PAGE FOUR. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1904. SENATE ADOPTS RESOLUTION ; RELATING TO CONTROVERSY Will Ask President Roosevelt If He ; Has; Furnished Congress With 1 s All Facts. Washington, Jan. 29. The senate today adopted a resolution in troduced by Culbertson which calls on the president to . state whether cr not the senate has been supplied with all the facts bearing on the con troversy with Panama, The vote on the resolution was unanimous, but there was roll call on the amendment suggested by Mr. Culloni, for the republican side of the chamber, calling for information only in case the RADIUM RADIOS RADIOS ". RADIOS Stupendous Offer Made by Well Known Phlla. Firm. RADIUS UADIOS KAIHOS Thousands of IVrsoiiH lit All Sec tions of tl Country Have Ileen Healed by This Wonderful Dis- N a oovtry. Dear Friends : Don"t read this advertisement If y lexnect to ret Nomethliur fur nothing president should consider it not incompatible with the public interest j", neyhafv0er This amendment was adopted by a vote of 39 to 20, the to supply it. republican senators voting for the amendment and the democrats, except McEnery (who voted with the republicans) casting their votes against it. There were, during the Qebate, frequent assurances that, notwith standing the modification, all the papers bearing on the" question would be sent to the senate. "" The Culberson inquiry no sooner had been disposed of than the Bacon resolution, looking to adjustment of our differences with Colom bia by arbitration, w as considered. Bacon made an extended speech in support of the proposition. . ' r Washington, Jan. 29. The house today considered whether or not members of eongress are entitled to be paid mileage the second time. The controversy arose on an item in the urgent deficiency bill, provid ing for two payments of mileage to senators and members of the house onaccount of the extra session, which merged into a regular session, The point was raised by Maddox, of Georgia, against the paynient of mileage the second time, and he was supported by Littlefield, (repub lican) of Maine. Consideration of the amendments to increase the ap propriation for the expense of district land offices precipitated a dis cussion on the subject of the alleged land grabs, in which Mondell (re publican), of "Wyoming, author of the amendment, took the principal part. sensible. If you had Romethlnic that wae worth a dollar would you alve It free? When you read an advertisement where you ret something for nothing, that a6me thlrin Is either no good or eltie they are up to some "mm nam" gome. We are not running a patent medi cine business, so rest easy on that sub ject. . We do not know the word failure never have and never will. The edu cated and higher classes are the ones we want to reach. We reach men and women in all walks of life. Men and women, who are today before the pub lic as national characters have had our contidence and the benefit of our ex perience. It is a 20th century pro duct one that will be more appreciated tne more it is triea. "Fresh from the bath and as irood a she looks." This old saying describes our clients to a T. We have a VITAL.- 1ZER not a patent medicine. It tones the system.centrullzes weaknesses of all descriptions makes an even temper ature all over the body and in fact It makes a new man and woman. Hadlos will within a few years be a part of every hospital and surgical Institution of our land. No germ can stand the force or contact witn this new discovery. Rheumatism and debilitv flee before It The miKhly force of the turbulent wat ers of Niagara are In comparison with this new product as an old fashioned UAiSDLE is to KAUIUM. One person writes: "Why did not some one discover it before?'1 Another says: "So simple it Is hardly creuiiuoiP. From the far west comes the unso llclted response: "A God-send to hu manlty." Wallcott Christie, of New York, the well-known author says: "Mv success in a great measure Is due to Radios." " Weakness of certain organs Is respon sible for all diseases. We build up your n;.., " ,1 laal a o'sease is an imposs ibility. If your digestive organs are out or order, if your blood Is Impure. If you can't sleep, eat or attend to bus iness, I will cure vnll. anil iriinrunt. tn do so. I will give you a written guar antee. Could you ask for nnvthlnr . "Washington, Jan. 29. Senator Gorman has called a caucus of the democratis senators to be held tomorrow morning. It was announced . that no general plans ewre entertained, except that a "pow-wow" over the Panama question seemed to be necessary from the democratic point of view. KAFFIRS JOIN REBELS. AND OPPOSE GERMAN SUCCESS Berlin, Jan. 29. The commander of the German gunboat Ilabicht lying at Swakpomund, German southwest Africa, cables that he has received news from Lieutenant Zuelow, in command of the German forces at Okahandja, that the Kaffirs have affected a junction with the Ilereros, who are beseiging that post. As Okahandja was alerady hard pressed the announcement has caused much concern at the colonial effice here. ? , . The following dispatch from Lieutenant Zuelow, sent by messenger from Karabib, was received here today : 'Okahandja, Jan. 20. Am holding Okahandja. Occupied it Jan uary 15 with 200 men after heavy fighting. Am waiting for guns from the Ilabicht. Ask for a division of artillery. "Weak relief corps with magazine gun from Windhoek repulsed 12th and 13th. Loss reported, eight reserves. "In order to establish connections with the rear and bring forward military transports, we attempted today with 60 men to reach Karibib k -oil ' I ujr Idil, A later dispatch, dated January 22, says: "Yesterday afternoon, near Kawatuerasane, between "Waldau and Okasiz, there was a sharp fight. A division of about 70 men strong sent forward by rail, lost four dead and three slightly wounded. "The enemy lost 20 to 23 dead. . "As the bridge was destroyed, are trying to send news for Karibib through trustworthy natives. "We can hold out for some time yet." more? RADIUM RADIUM "RADIOS." RADIUM Delight vniir frlanria ' D otnntah Vain. "Y.l8, .n,d make wonderful experiments . ",5W metai KA"UJS SUL PHIDE of Zinc aetlvltv Knnnniv mr 0,800.500. We give you this as a pres ent when you order "Radios." This alone is worth several dollars of any man or woman's mnnov. Aria th o.,,,., as X-rays. Simply wonderful. Remem Per this is a present. - RADIOS CO. 812 Drexel Building Philadelphia, Pa. Sirs: Enclosed And one dollar for which send me a treatment of "RADIOS" in a plain sealed wranner. and also one Radio Sulphide of Zinc activity If I am not entirely satisfied and If I am not cured you agree to refund the money and one dollar extra for my trouble. You are to send me ' written contract to that effect. Name Address City State A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and hit points Mat; Louts vllts, Memphis. Ntw Orleans, and nil polnti iouth. mttttmtmmsmm8mmmmmttt ' HATS TRIMMED FREE ' BIG REDUCTION SALE DURING MONTH OP JANUARY Hat, Skirts, Shirtwaists, Underwear. AH kinds of Ladies' and Children's furnishing goods. Hair switches and pompadors. Welch Block. MRS. R. INGLET0N. &tttamttmmttnfflmtfflttm:amfflwmwtt See that your ticket reads via tht Illinois Central K. R. Thoroughly mod ern trains connect with all transconti nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha, If your friends art coming wat let us know and v will Quote them direct the specially low nta now In effect from all eastern points. . Any Information at to rats, routes. etc, cheerfully given on application, B. II. TRUMBUuL. Commercial Agent. US Third otreet, Portland, Or. J. C. LINDSBT, T. F. ft P. A.. 141 Third street, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON, F. ft. P. A, BAY VIEW HOTEL, Commercial Street, Opposite O. R. & N. CO. Wharf. 1 -i ... ' COMFORTABLE ROOMS AND GOOD TABLE B.OAUD. HOME COOKING. NO CUINESE MISS E. Q LASER, Proprietress. K. J. Owens, Proprietor ASK THE) AGENT FOR THE WIGWAM CIS BROOKE, Manager VIA atfttaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaan Phone ,831 0 a a a a 0 n a a a a a a a a a a TICKETS 2 Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast ..TO.. SPOKANE, ST. PAUL. tJULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. TRAINM DAILY a a a a a a a a a n a a a a a a a a a a Baaaanattttiitmtiu ManntititiMtttiatitia Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE THL ILLUSTRATED PiCllRLS Eighth and Astor Sts. ' ' ASTORIA 2 FAST TIME For Pull Particulars, Rates, Folders, Etc, Call on or Address , W. PHALON, H. DICKSON. Trav. Pass. Art, City Ticket Agt 123 Third Street, Portland. (12 First Avenue. Seattle, Wash. A. B. C DENNISTON. O. W. P. A. It T UXORIOUS 1 HAVEL MASQUERADE Th, "Northwestern Limit!" trains, electric lighted throufhou', both inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains la the world. The embedy the litest, rewesi and btt Ideas tor comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the travelling public, and altogether are the moil complete and splendid production f the car builders' art. These splendid Tralas connect with. sees fol cables fire on ' London, Jan. 29. The Cheefo correspondent of the Daily Mail says that a foreigner who has arrived there reports that the Russian steamer Argun, upon which he was a passenger, from Nagasaki to Port Dalny, was fired at by a Japanese warship outside of Chemulpo harbor Three shots were fired across the Argun's bows, but no further attempt to stop her was made. REPLYfOF RUSSIA REPORTED TO GIVE JAPAN SATISFACTION Washington, Jan. 29. -The Associated Press has the authority of the British ambassador at St. Petersburg for the announcement that the Russian reply, which it is expected will be delivered tomorrow, is satisfactory. Although no further details are obtainable, it is assumed' that if the informaion of he ambassador is correct, Russia has made certain concessions and Great Britain will prevail upon Japan to accept them as satisfactory. Of the Sous of Herman i February 11. The annual masquerade ball of the Sons of Hermann will take place In Foard & Stokes hall on Thursday evening, February 11. . Nine handsome and durable prizes will be given this year. The committee in charge of the ball has engaged the fineet music in the city and the usual good time is assured. The prices of admission are as follows: Gent maskers Jl 00 Lady maskers GO Spectators 1 60 Children ,.' 25 Tickets can be had from any of the members. An additional prize will be given this year to one of the spec tators. Coupons will be given with ach ticket and of course the lucky one gets the prize. The Great Northern Tbe Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superioi aeommodatlon and all flaw of tick ets are available for passage ct. the trains on this line sre protected h tk Interlocking Elocs System. "As the Crow Flies" The shortest line between Minneapolis, St, Paul and Chicago is ' WW m. Third Week in Tostal Trial. Washington, Jan. 29. The third week of the postal trial closed today and the indications now are that the case will go to the j; y about the end of next week. August W. MacTien will probably take the stand Tuesday and at present the Intention Is for the other defendants to also testify, though this plan may not be carried out. NORTHERN PACIFiq Time Card ol Trains PORTLAND Leaves Arrive Puget Sound Limited. 7:25 a m f :46 p m Kansas Clty-St Louis Special 11:10 am 6:45 pm North Coast Limited 1:30 o m 7:00 a m Tacoma and Seattle Night Express .. 11:45 p ra( 1:05 pm Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym p!a direct Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas? City-St Louis Special for points on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Gray's Harbor branch. r Four trains daily between Portland. Tacoma and Seattle- - ' the route of the famous North western Limited "The Train For Comfort." every night in the year. Before itai tin on a trip no matter where write for Interesting Informa tion about comfortable traveling. H. L SISLER, General Agent 132 Third St. Portland. Oregon. T. W. TEA8DALE, General I'Mseiwr Agent, Ml Paul, Minn, STEAMER SUE H ELMORE The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and raost Seaworthy vessel ever ou this route. Best of Tablo and State Koom Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five days between Astoria and Tillamook Fare $3.50 Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and nassonger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & Co. General Agents, Astoria, Oregon OR TO A. (EL C. R. R. Co., B. C. LAMB, O. R. (EL N. Co., Portland, Ore. Tillamook, Ore Portland, Ore. New Style Restaurant Everything First Class. The Best the Market Affords. Open Day and Night. Good Service. IUViUJL These tiny Capsules are superior W Balsam OI vopaioa, CubeDs or injections ana urny riinr iNAH HOURSVnUUI, the same diseases wiuV out Inconvenience. 120 llth St.. next door to Griffin Bros. and adjoining the Office Saloon ASTORIA, OREGON (CLATERITE li Mineral Rubber) '-" r neoi.ry to U lil'L A Wia A WOIIH.ODT ItOOJf ELATE RITE ROOFING THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland