The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 02, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Oregonian Avers Chinook Has
Not Provided Increased
; Depth on Bar.
Believed Here Official Survey
Will Show Much More Water
S Since the Advent of the
Foriuer Transport.
Jn an effort to emphasise the abso
lute need of an appropriation, by the
present session- of congress, for Im
provement of the Columbia river bar,;
ths Oregontan has found It necessary
to defame the dredge Chinook and to
ridicule her accomplishments at . the
mouth of. the. Columbia river, . W.
Wright was down last week to secure
the necessaryjlnformation" and a re
sume of his findings appeared In Sun
day's Oregonian. ,
According to the narrative related by
Mr.. Wright, there Is no more water at
present on the Columbia river bar than
there has heretofore been. He says
soundings, were made , when the big
bark Andorhlna was towed to sea, and
that the depth shown entirely dis
proves the "highly colored report sent
out from Astoria" concerning the work
of tie Chinook. ,, Mr. Wright concludes
that the Chinook can not be relied up
on to furnish the necessary depth, but
that it must, be secured by means of
an extended Jetty. .- The Chinook's
work at the river's mouth Is likened
to the efforts of one small man affected
with pulmonary tuberculosis and other
wise' phlsically incapacitated, to remove
one very large mountain. If congress
doesn't make the appropriation, the
harbor will suffer Incalculable Injury,
the Oregonian Write says.
The, statement, made that the Chl
noo.bas notjncreased the depth on
the bar Is not In harmony with state
meata made by the pilots who Visit the
rlves mouth every day.. Officers of
the1: Chinook likewise-i state 'that the
depth, has been materially increased
since the aiivjJof the dredge-? ,vFor
the - purpose of determining exactly
Just ' what has been accomplished In
this' respect, the tug George Men'
xJell was assigned to make soundings,
and ft is considered somewhat remark
able that' the result 'of her' work' was
not awaited before the defamation of
the Chinook occurred.
It is generally agreed locally that
the Chinook can not provide permanent
depth on the bar. This was not ex
pected of her, nor is it expected of any
other dredge now in the service of the
government. Dredges are permanently
located at different points 'and' their
work Is never-ending. The opinion
prevails here that permanent results
can fee secured by extension of the Jetty
but j the feeling is growing that the
-dredge will provide sufficient depth for
permanent maintenance by an extend
ed jetty. It Is realized that there
should be no lack of jetty funds, but
the statement has been made at Wash
Ingten , that the eivil sundry bill will
contain the necessary item. -
While the need for ample Improve
ments funds is felt in all quarters, As-
torians generally deplore the fact that
the work of the dredge should have!
been discredited In this manner. There
is not the slightest question among
local water fronters that the Chinook
has accomplished good results, and that
it should have been found expedient
to discredit her in order to urge more
forcibly the need for an additional bar
appropriation Is regretted.
nine days. She comes to load lumber
at Portland. The Louisiana was built
In 1873 and in Sier early days was re
garded as one of the finest sailing ve$
1 sals "afloat. Captain Matthews, the
bar pilot, was at New Orleans when
the Louisiana . arrived there on her
maiden trip. She was admired by
thousands of people ami la those days
was regarded as one of the largest
vessels In the country, v v !,
. f ' $ ji . ; t I,? : if $h('t t,
Following is the time schedule ar
ranged for the departure of the quar
termaster department steamer -Major
Ouy Howard from this city during the
month of February. The trips marked
with a star include Fort Canby: Tues
day, J 7:30 a. m l p. m.i Thursi
day, 4 7:30 a. m., t p. m.; Saturday,
8 T:S0 a. m., ! p. m,; Tuesday,'
T a. m.'t P. m.; Thursday, 11-7:J0
a. mi 1 p. nv; Saturday, IS 7: 30 a.
m., X p. m.; Tuesday, 1--7:S0 a. m.,
I p.1 m. J Thursday, 187:30 a. m 1
p. m.; Saturday, 307:30 a. m., 1 p.
m.; Tuesday, 337:30 a. m., l p. m.;
Thursday, 35 7 a, m, 3 P. m.; Sato
urday, ,27 7;30 a. m., 3 p.m.
; :B;trsrN;E ;
; 0 :v: ""' LET YOUR, WANTS BE KNOWN. Somebody bai what yoq, want, or wants what you have to s Tf
sell. Here ia where want and wanted come together. ADVERTISE. J i , 7 ' '
X, - fu ; Marine Notes. , ?
The schooser Forester departed Sun
day for San Francisco with 853,900
feet of lumber.
The barkentine Encore arrived Sun
day from Honolulu with 47 tons of
rock ballast. She la to load lumber at
The steamer Sue H. Elmore arrived
Sunday from Tillamook. ... She brought
24? cases of cheese and about four tons
of other freight " I upper Asiona nas a piace wnert you
The steamer Queen, for manr years! c ret nn laM beer'
wines ana liquors as you can nna any
First-class meal for 15c; nice cake,
coffe pie or doughnuts. Be. U. S. res
taurant, 434 Bond 'street. "' tf.
Mm. Dupont's skin food has world
wide reputation. , Sold only at Owl
and Eagle drug stores. 15 cents a box.
The Morning Astorlan wilt be found
tor sale at Griffin's book store and at
Scully's cigar store, corner Eleventh
and Commercial streets.
Wood. Wood. Wood.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly,
the transfer man. ... 'Phone 3211 Black,
Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera houee.
New stock of fancy goods Just arrlv
ed at Yokohama Basaar. Call and tee
the latest novelties from Japan.
; For rent, furnished or unfurnished
two large, dean rooms for housekeep
ing; water in kitchen.- Over Peter-
on & Brown's shoe store.
a Columbia river boat, has been, sold
to Wlllapa bay parties and left out
yesterday for her new location. It Is
understood the ptlce paid for the steam
er was 35000. , , .
The barkentine T. P. Emlgh arrived
down the river yesterdays She has
1,179,498 feet of lumber, worth $10 per
thousand feet and 15,150 lath, valued
at $237. 88. She goes to Honolulu.
The pilot schooner Pulltaer, which
has been In port for supplies, returned
to her station off the Heads yesterday,
Captains McVtcar, Wood and Howes
went out on her.
place In the city.
Opposite Kopp's Brewery.
Nelson and Leggett Arrive.
The steamer Charles Nelson arrived
Sunday from San' Francisco" and went
on to -Westport,, where she is to take
on a cargo of lumber for California.
The Nelson was, wrecked on her last
trip out of this port, but since has been
thoroughly repaired. She is still in
command of Captain Gunderson, whose tne part of the purchaser
excellent seamanship saved the lives
of the passengers at the time the ves
sel filled with waterThe steamer Fran
els Leggett, belonging to the Hammond m,88a, of gult cf tne geatle Brew.
Ing & Malting Company could be obtained.
Seattle,. Feb. 1. Sale of the labor
temple property, on Pike street; bas
been enjoined by the Retail Clerks'
Union by suit In the superior court
thereby stopping tor: the present the
announced disposal of the property.
The sale was already held up by the
Injunction of the Seattle Brewing A
Malting Company against the Western
Central Labor Union officials, but the
labor leaders had expected to defeat
that suit at the hearing by showing
that the brewery company . has no In
terest in the property. The complaint
for the clerks union seta up that the
union owns 60 shares of stock in the
Labor Temple Association, of the pap
value of $300.
The papers in the case were filed by
judge O. M. Emory, attorney for the
clerks union, shortly before 6 o'clock.
and a temporary restraining order ob
tained from Judge Morris, ; The In
junction bond was fixed at $1000, and
was signed by James W. Morrison as
surety. The hearing of the applica
tion for e temporary Order of Injunc
tion was set down for next Wednesday
morning before Bell in the equity department.
The complaint Is brief and recite.''
merely that the plaintiff Is a. stock
holder; that the defendant corporation
owns no property except the labor
temple site on Pike street; that the
Labor Temple Association threatens to
sell the realty In question and convert
the proceeds Into cash; that the plan
tiff is opposed to such sale, and has
notified the association of' its disap
probation, and Its protest has been dis
regarded. The trustees of the Labor ' Temple
Association announced a few days ago
that they had negotiated a sale of the
property for $30,000. The considera
tion was to be paid $20,000' in cash and
the remaining $10,000 by the assump
tion of a mortgage for that amount on
It was
stated that a deposit had been paid
upon the sale; and that the transfer
would be completed as soon as a dls-
Piano Tuner.
For good, reliable piano work see
your local tuner, Th. Fredrlcksou.
2071 Bond street. ' 'Phone Red 3074
I Monarch over ptmj? Burns, cuts
sprains, stings. Instant relief. Dr
Thomas' Electric Oil. At any drug
DysoeDsia bane of human ltenJ
uuraocK uiooa Bitters cures it prompt
ly, permanently. Regulates and tones
the stomach. '
You will always find the beat loc
meal In the city at the Rising Bun ret-
uiuritnt No, $13 Commercial street.
Roosevelt or Hanna It all depends
on the people. It it Is left to the west
the president will get the unanimous
vote. However, it Is the unanimous
opinion ot good Judges that the fine
line of hair brushes for sale at from
25 cents to $3.50 at Hart's drug store
is the best ever brought to the city.
Electrical fixture.
Electrical wiring.
Electrical supplies.
Gas mantels guaranteed.
433 Commercial street.
M. F. Hardesty Electrical ' Contractor
Wanted Several industrious persons
In each state to travel for house estab-
nsnea eleven years and with a large
capital, to call upon merchants and
agenta for successful and profitable
line. Permanent engagement. Week
ly cash salary of $24 and all traveling
expenses and hotel bills advanced In
cash each week. Experience not essen
tial. Mention reference and enclose
self-addressed envelope. .National
Caxton Bldg., Chicago,
If It is in season you will find It at
ita best at the celebrated Tok Point
oyster house on Eleventh street. Fish,
game, aheli-fisb, choicest meats, pastry
coffee, etc., etc., served to the Queen's
taato. Special accommodations for
parties. Open all night.' Don't mist
the place. Eleventh street, neat Bond.
A Popular Bcienee.
Plumbing looks easy, but no part
of a house Is more important to health
and comfort than the plumbing. We
are prepared to do all work" In this
line In the most soiantiflo and satis
ractory manner. We keep the latest
Improve fitting always tn alock tot
new or repair f work. r All kinds of
tinning, heating and atenm-flttlng.
'Phone 103ir 4!f TSond atret" JOHN
A MONTGOMERY." : "-"- ' "
Weleeme a Sunshine
after a long storm la a teellnf of relief
when an obstinate, pitiless cold baa
been driven away by Alien's Lung
Balaam. Only people whe have been
cured of throat-ache and sore lunga by
this remedy con quite mils what the
feeling Is. Tbers 1 no opium la the
Balsam; Ita good effect la r&JIca! and
lastlrg . Take a bottle home today.
Business Proposition.
If you are going east, a earful select
ion of your rout la essential to the en
Joyment ot your trip. If It Is a bus!
nesa trip Urn la the main consider
alon; If a pleasure trip, scenery and
tha conveniences and comforts of a
modern railroad.'
Why not combine all by using the
Illinois Central, the up-to-date road,
running two trains dally from St. Taut
and Minneapolis, and irom Omaha, to
Chicago. Free recllnlngjchalr care, the
famous buffet library emoklng cars, all
train vostlbul-td. In short thoroughly
modern throughout. All tickets read
ing via tne Ulinoia Central will be hon
ored on these trains and no extra tare
charged. , , '
ilur rate are the same a those ot
Inferior roadswhy not get your
money's worth? i
Write for full partloulara, t ?
B. Hj TRUMBULL. Commercial Agt,
. Portland, Or.
J. C. UNDSET. T.'r. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Th Ls sltetrl ; Inselea, hIoh arj
sold by the Owl drug ator soluslv.
ly and under guarantee for cure, are
not previously charged wlih-tlectrlclty,1
but accomplish 'their wonderful curse
by the natural 'current generated by'
th acid fluids of th body, acting on
the positive and negative pole ot the
battery formed by the alno plate In
one heel and the copper plat In the
ether. ' See them In th window. Ask,
for a descriptive booklet 'telling of the
marvelous cures of rheumatism.
Seattle, Wash.
We sell, rent, and repair all make ot
typewrltera. Writ for new catalogue
of New Dcnsmor. :
Huxley, Ryan ft Co.,
II Fourth treet Portland. Or.
Laughing Water, BedWa, Fretty
Llttt Dinah Jones, Just Kiss Teurselr"
Goodbye, Oh, Didn't He Ramble, and!
100 other popular songs, with music
postpaid for lOo. Address, Albert
Brook, 1 Madison Avenue, N. Y.
It you want your money' worth
. Ring 'Phon 1JU.
Something Good.
Toke Point and Shoalwater bar
oyster at th Imperial chop hous.
Try our coffee, It Is unexcelled.
8. U. GALLAGHER, Manager.
Plenty of Lump Coal.
Our last cargo of Autrallnn lump
coal la th best coal for atovea ytt
brought to Astoria. It I of th fnmou.
"Hetton variety. Too can have
"lumpsH If you want them. By Bring
ing your' orders direct to us you will' '
be sure to get the genuine article and
not a poor aubatltut. Free delivery.
'Phone 1961. Offlc corner Ninth an
Commercial. "
. , ELMORK ft CO. I
Ihe Boston Restaurant
Best an j Neatest Eating House In Astoria
I Try Onr 25:Ceni Dinners
Prompt Attention High Class Chef
itIoMiIIXi M?IIeItitiIH
M i
M i
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
; , Supplies of til kiixdi at lowest rates, for fisbermeu: ' i '
Farmers and Loggers.
Tenth and Commercial htrceta ASTORIA. 0KEG0N
A First Class Concert Hall , t. . . t .Finest Uesort In Tha City
Lumber Company, arrived , yesterday
from San Francisco and went to Port
land to take on a cargo ot grain. Her
steam stearins, sear was disabled on
her trip up. the coast, but the accident
does not interfere with the passage of
the vessel, to which repairs " will be
made at Portland. '
, Ancient Bark Arrives.
The old American barK Louisiana,
1343 tons, arrived In port yesterday
from San Francisco, after a trip of
Advertised Letters.
List . of leters remaining unclaimed
for 30 days In Astoria post office: ' .
Allen, R. G. Mr.
Allison, C. F. -
Astoria Marine Hallway.
Bailey, C. G.
Barnado, Frank, Mr.
Beatley, O. H.
Berth, B. Mrs.
Always- Remember the Full JMme
Cur es a Ce!1 bs Oc-j E)sy, Cr$ b 2 Day
on every
TTPVSrf box, 35c
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest
Seventh and Astor Streets V
Carlson, Carl Mr.
Carty, A. Wm.
Carlson, O. E.
Cooper, Edward H.
Daniel's, C. Mr. 2
Edhoff, Jole.
Erickson, Abraham.
Galvra, Garret
Gates, Frank Mr. ,
Grumorly, Peter
Haknlst, Alex.
Haknlst, Lina.
Uannila, Anna.
Johnson, Alex.
Kallio, Lizzie.
Lewis, Lulu Mrs.
Lewis, Milfred 2 . ,
iAiho, 'John Mr
Larsen, Annie.
Lauloinen, Tillle Miss ,
Martin, Wm. '
Mears, Lafayette Mrs.
McCarthy, Jim.
McClure, W. F.
Moody, Arthur F.
Mooree, G. H. , .
Nassir, George Shaker Mr.
NIchol, Capt Mr. ' . .
Nelson, N. K. ,
Olsen, Olof A. .
; Ringboon, Leonard. '
Buedy, M. and O.
8Ihler, E. R. Miss 3
Stout, J. F. Mr.
Strubbar, Sol Mr.
Stout, W, E. Mr, :
Sweeney, P. J.
' Tabell, Capt,
Terveyten, Kote
Thompson, Sam Mr.
Vincent, B. "
v. ,! Foreign,
Anderson, Fred. '
Ax,.Lurlel Mr.
Basta, Nikllia.
Branlrra, Antonev
Grang. Krestoffer Herr
Hyvonen, Matte Mr.
PrevoHt, Alexander Mr.
Ruffln, Slraflno M.
Slhler, K. Elizabeth.
Vaisanen, Jacob Mr.
Better l han Gold.
"1 was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debil
ity," write F. G. Green, of Lancaster.
N. H. "No remedy helped me until 1
used Electric Bitters, which did me
more good than all the medicine I had
ever used. They have alHo kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
says Electric bitters are Just splendid
for female troubles: that they are a
grand tonic and invigorator for weak,
run-down women. No other medicine
can take Its place in our family." Try
them. Only 60 cents. Satisfaction
guaranteed by Charles Rogers.
We Gail Please You
and ave You foriey
Glr us your order for any kind of
printing; plain or artistic, business
or personal. W guarantee atlefat!.
tlon. ' '
Best workmanship. , t y t
Most reasonable price, v. ?: f
CI " 4
, . ' , , '; n; y
I Two llnotyp machines anabJ us to- C
print briefs ana other book work on
short notice,
Newspaper composition a specialty.
Writ fer Terms, m
flstorjan Publishing Co,