The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 27, 1904, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Morning Astorian
CsUhlUht' 73 ' "
Sent by mall, Jr fear. .U... '... W
6nt by mil, Pr month 0
Served by carrier, Pr month . 0e
Bent by mall. Pr W In advance II 00
The Aftiorlka guarsMe to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Ctolumhla
River. '''.
Despite all contrary disclaimers. It is
suite evident that Senator Haima is out
for the republican presidential nomina
tion. The organs supporting the presi
dential ambitions ot the gentleman
from Ohio are becoming bitter In their
ftght against President Roosevelt, and,
aa the latter haa a very large follow
iowing, there promises to be a warm
contest In the Chicago convention.
., The western public all along haa
been led to believe that Mr. Roosevelt's
nomination was a certainty. Months j
ago it was announced that enough state j
organizationa had declared tor him to
insure his nomination. The president
assumed the popular attitude on all
the great issues arising since hla in
cumbency, and in almost every public
utterance baa discussed the encroach
ments of the trusts. The president has
created at least one new republic on
the western hemisphere, and the nation
haa rejoiced In Its liberty-loving fash
ion. Frauds have been unearthed at
Mr. Roosevelt's instigation, and It can
k u-uthfuny said he haa endeavored
U be the friend of the people." Mr.
Kooeevelt is an "accidental president,"
bat. having become the executive head
eg th nation, he haa acquired practic
ally all of the power which cornea to
an elected president.
While Mr. Roosevelt Is the choice ot
perhaps the majority of the rank and
file "of his party, because of Vf rather
todepeadent political course, Mr. H an
na has the formidable support of that
equally as important class the manu
facturers. Iff one thing to designate a
manufacturer a "trust" and quite an
other to make him believe it. There is
a decided difference of opinion as to
this.. Campaign funds must come from
men of means, and It is said of Mr.
Roosevelt he haa not endeared himself
to. them by his frequent anti-trust
declarations. On the other hand. Sen
ator Hanna haa discreetly refrained
from'ill-Omed reference to the Bnanclal
Interests of the country, which would
lend lm unstinted ttppor, ,,,Hla pop."
'olarlty with the laboring classes has
'lately been exemplified, and all in all
tie Is regarded in many quarters as
She man to whom the " nomination
-should go. . s j I j
f Of the newspaper which are out for
the Ohio senator the Cincinnati Com
mercial Tribune is most persistent.
Thls paper regards the purposed nom
ination of Mr. Roosevelt as a danger
ous experiment, and it roundly scores
the manner in which the president's
v.orv,Tvim I twins; carried on. In an
ptterance entitled "No Rough Riding
lover the Republican Voters," the Com- ;
merclal Tribune refers to Mr. Roose
velt aa "the professor of the school of
mug wumpery," and that, "to have the
republican voters think and deliberate.
In fatal to the candidacy of Mr. Room- j
Velt." The Tribune has all along been !
ipposing the nomination of Mr. Roose
velt, and during the pant two weeks
has denounced what it regards as the
Indecent haste" In the selection of
'delegates , to the national convention.
i Discussing . a local issue which haa
been fully reported In the Associated
j Press, the Tribune says:
' "We regret that Senator Foraker
should have lent his Influence to any
i snap convention calling or to any at
tempt to Interfere with the ; regular
course of party organization. We hope
i that the reports he haa done so are not
( correct. He has every reason to trust
the voters of the party, and surely does
not desire to commit them to a hasty
decision upon so Important a
- the selection of a candidate for presi
dent of the United States. He may
desire the nomination of Mr. Roosevelt
but he certainly knows it would be fa
tal at the election, if this nomination
should be the result of the work of a
ellque of officeholders or against the
wishes of the majority of the voters
; of the party.
"There is no need of undue haste.
i Ko one seems to be in a hurry, save
; tht
- -..'...- ,
f "Let the people consider the dangers
ot tht nomination. Let kew dHb4
etata aa to Ow risks the party ts to as
sume It It names Mr. Roosevelt, v j
The convention dops not meet until
June 21, and the longer Mr. Rooae
velfs candidacy Is discussed the more
correct will be the Judgment of the peo
ple who chooae the delegate. Snap
eonventlona may please Mr. Roosevelt,
but they do not appeal to the people.
"Give the people plenty ot time, they
will do the right thing. They Ul not
betray the party. They have only Its
success and honor at heart. They will
tell the senators and the president ho
they want to lead them."
From which It Is quite epparent that
Mr, Roosevelt, la to have formidable
.opposition at the Chicago convention,
with Mr. Haar.J. aa the Meat ot the
The mayor of Severance, Kanaaa, Is
plainly determined that the young men
ot that town aha!l marry if he haa to
take tbem by the scruff ot their necks
and hustle tbem himself to the altar.
Aa local potentate, ha haa Issued an
trade that every bachelor in hla domain
must take unto himself a wife during
the present year of grace under penalty
of a heavy fine. .He further advises the
young women ot Severance to Improve
this -leap-year opportunity by looking
the masculine collection over and pick
ing out what they want.pronuaing them
that It will go hard with any young
man that dares to balk.
That's right! exclaims the New York
Commercial. Hunt the rascals down!
Stop not with a fine, but arm the young
women with shotguns and let them
(lush the by-ways and hedges and com
pel the cowardly scoundrels to chalk
the mark. Bring them to Limerick!
Let not the crime of race suicide sully
Severance's fair name! A thousand
tlmea better a few cases of homicioei
If these young recreants are so busy
putting the dollar above the roan that
they cant think of marrying, let the
young women aelie both. Let them
show themselves worthy of the state
of Carrie Nation and Mary Ellen Lease.
It la unfortunate, of course, that the
young omen of Severance should be
forced to adopt such heroic tactics. It
is to be remembered, however, that It
may not be their fault It they poaaesa
qualities that would dislocate a clock
They probably weren't consulted In the
matter. Besides, they may outgrow It
At any rate the efforts of the mayor of
Severance In the encouragement of
borne Industry Is altogether commend
Details are published of a wonderful
new motor Invented by Peter Thornley,
an English engineer. The Invention la
considered of such importance that Its
development may result In express rail
way engines running; at twice) Yhelr
present speed at only half the cost and
in Atlantic lines crossing from Liver-
nor.I tn Xew York in three days. It Is
almoat amajl enough to be carried in
a typewriter "case." The new motor Is
capable of developing fifteen horse
power urider a boiler pressure of two
hundred pounds to the square Inch. In
even the best railway locomotive the
steam la admitted after the piston has
moved from five to eight Inches along
the cylinder. Mr. Thornley has de
vised a valve which will admit a given
quantity of steam at every commence
ment of the stroke and so nicely ad
justed that the expansive force of the
steam admitted is Just sufficient to
drive the piston at the end of Its Jour
ney. By the most modest estimate the
saving in coal is 25 per cent, while the
Initial con Is much cheaper than ex-
sting types.
the great crops raised through
out practically all of the country, corn
stands first and is given a value for
the crop year 1903 of almost $953,0li).-
000. Second of the agricuittirai prod
ucts grown in practically all the states
tomes hay, which crop wa estimated
to have a value in 1903 of more than
56,0OO,OOO, ...
Professor Karf , Schjelch, of Berlin.
has received from the university of
Wurzburg a medal and a 1000-mark
prize for the discovery of a method Of
making surgical operations painless by
what he calls the "lnnltratlonsanaes-
thesle." which Is much safer than
chloroform or ether.
Rudyard Kipling, In a letter to Sir
Clinton Edward Dawklns, advocates
that 10 per cent of the time devoted
to cricket and football in the British
public schools should be allotted to
military drill.
It has been discovered that the X
ray will' kill mice. Unfortunately the
mice htfve to be canght first, so the
discovery Is of no practical value.
th kvngra on around
houses V. a . -A v
During the calendar year Just closed
the treasury sent J15.151.000 to nfove
the crops, agalnat .1MM.W0 the pr,
ceding year. Ot thla year's amount
KS.lSt.S0Q eat to New Orleans, against
M5.824.00v In tha year before,
It everything else fulls. the demo
crats might make a campaign Issue out
ot the acceptance ot the statue of
Frederick the Great, which the kaiser
la about to present to the Vnlted
Mr. Bryan la now a candidate for
the United States senate. It might be
well for him to first get back to the
house ot representatives.
Mr. Addlcka, ot Delaware, claims
that he ta as good a elected to the
United States senate. It Is hoped that
he will remain o.
What will Senator Morgan And to
talk about now that the canal ques
tion la about to be settled t
Mr. Hearst hopes to show Senator
Gorman that a yellow Jacket can
Excellent Work of. All PnrUvl-
pauts Under .Mr. Itvbinaoti.
A stage rehearsal ot Queen Esther
was held In Fisher's opera house last
night. The work of the large chorus
of 75 voice was excellent, and the dif
ferent parla showed careful trauinlng.
The soloists were all well up In their
Miss Reba Hobaon, who la to sing the
title role, possesses a soprano vole ot
power and sweetness. Both her vocal
renditions and dramatic work are sure
to bl.e her trtenda. Oeorge C; Wat-
kins, aa Asaauerua the king, will be a
favorite. His deep baas voice la well
adapted to the part assigned him.
Frank Camahan will alng the role of
Hainan, tha premier. In an excellent
manner. He haa a voice of unusual
power and will show it to good ad
vantage in Queen Esther. Tht con
tralto role of Zereah. Haman'a wife,
will be taken by Mrs. Frank Spittle.
This Is a difficult part and gives great
Opportunity for dramatic work. The
duett by Haman and Zeresh are partlc
ularly fine. Jamea Johnaon will use
his rich tenor voice In portraying Mor
decal, the Jew. Thla part Is very high
and requires much ability. That Mr.
Johnson will do It well Is conceded by
all who have heard him. The other
10 solo parts are In competent hands.
The chorus ls large and unusuully
strong tn volume, The drills by pages
and scarf girls 111 be fascinating In
deed, more so than anything of like
nature yet seen here. The coetunu-s
are gorgeous and will add greatly to
the beauty of the performance.
Reserved scats are on sale today at
Griffin's book store. Admission, 50 ana
75 cents.
New Haven, Jan. 26. Hamlrt has
been tried at the Yale Law school be
fore a Jury of student and narrowly
escaped theoritlcal conviction on the
charge of having murdered Polonlus.
After lengthy arguments the case was
submitted to the jurymen, who re
mained out 20 minutes. The final bal
lot stood, nine 'or ';onvlctlon of mur
der In the first degree, two for -convic
tion of manslaughter and one for ac-
New York, Jan. 2. The severe
weather prevailing over a greater part
of the country and the generally heavy
snow fall has caused great mortality
among tjlrds. In fact the destruction
of bird life has been so great that the
national committee of the Audubon So
ciety has been led to make an effort
to prevent It and Issued an appeal to
the public, especially children, to care
for the birds during the present Incle
ment weather.
"I 4 Cue mt itid fml Ilk . I st
km ( (ram dyipp an 4 tear tomtt
for lh Imi two rr- I bar bwin twins mJl
Mm Md othot Iron, bat I4 tnil so nlM oni
forstborttla. twill nnmnmtvA CsaeanU to
14 Bnil I
nana '
fr Ind
BTincui M w on it tniDi ptw iruihwuis mm
mr rtoniMn and to imp ln eowaM Is
I SoejaMW
Barr Itacfclar, itsack Obaak, Pa,
ft ji The Dowels. '
cam try ernimc
Pleuant. Palatable, Potent. Taata Oflfld. Da 9e,
Ram sicken, Waakaa or Orfpa. m, Ut.Uic. Stiff
old is balk. Tha tennlna tablat lUmpad 0SU
ttowaataad to aura or roar swnaj baas.
tarUnf Bly Co., Chicago ot H.r. m
' 1 ,, - S 4T r- Y
mjy and
Larnsat Sollar la tho VJorla.
Tht Vand is
1 1 have but' few expenses and can
sell lower than the lowest. 4? &
See' These Prices
bSults .
$10.00 Young
$ 7.5O
$ 5.00 Boy's bfults for $3 to $ 3.75
$ 2.00
Shoes, Hats Underwear and all
Furnishing Goods marked down to
the last notcha a? 7 7 a7
Dr, T. L. Ball
(24 Commercial street, Astoria Ore
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Bhlpplng.
Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific j
Express Companies. Customs .
' House Broker, i
Dr. Oswald IL BecKman
KiDney Building. Pbone No. 24fll.
Offlee hours. 10 A.M. toll M., Its 4 Pit
7P.MtoSP. H. HundayltolPM
Vy. C. Lfpgan
57S Commercial Street Shanshan Bulldini
Aoting Asiistaat Surgeon U. B, Marina
, Hospital Bervice.
Offioe honri: 10 to 12 A, M., t to 4 SO P. M,
477 Commeroial Htreet, 2nd Foor,
Phone Black ii
171 Commeroial St
Astoria Ora,
'5 mom
v '
World smokes with
Smoke ?v
ii i f
you smoke
tht SmokttH Trottctioru
& Gcitt&
now only $10.90
. jj 6.90
C W. Bair-Dentist
Mantell Building
673Coujmerdl Htreet, Astoria, Ore
-- ...
TaiepbOM fit
All goods shipped to our oara
Will recalTS special attentloa.
No iU Daane BU W. 3 COOK, Mgr.
Electrical Works
428 BOND ST.
We are thoroughly prepared for
maklnj estimates and touting
orders for all kinds of sleotrlcal , '
Installing and 'Repairing
.Supplies In stock. We sell tha
celebrated 8HBLBT UAUP. Call
up Phone 11H
H. W. CYRUS, - Mar
Blood Bitters cured ma of a terrible
breaking out all over tha body. J
anm very grateful."Mlas JullaFilbrlJge
West Cornwall, Conn.
:' i' t .
A Vi
Tfals Cp Lsbsl
a guarantee of tha purity
and ricftnesa 01 our
Wo offer
$3,000 revard
: ta anyone able to prove ,
of our product
Where do you get shaved now
On (he face, of course.
What for?
At the Occident Barber Shop
Jolio Fubruian, 0. W. Morton,
Central Meat Market!
.V'W ' Toor HlMri fttf
ratftU, ,
' ;
Will ba prompt! and
. ; asiislMhirlly aitandwl to ,
Telephone No. lut.
Falling hair means Veak hair.
Then strengthen your hair t
feed it with the only hair foodt
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It check
failing hair, makes the hair
Hair Vigor
grow, completely cures dan
druff. And it always restores
color to gray hair, all the rich.
v. v. ijr inv.
"M lilr m fnlltna ent hndly
afraid I w.Mil.l lima H all. Than I trie
11. 1. ,n..... a. . .. . . .
ltd twin
' Vluor. It qifli'ltly itoiiiwd tin falling; ami
I. my lialr all I nuuld with It tn Ik."
, Aeusuva K., gllulMtb, N. J(
d Ayr
Hair Vluor.
81 Ma twHU
i.e. ayssco.,
A II rlnnfirl.t..
f J.owall
Falling Hair;
ii f
. s
i i i
r a m f . i i
SI if 4
i i m a m