The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 02, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    i 1 1
If . i -. v -
j v
Neglect yourself. .
i 3C J1'
"' ' . 'tM leooad Street, "
LovunuM, Kt., April 14, 1MB.
t ta wak and sickly for th pal f'uryer.."
HDMil by Irregularity and (rlHOeM regarding the
ennui dt morims oiy codij!
Ul of health.'but i
bmt.ry aerlwie. 1 had tevere backiuh.end tattered
IB my two, I int wr. gainful
tbe doctor told n
ooo.laut dull palp Is my head. 1 e
dy, sua niiMrui, raeueet eight.
'a. Ll.THINW
Dlrtflof, 7
Uuit 1 mint have tall.oe.
Hli medicine did not, how.r.r, rl tmprry
relief sad I had ba told of the euntiro qbbIIUm of
Wlue Of t'ardul 1 decided to Wy It,
1 found that It relieved a of pain. At air general
health improved my otbr troubles wart gradually
wmiHueu inn hi wi Tf f
iwki' uh of the Win A. X JL.
at Cardal 1 mi oeca L , 17.
mora a wall and beppy . .
i, ;t Wins of Catdul rgult tha iBenitrual flow, banifilio bffidacbea, -backache
and bearing-down palm. Severe headache, bearing-down
palm, Indigestion, low of appetite and nenouaucM are symptoms of
female weakness and should be given prompt attention. If you are
troubled with menstrual Irregularities dp not let them run on. Tbey
will certainly grow into dangerous and chronic troubles (jet a bottle
ef Wloe of C'&nJul and begin treatment at once. I ?
Alt dreggists sell ll.OO bottW of Wine of Carftul.
""1 Ht5i3E3'
Rock Island
moalo aro tho
best on wheels
Not very good poetry,
perhaps, but what it lacks
in rythm, it more than
- makes up in fact. And the
? prices arc reasonable low,
enough tbt be. within the
reach of people of moder
ate means; high, enough
to ensure good food, good
cooking and good service.
... Breakfast and dinner arc served
on the a la carte planV-you pay
for what you order. Luncheon,
co cents.
rto cents, v n h i '
i Derive r tti Kans-i Cirv ; Denver to Chi.
Q I w k.a aM a av arfVMim
Full information on request
mm Vj
-Tr. jrnV.
wJa '
7 r
f .J I
'I !
..... J I
ai;pont Of ,?HB .CONDITION OF
at Astoria, In the at at of Oregon, at
the rtoM of buntneia January 22, 1004:
Loans and discounts ,,,,.,..$305,438 41
Overdrafts, secured and un-"
secured .... I- t.itl S3
U. 8. bonds to. secure clr
culatlori , J2.800 00
Premiums on U 8) bonds,. " ' ' 160 00
Stocks, securities, etc, ..... 7S.U1 13
Itanltlnit house, furniture "
and fixtures ' V. 1600 00
Other real estate owned .. 10,330 00
Due from national banks .
(not reserve agents) .....
Due from state banks and
bankers ............
Due from approved reserve
''.'agents '.iv.,.. ...(..;'.'.'.'.
I Checks and other cash items
Notes of other national
banks ....
Fractional paper currency,
nkkela and centa
Lawful Money Reserve In
1 ' .Dank, Vis: , '
Specie i 361,061 10
Legal tender notes. , 2.335 00 63,303 80
Redemption fund with U. S. v ",
treasurer (S per cent clr-
- 2,387 30
1,737 76
76,664 44
1,361 08
1,190 00
26S 78
are baffled
Theft Perpetraled In London Ho
tel Continues Cloaked In
. ' , Mystery. , '' r ";-
625 00
U a COR HA M, CaMrri As.
The finest Prbduct'of Australian
mines for domestic use.
The best house coal ever
brought to Astoria .
Will be sold at same old
price while it lasts.
Free Delivery in the City,
Phone 1961. 9th and Commercial Streets.
Sleep VVcll, , t ,
takes And lVork Well,
Jtf- "
you will Emt wolf,
BECAUSE, by uTelripMlll. Action on the DlgeMtTt Organs, taaoham'a Pllta nmot. the
MnMtion of fultifM wid opprlon eommonly prlnol, gtre lit apiwltte " wlge," uid rertors
tb 8tomoh to bMlthy and uturftl f onotloo. '
yji wlJt Steep wo."' .
BECAUSE Btaoham'S fills Sntlr mini Irritation of Ui Nerrom gyttiim, xrhll by thstt
,'" ttlroolktlT.aixl clnui.lng action upon th. LlTar and Kldnaya, Dlgettion prooewlt with normal
; ngularlty, o tha( at sight UM trananUlawt mind and body ara prepared for " Natural aweet
' MMoir"-piful alumbar. Should on. fMl reiUeia aftar an axoltlng or oonTlTlal wenlng, a
doa 0 Isaoham's Pills U1 quickly Induoa nfraabiaf Hat i r
You will Work W0ll, ' ' v
BECAUSE B.aohnm'a Pills bring about tha propar aaalmllaUon of the food taken, give tone
to tha Rtomaoh, parity tha Blood, inTtgoratt the Karroo. Syntrai.add forie to the Munclea, and
tbua ndM tba workef-mental or physlcal-irtth renewed energy and power.
V " r : . -i-- f. ' - i. -; ' - v , ' -Sola
everywhere 1st Boxes, 10 cent and 25 conttu
Total .... ,1664.933 86
Capital' stock paid An 50,000 00
Surplus fund 10,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex- '
penses and taxes paid.... 15,132 74
National bank notes out-',
standing ...... ,12,000 00
Individual deposits subject '
to check ...... $224,059 72
Demand certificate of de
: posit .. ....... 68,091 32 '
Time certincntes of de
posit .... 199.649 68
Certified checks.. 1,000 00 477.800 62
Total , ....(.$564,933 3
Flate of Oregon, county of Clatsop, es:
I, J. E. Hlgglns, cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the 'above statement la true to
the best of my knowledge and bellet
3. E. IIIGOIN8, Cashier.
Subbcrlted and sworn to before rne
this 28th day of January, 1904,
: OEO. C. FULTON. Notary Public. '
Correct Attest: -
fleo. II. George, ,
Wm. H.' Barker, ,
A. Scherneckau, Directors.'
Solicitor Hart Left Uooni tot IJar
' bcr 8hop and Itturnlnf
' ;l Found Money Had
, , Disaprwared.
New York, jfeb, 1-gcotJand .Yard
detectives are confronted with a mys
terious robbery, entailing the loss i
$60,000, which has Just occurred In the
Hotel Metropole, says a Herald dis
patch from London.
George Marshall, of Retford, a solic
itor for the duke of Newcastle, came to
the city with the money in a wallet. It
was to have been used in the purchase
of some property for the duke, Mar
shall left the wallet In the hotel safe
over night and 'after taking' It to his
room in th morning he went for a few
minutes to the barter shop, lockng the
room door as he left. Upon his return
the wallet was foundut open and $60-
000 of the 90,000 It contained stolen.
1 No definite trace of the thief has been
found. .. ' . , '. '
Succumbs on Learning That His Sweet
heart Waa Fickle,"
New York, Feb. I. Henry Schmidt,
Jr, partmtr In an upholsterng firm, has
diopped dead at the door of his sweet
heart's home. ' In his pocket waa found
a wedding ring. , "
Sfchmldt planned, to, be, married; some
time ago, but the wedding did not take
place owing td religious differences,
lie was determined, however, to marry
the ' girl, mnd after several days called
again at her home. At the door he was
told she had gone -out for a drive with
another suitor. Schmidt started back
and fell dead.
vessels in the harbor have complained
of similar thefts.
York Authorities Determine
, Impose Maximum Penalty.
Nevr'York, Feb.l. In their efforta
to stamp out the unnurkras money
lenders dong; business here, represent
atives of the district attorney's office
have hell a secret meeting with the
Judges of the court of special sessions
ht which it was reported to have been
agr'-ed lwt hereafter persons .found:
guflty of violating the law shall be sent
to, the penitentiary for one year. The
statutes provide this eehtence or a fine
ot 1360, &id to several casef recently
pushed to a successful conclusion ,by
the authorities the guilty persons have
escaped with a fine,' only to continue
their operations. - '
ardent , . ",
. flirt. Taft Goes to Santa Barbara. ;
8ah Francisco, Feb.l.Mrs. Taft, the
wie of the new secretary of war, who
has been spending a week with friends
In this cltyjeft today with her family
for Santa Barbara. She will remain
for some time on the' coast before go
ing on to Washington. While in this
city Mrs". Taft was recipient Of many
social attentions. ' - "
' f :? Controls Powder Output. ; ;
' 5an Franisco, Feb. 1. The Dupont
Powder Company has secured practical
control of the manufacture of powder
on the Pacific coast through the ab
sorption, of the California Vlgorale'
Company. ; The consideration paid Is
stated to have been $200,000. . f.
. Proposes Big Stamp Mill.
MooW, Jd;4 Feb. ll- Ex;Cover
nor McConneli expects to order a two
stamp mill for tbe True Fissure group
of mines in the Rhodes peak dtsftrict,
near the Montana line, in which he has
recently bought a controlling Interest.
He will construct, a. trail to the mine
from the Lolo' ireil.1 .
Plans of Dowie to Have Zion Free
' By Now Found to Have
Fallen Through.
Most of Option Are Extended
and All Land Thria Gained
Will Be Uo tallied Ify
Chicago, ' Feb. 1. John Alexander
Dowie planned three years ago to have
the land, of Zion free from debt today.
Instead, it is declared that $300,000
would not meet the payments, and that
$73,000 for property on which options
were given fell due today, irfost of the
options due previously have been ex
tended and the overseer's lieutenants
declare they will retain all the land
held In this way said to be one third of
the tout acreage af 6500. Mortgages
represent one half of the purchase
price of the rest,
Zion Is having no difficulty In meet
ing the interest payments or arrang
ing for the delay In payment of tho
considerations named In options,
are after
Murdered For His Money. '
Tacoma, Feb. 1 It has developed al
most to a certainty that Gotlieb Eggl
mann, the man found dead Sunday in
Hamlin's gulch, wa murdered for his
money. The night previous to his dis
appearance Egglmann was in the Wil
liam Tell saloon, and there produced a
draft for $550 he had Just received from
his wife in the east. Several drinks
were ordered on the strength of his
good fortune by a noisy crowd. That
was the last seen of him alive.
Tekoa! Feb 1. Diphtheria has
broken out in St. Joseph academy and
MWgaret M . Rees, of Spokane, and
Mary Elisabeth Fuller, of Starbuck, are
dead. They had each been sick about
three days. The former was the child
of T. D. Rees. She waa 12 years oia
and had attended the academy only a
week. Miss Fuller was 1 years oi
age. The parents of both girls have
arrived and the funerals were held to
day. There are two other cases at the
academy. Onejs a 10-year-oia sister
of Margaret Rees. The academy has
been quarantined. There are also sev
eral cases in town.
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why use gelatine and
spend hours soaking,
sweetening, flavoring
and coloring when
produces better result in two minutes?
Ererrthing in the package. Simply add hot
water and set to cool. It's perfection. A sur
prise to the housewife. No trouble, loss ex
pense. Try it to-day. In Four Fruit Fla.
Torsi Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Busy.
fcerry. At croeew. lOo.
- I Former Secretary Of Navy ' Suffering
With Appendicitua.
5 New York. Feb. 1. Wiliam C. Whit-
ney, former secretary of the navy, has
undergone an operation for appendicitis
at his Fifth avenue home. It Is said he
Is doing as well as could be expected
after the shock which la always conse
quent on this operation however skil
fully performed.
Mr.. Whitney was stricken on Friday.
An immediate operation was decided
upon when, after' a night of pain, the
symptoms became more ' alarming.
The Illness had its beginning in a
cold he contracted while heading a
band of Are fighters which extinguished
a blaze on a place adjoining his South
Carolina estate two weeks ago.
Piracy at Aberdeen. -
Aberdeen, Feb. 1. Richard Clifton,
until recently a member of the crew
of the schooner Comet, has been ar
rested on a warrant sworn out by the
captain of the vessel, who charges Clif
ton with stealing meat and provisions
valued nt $50 from the lockers. It is
alleged that Clifton arid some com
panions boarded the Comet at night in
good old pirate style and carried the
supplies away in a boat. Clirton
nleuded not guilty. Captains of other
. .
his own resources, the son drifted to
Augusta, Me., where he learned the
prfnter's trade.
Wfth the .early rush to California, he
and his two brothers, Letrl and Alfred,
set sail for San Francisco by way of
the isthmus of Panama. Jle arrived la
San Francisco in 1S53, and spent eleven
years as a miner.' ' ' ,
T In 1864 he and his brother Levi came
overland to Oregon, striking the head
waters of the Willamette at the mouth
of the Tualatin. Settling at the old
postofflce at Bridgeport, now known as
Tualatin, he worked alt the trade of
wagon maker for a number of years,
and then served as village aostmaster.
From Bridgeport he came to Lewis
river, Washington, Beginning with
the year 1874. he served three terma as
sheriff of Cowlits counftyL . ; :
On April 7, 1376, he was united la
marriage to Martha B. Galbraith, of
vember 19, 1833. His parents were j Bridgeport, orev Air. waves
earlv Massachusetts settlers. When a wife, five daughters, two sons anu
Kalama, Feb". ' 1. James, Bragg
Stone, one ot Cowlits county's oldest
j and best known pioneers, and one of
Kalama's most highly respected clti
sens. was buried In the I.' O. O. F.
Mr. Stone had been trapping on
Puget island, near Cathlamet , Leaving
his cabin Monday morning, his absence,
waa not noted until the following day,
when he .was found In his canoe, un
conscious from a paralytic stroke, from
which he never recovered. It Is thought
he also contracted pneumonia while on
the river. ."," . f; ,. .
He never regained the power! of
speech, though recovering conscious
ness enough to recognize members of
his family. He waa brought to his
home at Kalama Tuesday, and died
Wednesday. v ' . ''
Mr. Stone was born on Lake I'm-
bngog, in western New Hampshire, No-
lad of 6 his father was drowned in
Lake Umbagog. Thrown early upon
brother, Alfred Stone,
of San Fran-
; Mrs. Maybrick ia At Sea.
' Nfew York, Feb. 1. The belief Is ex
pressed in a dispatch to the World
from London', that Mrs. Maybrick
boarded the steamer Oceanic last Wed
nesday and la now on her way to the
f .nr. lrl,.-mnfr
. ' ; '. ...A.j '..,.... '. .' --. -"i". " J
. , , . V , .
': Cigar I i
United States. There is, however, no
confirmation of this rumor.
Dolliver Addresses, Y. M. C. A.
Springfield, "' Mass., Feb. 1 Senator
Dolliver, of Iowa, has addressed a large
audience here at the ceremonies at
tending the anniversary of the Young
Mens' Christian Association. The sena
tor's subject was ' Public Virtue in Re
lation to Secular Politics."
Boy Gets Damages, j
Olympirt, Feb. 1. Charles Dixon, a
boy of IS, was today awarded a verdict
o $1999 against the Northern Pacific
railway in the superior court or the
loss of an arm, he having been run
over by a Northern Pacific train at
Centralia last July after, It Is alleged,
having been forcibly ejected from a
moving freight train. . , 1
1 . 1 :a-. .J 4 nr
will connnce 700 otiM tmusuaiquauij ...
Thl first hundrtd will prove their uniformity. ' t -
fh0 fint thousand will gubsUntiate the fact that it is a gyoa nerer tire of- C
Largest Seller In the World. ;
,.',.'' ..:. f Thi t and' is tht Smoker's Troteetion.
Action Is Promised.
-Walla Walla, Feb. 1. Upon the
showing of the Pioneer Mutual Insur
ance Company, of Seattle, that R.'H.
Osborn. the plaintiff, had violated the
contract the court dismissed an action
! to recover on a $2000 policy. ' Osborn s
store burned in July and he was un
able to produce an invoice of the sUvk.
The company refused to sett.e, alleging
violation of contract. ,
," Nearly Forfeits. His, Life. .
X r wav almost - ending fatally,
started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J.
B. Orner. Franklin Grove. 111. I'pr four
years It defied all doctors and all rem
edies. But Bucklin's Arnica Snlve had
no trouble to cure him. EqutiUy gool
for burnt, bruises, skin eruptions mid
piles. 2c at Charles Rogers' drug
store. . . , , r