The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 31, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    4 I '
Hi t i -
Ho, L. M. Tsearaos,
. tcrmou
acucu joum.
Neglect Yourself.
14M Baoond Straat,
tovwrttxa, af ., April 14, lMt.
' I r)T feaaa weak and alofcly for tin put lour yasra,
aauwrf by irregularity and ortltunra rrUli, tha
lawa ol health, but about Bra month aao my conditio
bacantcvary aarloui. I bad mur, baokw bnd ufftred
entaat dull pia fa nybaad. I apitt waary, paluful
daya and niwraltla rtl.M ulgbta. aba duotur told a
tual I reuit haa twttanoa.
Hie medicine did nut, howeter, (If a ua ere tompnrary
rrtlef and aa 1 but brat told of tCa euratlr a qualities of
Wiot of Cartful I decided to try it.
1 fuund Ihftt It wmilmvA n.a i.f Mill ' Am Mw mmmmwrni
health lAprovtd my otbar troablaa war fradaaili U-
weeaa' nee of Ui Win ,
t Cardal I u ouoa
aaora ft wall aad happy
: Wine of Cardul regulates the menstrual flow, banishes headaches,
backaches and bearing-down palm. Severe boadaches, bearing-down
paint, Indigestion, Iom of appetite and nervouiir are symptom of
ieuala weakness and should he given prompt atteiitlou. If you are
troubled with menstrual Irregularities do not 1ft them run on. They
will certainly grow into dangerous and ohronlo trouble. Get a bottle
af Wine of Cardal and begin treatment at once.
All druggists sell 1 . 0 6 bottles tf Wine of Cardul.
at Aalorla, In tho mile of Oregon, at
the close of business, January 22, 1901:
Loan and discount $309,439 41
Overdrafts, aecured and un-
secured .... 1,867 33
U. 8. bond to ecur clr
, culntlon .... 12,600 00
Premium on U. 8. bonds,. 760 00
Stocks, spcurltles, eto 76,111 93
Bunking house, furniture
and fixtures 1600 00
Other ral estate owned .. 10,330 00
Due from national banks
(not reserve agents) ..... 3,387 80
Due from state banks and
, banker ...... 6,737 74
Due from approved reserve
agent 78,664 44
Check and other cash Items 1,3(1 08
Note of other national
bank 1,190" 00
Fractional paper currency,
nickel and cent 266 78
Ltlwful Money Reserve In
Rank, Vhs:
Specie .... 1(1,068 80
Legal tender note. 2,236 00 63,303 80
Redemption fund with U.S.
treasurer (6 per cent cir
culation) ........ 2S 00
Rock Island
meals aro tho
best on wheel
Not very good poetry,
perhaps, but what it lacks
in rythm, it more than
makes up in fact And the
prices tre reasonable low
enough to be within the
reach of people of moder
ate means; high enough
to ensure good food, good
cookinff and flood service.
Breakfast and dinner are served
on the a la carte plan you pay
for what you order. Luncheon,
co cents. ft i i ' h . t
, Denver to Kansas City ; Denver to Chi-
Pull information on request
' L B. OORMAM, Caaeral Aoetai.
, . 140TMr at,ParaMl,Or.
n . vSSftr era I
auifM'ii ti l si tu m ii i
VT7I v
...$584,933 36
The finest Product of Australian
mines for domestic use.
The best house coal ever
brought to Astoria
Will be sold at same old
price while it lasts.
Free Delivery in the City.
Phone 1961. 9th and Commercial Streets.
To Eat Well, "
Sleep Well,
take And Work Well,
iwim at urn mm a
You will Cat wo!r ,
BECAUSE, Vf their ipmlfla AoUoa on tha piieMIra Orgwu, Baeoham'a Pills rmxm the
tarnation of Mlnrat and oppnanlon oommonlj .iperlenowj, glTtha appaUta H adga." and Mor
Uu gtouiaah to health; and aatural function.
You will Slaep well, ! '
BECAUSE Baaoham's Pill cmtlr calm Irritation of tha Harrow Bratem, while by thalr
aUmnUUvaand cleaning aotlon onoa tha Urer and Kidney,, DlgeaUon prooaeda with normal
regularity, to that at night the trtnqulllted mind and body ara prepared for H Nature's tweet
natorar"-petoefiil alumber. hould one feel reitlMi after an exoHlng ot oonvtrlal ereutng, a
dote of Baaoham's PUIS will qoloklj tadaoe relreahlng tleep.
You will W6rk well, ; "
BECAUSE Baaoham's Pill bring abont the proper autmllatlon of the food taken, glretose
to the Stomach, porlff tha Blood, Inngorata the N error Hyutem.add foroe totheMaolea,aod
Unit andoa the worker-mental or phyaloal-wKh rantwad energy and power.
. Sold Everywhere In Boxes, 10 conta and 23 cents
Total .... ........
Capital stork paid In ....
Surplus fund ,
Undivided profits, les ex-
Inaes and tax" paid....
National bank note out
standing '. .........7.
Individual deposits subject
to i hf.k I224.0S9 7?
Demand certificate of de- .
posit DJ.091 32
Time certificate of de
posit ..... 1M.9 68
Certified th ks. . 1.000 00 477,800 62
f 50,000 00
, 10,000 00
15,122 74
12.000 00
.Tftttl ....$D4.aJ 86
i-Mftte of Orejjon, county of Clatsop, ss:
: I, J. E. Hlgffln, cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly awear
that the above statement Is true to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. E. HIGQINS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 28th day of January, 1904.
GEO. C. FULTON, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
1.00. H. George.
W'm. H. Barker,
A. Scherneckau, Directors.
Can't be pcrfeheajtlTwIthout pure
blood.. Burdock Blood Bitter makes
pure blood. Tones and Invigorates the
whole system.
Fight Will lie Hitter.
Those who will persist In closing their
ear against the continual recommend
at Ion of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will nave a long and bit
ter fight with their troublea,lf not end
ed earlier by fatal termination. Read
what T. R. Beall. of Beall, Miss., baa
to say: "Last fall my wife had every
symptom of consumption. She took
Dr. King's new discovery after every
thing else had failed. Improvement
came at once and four bottles entirely
cured her. Guaranteed by Cbaa. Rog
ers, druggist. Price 50c, and $1.00.
Trial bottle tre.
"I don't know what we should do in this world
without hoyn," Haid out' of the members of a large
btwinefHi house . "There neera to be eertain functions
which only a boy can properly perform, and if a boy
the right kind of a boy, I mean, of course is not
forthcoming, one feeln at a loss how to get these
things done at all. We have half a dozen first rate
boys connected with our establishment and I don't
know hew we could run the business smothly and
successfully, without them."
The qualities which make a boy so indispensable
to all departments of our modern life are; not hard
to distinguish or define. They are evident on all the
front of the boy's activity his frankness and hon
esty, his versatility, his abounding vitality and en
durance, his teachableness and obligingness, his good
spirits, his readiness and enthusiasm for subordinate
service. Because of these characteristic qualities
the right kind of a boy is a treasure to any employer.
His cleverness and enthusiasm alone are a perpetual
source of refreshment and help to a busy man.
'The boy who is needed is the boy whose native
moral quality has not' been impared by his wrong
thinking and wrong doing. He has honesty, obed
ience and loyalty in the glance of his eye and the in
ward feeling of his heart. ! , "
There is something distinctively winning about his
face and personality. He may be "green," inexper
ienced, awkward, at first, perhaps, but he is the kind
of boy who is needed "in the most earnest and irapor
ant affairs, because his heart and will are pure and
right. Details and methods are something which he
can learn that every employer knows. He has no
false pride. He will take hold of his simple and sub
ordinate duties and with enthusiasm that seems to
quicken the whole business with its overflow. , The
proudest and most devoted employe of a great busi
ness concern is likely to be the boy who, takes care
of the office and does the errand-running. He is glad
of the chance to serve afid, in due time, to rise.
Such is the boy who is needed everywhere in this
busy and exacting world not less in the educational
and social world, than in industrial and commercial
life. His life will be as sincere and pure as the na
tive disposition of the human heart before it" has
been seduced and corrupted. A good boy is a natural
boy and that is why we are drawn toward him and
feel the need of him and get so much personal help
out of his service and sympathy.
I'll, man (it nniK't Inn ofiam a mcrlif Aillpo
A ilv ilia ii ii juab cijlw. ww...
of Hftinn hns rrispniid it.wlf. is. "What will nfionW
say f " is not the man to do anything at all. But if he
asks. "Is it my moral duty?" he can then proceed in,
his moral panoply, and be ready to incur men's cen
sure, and even brave their ridicule. "Let us havo
faith in fine actions," says M. de la Cretelle, "and
let us reserve doubt and incredulity for bad." Par
ish Visitor. '
Conventionality is not morality.
In holding Manchuria, Russia has a Pacific ob
ject. ' ,:. ,.7 ;;y . ' ;'";t ..'
. The idler is' the only man who has no business ia
the world.
A good many political platforms seem to have
exits as well as issues. ..
Sleep knits up the raveled sieve of care, but it
doesn't sew on buttons. ?
Saying the wrong thing is misfortune ; but trying
to explain it is disaster.
Some men are born great; some achieve greatness
and some know how to carve.
The tenderest wife sometimes wonders how she
would look in a widow's weeds.
When we fail our pride supports us ; when we suc
ceed it frequently betrays us. i,
Naturally, when religion is used as a cloak it is cut
according to fashion's latest model.
Mistakes will ha ppen. In fact so many happen it
should not be necessary to make any; -
If speech were only to conceal thought some people
would los nothing by keeping mum.
If man really wants but little here below he eaa
get it by investing in trust securities.
Most of our misfortunes are more supportable than,
the comment of 'our friends upon them. : . '
Telling a woman tliat she is well preserved won't
ladd to the sweetness 'of her disposition. V '
Dignmg a aocumeni wunoni reaaing it oiien masei.
a man wish he had read it without signing. 1
If you do not think of what you are going to say
you generally say what you were not going to think
: ' .
The worst thing about dismal people who are
gloomy at the prospect of going to heaven is that they
don't go. .
' 1
naif the sting of poverty is gone when one keeps
house for one's"own comfort and not for the comment
of one's neighbors. " "
Those who lost money in speculation may console
themselves by the thought that they will lose more
if they speculate again.
Some people cannot place their whole trust in re
ligion because the contribution box does not give
trading stamps. Saturday Evening Post.
... . .s
Company Shuts Down Plate Mill
Rather Than Raise Employes
Wages. '
Union That Had Formerly Stood
by the Company Will Xot
Xow Accept Present
Chicago, Jan. 30. The South Chlcage
Steel Railway mills, which were
scheduled to open Monday morning,
will not do so. ''Instead the plate mill
ha been shut down, throwing gffo men
out of employment. '
The shut-down of the pjate mill la
said to be due to a demand' of officers
of the Machinists' Union for a confer
ence with the officials of the company
today relative to a reduction In the
waxes of the miir hlnlstn. Th machin
ists accepted the cut under protest and
a strike was threatened unless a con-'
ference was granted and the wages re
stored, lu answer the company an
nounced the closing of the plate mill.
The skilled stool workers In the rail
mill, who were formerly members of
the Amalgamated Association of steel,
iron and tin workers, and "who - were
suspended for loyalty to the company
two years ago when they refused t
strike on the order of President Shaf
fer, decided a,t their last meeting that
they would not accept the proposed re
duction. As a result the mill will not
open on Monday. "