The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 04, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Liverpool Firm Has Invented Self
, Discharging Apparatus for
Steam Vessels.
inn rucL ij tMo-i
Bucket-Elevator Principle
Employed and Tests Arc
' Marino Mews.
developments In the manipulation
such canfopa at no distant date. "
t , . ----amatmmmmaammmmmmmmimmmmmammf
af ' " iiiii iinin ' , , ; ; : -7 ............ I 1
One of the most serious problems
which ship owners have to face W that
' of coaling: their steamers In a rapid and
economical manner. In these days of
mechanical and engineering progress
the painful spectacle of ; crowd of
"grimy, perspiring coal heavers labor
iously passing " baskets of coal from
lighter and coal barge to a, steamer
which Is taking In her bunkers seems
rather a survival of the barbarous ages
than an ordinary feature of the con
duct of British shipping. Nor is It
iv th -coal slaves" who suffer. The
ship must sail at her specified time
,and thus It often happens wjth pres
ent tedious methods that coal Is shut
out. and the , vessel sails minus the 100
or 100 ton which she baa room for
The removal of these very serious dis
abilities has long engaged the attention
of Inventors, but" tip U the present with
out tanKlbte 5 or satisfactory results.
There Is, however, every prospect of
this difficult problem being satisfac
torily solved by Messrs. R. and J . Mor
w. the well known firm of launch and
,fct K-.nwa of UverDooL Their
J - - e
natent takes the form of a self dls
charging barge of vessel, by which it
i. riaJmPd a. savin of 50 per cent over
listing appliances is effected.
i Practically the self -discharger is an
adoption of the bucket-elevator prin
' clple. "The Vessel fitted with it is fitted
with a metal road, along which the con
veyor runa,'and to which, of course,
the coal Is superincumbent The con
veyor, discarding technical language.
takes the for mof a belt composed of
two parallel chains, connected at Inter
vals by steel rods, crossing the con
veyor road at right angles. When set
In motion the conveyor carries the coal
to the foot' of a camel plate, and the
"coal is transferred to a series of skips
or buckets, each capable' of holding 100
pounds. These buckets move in a ver
tical trunk, and discharge their coal
at the highest point of the ascent into
a coal schute, which would In actual
practice lead to a bunker hatch. For
the trials some 60 or 60 tons' of coal
were stored in a huge bin. representing
the hold of a coal-laden vessel, the
motive power to drive conveyor and
elevator being suplled from an adjacent
crane. As soon as the steam was turn
ed on the conveyor began to transport
coal to the elevator, and each bucket
picked up Ita load, ascended the trunk,
and discharge it down the scute.
Though exact means of measuring
the work done was not available, the
tonsessus'of opinion among the experts
present was that in 10 minutes at least
20 tons of coal was transferred from
the bin. There was not the slightest
Rimming, thanks to the camel late,
and the big lumps were handled and
bucketed, with the greatest ease. In
'fact the coal, operated upon waa above
the average size, and therefore the
success of the trial was all the more
" pronounced. .Such an Invention as this
promises to revolutionize the coaling
of steamers where that operation is
performed from lighters or barges
along side. The height of the trunk
is adjustable so that It can be adopted
to ships of various heights of side. Nor
are the possibilities of this admirable
Invention limited to coaling. For dls
charging cargoes of ore or gravel It Is
equally applicable, and the shipping
' public can confidently look to important
Wind Attained Velocity of 72 Miles an
Hour Yesterday. 7
One of the worst storms of the win
ter prevailed along the northwest coast
yesterday The storm centered ore
Cape Flattery and moved sutnweas,
creating an unusual disturbance. For
. nm vesterday the gale howled along
effect that the wind was still blowing
latest reports last night wero to the
effect that he wind was still 'blowing
the rate of 60 miles an hour.
The steamship Oregon, whlcV went
down to the lower harbor Tuesday af.
ternoon, did not leave out until J
o'clock yesterday - afternoon, w nen
she departed a 60-mll gale was blow
in. several hi teas washed her
decki but she went out without acci
dent.. The gasoline schooner Delia
started for sea, but the huge waves
compelled her to return to port. The
steamer Sue H. Elmore likewise made
an unsuccessful effort to get out, ji
Notwithstanding the heavy gale
which raged off the river, there waa
littia wind in the inner harbor, and.
while the day was disagreeable. It was
not stormy by any mean In the city.
sell.- Here is where want
KNOWN, Somebody has what you want, or wants what you
and wanted come together. ADVERTISE. 'f , V .'
have to
First-clasa meal for 15c nic cake,
coffee pie or doughnuts, 8c. U. 8. res
taurant, 434 'Bond street. tf.
Mm. Dupont't akin food has world
wide reputation. Sold only at Owl
and Eagle drug (tores. 85 cents a box.
The Morning Aitorlan will be found
for aala at Griffin's book store and at
Scully's cigar store, corner Eleventh
and Commercial streets.'
Five-Masted Schooner to Load At Port
land for Orient
The barketlne Louisiana was towed
up the river yesterday to take on a
cargo of lumber.
The schooner Zampa. now ready for
sea with a cargo of lumber for San
Francisco, takes 500.000 feet. The
steamer Aurella has cleared for the
Bay city with 400,000 feet. The mani
fest of the barkentlnf Gardiner City
has not yet been filed.
The Pacific Export Lumber Company
has chartered the five-masted schooner
Henry K. Hall to load lumber at Port
land for China. The Hall la a new
schooner, having been built at Port
Blakeley by the Hall Bros, last year.
This will" be her second voyage. She
sailed on her maiden trip from Tacoma
last Seotemberi for .Sydney, carrying
1,601,641 feet of lumber. She mane a.
good run to Australia and .returned
from there to Honolulu and la now on
the way to this city from the Hawaiian
port. The schooner Is of 110s tona net
register. , ,
Marine Notes.
The steaemship Oregon departed at 2
-ib voatardnv afternoon 7 for San
V V.VA J ' - -
Francisco. ,
The transport Dix la due tomorrow
o KVanMiu-a. She Will loafl
forage at Portland for the Philippines
The steamer Prentiss arrived yester
day from San Pedro and San Francisco
with a cargo made up of asphalt, axle
grease, skid oil and canned goods. The
freight is consigned to Spokane ana
Portland merchants.
Wood. Wood. Wood.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly,
the transfer man. vphone S211 Black,
Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house.
New stock of fancy goods Just arrlv
ed at Yokohama Baxaar. Call and see
the latest novelties from Japan.
t ' f r
For rent, furnished or unfurnished
two large, clean rooms for housekeep
ing; water in kitchen. Over Peter
son tt Brown's shoe store.
.80 MRS. C. 1. HAVENS.
Upper Astoria has a place where you
can get a fine glass of beer, as good
wines and liquors as you can find any
place In the city.
tf Opposite Kopp's Brewery.
Piano Tuner.
For good, reliable piano work see
vour local tuner. Th. Fredrlckson.
2071 Boad street. 'Phone Red 2074.
Monarch over pain. Burns,
sprains, stings. Instant rener.
Thomas' Electric Oil. At any
store.' -
. Jack London Arrested.
New York, Feb 3. Jack London, the
writer who recently went to Japan for
the nurnose of reporting events in con
nectlon. with the threatening hostilities
between that country and Russia has
been arrseted and imprisoned at Shim
nosekL according to an American dls
natch from Toklo. He is charged with
photographing Japanese fortifications
You will always find the best He
meal in tha city at the Rising Sun res-
taurant No. 612 Commercial street.
; Wanted. ' "
Men to learn barber trade. Only
eight weeks required; constant prac
tics and expert instruction; positions
secured when competent. Catalogue
mailed free. Moler System College,
San Francisco Calif.
Roosevelt or Hanna It all depends;
on the people. If it is left to the west
tha president will get tha unanimous
vote. However, it is tha unanimous
oolnlon of good judges that the fine
Hue of hair brushes for sale at from
2S cents to 13.60 at Hart's drug store
Is the best ever brought to the city,
Electrical fixtures.
Electrical wiring.
Electrical supplies.
Gas mantels guaranteed.
431 Commercial stmt.
M. F. Hardesty Eleotrieal Contractor
Wanted Several industrious persons
in each ttat to travel tor house estab
Ushed eleven years and with a large
capital, to call upon merchants and
agents for successful and profitable
line. Permanent engagement. Week
ly cash salary of 134 and all traveling
expenses and hotel bills advanced in
cash each week. Experience not essen
tial. Mention reference and enclose
self -addressed envelope. National,
Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
If it Is in season you will find it at
Its best at the celebrated Toks Point
oyster house on Eleventh street. Fish,
game, shell-fish, choicest meats, pastry
coffee, etc., etc., served to tha Queen's
taste. Special accommodations for
nartles. Open alt night. Don't tnlss
the place, Eleventh street, neat Bond.
and comfort than tha plumbing, Wa
art prepared to do all work in this
tins in the most scientific and satis
factory manner. Ws keep Jtha Jatest
Improved fittings always In stock for
new or repair ' work. All kinds of
tinning, heating and steam-fitting.
'Phons 1081. 428 Bond stret JOHN
A. MONTGOMERY. l; ,'"." .:" T
A Popular Serenes.
Plumbing looks easy, but no part
of a house is more Important to health
Welcome as Sunshlnt '.,t;
after a long storm la a feeling of relief
when an obstinate, pltllsaa . cold has
been driven awsy by Alisn's Lung
Balsam. , Only people who have been
cured of throat-ache and sore lungs by
this remedy can quite realise what the
feeling is, There is no opium in the
Balaam; its good effect Is radical and
lasting. Take a bottle home today,
tuslnesa Proposition.
. If you are going east a carfut select
Ion of your route ts essential to the en
joyment of your trip. If tt is a busi
ness trip time Is the main consider-
alon; if a pleasure trip, scenery and
the convenltncss and comforts of a
modern railroad.
Why not combine all by using the
Illinois Central, the up-to-date road,
running two trains dally from St. Paul
and Minneapolis, and trom Omaha, to
Chicago. Free reclining chair cars, the
famous buffet library smoking cars, all
trains vestibule. In short thoroughly
modern throughout. All tickets read
ln via the Illinois Central will be hon
ored on these trains and no sxtra fare
charged. , ;.' ; ,-. ' .; ,,',0.
Our rates art the same as those of
Inferior roads why not get your
money's worth? ,
Write for full particulars.
B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agt,
Portland, Ore.
. J. C. LIND8ET. T. F. P. A.,
v . ., Portland, Ore.
. . !- . Seattle, Wash.
Th Let elsotrls Inielss, whloh are
sold by the Owl drug store exoluslvs
ly and under guarantee for eurs, ir
not previously charged with electricity,
but accomplish their wonderful cure
by the natural current generated Jay
the acid fluid of the body, acting on
the positive and negative polee I the
battery formad by the alno plate in
on heel, end the copper plate In tb
other, f 8 them In th window. Ask
for a doacrlptlv booklet telling of tb
marvelous cures of rheumatism.
We sell, rent, and repair all makee of
typewriters. Write for new eatalogu
of Nw Densmore. " s
Huxley, Ryan A Co.,
S3 Fourth Street Portland, Or.
Laughing Water, Bedella, Pretty
Little Dinah Jones, Juet Kiss Yourself
Goodbye, Oh, Didn't He Ramble, and
100 other popular songs, with music.
postpaid for lOe. Address, Albert
Brooks, 1 Madison Avenue, N. Y.
If you want your money' worth ,
Ring 'Phone 1311. t ,
Something Good.
Tok Point and Shoalwnter bay
oysters at th Imperial chop house.
Try our coffee, It Is unexcelled.
8. M. GALLAGHER, Manager.
Plenty of Lump Coal.
Our last cargo of Australian lump
coal Is th best coal for stove yet
brought to Astoria. It la of th fitmoua
"Helton" , variety. You can hav '
"lumps" if you want them. By bring
ing your orders direct to u you will
be sure to, get th genuln artlcl and
not a poor substitute. Free delivery.
'Phone 1961. " Offic corner' Ninth and
-v. ra ELMORE A CO.
. . 1 --.L. i .A amrV Af luvlilv
, to De urea ou,
exercise is natural and rest is the remedy, but .
there is an exhaustion wunoui pnyba
tion and a tired, never-rested feeling a wean-
nervous force, the mus-
bna wm
1 A:'7 -A'1'; I
' Toroverfooryear X suffered with genrftl dblllty.
ecsuou iiujiaii, " - sboul tt. I tra " ana n eana w. . -!' s-
general disorder occurs Somm.nd a. 8. 8. to .11 who r ',T,t.h" ,Md el
throughout the system, throughly .oodbioodwn.
Debility, insomnia, ner- W. Ninth Bt., Columbia, Tenn.
dition f the blood and circulation, and the qufekeat
way to get rid of them ia by purifying and building
up the blood, and for this purpose no remedy equals
rs ts t.:t. .fr;na th hfst ingredients lof
.uthAloodandtoninffupthesystetn. Itisavegetableblocpunua
andtoniccombined, tnatennencs luc v,rc?Z ZZ, mated lodv
i. nourished and refreshing j.1ep .comes , to gi
Jtib & ww art arsJHirw '
flour, feed; provisions. -tobacco
and cigars...
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
; .'.- Fanners and Loggers. ' : "i- ' -1 : ' ; :-
Tt,H m Commttciil Mmt ASTOSM, OREGON
k first Class Concert Hall ' ' Finest Resort In The City
Robber Beats Woman.
Chicago, Feb. 3. While a dozen terri
fied waitresses in a woman's restaurant
at 153 Michigan avenue shrieked and
fled from the levelled revolver, of two
hold uo men. Miss N. E. Sumner,, the
cashier, resisted the efforts of a third
thief to open the cash register. Only
whn she had been struck several times
and a revolver pressed against her head
aa rashler rive uo. The amount
lIVS V V - W " '
secured was about $90.
.' HjfatbarbdbMBaiiiffrarfrom ilcklietAaclie
for th iMt lwenty-flT jnn nd neTer found uf
nJtef nntii be begin taking your Cucueti. Sine
' be bu bepin taking CucutM ba hu narw bad
tb headache- They bar enttralr eared him.
CaaeireU do what to neoBDBd them to do. I
' will sir you h prlvllega of mlng bl name."
I.K. Plckaon, 11 Beiiner Hp., W.lndianapoU, Ind.
PpSrS Beat Tor
MJJ The Dowels
PI ant. Palatable. Potent, Tart flood, OoOood,
KwJrBi'keWMkeo or Gripe. Wc, c.N.
Oowaateed to ur or your moooj
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago Or N.T. $oJ
.rmnLEsTEi mxm mm
rnritviin h last ten years," says a
writer recently, "the generaldlmenslons
of the ark have been closely fonoweo 07
cargo steamship builders or deep seal
and the American great lakes service.
Arrnrfllnir to the Bible, the ark was
4S0 feet long, 80 feet wide and feet
rin. Her tonnage was 11,413, and
she had plenty of room for pairs of all
the distinct species of animals that are
classed by Buffon-244 and she could
have accommodated a thousand per-
on. and then have plenty of room
.v. r.t nnlies. In the;
I UI LUC Oiwi 6v v "
seventeenth century Peter Jansen,
Hollender, built a vessel of the exact
proportions of the ark. and she was
successful, ts records of the time show,
i mvinc mnnev for her owners. Noah,
' 'the Father of Naval Architecture,' is
held In profound respect by naval arch
itects of today, who know how im
measurably the Phoenicians. Greeks
and Rom ana and all other ship builders
fell short of the excellence of the type
of the ark as a commodious, safe and
economical vessel.! , , , ,, ,
If you do, get the best and
purest, for. family and
medicinal use,
California Wine and Liquor House
u ntMftifp r-vtt
422 BOND STREET.. : - - " , ..Ufl awa
Seventh and Astor Streets
Boston Restaurant
Best and Neatest Eating Honse In Astoria
Try Our 2 5-Cent Dinners
Prompt Attention iliflti Class Chef
CurcaaCddinOneDayjCftjiia 2 tayt
, on every
sfrmfZm fox. 25o
... , -, . ,..!
.i ,;, , . . . --. (
VVe Gan Please You
and Save bu Moneyl
Qiw us your order for any kind of
printing;" plain 'or artistic, buslnsss '
or personal. ?s guarantee satlsfac i
Best werkaanship.,' tfftfh'
V Most reasoaable arjees.', , y yJ"
" ' ' ' ; " ' 6 :
' yfl ., Two linotype machines enable us to VvCv
Prin Mett and other book work on y
short notice. , , ,
:j . i .:' i :i ',. '.
, Newspaper composition a specialty.
Write for Terms.
'..'..' ' ' . ...