The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 27, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    AStORIA, OBEdbN, WEDNESDAY, aWaKY 27, iOoi!-
Government ,Tu$ No Engaged
in Taking Soundings on CoK
umbia River Bar.
Pilot Arc Satisfied Survey Will
Bear Them Out In State
ment That Channel
Is Deepened.
The iorrnjneftt,. tut George H.
Mendell has commenced the work of
taking soundings on the Columbia,
river bar. la accordance with instruct
tiona recently Issued r Major Lan-.
fltt, U. 8. E. Ths work wUl require,
aeveral days' time, as it Is the lnn
tlon to determine tht ' depth at all
points on tits bar.
The resurrey-was ordered by Major
Langfltt because ot the claim made
that he bar drdf Chinook has, In
the short time- shs has been able to
work at the mouth of the river, pro
vided Increased depth in the south
channel of fuliy two feet There is
two feet more-water there than for
merly, and by officers of the dredge
and bar pilots the Increase Is attrttmt.
ed to the dredging operations of the
big government vessel
- In tb Wow has spent about
five working days on tbe bar, because of
unfavorable weather conditions. If shs
has accomplished the results attributed
to her. the engineer department wants
to know about it Immediately, so that
other vessels of ber class can be pro
vided for ror. thls reason the sur
vey has been ordered, snd the' result
of the eoundlngs will be awaited with
much interest.
' There Is not the slightest question
that the bar has deepened two feet or
more, for the pilots, who visit the
mouth 'Of he river every day, keep
close fob oaj conditions there, espe
cially with "reference to the depth.
They are a unit in agreeing that the
Chinook has deepened the bar, and are
satisfied the soundings of the Mendell
will bear out their statement.
- A few days ago the statement was
made that the Chinook was to be or
dered south to the Mare island navy
yard for the purpose of receiving al
terations to her dredging apparatus.
The, report came from San Francisco
and was promptly denied by Major
Langtltt. - It was stated at the time
that the Chinook's boilers would be
repaired If she went south, but this
statement was likewise pronounced er
roneous ;byMajor Langfltt. However,
it has been said by members of the
crew of the dredge that her boilers are
In need of repair, and some of the re
cent agitators, who complained be
cause of their differences with Cap
tain Dunbar, have said the dredge
would be unable to do good work un
less repairs were made. Major Lang
fltt says there is but one boiler on the
vessel which is not fit for service, and
; that the dredge can be operated sue-
ressfully with the remaining seven- :
Captain Richardson ' will leave out
i this morning with the U. S. 8. Colum
; bine for WDUtpa bay, where the tender
' is to, do some work on the bar. Cap
tain Richardson went down to the
: mouth of the river yesterday, but re
turned to his dock because of the thick
fog which hung over the ocean and
the heavy swell that was on at the
time. ' Tbe Columbine Is to replace
several buoys at Wlllapa bay, and
calm weather Is essential for work of
this sort. , If Captain Richardson Is
lucky he will finish at Wlllapa in one
day, but If the weather does not turn
off fine he will be away over night.
The buoys are aboard the tender.
Only three grain cargoes have been
cleared from this port since the first
of the year. The vessels clearing
were the big bark Andorhlna, the
Chrystel and the East African. The
I Chrystel got away shortly after New
Tear's day, but the other vessels are
r,tlll In the harbor. The grain cargoes
sent away are as follows:
Wheat . ., Bushels. t Value.
Andorhlna.. ....... U6l $142,818
East African ....... 10.96 1WI
Chrystel .. .. . .... U3 I"09
. Totals ...
Chrystel r.
.301,383 3231,495
Sacka Value.
. 43.280 I IMM
" Two lumber cargoes were cleared
I yesterday at the local customs house,
; they day's shipments exceeding 1,000,
00 feet One of tho vessels, to clear
was the bark Haydn Brown, the man
ifest of which was misplaced and not
filed until yesterday. She took on her
cargo at West port and gees., to San
Pedro,, The other vessel to clear was
the four .masted schooner Henry Wil
son, bound for San Francisco.' Xhe
shipments were as follow-. ,
, Haydn Brown . 557.0OO
Henry'wilsonf.. B5M00
New York. Jan. M. Under the lat
est ruling of the board ot the United
States general appraisers, coal which
arrived at ports In this country previ
ous to January 15. 1904, even though;
It was not unloaded until a subsequent
date, Is not entitled to free entry under,
the act for rebate ot duties on coal
signed on that date. This decision
has been handed down in an opinion
written by Judge Somervllle overruling
a protest ot Bunker A Co. of San
Francisco, who received a vessel con
taining roal at San Francisco Decern-
ber IT. MO.
The steamers Fulton and Aberdeen !
tre due today from San Francisco. ,
The steamer Sue H. Elmore arrived
yesterday morning from Tillamook and
Neh&lem, with a full' freight list and
a number of passengers.
The gasoline schooner Delia Is re
ported to be ashore at the point where
the Gerald C. was stranded. It Is ex
pected the Delia will be floated.
A very heavy fog settled over tho
river yesterday and there was abso
lutely nothing doing along the water
front, except that the schooner Henry
Wilson arrived down. She is anchored
off the O. R. N. wharf.
The steamer Charles Nelson, which
was recently wrecked while on her way
from Astoria to San franclrfco, is dye
here tomorrow. She Is still In charge
of Captain Qunderson. The Nelson
will load lumber at West port.
Not Specified but so Implied by
Verdict Rendered at Coro
ners Inquest
None of tbe Accused Will Talk
for Publication Present
Grand .Jury May
Hear Charges.
Chicago, Jan. 16. Although the
coroner's jury which has Just rendered
a verdict In connection with the Iro
quois .theater disaster did not make
any specific charge against the per
sons held, the Implied charge Is homi
cide, as each was held to be respon
sible in a measure for the death of
the Iroquois victims and the coroner
had no authority to fix a bond. If ar
rested, the defendants must remain In
jail until released on bonds fixed by
some court. , " f
There Is a possibility that the' pres
ent grand Jury will hear the charges.
Two days' time is estimated to be all
that will be reqquired to present the
matter to the grand jury, and the
present grand jury has five days of Its
session left and It may find time to
dispose of the matter. Owing to the
great amount of clerical work involved
the mlttlml were not completed until
today. ,
Mayor Harrison and Fire Chief
Musham refused to be seen when called
on after the verdict of tbe Jury had
been handed in. The mayor sent word
that his son was sick and he himself
had a sore throat and that he would
say nothing until he arrived at his of
fice. Chief Musham bad left word, It
was said, at his home, that he was not
to be disturbed. ,
"I will say nothing," replied Build
ing Commissioner Williams to ques
tions put to him.
"Tou will defend yourself , In the
courta If the matter Is carried to
trlair he was asked.
"Tea of course, as any' man would.
But I can not talk."
Harry J. Powers was surprised that
the Jury had completed Its findings so
' Will J. Davis declined to come to
the door of his residence to discuss the
verdict. .
Bristol, R. I., Jan. 2. An automo
bile boat for the German emperor, de
signed by Charles F. Herreshoff, will
be built by a company here. Several
boats now under construction have
been examined by the designer, '
First -class meal tor 15o; nice cake,
coffee pie or doughnuts. So. V. 8. res
taurant, ttt Bond street. tf.
Mm. Dupont'a skin food has world
wide reputation. Sold only at Owl
and Eagle drug stores, 15 cants a box,
They sent some out WhatT Why,
tho bristles In the tooth brushes at
Frank Hart's Drug Store. Ho has a
big supply at all prices. Call and see.
The Morning Astorian wUl be found
for sale at Griffin's book store and at
Scully's cigar store, corner Eleventh
and Commercial streets.
Wood. Wood. Wood.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prices, Kelly,
the transfer man. 'Phono Mil Black.
Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house.
New stock of fancy goods Just arriv
ed at Yokohama Basaar. Call and see
the latest novelties from Japan.
For rent, furnished or unfurnished
two large, clean rooms for housekeep
ing; water In kitchen. Over Peter
son at Brown's shoe store.
Upper Astoria has a place where you ,
can get a fine glass of beer, aa good
wines and liquors as you can find any
place la the city.
tt Opposite Kopp'o Brewery.
Piano Tuner.
For good, reliable piano work see
vour local tuner, Th. Fredrickson.
1071 Bond street. 'Phone Red 1074.
Monarch over patai. Burns, cuts
sprains, stings. Instant relief. Dr
Thomas' Electric Oil. At any drug
store. '
The Boston Restaurant
Best and Neatest Eating Koose In Astoria
Try Oor 2 5-Cent Dinners
Prompt Attention High Class Chef
a n a a
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest
Wholesale and Retail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short uotice.
A First Class Concert Hall
Seventh and Astor Streets
VY 11 11 1C11
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, '
Farmers and Loggers. . , .
a. v. allen,
Tenth sad Commercial Streets ASTORIA, OREGON
LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Somebody has what you want, or wanti what
ell. Here, ii where want and wanted come together. ADVERTISE.
Electrical fixtures.
Electrical wiring.
Electrical supplies.
Oas mantels guaranteed.
431 Commercial street. ,
M. P. Nardesty Electrical Centraetor
Tou will always and tht best Uc
meal In the city at the Rising Bun res
taurant. No. Ill Commercial street.
temsthlng Qeod. .
Toke Point and Shoal water bay
oysters at the Imperial chop house.
Try our coffee. It la unexcelled.
8. M. QALLAQHER, Manager.
Strangers in town often speak of th
beautiful complexion of Astoria girls
and lay it to the climate, which Is par
tlally the reason, as they most all use
Hart's Toilet Cream' to prevsnt rough
ness of ths skin, chapped hands or
llpa For sale only at Hart's drug
If It Is In season you wUl find It at
Its best at the celsbratsd Toke Point
oyster house on Eleventh street. Fish,
game, shell-fish, choicest meats, pastry
coffee, etc., etc, served to tho queen's
tasto. 8pecial accommodations for
parties. Open all night. Don't mist
the place, Eleventh street, seal Bond.
A Popular telenet.
Plumbing looks sasy, "but no part
of a house la more Important to health
and comfort than the plumbing. We
are prepared to do an work In this
lino In tho most scientific and satis
factory manner. We keep the latest
Improved fittings always In stock for
new or repair work. Ad kinds of
tinning, heating and steam-fitting.
Thone lOSt 425 Bond stret JOHN
Finest Resort In The City
A O Beer.
nUhed when necessary; position psr
mantnt. Addrsss The Columbia, 130
Monon-jBulldlng, .CfeteagV IU.
Wsleome as (sunshine '
after long storm ia a feeling f relief
whu aa obaUnata, pltUsss cold baa
been driven awsy by Allen's Luna
nalsam. Only people who have been
cured of throat-ache and aoi-o lungs by
this remedy can quite realise what the
feeling ia. There la no opium In the
Balsam: tta good effect la raHcal and
lasting. .Take a bottle home today.
tuslnsss Proposition.
If you are going east a earful select
Ion of your route la essential to tht en
joyment of your trip. If It ia a busi
ness tfTp time la tht mala consider
alons If a pleasure trip, scenery and
the conveniences and comforts of a
modern railroad.
Why not combine all by using the
Illinois Central, tht up-to-date road,
running two trains dally from St. Paul
And allnneapalla, and trom OmahSj to
Chlruso. Free reclining chair cars, the
famous buffet llbnry smoking cars, all
trains In short thoroughly
modern throughout. All tickets read
ins Via the Illinois Central will be hon
ored on these trains and no extra fare
Our rates art tht aamt as those ot
Interior roads why not get your
money's worth t .
Write for full particulars.
B. 11. TnUMBULL, Commercial Act,
Portland, Ore.
J. C. L1ND6BT.T. F. A P.
Portland, Ore.
P.U'L D. THOMPSON, F. ft. P. A..
Seattle, Wash.
Tht Lee tleetrlt Insslee, which are
sold by the Owl drug store exclusive
ly and under gWnle for euro, are
not previously charged with electricity,
We Gan Please You
Save You ?Money
4!v us your order for any kind of
frlnU(t;( pUln tr artistic, business
or personal. ' We guarantee aatlsfaw
: U. ..
Best workmanship.
Meet reasonable artoss.
. Two llnotypt machines enable u to
print briefs and other book work on
ttiert notice.
Newspaper composition a specialty.
Write for Terms. .
Astorian Publishing Co.
To Eat Well, . r;
" SleePWoll,rH;fAr;r
And Work Well.
eeehanVs Fills
You wilt tat 'woll, . '.-?, 5 ' i
' ""U"1: 5 " 'T14' A'" We eeohsm's Pills ftmon as
, IteetoMMSteSMHhyMieMtanUfaarttoa. eass, sssiMMrs
You vtltlSlantt wottf . v
BIOACBI soham's Pills tU la imtMlaaef ft Mvtom Inua. wUl. to Ik
, som m ooonam's Pills wui eairtir tsssM fstiMatsf Mm. ?
' i- ' . it .. ... .
You win wot won.
BKCAUSI seohsm's Pills brtss sbnt
o SHnMh. inf, a uu, i.nrru,
fold everywhere la Coxet, to cents mid S3 ceniz.
you have to
but accomplish their wonderful curse
by the natural current generated by
tht told fluids of the body, acting
tho positive and negatWt poles of th
battery formed by the slno plate In
ont heel snd ths copper plats In jtht
other. See them In the window. Ask
for a descriptive booklet telling of tht
marvelous " cures of rheumatism.
bswiiioBa nnmnm.
We sell, rent, and repair all makes of
typewriters. Write for new catalogue
of New Dentmort, , t .
Huxley, Ryan ft Co.,
It Fourth Street Portland. Or.
Laughing Water, Bedells, Pretty
Little Dinah Jones, Just Kiss Yourteif
Goodbye, Oh, Didn't lie Ramble, and
100 other popular song, with music,
postpaid for 10c Address, ' Albert
Brooke, 1 Madison Avenue, NY T.
: It you want your money's worts?
, Ring 'Phone 1IU.
Wherlty, Rslsten ft Company, th
leading and reliable shoe dealwrs, have
Jtist received direct from the factory,
a 'complete Hue of up-to-date ICdwln
Ctapp's and !wi A. Croseett's shoes
for men. These shoos are noted for
their style, finish and ilurlhllity, ' De
not fall to call and examine them be
fore purchasing elehere.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice Is hereby given that tht un
dersigned doing business under the
firm name of Xinkslla ft Company,,
proprietors of tbe New Style restaur
ant, have this day, by mutual consent,
dissolved partnership, John XbkeH
continuing In tht business. . All out
standing accounts will be collected by
the new firm, who will pay all obliga
tions. ., ,., s, ;
; r 1 john uAruacv
'' John itlnkcll.
Um trapw uHanMlM 1 ttw td ..f .
u ti, ZmJSXZI