vol. lvh; ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JAMJAR Y 27. 1901. NO. 90. r BHOGKING SEQUEL TO TRIAL i OF WHITTAKER WRIGHT After Receiving a Sentence of Seven Years, Famous Promoter Retires si t From Court Room to Die. A ' K" rranglng Affairs for His Family at Tliae Death Claims HlraCourt Accused of Being Unduly Influenced Verdict Is Surprise. lmdon, Jan. II. At I o'clock thl fternoon Whtttaker Wright wu sen- kneed. 19 seven years' penal servitude. t 4 o'clock be lay dead on the floor f small room In the law courts. b'hether hi look hie own lift by poison, r whether death Iri lu natural course dibed ths Uw of lu fulfillment, wilt am. w Mown emu ue poeirooriem ex- lamination I held . Indications, bow- iver, point to poleonlng. Until nearly I o'clock tonight lb iy of tb man who formerly bad eon trolled msay of ths world's markets, find who bad been court by royalty, remained upon thai floor of the room Rwhere be f4t, for, m ft convicted fekw. Jwrtuht't person had become the prop Wty the crown, tiAf. $ ' Ths horn offlrt finally gavs per mission for Ita remoial, and ths body ni given over to the jurisdiction of til coroner. It now lies at wtttmn- ster roortary, Tht Inquest will prob- ably bt kt!4 on Thursday. . A feeling that Just Irs Blghsnrs eon. duet of Iht caw wu not very judicial 'ppears to trow In the legal eircwa 01 Lionaon, ana me minr upun "i. In Itself, would have furnished Eng land with an unexpected aenaatton. When the Jury filed In at I o'clock Wright (bowed hi Brat signs c.f nw vousness. reerlng through hit glaaaea ha leaned forward to catch the fore man'a answer. At the word -gumy.- the crowd In the courtroom gaaped In urprlae. Wright waa almost tna oniy peraon preaent who appeared to be un moved. JTw aetn It minutes after hla convlc- tlon Wright discussed hla family af fairs tad the dtapoaltlon of his remain- ng moneys, tie frankly expressed hla amasement t the verdict, Suddenly Wright frll backward, na It be had flntd, the olfli er w ho waa waiting to taks him to Brlxoa prison ran for a doctor, Wright's heart, however, begsn gradually to give out, and within one hour's time after be had been sentenced, Whltlaker Wright waa dead. An examination of the body tonight points to poison1 A 1 'post mortem examination will be held Wed neaday. '';'-. , .. tb audUinca there were many women, while tbe body of the hall waa more than half filled with elergymea, There waa fto - presiding officer, Mr. Bryan, being ewnrted to 'the platform, where ha was greeted with prolonged ap plauaa .Itryan's addreaa was mainly arralgnmenla of "plutocrats" and the gold wing of the democratic party, - JAPAN EXHIBIT EXPENSIVE ONE. Ban Fraix-lei-o. Jan. M.-pKlyoelil Sugaws, director of the Japanese ex hibition at the World s-Wf it t. 1ajuI. who arrived here Ihis Baturtlay. has left for thi eaK accompanied by his wife and two ewrtwls. The value of the, exhibits of the aaaoclatlun represented by Ilrtor fugawa la euld to amount to more then" ll.Ws.Ooo. TOJ1)EFRA130 COVERNMENT Wahlrigton.Tjftn; J.5-Teallmoiy deeignsd to show the existent of a conspiracy to defraud the government wu Introduced today by the prosec u tion In the postal trial. . From the mo ment the proceedings began until the court ftdjjourncd, an Intense Iterest was manlfeated. The goeernment, con trary to expectation, did not close Its rase todsy. 1 , MANY UDIE1 HEAR BRYAN. New Tork, Jan. II. Every seat In Madleon Square Concert hall wu taJt- en tonight when William J Bryan be gan his speech on "Moral laaut." In PER CENT REDUCTION On Clothing JElumishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Etc; Excepting only Dunlap Hate, E. 4i VT. Collars, Oil and Kubber Goods and Dents Glores. THIS MEANS A GREAT SACRIFICE as our goods are sold on very close margins. SALE COMMENCES Monday, January 4, 1904. P. A. STOKES Iltirtim TrHta It Lightly. 8t. Louis, Jan, U. United gtates Senator Ylurton, of Kansas, who wu Indicted Saturday by tbe federal grand Jury on the charge of accepting money from the nialto Oraln It Securities Company for the alleged purpose of Influencing poet office authorities, ar rived In Bt. Loula thla afternoon. When asked If he desired to make H statement the senator said: ' "Not at the present time; I believe t have talked enough on the eubject al ready." The senator de lared he was not at all alarmed about the charge against blm and was confident of a prompt aciulttsl. " . STRENGTH OP THEIR FLEETS. s Bt. Petersburg, Jan. II. Tbe naval service paper today prints a statement showing ths strsngtk of tbe respective fleets in Aaiatlo waters, and placed ftussift and Japan en about an even footing, Russia predominating with heavy vessels and Japan with torpedo boats. Senate on Panama, Washington, Jan. 21, Tbe time of the senate today was again divided be tween the consideration of the Panama, question snd other subjects. There wu only one speech on ths canal and it wu made by Stone, of Missouri, Be contended that circumstances Indicat ed ft complicity on tbe part of the United Plates In the secession of Pan ama, and urgd In tbe intereit of the country's good name that all facts should s known, Heyburn, of Idaho, made his first speech in the senate In support of ft resolution introduced by himself pro hibiting tbe railroad companies from taking up land In a solid body In lieu of lend In forest reservations. ALL, HOPE; OF RESCUE OF 1 ' ENTOMBED MINERS GONE No Cause Assigned , for Explosion That i .-Results in Death of Nearly Two Hundred Men. RAZORAND REVOLVERUSED BY HUSBAND IN ENDING LIVES OF SELF AND WIFE Crime Unusual for Horror Committed at f Early Morning Hour on Outskirts of Pendleton. " ;f Letter Written by Woman Throw Only Light ortReason for Deed . Supposed Now by Officier That Deliberate Murder b Followed by Suicide-Deed of Blood Committed e - on Way Home From Theater. lightly against his wife's bosom pulled tbe trigger, but the little ' proved of not sufficient force to tafca O' Pittsburg,' Jan. II. After. night ot suap?n te and uncertalety, madt beart- breakinjl. by the cosrMlktois repots coming train around-tbf pit of tie mouth of the Harwich mine, where the direful exploalon occurred jresterdsy, the relatives of ths ISO evtombed min ers were forced to tht conclusion that all heps of life remaining In those be low would have to be abandoned. Re- porta early In the night led the sorrow ful watchers to believe that some of the men would be saveds and when about I o'clock word wu passed e round that Belwyn Taylor had been found alive, and that Inveatlgatlon of the heading beyond had shown that from 10 to U mines were still alive. there was much rejoicing, but tnese rumors were soon contradicted, At l:W therr was call to "hoist above" and In a few minutes kind hands were taking the dead body of the mining engineer from the bucket and strong men bore him to the school house, where a place bad been pre pared for him. He was dead 'when found. So far only one of the miners who went down to -wtwk ywrterdny morning has been brought out alive. Selwyn Taylor, at the head of the Hist rescue party to reach the bottom, la dead. At I o'clock thla morning Oeorge Mawatch, also of the rescue party, waa brought to the aurface. He la now at the school house and la still unconscious,;?!' ! '.j , P. W. Cunningham, an lnaiector of mines, for the Fourteenth district, 1 Pennsylvania, made thia atatement as he came from the mine at t o'clock thla morning: v ! "I explored the mine for a quarter of ft mile. 1'ijt positive that of all thoae who entered for work yesterday morning not one will be taken out, alive. Scattered about are dead bodies of miners, dead mules, wrecked cars, tons of loose coal and alack. The force of the explosion was terrific. It will take days to clear away the wreckage. Until this Is accomplished ws wlU not know hor'manf met death,. IVepeaf that there Is no chance of any of tbe entombed mesi'being saved." When pressed for what be thought was tbe cause of the explosion, he said: ' "Fire dsmp caused the men to lose their Uvea, As to the cause I do not care to mtke any statement at thla hour." .- :'.. a. W. Scheetxe. general manager, Issued a statement at the same hour, calling for experienced men to help In the work of rescue. The explosion seems to have been a double one, making one long, continu ous rumble, and the second blast was beard rolling back under the hills to ward the south end of the mine, which contains by far the largest part of the worklmts. The mine Is at the head of what is known as Shoops Run. The highest officials of the Harwlck mine, and nearly every miner who Is alive In the HCtle mining village, are at a loss to give the cause for the terrible disaster. ; It Is tbe opinion of the ma jority, however, that the explosion was caused by some foreign miner striking a match to light his pipe, which set tff the heavy charge or. gas mat v..a always present In the mine. Another theory for the explosion la that It was caused by a blast In the mine whereby a new pocket of gas was struck and Immediately ignited. There are atill others who InBlst that the gaseous sub- tances were set on fire by a broken aafcty lamp In the hands of one of the miners. . r ; In the opinion of the rtscuers around the top of the Harwlck mine shaft that the real cause of the explosion would never be known and they gave as their rVason that the miner or miners who were probably responsible for ilhe ) catastrophe were deaed.b life,. At leut that Is the only con struction that can, at this time, be placed sf tbe officials upon a crime unequUed for horror in this county. The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Brown were found today on a hill south of where they bad been living. It was supposed then that the awful deed bad been premeditated by both, but later developments may prove otherwise.' Late this afternoon it waa learned that Mrs. Drown had written a letter . follows: ":; . . ,. r "Dear Brother When this reaches you I will be no mors, I have found another man In Oregon I love better than my husband." , . ... Her letter bad been torn and thrown Into the stove, but failed to burn and wu picked out by the coroner and pasted together. It Is believed now that tbe man murdered hla wife and then Tailed himself. " " ' Prervlous to finding this letter the following brief note, WrKU.i by Br(s;n, -was found: ' ' "Mr.( Smith Mrs. Brown and I are tired of life. Tou win find our bodies en the hills south or southeast of town. Send my effects to my mother, Frs. M. A. Brown, Relnbeck, Iowa." With this last little note, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Brown this morning, pre sumably about I o'clock, walked out of the house of B. L. Smith, where they had been living for the past two weeks, over the little plot of wheat lying just south of tbe house, to the top of the Pendleton," Jan. !. Because she. hill, distant about 10 rods, and there bad transferred ber love from her hus- Brown performed the work which sent band to another, Mrs. John T. Brown itmn lnelr ,,VM sterility. morning, Tbe perpetrator of tbe crime was tbe husband, who, after committing the deed, ended his own j her life.' She still lived. Drawing- ft rasor from his pocket tb husband eat ber throat from ear to ear, and litis ebbed out without a tremor, appar ently. Then, placing tbe revolver close te his ear, Mr. Brown pulled the trigger. and the deatfa-laden 'bullet aped to- tbe brain. But fhls was not suSBcient. and from his pocket he extracted a box o poisonous pellets -and swallowed three o them, to make death certain. The last act o attention which tbe husband paid his Wife was that of re moving bl? overcoat, after catting ber throat, and spreading It gently wessr her. On ber breast Ike placed four sealed letters, addressed respectively te the I. O. O. F. lodge, the A. O. U W, Mrs. M. 8. Whitman, of Pendle ton, And Mrs. M. A. Brown, Relnbeck, Iowa. '' : "J When Mr. and Mrs. Smith area this morning ths latter went upssstra to call Mr. and Mi-.. Brow, ruling to get afty respOnB? to ibetr Itncktag on tbe door, tbey entered and fsanoi the room unoccupied. Noticing letters on the dresser, they found the one' In structing them as to tbe suicide Tha authorities were notified, and Sheriff Taylor, with a deputy, hurried to tba scene of the tragedy. Coroner Oat was notified and the bodies were brought to this city. In the rooms at tbe house were found letters addressed . to Mr. Thomas Brown, Summemeto, (Continued on page tight,) THE BIG Clearance Sale Day Are Nearly Over. Only 4 more days left to secure those Matchless Bargains we have been giving. To miss this sale will be equal to loosing money from your purse. Ton can save your money here by spending it L The A. Dunbar Co. 566 Commercial Street. SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 AT 9 P. M PORTLAND MAN CRUSHES HIS HEAD IN SWIMMING TANK Tortland, Jan. 86. P, R, Boultbea this evening dived Into an ' almost empty swimming tank at the Mult nomah Club, and fractured his skull. It Is thought ho will not Survive. Boultbce had been boxing 'in ithc gymnasium and had gone Into ' the bathing' (iuartersN to " take a shower bath, and to plunge into tbe tank be fore dressing, He had taken tbe show er and, without noticing t.he fact that the swimming tank had been almost drained, ran out on the spring and dived. The tank is between 10 and 12 feet deep at this point, and Boultbee hit his head on the cement bottom, crushing his skull In a frightful man ner. The young man la a recent ar rival from Toronto, Canada, ' and. jls employed in the Canadian Commerce. i Bank of 1.ATEST riARCH TWOSTEP "Social Whirl" J. N. GRIFFIN, Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle ry, Paints, Oil and GlassHard wood Lumber Boat Supplies etc. j& AT FISHER BROTHERS Cor. Bond and 12th Sts. ' . ' Astoria, Oregon