I r I s fe .i I ! SI t h i t f 1 IT ' t ':! ( k I ? ! i I i1 t A 1 PAGE TWO. Horning Astorian Elhltsh 73 f ' , it at i :s Brut by matt. I fear,-;.. .... Seal by mall, pr month.'. ...... Serred by carrier, pee month. ' ' . K KM I- W KKIY. ... 1 s " 4 1 . . lent by mall per year, 'n advance It M . ASWRIAN PI U1.1SIUNO CO. , . t ..' i 1. i . Ta. A fTMi rerttser th larget t ireulatlori of any wi,wr 'puMiahed ' "the- Columbia Xlnr, ' "VRKVEXTJON I'F DtSEASB.' M Tiu' ;.-iiHtlc i irwHlaW thoul an unexpended p- H?ily writiir4.ui' ""!J lh """f rlWtlYe inclhl of prevcntilig ai tttr. H ha been ponttlvvly M mliii J In I. -cut yvai that practtvatly aU Jlw 1 due illrwtly to our own .artfwm-. and hl nwtrly every term of dl ' Jnfwtloua. To taint tw world to proper appm-la l,oa .of the fravlty of the altuiUlon la tbe urealeet problem of the e. I amount mpproprltucd ejeh year for thl carrier In Teaare exlatlns under The uk la a tupetidou one. pre- ,,u,,ws!, voted a a bounty to pay reign of terror and financial muvr enttuR a bewildering airay of i'o'x1 ifwiKht from lrtlnd to Taooma, more ta(nty, ' ; llona that munt be -o.t alth: -Ua-tonta of long usage muat be attacked by Henthua and the people made- to rcalUe that they are dlsease-breeillng. To overcome the law of custom la the hardest of nil troblenj, and In thia critical age of the world1 extateme aur eminent avIentUU r confronted with the nwat dlfftcult situation which evef In the natural course of events arisen. . Primarily the caua of diaeaa I due to the carries habit of the people. For rentxrrie men have expectorated pan the street, for instance, with im thought of the terrible danger arising from the carele lblt. Of fate year It ha been determined that (hi one filthy habit, whkh would not be practiced by a well-bred man. ba communicated much of the contagion diseaae. Neglect of sinks In the kitch en of our honte. Improper disposal C garbage, lack of sanitation, etc. all wntrlcW to the Inareaslng slcknea. Just at the present time the city of New York I wrestling with the pneu- j monla problem. Speclatis are striving to determine the reason for the ap- polling number of fativl case, and find j iwni n the way of a community- pro- j g),r public electrically. It I 'uncertain a they progress in their work that it ureas. ,-'t u consider for a moment whether such road ran be economical is due to mtnv condition which hive uho local sltuatbw. Portland. Tam Jy profitable. The experlimmt will be not heretofore lmprewaed the ople n 'and Seattle are on the same basis so jtintBUed vkitb, nwssr- prcautlon. dancr:iis. A correspondent of N w York Tribune contributes au In- tneatlng artb'le In this respecf. - We cmiiplairi that the elevateil railway f tlie metropolis are laixely to blame for the ptHunonuk epldviui. . He re. ' w'-Mis . in-: iTui:sel as to k'Vi jawnuiTs w.iit Ii k in the oie(i nir for i.'er:il min i'.s, ui.-t .M th.it mu.ii of th dt. m itovbtlcs due to tmuf-oi'ee t h t urn nice mem to the cars. ,Thu- si mLs of jiriK.B Pod tfB-ery 'o r.y boat. vyin-m, nu crra.-. ; ftlCATEJt Bl'llPINQ RF.lEASEfA the-!.- t.a.i t nbiht nd H Ifhat will giv the vnalueiSan eieu f j j.hti ag atm) JITlie 1whiUoI tbt Wiern are subjected to the ,l.uiK .break. !aU.r bulfdlng I now In the hands of Arising from exsure to ih- cold niW I The lislw ndieht, with e-jual fast- j (u owier,. rontg- traeg.T has m ir. have argued that the twrntWJt j U(U.(, h, j. rtUnt toValfV Thl is only an Instance of the many is doing wrong la appropriating money M.vmt.n OB gunr,i ttt Vhe building. eu.ws to w hl. h the vread of J tiMis disease ate uttributed. but It I j SWli. ient to Khowr that our entire social ; system nei-ds revision if i f nv to le- some healthful. The muni, ipal su fhormes of the vaiion cilies or the iu!iir- have ten brought to ralia t'on of the f.nt that rigid health laws guist t enaclctf ana Iirnuy en - ( Our law wage tt neieasary for oive j jserw..n to rxpect the lights and lltr- j tit of another, but the necessity of I u.h law files; Into liisigitiflctiv -e j hen coMipare.1 with the nei'd for laws that w ill co'fiel e iron to rejie. t ' the health of others; Te. man who strikes another, or 'tob his h.ntse Is subject to the oiwiation of the criminal laws. -et the man who neglect the aeailh regylalions. thereby ti,langer ing the lives of scores of irsoas. is seldom if evi-r puntstieil, for the rea son that we are as ytt too Ignorant to appreciate that our health Is worth protecting. , . i . Home day there w 111 be little or no 4;;a!te in this woilL or at least In the wirt Intelligent portion of It. The health problem with which we now .re wrestling will then have been nolved-mhlch is to way the people will have become mifl.cientVy fiitelllgent to observe the precautions ne-essary to sound lHiy and mind. Education is the solution which wlllbe applied to the great tuxblem. We are now tak ing eur flrat lesson, and it is to be exreifed the service of th police will U essential to our advam-emenl, Just th.Jftwltc mum t apnWd tu, the w(retry youth who reMa at lh reg ulation: iiiiMvt ly hi teacher, ' HAHNon iMrnovENqENT. - , No river mill harbor Mil wlil . U pa.d by till conni-v, but Senator Mitchell "and Pulton, of Oregon, fltvl that th Columbia rler can prubafoly till be kept open. There I an un espemled bnlnnoe of H.SHWO fur the- lr ui It mouth, in luw.iwo to kfi) tJW rlx-r ofn from IVrllmwl to th jw.ono for thU juiimw, but th wor 4nnnu-nt tut ilt UovmI .to I r 00,000, bet'nu no mu- thttn that couM be Xemkil In one yrar, aid btn-auiw that turn ouxht to !Hrv amu rlvr uh harbor bill voulj provUW wnn-tliloft mora 'llbwat. "'tu aiVUiK5 la hl, IUi.Wl hojtl. fi vfo drlirliic, thouth tht .'iiaton aiv not nuru thy can Rt tht Into th numlrjr civil bill. Auot ht-r $100,000, for Improvumjutu M.t The tVtll. th enaWra1 hop ! l prourlatloq of $J0rt.o atan.la In their way, 'and maKin the i.roa.HVl rather dtruVn.irin. It l cootlnit a pretty rtnur to drft th Intention of nature to far aa to nwke the Columbia river nnvlftable for ac-oln veswla aa far us Vortland. ' U will continue lo b fetly while the world atamK If cH- ifreM wrmlta It, If one-half the would be accim.llled y It for alt i coitrertted, except the unfortunately UwateJ city of Portland. Taconw Llgr. Thl I far-fetched knocking and un- wortny oi me iniaer, wm.n nj ually b.-en rational m dealing wun river and harbor lmpronwn mat ter. It la not plain that Portland 1 unfortunately located. The Oregon ImetnuxJlla I located 120 mllea from th ya ihere I a 2J-foot chan- nel leading to It. and in the past it has. through railroad combinations, been enabled to handle export on a targe scale. The city ha expended million of dollars on the Inland channel, which 1 more than Tacoma or Seattle ha ever don for Itself. Th people of Portland are entitled to consideration at the hand of congress, and It I poor policy for m nearby city to under take to knock n expected appropria tion. We desire at thl time to call espe cial attcnttou to the fact that It 1 the amy of the government to defeat th ! intention of nature whenever and ' wherever nature ha placed nn Impedt- far as exjHirts are concerned, inrousn ja railway omblnatlon, the trixhicer. . some hundreds of thousands of desen'- lug peoil. me beins? held up by the ;. arr1r for mu h rates a the t ombtna-. :tt -s tit to exact." The iep1 have ! .ir.'.,f;:'v ','.',""t M" : -1iu.it i..u. rhy r.tt VT Wly ffl -r -, In lh" h-ld. At this jmn iuie I si- J!D "ten in to suy ne win fiuw p- WaMstaCf 'to be so Imptoved thai tile I ...... . f. lor improvcneni ot tne . mumina river , bar. The mouth of the Columbia has already cost the government about , four millions of dollars, and hair niu h ,ia:iln will probably be neces sary to completion of the work under taken there. Astoria Is a city of but II, 00 or 14.000 people, ai.d It mlKht jU j said the eovernim nl bas b n tmusuaJ- 1 I You can save money by seeing Robinson Furniture Store I H . DESKS. COUCHES, CENTER H TABLES AND ROCKERS 5 - . r i a H Be Sore and See Them Before Buying Elsewhere , w; Prices Are Right ASTORIA IRON WORKS . JOHN FX, Pr.ji upL a. UJlix! Xe Presd.t. r. UPIillp,fitT.aiT . A.ri)HIA f WISt.SBAKK, Trtws Designers and Manufacturers of V. THKJJtTtJI IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. . CORRESPONDENCE SOUOTED. , Foot o( Tourth Street, . . . - . ASTtKIA, OUEiON. ASTORU, OREGON, THUIISDAT, JANUAIir 28 1901. f knif It. Mowtwr, linprviiint of tly fckr la no nira a boon to A totla than lo tha itllra noit1al. Pfn-n wtr will affwt vry i-oio-munity In th tlumbla bnxln and tr- vlJ th ffvornnifiit with a Una, frvh. wniVr-port, at which lh lnnfl hl( ailoat limy cull, anil th utllln.iilon uf which will kIv ,rnwsl Imiwiim to wry Una of trail. ' It in Jiwt aa rtimlil for tha fov vrniuant to tmprov'' rtvera and h:U' bora na It I for tht votrly wnrr to Wp hla bullilliiK In Kixvl ivmli--l)ily matter of bnnlnea. k The dmg auit Induatry for which Texaa hna long . bean Infitmoua allll I nouiiahea, lo the prufit of rapttcloua luwyera and conmlcnoclcua claimant, but to the taatlns Injury of the atain, anya the Hallway Ace. Kkvtrle aa well aa ateaiQ mil way nra meat for tltene , hurplea-aa, for example, the lloualon Klectrlc Company, uxaliut whW giw rarnlnic of 4)0,WM tHinoiml Injury milt for more tlwri t ,000,009 were ttto.l last year. Since Jnnunry I other autta have bwn atitrted clitimlng over $1U"V. 000, and at the preaent rale thla claaa of clolma la likely, by the end of 1901, to euual the entire t.e ot me com- pany's property and franvhlaea. Aa It I In the power and sometime the diapoaltlon of Jurlea, under the Influ ence of peculatlve ahyntera, to glye verdict for the full amount of uch claims, however outrageou. all public enmmj,oner Wai-e Ima decl.led that. )ts a m&tr Wh, Is lmprlaonMt for Hf 1 1, already being cared for by the gov- ;erniw,nt he',, not entlthNl to hi pe- itj0rl . If Japan ami Russia are a long lu fighting as they are 'in preparing for war, the conflict will last a long time. In order to please the entire party the democratic candidate must have voted for and against Hryan. Th Parisian are very fond of horse. They ate J0.000 ofthem laaf" ..' I .' '-;.V' RAPID TRANSIT DISCUSSED. Derlln, Jan. 37 .Before the budget committee of the Prusaion diet. Min ister of Public Work Pudde, dlcu Ing the recent electrical rapid tranalt experiment said yeterday: "Th ! tudle nr still In their preliminary W cannot undertake the j,tgwi. ' transportation of the general pnssen- ORDER INJUNCTIONS WiTHtRAw'N. Waterbury, Conn.. Jan. IT. Atlirt- ) (1(y, A w Page, general counsel for '1f,plfft tlf'trf atrwny UabtUg, ,.11lv ft,, or.l-trd UiU I tl"' Uli'Wi- W.ohnufi t- 'Hon pmteedlng if't", HKium the 1-il.or union of Hit city , ii wf$,rV! j fH VMJ'fj tttifVy frtte gfi.fxw's net last T-lt- ruary. noltfled the att.tH-i S for ! Powers and tavis that he no longer o ,he ,tru,.lllr,. i Te Cur a Cold in On Day. f Tak laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ! .11 1eii9f.fa rfnnA th rnonv If U fall to cur. B. W. Grove's lf- nature te on box. ?o. tf ... . it I i 1 1 c i ; i I II Ml l f i V V l A Now Mnde to Runnlv 1 KVV a Dcmand-5C i rices I have but feT sell lower than the See These Prices $15.00 $10.00 615.50 $12.50 Overcoats ' Suits Young Men's Suits $ 7.25 $7.50 eM,,5,5o. $5.00 Boy's Suits for $3 to $ 3.75 $ 2.00 Shoes, Hats, Underwear and all Furnishing Goods marked down to the last notch. & j& j& '"V. Chattel 1 , ', ? 's,J , CORNER FIFTEENTH AND Dr. T. L. Ball D E N T ' I T Sit Commercial street. Astoria Or. Dr. Oswald H. BecKman PHYSICIAN AND SUHOEON Kinney Buildinf. Plione Ko HI I Ome hour 19 A. at. U13 M., Ital f M ll' M-.toSV. M. Suiiilay 1 lo 1 1' M V. C. Logan UKNTIST ' 571 Cammcrcial Street Shiruhtn Buildinj JAY TITTLE, D Xctiag AisUt Surgeon V. f-. Mnrine ticf pilal beryu-a. OITice hour: 10 to 12 A. M, 1 lo 4 :) P. M 47 Cotuuierial Slreet, 2nd l oor. OSTE O PA THY DR. RH0DA CHICKS MsnseU Bldg, Fhcm BUck VA S71 Conuntrctal SL Astoria Ore C. J. Trenchard Issursnce, Commission and Shipping Agent Wells, Fsrgo snd Pacific Express Com pan lea Custom How Broke. ; - 1 Clcrar fl TalK expenses and can lowest. & now only M I $10.90 $ 6.90 $10.90 9 8.90 Larson .......... COMMERCIAL STREETS tiVf. Barr-Dentist "Msnwlt PuilJitig " ' -573 Cotninenial S'tr.1, Astoria, Ore TK1.KPIIOXK KK1 SWI. PRAEL & COOK rRAN5!:fc .COMHANV. S; ' Telepftoa ta. D RAYING AND EXPRESSING All (ixk! ahlpped to eur ear Will reow. spoll sif.stion. No S38 Uuao Bt. W. X COOK, XI fr RELIANCU .. HIectrical Works 428 BONO T. We as thorouftht preparvd for " niskloj esUmate sjid rtectitlng oiM.rs for all kinds of tlertrleal Installing and Repairing Supoli. In stock. W sn! th celebratJ ffHEXBT LAMP. Call up Phone UCL It W. CYKUH, . Mr Tlsn'l afo to be a ij- without Kleci WOJ In the house. Never can tell ahat moment an aovldent 1 going' to happen. ' ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA V' I RIVER RAILROAD LKAVlS I PORTLAND ARRIVE i uo k'mT Portland Union l)a'- 11:10 i m T;(W p nil pot for Astoria and l;o t m i, , v . AIITOW a""tt "r 7 i5aml ror Portland andlltiMsni ;10 9 m Wj Pomu j 10.10 p in KAU)KtnVH10Nk) 111 a ml Astoria for WrB- T.ttAm ll.S&snij tun, rtaval Kort! 4 00 pit) p m Htsveos, iUinitiondj10:t n 1 land UuiU ItUantj siJOaloi Haaatda. for War.1 u tQ p , j rantuii. riavl, TiMpm 1:30 P ml llanimond, rorl) t;Ma4n 8tv.n A Aatort .. ........ BunJay only All train mak do oonnwtlon Oobla witu all Northern PMfld lrlin to and from th Kast and Hound point, . 1. C. Mayo, ' 0nrl rrvtghi and Psaa. AgvtUf tlie Scenic f Line TO TH10 EAST AND HOUTIL Tt. ll li f sla ! W I .lulll. Offel tlie (,'ln' f Thre ttoillrt TlHOiIgh the ; Piinou Hiwkf Mou tuln frenery, and Kiv Distlntt Itoul- Kast and $ou(h of Denver 3-FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 vtwtn Ogdrn nl twiner, Carryin All t'li. of M'.xlcin (equipment, P rft W.ilnir Car Heivlr and Pr. i-oiialiy Cundurtrd Tourist E curslon to All Point Kast " StOP OVERS ALLOWED On All Cla of Ttrkvta, Pit Information or lllustrauj liter. t,rr tall on or address W. 0. M -ltRltR. - General Agent lit Third Ht. Portland. Or. This Cap Label Is a guarantea of tho purity ana flchncw of our Economy Brand Evaporated Cream " We offer $5,000 reward to anyone able to prove adulteration of our product Where do you get shaved now? On the face, of course. I What for? 1 15c. . Where? " At the Occident Barber Shop THE BOSS T0NS0RAI ARTISTS ! lolm Fuhrmani . W. Morton. Central Meat Alarkct s 542 COMME!?CIAUST. Tour i! fIir FRKSH A K I) SALT III tv pr,,mt,tiv snd St!: '.ortl- Sl,u,tp 10 Ti'lVti.iis Nn. E w,V,f nil " .ln H,rm ?.AT."i.'.'::j,.-."ft 'sS " tin 'i,..it .-:ii' vxrrx it I i t a.tA- C .