UW6nU; 60raC3I)AfJANAIY 27, 1904! ... ? V;'.;, iff U l , i i.' i ' IT IS ;MANUPACTIJRED AT HOME E3 As a business proposition, it pays to trade at home, conditions . being equal as to the value offered but when you can get a better article at home on as good terms there is an added reason for patronizing the home Institution. Do You Drink Beer? If you do, then why not drink the best? Beer b not a necessity, but a luxury, and if you must have a luxury of that kind, then get an article that b absolutely pure, and which b nude at home by is 'ft ft i t! n V . U ' 1 tj rt r.!1 -4 i The North it it r h a Pacific Brewin Gorhpa hv; rPhone:21.i .Sim i f r; sjanBariaiasa , iff i v" Uhon you orrlvo, V you arb thbro. The Rock Island System ha in enormous advantage over other western railroads in the fact that its Chicago terminalthe La Salle Street Station is the only railroad station on the Llevated loop. .,..,. ItahsstWiadw Wattcf Chir-tps nijr t Uock from ths i4 tl Tnto twe Mocks fnm tlx Pest OflUai kUa - , jgj AetnM ef the priactpl TIM trtlat ef tB CWuft'i UK4 SMfCaCI SiSt iH pM u4 lake ctisaJy ana to $ns eve, , M nf frt of is dy. I . Terse iwm East vis DasnrOraaha a4 St Paul. I.IOOMUMI, i 140 TMrtf ptrt r T II. i S 'SSB I COLUMBIA THEATRE Opens in OM Liberty llall, Corner Seventh and Bond Streets , rionday Evening, January nth. Hlih Class Vaudeville TUREE.IIODRS OF flN Hart dX Hart SIMS ! Comedy Sketch Artist-J. Celolrotod Tramp Cartoonist ' Hildebremd Hays Ol'.WInchel. . World's Cimmj'ion Hand Novelty Sketch Artibts and Dalnneersnd Equilibrist. RHg-Time Piano Plnycrs. ADMISSION 10. 20 and 30 CENTS. kml Concert ftfoJ rcrforroanceBeginii 8:13 Every Evening. AUSTRALIA!! GOAL Best for 5team Best for Ranges Best for Heaters Tho most economical and satisfactory ' Fuel for any, purpose. : An Quantity at Any Time on short notice. Free Delivery in the City. ELMORE & Phone 1961. 9th and Commercial Streets GO Syi thu up-to-date traveler to the UU bojr who answer fait Imperative mmmomi "I know of no maU-uiwi hotel accessory that means more for the satisfaction of Its guests than the Soap provided (or thna. , Yoa always provide fUSlCJU Ltkt Soap. That's just It should be." The refined smoothness and ciqulslte fragrance of Mfdlccl Lake 5Mp. added, to it ueossparablo tVeahcaiaf, clean sin;, usootheaing qaalities axe the reason why all comfort -deal ring travelers, fine dab . bouses, first-class hotels tad home-like Homes are giving it the naalstakable endorsement of exclusive toilette use. Of delicate, purely natural com position with generous prepon derance of i"todlcal Lake Crystals the evaporation formed concentration of rUdkal Laka, Wafhlaj- toa, with Its wealth of byjenio power, nodical Laka 5oap Is tba 5aapparM celkaca for travel by rail or water. ; It It admirable for tba complexion and II I strong and pleasant antiseptic, ' and will be found of great value in all cases of Ecxama, Sunburn, Prickly Heat, and all 5kia IrrlUtlons. All firstlau drecgits sell Medical Laka Soap. -23c.acka. MEDICAL- LAKB OINTMEN T j TrtB WAL SKIN POOB ' ; 2lc a hot at drugglsU. Medical Lake Salts Mfg. Co., Sola Mfrs. Hew Vora a4 Stotaae, Waall. L Bledloal Laka SaJU Ufa. Co Hookana. Wash. . Dear Blra After aufterlna for two years from chronic diarrhoea, and four different physicians bavin failed to ivt me relief, I was Induced to leave my Nebraska farm and come to Medical Lake, remaining at Mile alasa for a couple of days and taking bat ha in the wonderful water. I started eaat to sell my farm and get my family. Before going; however, I bought a pound package of Medical Laka alts, and, disi eolvlng them In water, I drank freely "of U. In two weeks' time I waa restored from a nearly dead con dition to perfect health and have so remained. I would not be without Medical Lake salts If they eoat 110 a pound. K. C.OIEdSELMANN. Medical Lake. Wash. ' ' . For sale m Astoria by Frank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial, ! ' the Ceaa Drug Coapaay T'Jtlh ana CommerciaJ and CnarUs Roiers, Odd rersow1! building &. ., ... ,1i. ajjtfj SHS IlIIIB OF BAD - ' ! .. OLD SORES, ULCERS, AD80E88E8 Tke Wat arideac of a bad condition of the blood and nahealtkr state el fhs systam, la an old festering ton, running ulcer, or abscess. They abow tba bodilY imparities art not pesiing out thronzh the proper channels, bat are left In the system to doc sad poison tba blood.' So thoroughly does the polaoa permeate the system that every little scratch, cut or bruise inflames and festers. Bverythingr about an old sore or ulcer auggesU disease. iaey aoeci ue f eneru aeaiu, uey rxox OAxroTTin uiQTOAxrsxa AIOXXDSOBX. Xew Castle, a., July 8S, 1B08. fare years are a cetnmoa noil a pearedoa the eauetmy limb. Votyleldi inato simple homoiaidtM.IeOBaulte4 lOalUAA. flax at, appowdiy. By aomo fearful miatak. I waa glvsa corrosive lublL require constant attention, and art a source of anxiety and trouble all the time, ana la tome cases nigniyonen sto. There is danger, too, of these places becomiaf cancerous if not treated promptly and in the right way. washes, salves and ointments are g-eod for external use, but they cast stop the discharge or change the condition of the blood, and for this reason the sort never heals per saanently.' Not until the blood Is purged of impurities and the system cleansed of all harmful aubstances should the ulcer heal, or the effect upon the sys tern uight proTt disastrous. 8.S.S. goes into the circulation and searches put and removes the csuse of the bid sort and invigorates and builds up the polluted, sluggish blood again, and as the poisonous matter Is driven from the system the sore begins to heal, new flesh forms and the place is soon covered over with fresh akin and the sore is gone for all time. Where the constitution la debilitated from Jthe effects of chronic sores, ulcers, abscesses, carbuncles, j i boils or other severe skin eruptions, 8. S. 8. will build it ttp again and stimulate and strengthen all parts of the system. S. S. 8. contains no strong minerals, but is guaran teed entirely vegetable. It is unequaled as a Blood Purifier and invigorating tonic. Do not depend upon local remedies alone. Get vour blood right and as it forces out the poison the sore must heal, because nothing ia left in the system for It to feed upon. Write us should you desire medical advice, which is given without charge. ' 175 SWIFT SPEGtffQ CO., ATLANTA, GA a pnymtolaa, who pr.aerth.4 a poulti mate, and after fcavUar It oa tor a tew minates X eouia endure the pala a lons-ar, no took off the application and round that my limb from the oalf tethe ana i. was ia sa awroi ewmaitioa. Ilaa. mediately neat for eaothe physician, who told me X hsd bona polsoaea. Xy limb from the oalf to the ankle weaaae solid inflames sore. X was advises beat a. S. a., and improved rapidly under its aee, but about tale time I had aa attack of typhoid love, art this se tied lathe original aor. Tnis,ef eonrt. ' .auatd a baek sat, but bavin eea&domee la the ability of 8, 0. X beaaa it aii assooa as X wae over the fevev, aad to make a long story short, waa completely and pcrmaaeatly cured. Two years have elapsed, and I have never had antara eg the treuble. MBS. X. A. DTjyiT, SIS W. vrashiagtoa ft. NO USE FOR EXPOSITION Letters From President Francis Make Sultan of Moroco Tired. GIVES CASH WITH BAD GRACE Appropriation of $50,000 Trans ferred Across I8rt MuU-sh'ot Partien lar as to Its Use. ' To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druowists refund the money If It Sails to oure., S. ,tf. Grove's Big nature la on each box. SSe, tf "Cure the cough and save the life." Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs and colds down to the very verge of consumption. St. Louis, Jan. 36. In the list of na tions which are to be represented at the world's fair by national pavilions, Morocco probably ' will, be missing. Secretary Stevens states that it Is not now expected that Morocco will offi cially participate by erecting a pa vilion, but that some use doubtless will be made with the $50,000 appropriated. According to Information received by the "exposition officials from Commis sioner J. W. S. Langerman, who re cently returned from a mission to Morocco being empowered as the sul tan's commissioner on his return, the amount appropriated by that potentate was $50,000. Anetjt this appropriation an Interesting story Is told by Mr. Danforth, "assistant to Commissioner Landman. The amount was not giv en with very good grace, according to Mr. pantorth, who quotes the sultan as saying: "Here is $50,000. , Take It and do wha,t you please with it. I don't care whether you use It for the World fair or put it In your own pocket. I dont know where St. Louis is, except that it is somewhere In the United States, and I don't care. .And please tell President Francis, whoever he is, to stop writing me letters about his fair, as I am tired of getting them." Mr. " Danforth says that the money waa brought to Tangier by Langermaa and deposited there. Being In silver. It required a caravan , of about 2S mules to transport the money through . the desert. When : counted it was found to bo all good money, however, with the exception .of some $300 coun terfeit pieces. ' ': . . ' ' ' CITY SUFFERS FROM SNOW. St. Louis, Jan. f6. The thermome- ter dropped to two degrees below sere) before sunrise today and a One, sifting snow, driven by a heavy wind, has been falling for a day and a night, with possibly three hours' cessation during that time. " In four days over IS Inches ' of snOw has fallen here, and of that amount six Inches fell during the 24 hours preceding dawn today. The wind drove it In drifts and street ear traffic was at times almost blockaded. Cars left the tracks and crews were kept working all night to keep the Owl cars running even very( irregular. Trains arrived frojn on to Ave hours late todiy. Much Suffering is reported over the city and missions have been thrown open and every effort Is being made to succor distress and want. . . ;. OLD PLAY REVISED. Boston, Jan. !. "The Star of Beth lehem." a miracle play, reproduced from the old English cycles by Prof. Charles Mills Gay ley, of the university of "California, has been presented at Chickerlng hall here for the first time on any stage by the Ben Greet com pany. ,' 1 Founded upon thirty old plays such aa were 'presented in tne reiigiuua houses In the streets of England SOS years ago, Prof. Bagley has written a new story of the Nativity the Panama and the Resurrection. The simplicity of the gospel narrative was followed largely. ' . . ' HIGH PRICE FOR HOPS. Santa Rosa, Cal.i Jan. IS. The highest price for hops since 1'9J waa paid yesterday in this city. ' A local grower sold 160 bales of this year'a crop, for 28ft cents. Last week the market waa 27 cents and it waa be lieved it has reached Its extreme limit. The year 1898 was a record-breaker for prices and since that time hops have been disposed of at from IS to 20 cents. Several hundred acres of new hops are being set ', out in this county at the present time. i TO MANUFACTURE ANTITOXINE. Chicago, Jan. 2. The city council has passed an order for an inquiry into the possibility of establishing the mo id pal plant for the manufacturing of antitoxin. , The' resolution states that n Increase f over 100 per cent has been made In the cost of antitoxin and that danger to the lives of , children may result. . ' i 4 HELP WANTED. Toung man wanted to help In kitch en. Good wages 10 me rigm peraw. Call on or address 3. B. Ritter. Ham mond Eating House, Hammond, Ore. ears Only those who use it know the luxury of it. Pears' is the purest and best toilet soap in all the world. Established over too years.