The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 04, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Xi X .1 1 r,i. i .t 11,
Trials of Motherhood
tat Utoi ItrMt. ,i
Psiutsshrai, Pa Jm U, 1901. 1
tnrabtaf -Making Mr tardea to
afftnd lot nine vmm villi ovtrlsa Iran
m wll m to mr fcusllr, During tbst tin 1 bid Iwo KicrrlM
hwuh ww fupgvq ifir oflun wi dim am
I tsfftm) !
MVMlf M Mil
nd ftluiotitti wn lonaixl for ft child to bleu oar hum tali m.rf ln.m.i.
bit. 1 kftd oomtaot makitia bartna.4oaMi ft&ttti in lha ualvta or
pull Ins through my limb wild Imquant IwftdftebM. 1 hit tick St mr
itomwh nd omlt4 fruuntljr sod m BWdiclM blt4 aas sutU I triad .
Win of Osrdul,
Then my Aar-l bHh (nprovva, lbs pslai r4otl lun4 nd
Iter I wnki I m well, t m now lb nw'.hr of . bor alvblMS
wotiUii old nd at buV.d Joins om la Modlnc hMrtfrlt thnk u 0
4 T bull,.!..
Without, I would b-v bM
eblldlM, Ina4 of s Mjipy
sad wtU atotbor. ,
Cutruji, fri, sT AMoennoir.
' Win of Cardui ii tli molt lueorWul menstrual regulator. By'
relating menstruation, Win of Cardui banish inflammation
from tha entir temal organ iitu and the itrsnjrthened ligament
bring th organ back to their proper place. Tbi it what Win of
Cardui did fur Mr. Nkdlinger.. It banished th racking pain and
burning inflammation and brought her relief. She wa restored" to
health and strength and giv Win of Cardui the credit of making
her able to become a happy mother.' Tbi medicine juip a woman
for avcry duty of wifehood and motherhood. There are many Dif
fering women who think that health can never b their because they
cannot incurs th lerrioe of a great ipeciaJlit, but we want to any
right her that while Mr. Nirdllnger live in I'hilidelphia, a great
medul center, h depended on Win of Cardui for a cure and the
wa cured. Tbi am medicine i within your reach. Will you
All drnggiiU mH $t.00 bottle Win of Cardui.
Rock Island
meals are tho
best on wheels
Not very good poetry, JUJ
pernaps, our, wnar it lacKS
in rythm, it : more than
makes up in fact And the
; prices are reasonable low
enough to be within the
reach of people of moder
ate means; high enough
to ensure good food, good
cookine and eood service.
Breakfast and dinner are served
on the a la carte plan you pay
for what you order. Luncheon,
. .50 cents. f , ..? .
' Denver to Kansas City ; Denver to Chi
cago; St. Paul to St Louis, i
Full information on request
m QORHAM. OommI Afawt,
Xil-ill 5.
f J flirt . T
II VI '1 I il l "1 I
1; J
The finest Product of Australian
mines for domestic use.
The best house coal ever
brought to Astoria
Will be sold at same old
price while it lasts.
Free Delivery in the City.
Phone 1961. ' 9th and Commercial Streets.
Are you Bilious?
v Aro you Fagged? (
Are you Constipated ?
If you nrm Dllloua
It Interfere, with work, plMiun and bppliu wirjrbody Ii n at timet pi many euu It
makM life a burden the fault I. wllh th. Moniaeb, llrer and kldneja, Theaotloa of Beooham'a
Pill to prompt and owtata - and will In a ahort Ura. rwioT.UM.TU. ,
When you euro Faffged
That MMmwm lull.. Am a..... mm MMwrtb tllnarilM AMHai tut JnU lk.1. m-.
mimwriH ivoiiii hi vautcu wj jvui vfDiwviaim wifVDura viam iivw uviii auoir WUI
properly, oofiam' Pill will Nt them right, telnrtgoraM th. lyeMm and rettor. ionnd
and Uitlng bealtn. . . '; l i ( ;
If Constipated 4
It U Important to know that oonitlpaUon onuiei mor. than halt th. alcknen In th. world,
wpeolally of women. It can all be prerented If B..ohnm' Plllo ar. taken whenever nature
leeiiia to oaU for awlMano.. Comfort and bapplneet art tun to follow the ute of Beeoham'
Pllle. .,-,' '
Sold Everywhere In Doxes, 1 0c. and 25c.
Fishers' Opera House PARALYSIS
Clara Matbes
Immediate Cause of Death of W.
C. Whitney is Clearly
Set Forth.
St-ats at Griffin's Book Store
ur me of Herman Giveii
Kebrtutry 11.
Hie annual maiquerade ball of the
Son of Hermann will tak place In
Poard & Stoke hall on Thurtday
wenlnff, Fcbrunry 11. Nine handsome
and durable prizea will be given this
year. Th committee In charge of
the ball ha engaged the flneet muaic
in tho city and the usual good time i
uMured. The price of admission are
a follows:
Cent masker ...11 00
Lady maskers SO
Spectator ,
Children 25
Ticket can be had from any of the
member. An additional prize will be
given this year to one of the spec
tators. Coupon will be given with
itch ticket and of course the lucky one
get the prl. 1
at Astoria, In tb Stat of Oregon, at
the close of business, January 22, 1904.
Loans and discounts $298,300 (8
Overdraft, secured and un
secured 2,112 S3
U. 8. Bonds to secur elrcu-
latlon .t 12,500 00
Stocks, securities, etc 82,200 00
Other real estate owned .... 1,000 00
Due from National Banks
(not reserve agents) : 0,141 78
Due. from State Banks and
Banker 94,405 (7
Due from approved reserve
agents 156,414 72
Checks and other cash Items 62 12
Notes of other National
Nlckles and cents .......
Lawful Money Reserve In
s Batik, vis.
Specie ..8133,000 00
Legal tender .notes 90 00 133,090 00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of
Due from U. 8. Treasurer,
other than 6 per cent re
demptloh fund
Toxin Produce Perltoultla After
Operation and then Spreads
Through Body to the
Drain Cell. ,,
New York, Feb. 8. Septicemia was
the immediate cause of the death of
William C. Whitney, former secretary
of th navy, who passed away Tues
day evening. ' A semi-official account
of his last hours is to the effect that
tha toxin, which produced peritonitis
following the operation for appendicitis,
gradually spread through the tissues of
the body until it reached the brain
ceils, when there was paralysis and
death. ; ' .
The physicians had concluded to open
the superficial wound and examine the
area from which, the pus was absorbed
by the drain inserted after the opera
tion. : It was Impossible to make this
examination without putting the pa
tient uncr the Influence of an an
esthetic on account of the great pain.
Ether was administered, the wound was
opened and the lower" part examined.
While this was going on three doctors
kept the closest watch of the patient's
pulse and heart beats. Before the ex
amination was concluded It was no
ticed that Mr. Whitney was jinking.
The administration of ether was im
mediately stopped, but before Its ef
fects could wear off he was dead.
Payne Whitney, the second son, and
his wife, daughter of Secretary of State
JohnyHay, arrived from Georgia a few
hours too late. It is said Harry Payne
Whitney, the older son, never left hlsi
futher's side. He was deeply affected
owing to the strong attachment for his
father, they having been almost con
stant companions.
Mrs. Almerlc Hugh Paget, the elder
daughter, who has been living for sev
eral years in London, is reported to
haw' ntued 'ani'lf'! stated the family
will, If possible, delay the funeral until
she arrives.
Much Interest Is attached ' to the
probable effect of Mr. Whitney's death
upon his turf Interests, which were to
have been wider the coming season
than ever before. Under rule l or
the "Rules of Racing," all his entries
for this year's stakes, except produce
stakes and events to which foal nom
inations were made, are null and void,
unless a transfer of the same was made
at the last moment. It not, it is said
that 98 per cent of the entries made
by Mr. Whitney will be thrown ..out.
thereby greatly depreciating the value
of the many thoroughbreds heavily en
gaged. As to the disposition of the
stable, nobody in authority will talk.
fortunate victim. Late yesterday after'
noon Cyrus Ryan, who has' been W
ployed at th Clapp rubber works, near
th? Four Corners, was arrested1 as he
stepped from a train in the southi ter
mlnal, accompanied by th girl he wa
coming her to marry. t He was locked
up In the Tomb over night, and will be
arraigned In court at Ablngton today,
charged with the murder. The police
found the Chinaman's ' revolver on
Ryan's person and his watch In the
possession of the girl.
Relief For 8tarving Cattle. .
San Francisco, Feb. 3. Local cattle
men have received information that the.
secretary of the department of agricul
ture Is willing to raise the government
quarantine on the southern countries
to permit the moving of starving cattle
nothward to where there Is abundant
feed.' The understanding was that
this Implied that the entire state would
be once more quarantined temporarily.
There are no ordinances In the north
ern counties against admitting cattle.
Therefore H Is said that If the secre
tary of agriculture takes ravoraoie
action all that would be neceeary was
for the state veterinarian ko satisfy
the counties -that all cattle would be
carefully Inspected before removal.
There Is abundance of feed In some of
the northern counties. The grass Is
long and In reach.
Scapejjrace of Rich Family.
San Antonio. Texas, Feb. 8. It has
developed that Paul Stern, who com
mitted suicide here yesterday, fled from
home two years ago on account of hav
ing fought a duel white a lieutenant In
the German army.
He was of a wealthy Jewish family of
Berlin and recently pawned valuable
diamonds here In order to make a trip
to Mexico. He returned without funds.
He Is said to have speculated heavily
In, Mexican gold mines. He left let
ters to William' and Arthur Stern, of
Scroevin and Dresden, Germany, re
spectively, giving 111 health as his rea
son for snicide.
Usurers Doing Business In New
r- York Resort tb Despcr
' " ate Methods.
Efforts Being Made to Call Halt
to Vigorous Campaign
Waged by the City
. , Authorities
New York, Feb. 3. A report is cur
rent that usurers doing business hers
have attempted to bribe an assistant
district attorney wih an offer of 325,000.
Numerous concerns are said to have
contributed to the fund whereby It la
supposed they hoped to have & halt
called on the vigorous campaign now
being waged by the authorities against
the money lenders.
Not only have several convictions
been secured, but It Is understood, hun
dreds of victims, taking advantage of
the situation, refuse to settle, claiming
tbey have already paid more than the
sums borrowed.
Rebels Near Capial.
New York. Feb. 3. Dispatches from
Montevideo, Uraguay, announces that
the rebels under General Aparaico Sar
aiva are now only four leagues from
the capital, says a Herad dispatch from
Buenos Ayres, Argentina. '
A great panic has seized the residents
of Montevideo and the Argentine gov
ernment has decided to send .the crulsr
er Nueve de Julio there to protect the
intrt of Arsrentlne citizens. The
cruiser will sail at dawn Wednesday
Discount American Money.
New Westminster, B. C, Feb. 8.
American being taken' at a dis
count in the northwest territories.
During( the fall a large number of
Americans settled la Alberta and other
territories and consequently, a large
amount of United States money came
Into circulation. At Edmonton and
Slrathcona the postoffiee and railway
companies absolutely refuse , United
States coin, while the banks will take
American silver at a 20 per cent discount.
1(5 00
167 53
625 00
900 00
Brutal Murder of Chintes
Boston, Feb. S. One of. the most
brutal murders in Southern Massachu
setts in recent years was committed In
the Masonic building at Hanover Four
Corners some time yesterday, when
Quong Sing, who had a laundry In the
building, was throttled by a stranger
and his head forced Into a tub full of
water, and a large box filled with soap
placed on his head, suffocating the un-
Railroad in Peru.
New York. Feb. 3. Traffic has been
opened on the new American railroad
to Oroya and Corropasco, says a Herald
dispatch from Lima, Peru. The first
train carried 20 cars and many passen
gers to Unlr. The line waa reported
te be l'n excellent condition.
Head of Finance Resigns.
New York, Feb. 8. Minister of
Finance Salamanca has resigned, says
a Herald dispatch from La Pax. Bo
livia. The post has been offered to
Judire Fildel Valdex, of the supreme
court. " :
Land Bought By University. .
Moscow, Idaho, Feb. S. Mrs. Julia
A. Moore has just given a deed to the
regents .of Idaho university for about
15 acres of land adjoining the present
university campus; which the regents
have purchased from her for $1461.
This tract has been bought as a site for
the armory and gymnasium to be built
this year'. The athletic grounds will
also probably be located there. r
, ....3793.158 22
Capital stock paid In ...... J 60.000 00
Surplus fund 50,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid 18,293 10
National Bank notes out
standing U600 00
Dividends unpaid .......... ' 1.000 00
Individual deposits subject
to check ........$497,789 23
Demand certificate of de
posit 163,676 83 661,366 06
Total ... ..;.....! .,.$793,158 22
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss:
I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement Is true to the best
of'my knowledge and belief,
S. S. GORDON, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 25th day of January, 1904.
V.BOELLING, Notary Public
Correct Attest:
G. C. Flavel,
W. M. Ladd, t
Jacob Kamm, Directors.
twice as much stock In tha northwest
today as .there was one year ago: The
state of Washington has probably three
times as much live stock as tt had last
' T Thc '
V Best ,
A 5c Cigar ,:t
fM0 that ever ti
fWy Crossed &
, 0 r Cigar Counter
. , Caught At Sacramento.
Walla Walla, Feb. 3. T, S. . Nelly,
who is wanted on a charge of seduction,
has been arrested In Sacramento, Cai.,
on: a telegraphic warrant from this
city. A deputy sheriff left tonight for
Olympla to obtain requisition papers
so that he can be brought back to
Walla Walla for trial. . ... -
Bid For Bond Issue.
Spokane, Wash., Feb. 3. N. W.
Harris & Co., of Chicago, .; were the
highest bidders today for the school
district bond issue of $20,000, which
bears 4V per cent Interest. They of
fered a bonus of $9000. There were 11
bids. The state made no bid.
Idaho Man Appointed.
Moscow, Idaho, Feb. 3. Senator ,
Heyburn has secured for Wflliam E. '
Lee.' of Moscow, an appointment as
paymaster In the navy, subject to an
examination to be held here In ,the
spring. Mr. Lee Is a graduate of the
university of Idaho.
Forger Show Weak Mind.
Bellingham. Feb. 3. Morris Wil
liams, the 19-year-old boy arrested last
week for passing forged checks, today
pleaded guilty. The evidence tended
to show that he was of weak mind.'
and the judge has tne matter unue.
advisement. ; ,
Lots Like It Beina Done Riqht Her In
Astoria people are surprised at the
work beinsr done oy "Tne i"ie
nueror. fuDlio expression on mc
ect brings tne mmier irmwiiui " "
the public. At first tnere were mimy
doubters, and why not? feo many
claims of a similar nature have beea
made with little or no backing, except
ing; the word of some stranger resia
insr in a far nway place; this evidence
was accepted for Jack of better, not
necessary to accept it any longer. All
sufferers from any kidney ill can nml
plentv of local endorsement for a. rem
edy that will cure them. Surely the
wonderful work of Donn's Ktdney Pills
riaht here at home is proof sufficient
to satisfy any skeptic. Read the ex
pression "t a Portland man on the sub
ject: ,
J." Carson, employed at the Portland
Lumber Company, foot of Lincoln St.,
Portland, wno resiaes at 3et first pa-
says: I was reennsr miseraoie wun
a depressing lameness around the
small of my back all last summer. At
first I did not pay much attention to It
but It . continued to Krow worse and
finally became so bad that I thought
I would have to lay oft work : To bend
or move quickly caused severe twinges
and I was often attacked with dizzy
spells. Specks appeared ' before my
eyes and I had no ambition or. energy.
In the morning I arose as tired as when
I went to bed. In fact I had all of the
symptoms of a very sever case of kid
ney trouble. When 1 was suffering tne
worst I read about Doan's kidney pills
And procured a box.. I soon noticed an
improvement in my conaltion ana tne
pain and aching across rr.y back soon
disappeared. About six weeks ago I
was laid un with a siege of the grip
for two weeks. Symptoms of kidney
omnlaint made thptr appearance again
and I resorted to Doan's Kidney Pills
second time. They 1iht as thorough
ly freed me of the trouble as in the for
mer case. I cannot express what a
change thev have made In me. I sim
ply feel like a different person,-' )
Plentv morfc proof like this from As
toria people. Call at Charles Rogers'
drug. store and ask what his customers
For sale by nil dealers. Price fit) c.
per box. . Foster-Miiburn, Co., Buf
falo. N. Y.,'sole agents for the U. S.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other.