The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 02, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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; ill l. :i
231 EST,
i If you! do5, rfet the best and f,
1 purest for family and
4 medicinal use,
California Wine and Liquor House
v',.si;-vr no bar '
432 BOND BTREET.. . ( - riIOSB-1174 BLACJC
JHf .J w ; '. i i
The PioneetT)
' ''.'
" 1,
There is no) rain in service on any railway in .
the .world "that equals in equipment The
Pioneer Limited train from St. Paul to Chi- ;
i. ' fi -'. J" . "'. "
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. .Paul
; The railway company owns and operatei the
- 'sleeping and dining cars on its trains, and
gives to its patrons an excellence of service
not obtainable elsewhere. ..- The buffet ears,
compartment cars, standard sleeping cars
and dining cars of The Pioneer are the
handsomest eVer built.,"' ".r' - ?
N. S. R0W&
' Gcnirtl Ajcnt.
... ) i a. ,
134 Third Street, Portland
to Chicago and all point mat; Louis
ville,' Memphis. New Orleans, and ail
points oath. ' .
. E that your .tlrkt reaila vl tb
IlllnoM Ctntrnl R. R. Thoroufhljr mod
ttrn train connect itb &U transcontl
nntal Unta at St. Paul and Omaha. ,
If your frknda ar coming wt let n
know and w will quoU thtm direct
the specially low rtw now In effect
from ail aaaUrn polnta. : ,
Any Information wt to rate, routea.
to., cheerfully given on application.
B. II. TRUMBUU Commercial
Agent, 142 Third etreet, ortland. Or
J. C. LIND8&T. T. F. P. ., Hi
Third street, Portland, Or. -
;t , P. B. THOMPSON,
r. .
P. A.,
New Style Restaurant
EveiyUiinl Rni'Clja. ' TKe Dot (lit Market Affords." , .
' Open Day and Nisht Good Service. . . ,
Dl KH SC ijd d to Griffin Bwi.
and adioWnf the Office Saleea
(EUTCRiTB Is Miaeral Rtbbrr)
or Unt It nMrjr to lt&JtJUAOia A WOHa.OUT HOOF
Takes the pluoe of ahtiiglea, tin. iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofings
For fiat and steep sarfacea, nutter, valleys, etc. Easy to lay. Tempered for all
climates. Itaaaooable in cost. Sold on merit. ' Guaranteed. It will pay to ask tor
price and information.
THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., 'Worcester Building. Portland
so well as nicely laundriod linen.! We have the neatest i'l
and most sanitary laundry in the state and do the best
work.AH White help. -
The Troy Laundry
Cor. Tenth and Doane St.
fbone 1991.
The Public Utterances of Astoria
i Citizen Are What Count
Publicity Is What the
People Want.
Let the public speak on the subject
It mean better understanding .
Means less misery In Astoria ,
Means confidence. in a good thing
Easier to believe your neighbor,
Than strangers in a faraway town
Kidney disorders urinary disorder
Are on the decrease here :
Doan's Kidney Pills are ' 1 '
Believing backs arid curing cltliens
It Is their dally work
Here's a case In point:
OeorgV: Rutter,re who ' is employed
with the Oregon Railway and Navlga
tlon Company, and resides at 291 Bee
jond street, Portland, says r ';$.) had
more or less trouble with roy'kldneys
for a year or moe. My back bother--ed
me with sore, irritating pain. Doan's
Kidney Pills were recommeded to me
and I got a box. I commenced to use
them as directed, and to my surprise
when I had taken about half the box
the pain left my back.' Every Kidney
sufferer tehould know about Doan's
Kidney PHIs - '' '- t: u v'nf ' '
Plenty more proof like this In Asto
Tla people. Call at the drug store of
Charles Roars and ask what his custo
mers report For sale by. all dealers.
Price BO cents a btfx.V" Poster-Miiburn
Co., Buffalo, K.:T.'o1 agenU. 'Re
tnomber the name Doan's and take
ino other,. v.,.. ... .1 .'t-C
1:48 pm
' T:M a n
' Time Card of Trains
' '!-.' - Leave Arrival
Puget Sound Limlted.7:l8 am 1:11 pm
Kansas Cfty-St. Loul
Special ....11:19 am
North Coast limited I:t0 s m
Tacoma and Seattle Night
Express .11:44 pm 1:06 pa
' Take puget Sound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Gray Harbor points
Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym
pi direct ; " ' 4 "; " , v
Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan-
saa Clty-8t Loul Special for point
on South Bend Branch, !
Double daily train eervlee on Gray's
Harbor branch. . -J'-'
Four train daily between Portland,
Tacoma and Seattle-
' VU
! ..TO.. "
For Full Particulars, Jtate. Folders,
' Etc, Call on or Address -3.
Trar. Pas. Agt City Ticket Agt
12J Third Street, Portland.
(11 First Avenue, ' Seattle, Wash.
f Te'Oppoie Fapat'Deorodt" A
New fork,' Feb.t;-iArchblhop Farlt-yi'
'm saflf for Home 'on' Thursday,
' f ' .-, ' i r ... ' ' t -i
wiU, It i reported, oppose at the Vati
can an extension to the United States
of the papal degree reviving the Greg
orian muslt! rnd Excluding ifemale
choirs as well as many, Inatruments
now in use here. A copy of the decree
received here has aroused much com
ment among church men.
The World's Greatest
Tha World's Sweetest
; Toilet Soap.
Th "Northwestern Limltad" train,
eiectrio lighted U rough ou both Inside
and out, and steam heated, are with
out exception, tbe finest trains I the
world. They embody the latest, eewasi
and best Idea for comfort, eonvenlsoc
and luxury ever offered the travelling.
Dubllc, and altogether are the men
complete and splendid production cf tt)
car builders' art '
These splendid Trilo
';.:.! Connect With...., .. .'
; The Great Northera
,Tke Northera Pacific an! .
The Canadian Pacific
CHICAGO and the fc AST.
No extra charg for these superior oris and all rlaases of tick
ets are available for passagt oa the
trains on tht line are protected bj the
Interlocklag Bloat: eystem.
a rosmvx CURI
; f tb Bladder Md PiMued
K (dn.ji. a vara o p.f.
Can qniokir ftnl Penov
neatly tht wont cum (4
. Cionarrhora ttidtjlwt,
no nattorof how Josf
. I"ir.; AUolntcl bumlHi,
llold tr . drag? nU, irto
fl.OO, or br biII, poatpkiil
$1.09, 1 boxes ( ti.TS.
Rogers. 459 Commercial
Sold by Chaa.
, Every Mmzn
M lntemuwl nml nnuld know - -
Hi tWW VbUmI frtmf,. mm.
1 IMIHIM laatitntly.
A.t nm ranl.t tbr It.
II Iib i'nmit anpiily the
ntiir. t,iL itnil ftiumn tar
lllnitrntml Ikk4-w(.. UkItb.
full nunloiilsra itiut '.Ureoiiona hi-
Tl lunbl to ladle. , MA 11 I- L CO.
41 Path Uuw, Bow lurk.
"As the ;
Crow Flies"
The shortest, line between
Minneapolis, Str Paul and
Chicago is
the route of the , famous
"The Train For Comfort"
every night in . the year.
' Before star ting on a trip no matter
where write for lntnrcHttng Informa
tion about comfortable traveling.
H.L S1SLER, General Ajent
132 Third St. Portland, Oregon.
(Jenerul FaaronKer Avent,
St Paul, Minn. .
2la Greater tHaii tus VorliTi Prclncl
Sc!d ftTierevcr CMIizatica Hss
''. . Penstratei , i
: Minions of the world! best people
use Cutlcora Soap, asalstod bj Cntleora
Ointment, tbe grent skin cure, for pre
serving;, purifying and beautifying the
akin, for cleansing the scalp of crust,
scale and dandruff, and the stopping
of falling hair, for softening, whiten
ing sod soothing red, rough and sore
bands, for baby rashes, itchlngs and
chafing, for annoying Irritations, or
too free or offensive perspiration, for
ulcerative weaknesses, and many sens
tire, antiseptic purposes which readily
suggest themselves to women, espe
cially mothers, as well as for all the
purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery
Cutlcura . Soap , combines delicate
emollient properties derived from Cutl
cura, the great skin cure, with the
purest of cleansing ingredient and tha
most refreshing of flower odours. No
other medicated soap ever compounded
Is to be compared with It for preserv
ing, purifying and beautifying the skin,
scalp, hair and hands. No other foreign
or domestic toilet soap, however
expensive, is to be compared with It for
all the purposes of the toilet, bath ana
nursery. Thus It combines In one soap
at on price the most effective skin and
complexion soap, and the purest and
sweetest toilet, bath and nursery soap,
SoM SmW fl votM. ritfm Bmtraat .
gbnm t Ciwmt Cmu ftm, tie. mm rial atMH
CitaMMrat, Ml, Sou, . In i Lomdo, f CWUr
WwU rrit,aiw A to rail I Bonoa, l Cetaa
ft, an. ratw urac vmtm. un, mm rropa.
. . WI UKW rii! !! taciBMln.
a&tp. ii.u,.,.t i .., .....t
-S A for I'liw u i-vi'n;vc i vi i itu
tn 1(1 U H,t JI, a,.',i:te bout MM
wn Kiur'ioiNn. I n ftr IfU 0fer. Ht-niK
l)nierrt, kn.Umtleaa Uk4 ImlUf
linn. Pu; tf ymir irh?z$i of Mud 4. ID
n.ian, l rxntralara. ToatlmaaUU
if ta-a Mh.I. 1 o.0oo TmmkmMi. tautb;
SaiHaikkaajM,. iiadUaa tmuara. I lUJuA-
at Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at
the close of business, January 22, 1904.
Loans and discounts ....... $298,300 68
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured U. S. Bonds to secure circu
lation Stocks, securities, etc. . .....
Other real estate owned ....
Due from National Banks
(not reserve agents) ......
Due from State Banks and
Bankers ,...t .............
Due from approved reserve
agents ...,,..,....V. 156,414 71
Checks and other cash items 62 63
Notes of other National
Banks ................... 165 00
Nickles and cents .......... 167 63
Lawful Money Reserve in
Bank, via. ,
Specie ....3133,000 00
Legal tender notes ; 90 00 i33,090 00
Redemption fund with, U.S.
Treasurer (6 per cent of
Due from U. ,S. Treasurer,
other than 6 per cent re
demption fund ...........
2.192 32
; 12.500 00
82,200 00
6,000 00
6,144 78
94,406 67
:. V
625 00
.. "... i .
900 00
.3793,158 22
'' ,;: LIABILITIES., Cf;;.:
Capital stock paid in .......$ 50,000 00
Surplus funa 60,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex-
, penees and taxes paid..... 18,292 16
National Bank notes out
standing 12,500 00
Dividends unpaid '1.000 00
Individual deposits subject ,
to check 3497,789 23
Demand certificates of ; de-
posit 163,578 83 661,366 06
Total ...'................3793,158 22
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss:
t S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above
named bank,'' 'do solemnly swear that
the above statement Is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
S . S . GORDON, .Cashier .
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 2Eth day of January, 1904.
V. BOELLING, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
G.;C. Flavel,'
yy M. Ladd, ; .
Jacob Kamm, Directors.
Alleged That E. H. Coe Tried to Sep
arate Sister and Husband;
, New York, , Feb, 1 , Charles W.
Bailey, vice "president -of - the Bailey,
Banks ft Blddle Company, of Philadel
phia, has begun an action In. the su
preme, court, Manhattan, ' to recover
1100,900 from E. Holloway Coe, of 668
Fifth avenue, Manhattan, . his., wife's
brtfther, for the alienation " of Mrs.
Bailey's affections, s Justice 'Gtoder
sleeve Issued an order for Mr. Coe'
arrest and he . was taken into custody
at his office, but was reieaeed-on giving
a surety bond of $25,000. ,; '
Mrs, Bailey, 'was . the widow ,. of
Chauncey F. Kerr, of Brooklyn, athe
lime of her, marriage to Mr. Bailey, and3
the latter alleges that Mr. Coe ever
nlnce tbe marriage has made the most
determined effort to separate blm and
his wife and to procure for Mrs. Bailey
a divorce. He asserts that Coe tried to
got the necessary evidence that would
help Mrs? Bailey to this end.
.The Balleys'iwerf married on No--vember
t 1900." A few months befor;
they were members of a hunting party ,
in the Adirondacks and were out shoot-
Ing one day with Dr. C. T. Dade, of j
63 East Fifty-sixth street, Manhattan,5
when the latter fired at what he'
thought was a deer. r He' had mistaken
Mr." Bailey's shooting jacket for the
animal, and the bullet struck Mr-Bai-.
ley In the back and,; deflecting, entered j
Mrs!' KTerr's right' thigh, breaking the
bone of the right Jeg and necessitating
the 'amputation of the limb above the
Colfnx, Feb. 1. The year J usl closed
was bad for live stock because of the
low prices, but notwithstanding this
large profits were made either in the
form of margins on larger sales or in
the Increase In the number of head held
over for another season. i
, More than $20,000,000 was realised
during 1903 by the sale of live stock.
hides and wool in the northwest. This
sum exceeds, the proceeds from the
sales in 1902. 'which ,aggregated 'about
$18,000,000. V
From $1 to $1.25 a hundred less was
received by the Inland Empire stock
men for cattle, sheep and hogs than in
1902. The price of cattle ranged from
$3 tto $3.50 a hundred and of sheep
from $2 to $3, while $4 to $5.50 was ob
tained for hogs, the priee for the pack
ers averaging about $4.76.7 'A
, Practically no live stock was shipped
east during 1903, the prices east of the
Rocky mountains being lower than j
those prevailing in the northwest; Tbe
Pacific coast and Alaska, together with
home consumption formed the market,
which consumed nearly all of the Stock
that was slaughtered.' .
About ,12,000 carloads of cattle, 5000
carloads of sheep and 2800 carloads of
hegs were shipped from the Inland Em
pire. Many thousands of carloads of
swlna were imported from the east,
chiefly Ifrom .Ifebraeka, Z Iowa and
The whole clip is estimated to have
amounted to nearly 30.000,000 pounds,
50 per cent larger than any other year
in 'the history f the northwest.
With all of these shipments there 1
twice as much stock in the northwest
today as there was one year ago. The
state of Washington has probably thre
times as much Mvestock as It had last '
winter. " :'? 7"..': ' .'''' .
Seattle, Feb. 1. The case of J. C.
Graves," formerly foreman at Interbay
for the Great Northern, charged with
stealing fifty barrels of cement valued
at $150 from that road In November,
1902, was on trial before Judge Cann
Friday. The case will be continued.
Another information has, been filed
charging Graves with stealing seven
tons of scrap iron, valued at $200, No
vember 1, 1902.
Mr. Graves was arrested about the
same time that , Hermann Remnan,
manager of the Arlington dock and J.
C. Flynn, yard foreman ot me ona-
ern Pacific, were arrested, charged with
stealing a carload of. wheat. f ,-'.';.
Mr. GUman, attorney for the Great
Northern railroad, is advising with the
prosecuting attorney's office 4n hand
ling the case against Graves. (1 ,
The state will attempt to show that
Graves sold Jthe cement to contractors,
ana mat lt.waa w.
street work in this city. To establish
this claim vouchers were put in evi
dence yesterday that'H. Bleekum Bold
147 barrels of cement to the Sparger
Concrete Company, November 29, four
days after the alleged theft was com- '
mltted. Mr. Bleekum failed to state
yesterday from whom he purchased fhe
cement and the state Is endeavoring
to show that fifty barrels of its was ob
tained from Graves. .
. The defense is making a point of the
fact (that other cement from that
owned by the railroad company, was
stored in the sheds at Interbay, and
will deny that Graves sola 50 barrels -or
any. other .amount of cement. The
charge of stealing seven tons of scrap -iron
will be taken up later.
Since the revelations incident to the
arrest of Graves, Relnhart and Flynn,
railroad detectives have been working
In Seattle tracing goods tha were re
ported lost and missing. V - . -t
French Cruiser Stranded.,
Toulon, Feb, 1. A sudden rising of
the sea here resulted In the stranding
of the French cruiser Dflpetit Thbur
arfft but Fhe was floated without sus-.
talning injury. "
Mysterious Circumstance.
One was pale and sallow and the
other fresh and rosy. Whence the dif
ference? She who 16 blushing with
health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills
to maintain It.' By trently arouslnsr the
lasy organs they compell Rood ditres
tion and head off constipation. Try
them. Only 25 cents at Charles Rogers
druggist. .
' After the age of 45 or 5c, when the vital powers are aaturalljr Wtfttrr, v
It is noticed that a hurt of any kind heals slowly and often a very insignifi
cant scratch or bruise A lmpU mt on ra- j8W bnt raTe ra, ni
becomes a baa Ulcer or ain or inooavenino. and I shotUd have- forgot-
sore At tin's time of ton about it had it not begun to inflame and itch; it
sore. , a 1 una wne w would blMd a mtl then ,oab 0 but would
life warty growths, heal. ThU oontinued for some time then, the Cancer...
moljES and pimples that hegan to eat and spread. Until it wu aa large a
. T . . j.. half dollar, when 1 heard of S. B. 8. and determined
have been on the body to gir9 it a falr trlalf nnd jt i. remarkable what a
almost from birth beffin wonderful effect It had from the beginning? the tore.
j f. f., began to heal and after taking a low bottlea diaap 4
inflame and tester, rear8i entirely. Thi w two year ago ; there arj .
and before very Ions' st'11 no signs of the Cancer, find mv general healttt
lw large eating aW SMSE, Wyaoonda, Mo.
Whenever a sore ot ulcer is slow in halingf then you may be sure
omethinj is radically wrong with your blood. Some old taint or poison ,
that has been slumbering there for years, is .beginning to assert itself..
and breaks out and becomes a bad ulcer and perhaps the beginning 01
Cancer: ' These old sores are rootert in the blood, and while washes, soaps
salves etc., keep the surface clean, they are not healing. A blood.
medicine to purify and strengthen tue poiimeu uiwu
C I aud lonic to build UP tlie treneral system is wnat
13 nccuca, anu o. o. o. is jusi- out"
poison is so. powerful , and no germ so jdeacly-
that this ereat vegetable blood remedy cannot reach
it, hnd ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its wonderful curative prop-.,
erties. U you. ave an old sore or ulcer, write us all about it, and medi
cal advice or iv information you may desire will be given by our physw
ciat) .-'i-r. r-r- .s-r-- "nrnma CO., ATLANTA, CA
6) (9))