The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 03, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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' 7 J',
Trials of Motherhood
88 o4 Street.
PsiussLraiA, Jaee U, I Ml.
I taffeted fat Im years wfth evertes trots bl matt eg Hit btirdri la
mr'.t ee wall u to sir f!)y, berlnf the Urn I h4 loo Bikcrrlf
I fur e ablla to tM er kum lot mmm4 fcnpwai.
ftdftehm. 1 fait nick at ti
im nam I tried '
ed eltheera losaad for a aklid to um
We. I bee esatleiit reeking batrlBf-doir pain In lb ptmo orraae and
pumni inroafa tnf litab wite iraqiMBt liaeaaeee. 1 fell aid
umwoti and TViattod frsqueullr aad M a
Win of Oaroui.
i audloine eeiped
Tha Bf ttrl beeltb ianroveil, tte Mia fredaaliy Ihmoi4 ead
ae I tu valL I m aoir ue baa; taoitear of a boy elf Maaa
kutbaad tola! m la MBdloc heartfelt ibaaka (a oa
altar U watka I tu vail
wiatbt old aad mj kui
for your piiif rwdtotoe
i. s
Without, A,. Z. gJftSA
f IV3 fcA- - -
eblldlma, Ii
miteed f APir
'Csis, ff. ANDsaVa AaaooiatiM.
Win t Carou! it the moat itwoeseful menstrual regulator. By
regulating metutruatioa, Win of Cerdui bamiiwe inflammation '
from the entire female orgaaiim and tha strengthened ligaments
brie ; tha argani back to their proper place, Thit ii what Win of
Cartul did for Mm. Nlrcllinger. It baniibed" Ui racking paini and
burning inflammation and brought her relief. 8be waa restored to
health and itrangth and g'nm wtM of Cardul the credit of making
bar able to become a happy mother, Thii medicine equip a woman
for every duty of wifehood and motherhood. There are man ttif
fering women who think that health can never be tbeiri became they
cannot aeoure the terriwe of a grot specialist, but we want to lay
right here that while Mr. Nirdiinger lives ia I'hilid!pbia, a great
medical centr, the depended on Wine of Cardui for a cure and the
waa cured. ' This tame medicine ii within your reach. Will you
takaitr t- t -' ',( i i , " -i 3 .
All druggiitdMlt $1.00 bottlee Wine of Cardufi,
Rock Island
meals aro tho
best on wheels
Not very good poetry, 1 JJJJ
pcrnaps, duc wnac it lacits
in rythm, it more than
makes up in fact And the
prices are reasonable low
enough to be within the
reach of people of moder
ate meant; high enough
to ensure good food, good
cooking and pood aervice.
Breakfast and dinner are served
on the a la carte plan you pay
for what you order. Luncheon,
V to cents, y. f .
a -! it r '1
' , Denver to Kansas City ; Denver to Chi
cago; bt raul to bt Louis.
Full information on request
- L. . COwHAM, eeaawt Afawt,
- in nu ai Aa. -
The finest Product of Australian
mines for domestic use.
The best house coal ever
brought to Astoria
Will be sold at same old
price while it lasts.
Free Delivery in the City.
, Phone 1961. 9th and Commercial Streets.
(SnNeEROus Ulcers
' After the age of 4S or 50, when the vital powers are naturally, weaker,'
it i8 noticed that a hurt of any kind heals slowly and often a very insignifi
cant scratch or bruise A gmkU pirot,i.'CMn, 0a mrjaw, but tare ma no
becomes a bad Ulcer or ptn or lnoonvenlenoa, and I ahould hava forg-ot-.-
it .i,;a nmM rt tan about It had It not begun to lnflama and itch ; it
sore. At tins time 01 "ud bUd mu, then",0lkb over but wouid not
life Warty growths,-heal. Thia oontlnued for aoma time than the Canoar
amnios anH Tiitnnlfxi that beaan to eat and apread, until it waa a larga aa a
, moles Ana pimplts inai ge qU Whear heard of 8. B. 8. and determined
have been on the body t0 it a fair trial, and it la remarkable what a
almost from birth besrin wonderful effect it had from the bet-Inning-; the eore
to inflame and ICSter,p8ared entirely. Thia waa two yeare ao there are
and liffnre verv lonir atill no aig-ne of the Cane'r, and tny B-eneral health
. 1KnL ! oontinueagood. -Mra. B. 8HIRER, Wyaoonda, Mo.
are larg eating ulcers.
. Whenever a sore or ulcer is slow in healing: then you may be sure
omcthing is radically wrong with your blood. Some old taint or poison
that has been slumbering there for years, is beginning tcrassert itself,
and breaks out and becomes a bad ulcer and perhaps the beginning of
Cancer. These old sores are rooted in the blood, and while washes, soaps,
salves, etc., keep the surface clean, they are not healing. A blood
medicine to puruyanu sirengiucn iucyuiiuv-u uivuu
and a tonic to build up the general system is wbat
is needed, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy. No
poison is so powerful and no germ 80 deadly
rhnr fliia irreat vegetable blood remedy cannot teach
it, and ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its wonderful curative prop-
erties. If. yo.u Jiave an 01a sore, or nicer, wmc w an uuhh
cal advice or an v information yon may desire will be given by our physi
cians without charge. nC SWlfT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA
at AatorU, In the elate of Orefon, at
the clone of bualnesa, January 22, 1904;
' IlLBOURCES, f :;.;.,
Loan and dlscounte ,13O0,I 44
Overdrafta, secured and un
secured .... .....
U. 8. bonds to eecure cir
culation .... ...,7,.......T
Premium on U. 8. bonda..
Btocka, eecurltlee, etc.
Banking houae, furniture
and fixtures
Other real estate owned ..
Due from national banka
(not reaerve agents) .....
Due from state banks and
bankers .....
Due from- approved reaerve
agents ........
Checks and other eaeh Items
Notes of other national
banks ...'............
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents .........
Lawful Money Reaerve In . . .
'.y Bank. Vis: ,
Specie .... ...... .tei.068 so
Legal tender notes. ' 2,235 00 63,203 80
Redemption fund with U. S.
treaeurer (5 per cent cir
culation) ........ 625 00
,m 23
12.600 00
-750 00
75,111 3
2,600 00
10,330 00
3,327 80
1,737 76
78,5(4 44
1,38?, 08
1,190 00
266 78
Total 3584,933 36
Capital stock paid In ..,..".$ 50,000 00
Surplus fund ................ 10,000 00
Undivided profits, lees ex
penses and taxes paid.... 15,132 74
National bank notes out
standing ...... , 12,000 00
Individual deposits subject'
to check ...... $224,059 72
Demand certificate of de- . .
poait .. 63,091 33
Time certificates of de- s
posit .... 199,649 tS
Certified checks.. 1,000 00 477,200 62
Total 2564,933 36
State if Oregon, county of Clatsop, ss:
L J. E. Hfgglns, cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. E.. HIGQINS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 28th day of January. 1904,
GEO. C. FULTON. Notary Public.
rorrect Attest : . ' ; .. , ,;'.'. .. v
Oeo.11. George, ''. 4 ' ; t'
Win, H. Barker, , 4
A. Scherneckau, Directors,
Subscribe far the Aslerlan.
What are your friends saying
about you? That your gray
hair makes you look old ?
And yet, you are not forty !
Postpone this looking old.
Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and
restore to your gray hair all
the deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be satisfied.
"Ayera Hair Vigor rettotait th natum!
eolor to mr rnj hlr, ant I am greatl
ilMUfl. It It all jnu claim fur It."
Hlta. K. i. VaMDSt., MaobauicivllU, S. T.
11,00 hottle.
AH lniFiTtt.
J. O. AViR CO.. I
Romantic Marriage on Steamer
' Ends !n Double Separation'
- and Remarriage. - ; ,
( U '.'.. -.': 1 . '
Nothing Daunted Much Married
' Man Finds Third Victim
and the Game Goes
Merrily on.
Chicago, Feb. 2. Marriage on board
a steamship bound for South America
following a romantic , meeting at the
Chicago-exposition, then the discovery
that there atready was a wife living,
has culminated In the divorce court
where Judge TuthlU granted a decree
freeing Mrs. May Ore, Hood Russell
from William T. Russell, president of
the National Consolidated OH Company
of Lima, Ohio.
While attending the congresses of
religions, Russell met Miss Hood, of
Dloomlngton, 111. The courtship was
short and ardent and the ceremony was
performed on a steamer going to Ca
racas, where the couple lived several
years. Then Mrs.- Russell discovered
that Mrs. Ella D. Russell, with two
children, was at La Salle, III., and It
was alleged had a prior claim on her
husband. ,
Russell returned to Illinois and left
Immediately for Alaska In 1898. Then
the Mrs. Russell in La Salle applied
for a divorce. She was given a decree
in 1901, and Russell returned to the
complainant, Mrs. May Russell. Six
months later he married Miss Beatrice
King, of Wheeling, O. Mrs. May Rus
sell thereupon begiln proceeding which
have Just ended. The amount of ali
mony, which Included the transfer of
valuable securities, waa settled out of
court. The defendant Is the owner of
a residence Kat Lima, valued at $150,
000. He Is said to be now. residing
there with his newest wife.
represented a New York man in the
northwest for several seasons, and Is
wealthy. He was owner of the dry
goods department ef McKean's cloth
Ing store, which he has just closed out.
, j ' Te Urge City Ownerahip, . 1
Chicago, 'Feb. 2. Secretary Emfl
W. Ritter, of the Referendum League,
has Informed the clly council that ifce
petition for submission of certain cita
tions to a vote of the people will be
filed tomorrow. In his communication
he states that more than the required
number of signatures has been ob
tained and that the petition will be
filed under the "public policy law,"
providing for the submission of the
following questions of policy:
Immediate municipal ownership of
the street car lines. i
Licenses to operate Instead of fran
chises. '
These questions wiU appear on the
"little ballot" at the April election.
According to Mr. Ritter the number of
names he will file exceeds 100,000.
Liquor Men on Rampage. , ,
1 New York. Feb..2. Wholesale liquor
dealers and Importers throughout the
United States are reported to be up In
arms against a scheme of the National
Retail Dealers' Association some time
ago to raise 21,000,000 as a defense
fund to help the retailers to fight legis
lation aimed at them. Reports have
been received from many sections de
claring that meetings of the liquor
dealers strongly opposed the fund idea
as a scheme for taxation without rep
resentation, as the money was to te
turned over Intact to the national asso
ciation. .,
Pioneer Miner is Dead.
Lewlston, Idaho, Feb'; 2. O.'B. LOr.
gan, a pioneer of the northwest is dan
gerously Ul at the court bouse, where
he has been removed so he could be
given better attention. Mr. Logan has
been a resident of eastern Washington
and northern Idaho for 35 years. Most
of that time he has lived In Dayton,
several years ago he was one of the
locators of theJay Bird group of min
ing claims in the Salmon river district.
This group was sold, Mr. Logan re
ceiving several thousand dollars for his
Daughter of "SufTalo Bill'? Dies
, . At Spokane After a Brief
; Married Life.
' f f . mmmmmmmm
Trust Company Fermed.
Lewlston. Idaho. Feb. 2. -W. P.
Kurlbut, president of the Idaho Na
tional bank, during his recent visit to
the east completed arrangements for
the organizalon of a trust company,
with an authorized capital of $5,000,000,
with $1,000,000 paid In fun,. Several
wealthy capitalists of the east. Includ
ing a number of the principal stoefc-
hoders of the Plrudentlal Life Insur
ance Company, of Newark, J.,, are
Revives Old Scheme. .
Waltsburg. Feb. 2. The old scheme
of th Davton-Pendleton electric rail-
Modern Block For Walla Walla. . ., ,,, v fhB washins--
Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 2.-Con-N & 0ngon Electrlc Railway. Light
structlon work on four and possibly five
story brick building, which will be the
first really modern block In Walla Walla
will begin before February 15. John
Ransom, a Chicago man, well known
throughout the west, financing It The
structure will cost $45,000. The ground
floor and basement will be occupied by
C. E. Demmltt, of Great Falls, Mont.,
with a department store, while the re
maining stories will be. devoted to offi
ces. It Is said the whole three floors
have already been applied for, as many
of Walla Walla's leading professional
men are now cooped up on dingy sec
ond floors. The Ransom building will
have steam, heat and elevator.
Ransom la a traveling man who has
Imagines He is Sampson. .
Colfax, Feb. 2. Peter Gottlieb, an
optician, waa brought down from
Oakesdale and placed In the county Jail,
charged wli Insanity. Gottlieb fright
ened the guests of an Oakesdale hotel
by leaving his room in the middle of
the night and going into the parlor,
where he played the pjano and sung
himself .hoarse. Later he carnea an
the furniture and pictures Into another
room and stacked them In the middle
of the floor. Gottlelb now laoors un
der the delusion that he Is Sampson
and has phenomenal atrength.
Wedded Secretly to Dr. Cnarle's
Xf. Thorp and Settled In
Spokane About Two -'
Weeks Ago. ,
Spokane, Jan. 2. Mrs, Charles W.
Thorp, daughter of William C. Cody,
died at Spokane hospital Sunday morn
ing unable to recover from the shock
of an operation for appendicitis and
complications, Dr. and j Mrs. Thorp
had only been residents of Spokane a
couple of weeks, coming here after their
honeymoon trip following their wed
ding on New Year's day.
The wedding of Mrs, Art a Coda Boat
and Dr. Thorp was the culmination of a
romance and was kept secret for sever
al days owing to -the opposition of
"Buffalo BllL who did not fancy an
army surgeon for a son-in-law. Though
the wedding was performed at Denver
on New Year's day, the Denver papers
did not discover the fact until five
days dater when the couple had left
for the northwest ,
Dr. Thorp first met his wife when
she was the wife of H. H . BoaJ, a
wealthy resident of Chicago. Boat's
step mother was a daughter of Dr.
Ayres, of hair restorer fame, and on her
death Inherited a fortune of $4,000,000.
About three years ago Boal was thrown
from a horse sustaining injuries which
caused fits of melancholy. During
one of these fits he' committed suicide.
During the late war Dr Thorp was
stationed in. the Philippines as an army
surgeon, and until recently was doing ,
post duty In the west" He resigned to
establish a practice here. ; '
& Power Company, n. jaeumaun, wen
known here and the promoter, who first
started the scheme two years ago, Is
expected to arrive any day to again
take up the work
; Better than Gold.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronici indigestion and nervous debll
lty." writes F. G. Green, of Lancaster
N. H. "No remedy helped me until
nsad c Bitters, wbicn aia me
more good than all the medicine I had
ever used. They have also kept my
wife In excellent health for years. She
says Elec tric bitters are Just splendid
for female troubles: that they are a
erand tonic and invisrorator for weak
run-dnwn women. No other medlcin
can take its place m our family." Try
them. Only 50 cents. Satisfaction
a-uaranteed bv Charles Rogers. .
The First
will coatince you of Its unusual qnality and fragrance.
Thi fka hmini will pqwe their nttonnh ' : -
Th$ first thousand will instantiate the fact that it U t cigar you nerer tire of OCa
Largest Seller In the World,
Tht tand it tht Smoker's Trottetion.
P. M. Barry it Scored.
, Topeka, Feb. 2. -The state society of
labor and industry at its annual meet
ting' today adopted a resolution con
demning D. M. Parry, prominent in
the National Manufacturers' and Em
ployers' Association. An effort was
made to have the resolution include the
members 'of the association, but after
much discussion the motion was voted
down. Parry's alleged hostility to
union labor formed the basis for the
To Improve Greek Army.
Athens, Feb. 2. The premier, has
laid before the chamber a ministerial
program based on the plan for mili
tary reorganization, which Include the
renovation of arament and equipment
In theWmy and navy.1 The govern
ment proposes to carry out this decree
by means of economies and new taxes.
Wages Readjusted.
Johnstown. Pa., Feb. 2. Employes of
the Cambria Steel Works have receiv
ed notice of a readjustment of wages to
go into effect on February 15. The
general basis will be that prevailing
befre the last readjustment July 1.
1902. Over 10,000 men are affected.
! ' -
Lots Like It Beinq Done Riaht Here In
Astoria people are surprised at the
work beinK done by "The Little Con
queror." Public expression on me suu-
ect brines tne mailer n-equenuy mium
the public. At first there were many
doubters, and why not? So many
claims of a similar nature have been
made with little or no backing, except
ing the word of some stranger resia-
injr in a far away place; this evidence
was accepted for :acK or better. not
necessary to accept it any longer. All
sufferers from any kidney ill can find
plenty of local endorsement for-", rem
edy that will cure them. Surely the
wonderful work of Doan's Kidney Pills
rluht here at home is proof sufficient
to satisfy any skeptic Read the ex-'
presslon f a Portland man on the sub
J. Carson, employed at the Portland
Lumber Company, foot of Lincoln St.,
Portland, who resides at 366 First St..
says: - I was feeling miserable with
depresslnjc lameness , around the
small of my back all last summer. At '
nrst i aid not pay much attention to it
but It continued to arnw wnrnn and
finally became so bad that 1 thought
I would have to lay oft work. To bend
or move Quickly caused severe twinges
.and I WHS ofteir attarkprt with cW.7.v
spells. Specks appeared before. my
eyes and I had no ambition or energy.
In the morning I arose as tired as when :
I went to bed. In fact I had all of the
symptoms of a very sever case of kid
ney trouble. When T was mifferlnir tha
worst I read about Doan's kidney pills -and
procured a box. I soon noticed an
improvement in my condition and the
Pain and achhic- nrrnsa vnv hiilr annn
disappeared. About six weeks ago I
was laid up with a siege of the grip '
fo two weeks. Symptoms of kidney
omplaint marie thiir nnnpnrnnr-e nsrnin
and I resorted to Doan's KIdnev Pills '
a second time. Tby just as thorough- '
ly freed me of the trouble as in the for
mer -case. I OflffnAl pvnrAQa what
change they have made in me. I sim
ply reel like a different person."
PlentV mora nrnnf IiWa thin from As.
torla people. Call at Charles Rogers'
drug store and ask what his customers
report. .
For sale bv all dealers. PrW Kft t
per box. Foster-Sfilburn, Co., But- .
falo. N. T.. sole agents for the U. S. '
JKemember the name Doan's and taka
no other. .