inn lnhfnMM nf th Mkln In nnv bonds part 0f tne body: Donn's Ointment. At any drug store, so rents. POINT OF ORDER (Continued from page one.) "there would not be many tears shed If someof the great financial lights slon has managed to get hold of 3 who flnd tner habitation In the Unit $1000 bonds, of which 10 are sixes and ed 8tate, should seek the same end- ; Scow Bay v Iron 8 Brass Works . i'H i RIaaafacturers c? I ; ;' Iron, f Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. J .. . General Foundrynien arid Patternmakers. ; ' ! Absolutely firstclass work. - Prices lowest r . .- - Phone 2451. Comer Eighteenth and Franklin. First National Banh of Astoria E5TABLISHEl1"l866 Capital and Surplus $100,000 einhard's Loif V Beer. 26 fives. The bonds drawn down $1900 In interest every year and thiB sum 1 being saved and placed in the sinking fund. Practically every dollar of water money Is drawing Interest, for as soon as" 'there is any surplus- cash in the sinking fund it is Invested in county of tnlB warrants. The total amount or tnij sinking fund at present Is $27,000, of. which all but $300 Is Invested. Thfj commission owns county warrants tc the value ot $4000. Every bond bought up by the commission shuts oft Inter est and the money thus saved is In vested m other securities, so the sav Ing Is a double one. The Quarterly Statement At last night's meeting of the com mission the Quarterly statement of Clerk Mansell was presented. It makes the following showing: V Receipts for October ,.$ 2,503 0E Receipts for November .... 2,455 8C Receipts for December 2,538 1C Total ....r. $ 7,498 9E Balance in general fund as oer October report 18,699 13 Ing and from the same cause." Recurring to the silver issue, Pat terson said that even If the people of Colorado realised that the Issue ot 18 to 1 had been decided against them. It did not, he said, follow that they would throw themselves Into tht arms He referred to Bryan, "I am glad that there Is one map in the party Kith power and Influence enough to make himself felt who en ters his protest against surrendering the party to those who go from one end of the political teeter to the other as their interests may seem to re quire." SHEPPARO SEEKS REFORM. Total .... ., . $26,196 01 Disbursements for quarter.. 13,128 21 Balance on hand $13,067 87 Value of Water System. The present estimated value of the water system Is shown to b as fol lows: -dost of system to January 1, 19J3 v... $283,940, 79 Improvements since made . . 5,174 2( t " , Revolution Imminent. ; A sure alga of approaching revolt and serious trouble In your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never falls to tone the stomach, regu late the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver and clarify the blood. Run down 'systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching; and thorough ef fectiveness. Electric Bitters Is only 50 cents, and that Is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. ' ' ' FOR ' Sick Headache and Constipation, . . TAKE Ther cure Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, . . . w . - 0 A 1 ? i. f I a. m Wi f i . Cold Chills. Flushmes Of neat, ixs Appeuic, oaormess tji creim, viosnvcncis, Tiinrt,nn the Skin. DUturbed Sleep. Frichtful Dreams, and all Nervous and Tremb. line Sensations, etc. The First Dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no Jf Fne Weak Stomach. Disordered Liver and Impaired Dizestloa , invitea to try a Box ot these trim, ; i thev act like "Magic". Every sufferer is earnestly tk.. .Ml K. .7tnn.lMl.rnl to be WiTOUUT A RIVAL. rppchaM'A PILLS taken as directed, will qulcklj r restore females to complete health, They promptly remove any obstruction or irreguianty 01 tne system. U. S, A. Dee, 568 Uatt SU, New York. In boxes. 10c sad 25c ; Total cost to date $289,114 89 Stock of supplies 17,799 6C Loose property 2,616 It Office furniture 1,132 9 Tools, etc 497 85 Total value of system ..$311,061 52 Big Gain of .Past Yesr. The report shows that the gain tot the year 1903 was more than $9000. This feature 6f the report is as fol lows: V Receipts- Water rates Delinquent charges ..... Tapping mains Stock of supplies ...... $32,268 7t 71 60 1 1 86 8i 47 28 Gross receipts - .$32,492 10 Less $2500 for fire hydrant service and $115 for water furnished city 2,618 00 Total net receipts Operating expenses,' ing interest. ...... .$29,877 80 includ- 20,819 72 Net gain for ,1908 .$ 9,057 68 The interest paia'out during the year was $14,643.28. . . , . " V i ; f . t f -. Candidates for Vice-President Chicago, Feb. E. At a meeting of the sub-cdmmlttee on arrangements for the republican national convention, Sena- Item, of Seeds in Agricultural Appro prlstion Hotly Debated. Washington, Feb. 5. Sheppard (democrat), of Texas, one of the youngest members In the house, made a determined and persistent effort to day to bring about reform In the mat ter ot the distribution of seeds by the government, but the bill was left Just as the committee brought it in, so fat as seeds for free distribution were concerned. This was the only Item In the agri cultural appropriation bill that aroused serious discussion, and with a few minor amendments the bill was passed by the house without dlvlHlon. Th house adjourned until Monday. To Cure s Cold in One Dsy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. 25c. tf VICT0E Y . Over stomach, liver and kidney com plaints Is very decisive when you use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Then why will you continue to suffer when it Is unnecessary. Get a bottle today from your druggist and see how much good It will do you. It never fails in cases of poor appetite, Indigestion, dye Deosia. constipation, kidney Ills, chilli colds or malaria, and ha been endorsed by physicians for 50 years, HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS .Every Woman jt. . u l hi u numb., ann anmiin .rwiw stniul the wonilerf ill W1 MARVEL Whlrlinfl Spray .i vrlJ -- iMnt Convenient. . Vfc."-i. PW?',T1 1IU.MM.1.M..1 nvlmllil for II. If hp .'annul eilplilr the MAH1KI.. ! 1 t no .titter, hut tend Mnmti fiif HlntiBtr(llKX(k-w('. ItgtTM full DHrUoularinnd .llrrvtl.ini In THlmilil. lu InillM Mn,rj( 41 Park Horn, Itw lwk. , Oar January Clearanco Sale was a Kocord Broakorjoiiyhigia its wuko BROKEN LOTS in every dcpai tmont. In order to clotto thum out wo will inaugarato a series of SiKK-inl Sales during the month of February, Original Cot . will not le oonsidored. As a starter wo . will 'continjie to slaughter tbs prices pf our , 1 i Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Overcoats FF 8,86 for a 10.00 Overcoat 8.00 for a 12.00 Overcoat 10.00 for a 15.00 Overcoat 12.00 for a 18.00 Overcoat 13.35 for a 20.00 Overcoat 15.oo for a 22.5o Overcoat 1-3 Get the Habit, Go To S. DANZIGER COMPANY ON THE SQUARE. naa8anoaaa aaaaaaaaanaao n tt THE GOLD BLAST . a a a a st it a a a a a n a a a a a a a a a tt tt aaaanaaa ISGOMING Our coldest weather is due during January and February. V We don't deal in weather but do sell HEATING STOVES ? The largest assortrrient smallest prices FOARD $ STOKES C0MFNY a a a an naaaaaaaaaaa tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt n tt tt tt tt tt n tt a tt tt , ' . tt Rl 1,1 ,:;::" -J "MI8S BRIGHT EYES" LOOKS FOR "GOOD THINGS" not on the race program, but In the candy box. Miss "Bright Eyes" will will find what she Is looking for If her quest, or that of her masculine friend, ends here. We are not timid about saying that we make and sell as good confectionery as can be had In THE EA8TERN CANDY STORE, 600-508 Commercial 8t., : ' . Next Griffin's Book Store. tttttttttttltttttttttt the Palace Cafe tttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttrtttttttttttttttttttttttitttitt n a tt n tt tt tt , . , tt Palace Catering Company J aaaaa'aaaaa-hattaaaaaaaaaS The Oest Restaurant Retnlsr Meals, 23 Cents Sunday Dinners Specialty Everything' the Market Affords ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK . ' Capital Paid In $100,000. ' Surplus and Undiyided Profits $25,000 ' Transacts a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposit. J.Q. A. BOWLBY. 0. 1.rETEllS05, FRANK TATTON, J. W. CA1KU President Viee President Cashier. ; Asst.CiIi4r '