m VOL.LVIJ. ASTORIA, OREGON. r T,'EIAY, JANUARY 20, 190. NO, 05. -1 EXAMINERS r BEREFT OF ALL POWER State Barber Board Finds Itttlf In valid, Rendered w by an Opinion Handed Dmn by SUte Court Ground Taken b That Law Con fen Arbitrary Powers r Upon Body. RIGHTS BELONG LEGISLATURE ltj Virtue of Declslwa Board I Helpless, Iklnf I liable to - Prevent AnyoD to Become IUrber. Portland, Or Jan. St. On ths ground that Oit law creating- tht stats board Of harbor examiners confors ar. bltrary powers uin that body, and delegates to It rights that should vest solely In tht legislature. Judgs Osorss, ln lb stats circuit court, this morn Int rendered an opinion which holds ths act to bs unconstitutional and In vaild. II y lrtus of this taolslon, ths board of harosf saamlners finds Itself bsreft of power and Incapable of preventing CONTROL ALL RAILWAYS ASSUMED BY GOVERNMENT of Military In Event or Any Such Necessity , London, Jan. M.-The Toklo corre spondent of ths Telegraph baa sent In tht following cablegram: "Ths official gasstts publishes Im perial ordinances empowering ths gov ernment to assums control of all prlv ats ra ays, etc, for military pur poses "he situation Is very gravs and dsvsW ents are hourly expected." London, Jan. IS. A dispatch to Rou ter's Telegram Company from St, PER CENT On Clothing, Goods, Hats, 2 Excepting only Dunlap Hats, E. W. Collars, Oil and Rubber Goods and Dents Gloves. THIS MEANS A GREAT SACRIFICE as our goods are sold on very 4 close margins. ; ' SALE COMMENCES Monday, January 4, 1904. F.AeSTOIiES any onv from engaging In ths barber business. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY MAKES APPEAL FOR AID Washington, Jan. IS. Tht Amsrk-sn Ulbls Association hss Issued an appeal, In part as follows: Ths Amsrlcan Blbla Society for nearly IS ysars has pursued Its slngls aim circulating Bibles without nots or commsnt In this and all lands. Inas much as ths work of ths society Is In dsngsr of being seriously crippled from a lack of funds, ts appeals for aid should meet with generous responses from all who love American Instllu tlon. We owe a debt to ths Bible which can bs partly paid now by carrying forward this great undertaking with Increased vigor." Ths appeal bears ths following slg natures: President Roosevelt, sx-ms- ldent Cleveland. Chief Jusllcs Fuller and Aaaoclate Justices Marian and Ureer; Becretarles Hay. Hhsw, Wilson and Cortelyou. (Secretary of ( fouler. William J. Itryan; Senators rrve. xMle. Morgan, Bard. Alger and Cockerelt. 4 Hepreaeniatlves Payne, palsell and Jhn Williams. , v JAPANESE INTtWUTER JAILED. Toklo. Jan. IS. Tskaslma, the Jap aness Interpreter for ths Russian at tache, was arrested on Saturday last on suspicion of acting as a spy In the To kusuia fortification. He has been tak en to Tokohma for trial. It Is alleged that conclusive evidence has been ob tained regarding oiher suspects which Is causing a very strong fueling against treachery, which Is a capital offense In Japan Petersburg says that while ths brouss there hss been nervous, owing to the uncertainty of ths situation, ths pro- gress of negotiations Inspires Increas ing confidence among those who are well Informed. A dispatch to ths Dally Mall from Warsaw says arrangements have been made t ocall oat 11.009 re serves In Kharkoff, Kleff and Odessa districts, should It become necessary to do so, REDUCTION Furnishing' Shoes, Etc. j TWO HUNDRED MEN BURRIED BY AINE EXPLOSION AND ALL HOPE OF RESCUE IS GONE Foul Air Drives Bach Those Who Volun teer to Bring the Unfortunate Men to the Surface. Mouth of Mine Crowded All Day Who Wait in Vain for Husbands and Fathers to Come to Therrw-Noted Pitbbur Engineer Who Went , Down Is Counted Among the Lost Nltsbui'g, Jan. M. From all that can bs gathered at this hour, between 1) and 10 men are lying dead in' ths headings snd pasasge way of ths Har wich mine of the Allegheny Coal Com pany at Cheawlck., as tbs result of a terrific explosion today. Cage after cans has gone down Into the mine and come up again, but only one miner of all those that went down to work this irmrnlng hss been brought to the sur fsce. ' , : In addition to ths miners at work when ths explosion occurred. It Is now believed that Uelwyn M. Taylor, a Pittsburg mining engineer, who plotted ths mine, snd who was the first to reach ths bottom after ths explosion happened, Is slao among ths list of dead. Of those in the mine all are probably dead. Ths explosion ocsurred at 1:10 o'clock this morning and the first warning was when a sudden rumble was heard un derground, and then a sheet of flams shot forth. Both mine csges were hurried through a tipper SO feet abeva ths landing stage. AH day long then j was a Jam of waiting women and chit- j dren about' ths mouth of ths pit It was jnot until o'clock this afternoon , that ths first attempt at rescue was APPROPRIATION PASSES THE Few Minor Passages of OrderInformation Desired of Secretary Hay. Washington, Jan. 15. The house to day passed ths army appropriation bill carrying approximately $74,000,000, af ter adopting a number of amendments. Provision for the consolidation of the djutant general's department and the record and pension office of the wsr de partment Into one bureau, to be known as the military secretary's office, was stricken from the bill on a point of or der. The paragraph providing for the construction of a submarine cable from Sitka to Fort Llscum, also vent out on a point of order- A resolution calling on the secretary of state for Information as to the num MAYOR HARRISON IS HELD WITH THE City Officials and Theater Men Detained by Verdict of Coroner's Inquest to Await Action Grand Jury. Chicago, Jan.. S5. The coroner's jury tcnlght returned a verdict by which the following persons are held to await the action of the grand Jury, pending de termination ot responsibility ot the Iro quois Ore: , Carter H. Harrison, mayor of Chi cago; Will J. Davis, proprietor In part THIEVING TREASURER CAUSES BUSINBSS Nashua, N. H., Jan. 25. The illegal manipulation of notes held by the bonk during a period covering nearly a quar ter of a century and subsequent at tempts to make good the shortage by by Weeping Women and Children made. This was a failure, as ths two men who volunteeered wars driven rack by ths foul air. Shortly after I o'clock Taylor was lowered Into the shaft Three times sKorta bavs been mads to reach him, but so far without mall. It K. Hutchinson, who gavs out the lamps to ths miners before they went to work In the pit this morning, said; h "At 7:30 o'clock, ths time when ths whistle blew and when everyone Is supposed to bs at work at ths mine, I had given out between 150 and 190 lamps. Not ons of these- lamps cams ba?k." There Is still a crowd about the rrouth of ths shaft, but It will probably bs hours before ths full extent of the cataot-ophe Is known. Pittsburg, Jan. IS. -Ths body of Sel- yn Taylor was brought to the surface at I: IS this morning. He had evidently been dead several hours, and hopes for the other Imprisoned miners havs been abandoned. y f . ; I mmmmm it Pittsburg, Jan. 15.-1:165 a. m. A physician who has been at ths mine for two hours Is .of ths opinion that not one of tbs i ntombed miners la alive. MEASURE LOWER HOUSE Struck Out on Points ber of carriages maintained by the gov ernment for the stats department was sdopted. v. Washington, Jan. .28. The senate to day heard further discussion on ths question ot appointments to the offices made during the congressional recess, listened to a speech on the isthmian canal question by Mr. Morgan and passed a number of bills ot seml-publlc character. As a result of the debate on the appointment question a resolu- jtlon asking tor specific Information concerning the nomination of W. D. Cram ui collector of - customs at the port of Charleston, a C. was passed. REST OF THEM and manager of ths theater; William H. Musham, Are marshal; Geo, Wil liams, building commissioner; Edward I jMitrhlln, building inspector; William Sailers, theater fireman; James E. Cummlngs, stags carpenter; William McMullen, who had charge ot the lights causing the fire. TO BE CLOSED speculation, are the causes assigned by the directors of the Nasua Trust Com pany for the arrest today of their treasurer, John P. Goggtn, and the clos ing of the doors of ths Institution. Ooggln's shortags Is estimated at $106, 000, 125.000 of which Is said to have been lost In speculation. . ACCIDENTS INTE5WUPT TRAFFIC. New York, Jan: IS. Two accidents havs occurred on ths New American Railway from Oroya , to ; Cerropasco, near Antahuaro bridge, cables the Her ald's Lima, Peru, correspondent. Traf fic will be Interrupted for five days. WOStAM THREATENS LIVES. PottsvUls, Pa, Jan. IS Mary Tam burelll has been arraigned before a Jus tics of ths pears on complaint of Louis Oennaccaro and wife, who declare the woman hi exerting an uncanny Influ ence upon them. Alleged threats to kill ths couple and burn their' horns over their heads led them to resort to a court of law. Justice Johnston hetd.th woman.' . EARLY CLOSING STAKE CUARAnTEEDi Syracuse, V. T.i Jan. IS. CltlaensJ of Syracuse will guarantee a $10,000 early closing stake for trotting horses to bs made tbs feature of ths Grand. Circuit meeting hers If ths New York state fair commission, at Us meeting In Albany decides to hold tbs fair two weeks so as to accept the racing dates offered the local.? by ths stewards of tbs big ring. fc I - -JTsr . ;r-. GOVERNMENT CLOSES iONCCRJl New Tork, Jan. IS. This govern ment has ordered tbs closing of ths Banco del Commercio in Oruro, says a a Herald dispatch from La Pas, Bolivia. Ths concern is unabls to meet Its ob ligations and Its affairs will be liquid ated. TRAINS COLLIDE ON BRIDGE, KILLING THREE Several are Wounded and Fire Adds Its Deadly Work to Havoc Done. St LoulaJan. 25. The Denver ex press on tht main line of ths Burling ton, road was run into from ths rear by a local passenf train while taking water at Gardeene ' creek; about 40 miles north of here tonight, 'and three passengers were killed, four seriously injured and seven badly hurt. Ths wreck occurred on a bridge over ths Gardeens creek. Ths bridge and two tars, ot ths local train, and tht local engtns were burned. The .-'Heine of irtaifis, iuality, and Eccr.ony. We have advertised ladie's cloaks, suits aud skirls at one-half price. Go where yon will you can't beat it We give you the quality first and the prices second. . More cannot be done in honest merchandising. Fhe A. Dunbar 566 Commercial Street. SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 AT 9 P. M. ALL SHOT They certainly are priees yeu seldom get. . We need the room. Our , ; show windows will ell the rest. Pictorial History U. 8 Bible Scones Wsbstsr'sDlotionary... Dantes Inferno Horns and Business oomp Milton's fsradirs Lost ........ "Remember whet you pass this way, J N. Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle ry, Paints, Oil and GlassHardwood Lumber Boat Supplies etc. j& & AT FISHE R BROTH BRS 'Cor. Bond and 12th Stv ENGINEER'S TESTIMONY DAMAGING Coroner's Inquest Goes to Show' That Captain Is Villianous as 1 Well as Being an Incom petent Master. . Kept Passengers on Board Clal . lam to Save Vessel From Total Destruction. . TUG COULD HAVE SAVED ALL Master sf Uoljokt Said Ilad II Known Extrcmltj, Could Have Pnt Into Lee , ' ' SmitJf Island. Victoria, B. C Jan. IS. Chief En gineer Delaunay, of U ' Oan. rave evidence before the cwers Inquest today to show that the disaster was 'due to a broken dead light, which had been broken at least thre months. H0t4 the rudder been In good condition Cap tain Roberts would have been able to bavs gotten ths steamer around to ths wind. The chief engineer also gavn evidence of Captain Roberts' not hav ing informed the master of the Hoiyoka of ths extremity of the Clallam, an how Captain Hall, of the tug Holyokft, had told ths witness, after picking him up when ths Clallam sank, that bad ha known the condition of the vessel, bs could have taken her Into Lee Smith island. Captain Roberta would not transfer his passengers to the tug. He wanted them to help save his steamer. "In my opinion,, said the chief en gineer ha4 tl.e Clallam been !nsr4 for a hundred thousand dollars, not a life would have been lost" , . - ' H?i MACKEN TRIAL CONTINUES. Washington, Jan. IS. The trial of August Hachen, the Groff brothers, and Dr. and Mrs. George B. Lorena, enter ed on its third, week today. It hi ex- " pected ths government will close Its case tomorrow. TO PIECES! $2.50 2.0 15 6 0 2.00 6.00 sals pries Sl.UU " 75 " 1.50 " " v 1.60 " 50 " " 1.80 see what our windows have to say," GRIFFIN. Astoria, Oregon