The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 24, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    ASTORIA, t OREGON, ..SUNDAY, : JANUARY 24, 1904.
i 4
If you do, fjet the best fend u
purest for family and
. medicinal use, , ,y
at the .v .;,
California Wine and Liquor House
The Pioneer
There It no train in service on any railway in
the world that equal in equipment Tke
Pioneer Limited train from St. Paul to Chi
cago via tie -i .
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
' Railway : ,
The railway company owns and operate the ',
sleeping and dining cart on Ita trains, and
give to iti patront an eicellence of set ice
not obtainable' elsewhere. 1 The buffet ears,
compartment cart, ttandard sleeping eatt
and dining cart" bf The " Pioneer are the
handsomest ever built.
Iti Kt
Li V
First National Bank. of Astoria
Capital and Surplus
ao well as p icely s 1 a 11 nd riod .linen, We have the neatoat
and moat unitary' laundry in the' 1 tale and da tW beat
work. All Whit Mp. . . . : - I .
' "8! The
.. wrlliKl U t.ijrlolltul,t.AlIOA'HOU:V.OU'r ItOOf
Take the pine of lilnli, tin, Iron, Ur
rtr imi ana ,uen inrnu-e. gutter. Tauova.
climates. Jtatsnuable In OoiU Bold on merit. Guaranteed. It will nay to ask for
firu: aim iiiiormnvion.
. .1 ... i 1 . J
(0 Chlcimo and all point, aait; Lou,.
yttle, Memphta. Kw Orlti, and at)
point, aouth.
7 '
Sua ' that your ticket reada via tht
llllnou CntrtU R.-R. ThoroURhljr mod
rn train, eonnaot tvlth all tr&naoontU
nental line, at 8t. Paul and Omaha.
A '
It your friend, ara omlnj wwt lt ua
know ,nd wt will quota thorn dlrct
-.ho ipeolally low rit, now In r-ftect
Tom alt aaatarn polnta. 8 ' ' "
f"Xnjr Informatlort a, to ratM, roulM,
c, chtarfuliy given en v.pplloatloi(. -B.
H. TRUMBUCU Commercial
ent, Ml Third; atrttj Portland, C)r.
C. LWDSfflT, T.' . F.'A., Ml
nird atraot, Portland, Or. , ,,,), -
P. B.
P. A.
P. A.,
Every Wontan
u uMTMua mm wrain innw ;
lul lh W(inlrf 1
MARVTt MbirUiHi prov
Mt" Ml ('(MlVMlrnt.
r. tun wnl it!im ti
i Mtrtlmthimilyl illrMinn In. I
BiUilr lu laalloi, M HV KL C0
? 1 i .
ft -
1 1
134 Third Street, Portland
i I
Troy Laundry
Mineral Rmfcttr)
1, " '
and gravel, and all prepared ronfiug
etc. Kasv to av. winnorM for nil
Worcester Ceding, Portland
Kvfry HoiiNcliold In Astoria
Should Know How to
MeAi Itealatlt,-:'-,.' .n
p The back ache, fetcauM the kidney.
are blockade. , K
Help the kidney, with their, work,
The back will aeh, no mora.
Lota of proof that Doan's Kidney
Pilla do thia. ' .. -..'' .' . '
It', the beat proaf, for It cornea from
T. W. Shaakland, who la a itreflt
oar eonduotor an tke Woodcock atrtet
cor Una, reeldlnf at 710 Ellsworth St.J
Portland, aaya: "8oma time laat fail
I .becan vtne onalderabl , trouble
and annoyance from a .dull . aching
pain in the back, erer the kidney,,
think It waa eauaed from the constant
abakOia) and jarring of the car.
thought' at rt it ' would t lappr
quickly aa It came, but thia waa not
the cane. Learning of Doan'a Kidney
PHI, I procured a box and took them
according to dlrectlone. The reault wa.
entirely aatlafaotory, The backache
grew 1m, and leaa and aoon dlaap
peafed and aa. far af t aan tall tt hat
lone tot good for there have keen, no
aymptome of rocrren,o,.; iX .. V
. nnty of almllar preof la Aatorla,
Call at Charlea Regre, druggist for
wra.:vi;;l J'i
For aala by all dealere; price IS eta.
rbater-Mllbum Ce. Boftialo, tf. T.,
aole: agehtf' fo te'. l
. Remember the name Dean'a ani take
ne' ether. ;;:
Mie Luelle Cola la vUiting her
tt-r In Mokcow, Mo.
Mr, H D Thing I, In Portland the
gueat of Mra. H. C. Wortmun.
Mra. W. K. Bohlmpff hi, returned
from an Mtended eastern trip.
Mr, Frank Taylor and children arc
pndlng a few duy In Portland.
Mra. C. 8. Brown, who hai been quite
111 for a month, la much Improved and
able to be out again, J
M. P. Findlay returned to Portland
luat night after having been in Aato
rla for nearly two week.
V e' ' v n: ' ; !
The date aet for the Sutherland-Bad-
ollet wedding la February 17, at the
home of Mine Hutherland'a parents In
Portland i .
e e
. Mle tadie Cr,ng returned Tueeday
night from quite an extended vllt with
hr parenta, Dr. and Mra. Crang, at
Poreat grove. ' .' 'ir"k:'-'-e
e f f . I - :
Mra. W. C. Wllklnao'n and Mice Fran
ce Thomoa leave the flrat of the month
fer oouthorn California where they will
apend the remainder of the winter.
t- ' 1
,The Chafing Dlh Club mat with Mtee
Hobson on Tueeday evening. The
game of the evening woe "lOO." the
prlaes of the evenUg being, won by
Ula Tallant and Dr. Finch. The club
will be entertained at tbw nest meeting
by the offlcer, of the Perry on board
the veaoeL . -
The Thursday Arterneon Club met
MIm Pearl CMe on the regular
meeting day. Six-handed eucher wa
played during the afternoon, Mr,. Hell
born winning ft ret prlxe and Vina Crang
(he second. Mra. W. E. Tallant and
Mra. Crarlee Hellborn have been elect
ed member, of the club and were pres
ent for the Drat time on Thursday.
, e
,The 10th birthday annlveraary of
Ml Wlnnlfred Illgglna -aa made
memorable hurt evening by a delightful
surprise party tendered the young lady
by the Tennis Club, of which ahe Is a
favorite member. Tlje evening was
passed In playing delightful games, the
occasion proving to be on of the most
pleasant passed by the club this winter.
e e
Mrs George H. George and Mrs. H.
Q. Van Dusen gave a most charming
ako Union Pacific
70 hours from Portland to Chicago.
No change of care.
T1M1A 8CHKU- .
Depart . TJLB8 Arrive.
. From' Portland.
Portland Salt Lake, Denver, .
Special Ft Worth, Oma. 6:15 p.m
: IS a,aa, ha, Kansas City,
vlaHunt- St Louis, Chi- . '
Ington. cago and East '
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
Exprss, Ft' Worth, Oma ' s
i:15p.m. ha, Kansas-City .Oea.m.
VlaHunt- St Loula, Chicago .';
InRton. and East '. ' '
Walla Walla,
St Paul Lewleton, Spo- '
FastMall kane, Mlnneapolta. 8:00 p.m.
7;45p.m. St. Paul, Duluth. ' , j
via. Milwaukee, Chlcagx
Bpokan, and Eas v J
From Aatorla
All sailing datea
subject to change
For San Frahcla
1 a. m. co every five day a
Daly ex "CoTumbla River 4: a. m.,
cept Sui to Portland and Dally at
day Way Landings, cept Moi
Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on
tide dally except Sunday for Itwaco,
connecting there with trains for Long
Beach, Tig m and North Beach points.
Returning arrive, at Aatorla tarns ev
ening. Vi
Through ticket to and from all prln-
' olpal European citlea.
O. W. KOBERTS, Ajreut,
Astoria, Ore.
Don't let the little onea suffer from
ecsema, or other tortarlng akin dls-
easea ; No need of tt Doan'e Ointment
Icattekbw- At anrdrog store, Be ceoUl
card party Friday afternoon, at the ys-
ldene of Mrs. George, on Irving avenue
In honor of Mrs. Henry W. George, of
California, The beautiful home was
most ariiHiicaiiy aecoratea witn a pro
fusion of yed carnation and srnllox,
and with the handsome and beautifully
gowned women the scene wits one lonr
to be remembered. Six-handed sucher
was played during the afternoon, the
handsome prlxes being won by Mrs.
Albert Dunbar, Mrs. J. 0. Megler and
Mis Llonberger,' The hostesses were
assisted by the Misses Klmore, Crang,
Floretta Elmore, Van' Dusen, Wlnnl
fred Van Dusen, Tallant, and Hlggfns.
Those present were: Mrs. S. Elmore,
Mrs. Mary Badollet, Mrs. E. C. Hol
der-, Mrs. B. W. Tallant. Mrs.. Gran
ville Reed. Mrs! Martin Foard, Mrs. J.
TN. Callaway, Mrs. R. C. Carmt ti
ers, Mrs. B. W. Pchlmpff, Mrs. Ward.
Mrs. Harrison Allen, Mrs. W. E. De
ment, Mra. P. L. Cherry, Mrs. James
W. Welch, MrsvD. M. Stuart, Mra.
. W. ChrlstUnsen, Mr,. J. N. Orlffln,
Mrs. R. O. Praet, Mrs. W. C. Logon.
Mra. O. 0. Fulton. Mra. C. H. Cat
lender, Mr,. N. A. Morrs, Mrs. O. W.
Lounsberry, Mrs. Nelson Troyer, Mrs'.
O. F. Hellborn, Mra. George Noland,
Mrs. W. L. Robb, Mra. J, N. Smith,
Mra. O. Wlngate, Mrs. Newman, Mra
E. A. Taylor, Mrs. F. D. Kuettner.
Mrs. 8. C. Morton, Mrs. Roland MIUs,
Mra. Ferd Fisher. Mrs. W. E. Tallant
Mrs. Albert Dunbar, Mrs. J. A. Ful
ton. Mrs. Anton Taylor, Mrs. Ann Ful
ton. Mra. Z. E. Hlgglna, Mra. Frank
Pat ton, Mrs. A. A. Finch, Mrs. 8.
Moddpck. Mrs. J.: W. McCormac, Mrs.
i. O. Megter, Mr. F. L. Parker, Mra.
G. W, Sanborn, Mrs, George C. Fla
vel, Mrs.. . K. Osborne, Mrs. Ralph
Dyer, Mrs. Grace Ross, Mr. A. V.
Allen, Mrs. R. 3i Pllkington, Mrs. A
W. Berry, Mrs. Henry Smith, Mra.
W, H. Barker, Mra. Hyland. Mra. B.
Van Dusen, Mrs. Thomas Ryre, Mrs.
O. W. Wood. Mrs. P. A. 8tokes, Mrs.
O. Roiers. Mra. H. F. Prael. Mrs.
W.O.Barnes, Mre. P. A.'Truliruxsr,
Mrs. Frank Spittle, Mrs. Swift, Mrs.
H. D. Thing, Mrs. E. Z. Ferguson.
Mrs. P. J. Taylor, Mra. W. O. WU
klnaon, Mrs. Charles Richardson, Mr,.
C. 8. Brown. Mre. Flora M. Gllman.
Mrs. Alsea Fox. Mrs. DavW Morgan.
Mrs. Charles Hellborn, Mrs. Chaa A
M. HeUborn, Mrs. Walter RldehalgK
Mrs. Carlton Allen, Miss Llonberger,
Mise Dora Badollet, Miss Helen Dick
ensen, Miss Boelllng. Miss Emma War
ren. ' : i
..lJ.. 2
For Full Particulars, Rates, Folder
, Etc., Coll on or Address
Trav. Pass. Agt . , City Ticket Agt
12S Third 8treet, Portland.
(13 First Avenue, , -.,, Seattle,' Wash;
The; gcehiq Line
Through Salt Laks City, Leadville.
Pueblo. Colorado Snrinss and
' Denver, '
Ofl'ers the Choice of ' Three Route
Through the Famous Rocky Mount
tain Scenery1, and Five Distinct
Routes East and South of Denver.
Between Ogden and Denver, Carrying
All Olassea of Modem Equipment v
Purfect Dining Car Servtce and Per
sonally Conducted Tourist Ex- , r
curslona to All Polnta Eaat C
On All Classes of Tickets.
For Information or Illustrated liter',
ture call oh or address C
W. C MoBRIDB, General Agent
O OIH TUrtBt, lWlaSd,'Ot. , v
Woodrow Wilson wSpeaks of the Problems
That Confront the Government. :
Now Is the Time to Corret National Evils, Evils that Put Orinid
, Idea of Makers of Government on Wrong Footing
Addresses Outlook Club. -
New Tork, Jan. 21 President Wood
row W'n.ton of Princeton University,
speaking on "Americanism," before the
Outlook Club of Montclalr, N. J., dls
cussed at length the natural charac-
-,ir-V ' '.
"lt,ls hard. to analyze the natural
character," said he, "for when we con
ceive of the- American ws .. think in
terms suitable to that part of th coun
try In which we burst Ives live !.Ve
are to be congratulated on our natural
sentiment, for we have very little see
ttonnliama. In spite of this" we 4a ot
try to be conventional and that I what
makes us what we are. Nobody but
Americans can understand -what An.
erlcan character is and , yet can we
really understand tt ourselves
"if took us'one "century" to' settle am!
colonise this oonntry, the next century
waa spent In getting rid of the Dutch
and French, the third in establishing
thf nation and settling the difficulties
between the north and the south and
we now have things on a national basis
which does not seem at present to be
threatened by any catastrophe. It Is
Big Moneyed Men of Chicago Purpose to
Colonize Slum, Population of the
Large Cities on Farms.
..Chicago, Jan.
SS. The Inter-Ocean-
teVysays: V s ;i V .!
Chicago millionaires are organising to
promote a gigantic philanthropic work,
no less than the colonization of the
slum population of the great American
cities upon farms. The Field and Work
shop Society Is the corporation which
bus been formed to work out the de
tails. E. T. Rosenthal, who Is respons
ible for the Industrial Art League, has'
been the principal sponsor and creator.
The organlzxatlon will "be national.
Fifty thousand dollars will be spent
Jn Organising. A When societies are or.-,
gn nixed In all the cities, delegates will
meet In convention and elect trustees
to conduct the business of the i.oc!ty.
The embryonic organization of Chi- '.
cago consists of an'odvlsory board of
1004 members.. Its officers are: John
Lambert, president; Med 111 McCormlck,
Vice-president; George Lytton, gener-v
socreUiry; George .Dixon, financial sec
retary., .
S f 1...... ....... n flmi. Am
Many yl UIIIUIUV wuiiictii neuic vu
the advisory board. The first move of
Vienna, Jan.
!S. Owing to increas-
Ing complaints from the public regard.
Ing the exorbitant prices at which meat
Is sold In Vienna, the municipal court
has resolved to ask the government
upon wat conditions Jt would permit
the Importation of meat from America,
Argentina aM A'utrallaj;v,t, JK f j X
Up to the present time the govern
ment has' objected to the introduction
of meat from trans-oceanlo countries
upon general sanitary grounds,. The
ministry' of the interior has Just" is
sued an prder, prohibiting the, irnpor-
tatton oi1 frozen beef from Argentina
and Australia coming to Vienna
, Proposes to Vaccinate Calves.
Berlin, Jan. 23. Every calf in Ger-
many will he vaccinated upon reaching
its third month with specially pre
pared tuberculosis bacilli, taken from
human beings, If the proposals of Prof,
Pehrlng,' the great bacteriologist and
opponent of Dr. Koch's tuberculosis
theories, are adopted by the Relchstagi
Proi.' Behrlng pleaded the adoption of
an Imperial law to this end, In a con
ference: with the ministry of agricul
ture. The professor also proposes to
adda. gramme of, formalin to every
10 quart can of milk. He maintains
that fresh milk contains elements fatal
true that we hav anarchy and social,
hrni to deal With but this Is not evfl pec
uliar to us, for all nations have to deal
with them. We ar'"stiU in the flushj
of mahbood and ws have a future ahead '
of ; - ', ; .
, "We have entered' tka-; fourth een
tary of our exUUoca. mlth 4 big qutd
tlon mark staring us In the face. We
M jvretlves oj pur. P01IMCJ4 JUbfttXw
but ir what. wef call political Ubettji
Is found In thtf c'lUes, it Is a peculiar
liberty. We ,nA now arrlydj at sj
tlfri when we must correct the evllej
that hv arises Jn our government,
and there ore. many of henj. even 1
only In our .city governmenta. It isj
doubtful Jt the makers of the constitu
tion "would recognise It If they were te
see It now.' W It certainly baa beerj
stretcfied: "Wt "cahnotlaT"that "the
trt saving baa been harmful, foe it-Js
better that It be stretched than that
Jtt should break
."We should keep high ideals, wheftef
new or old; If we don't ww will AecUna,
We ought not to put men at the head
of the nation's affairs whose honor
can In any way be questioned."
the new society will be to get land from
the United States government. That fs
tke crux of the scheme. ' The land un
der the operation of the Homestead act
can be secured at a nominal price' by
settlers remaining on it for a brief term
of years,
.. -i.v,-, . ..w.. ,
Having the land, the society will
make a selection ftpm the families of
the slums and move such as give prom'r .
ise of success from the congested dis
tricts to new settlements. ; The society
will locate the families on the land ex
tectuig the railways to give them free
.transportation,, Jfhe, society will take
care of the settlers until they can sup
port themselves, and as the lands be
come productive, yearly payments by ,
the settlers 'to the society will, be ex
pected until full payment Is made. The
scheme is to be financed by the Issu
ance of bonds against the lands secured
by settlement. , Millionaires are ex
pected to take the bonds in $50,000 lota,
The project, 4oes not differ in purpose
from what other societies have attempt
ed. The difference is one of scope. ,
. ; . . . r v t-. r
through London, when this beef is ao
- "V ?l
compelled only by the certificates ' of
the English veterinary surgeon. '. The '
linportcitlon of beet and pork direct
,from Australia ria prohibited also for
Important veterinary and sanitary rea-.
sons. Pending further inquiries, the
govenment Is withholding its decision
with regard to the importation, irci
en beef direct from Argentina and of
frozen porlt dlrecY'fromCanaaT""'""-
It is .considered probable that the
government may. relax stringency .-of
the"prssent provlslbns In order t aid
the efforts of the munfclpol council to
procure cheaper meat for the people of
to disease baoieria but that It quickly
'.loses them. Formalin." he adds would
conserve these elements Indefinitely.
Trifle of 5,000,00a v
Berlin, Jan. 23.' The financial pa
pers regarding the capital' of $6,000,000,
withwhlch the German Petroleum Com
pany was organized to coroPetO with
the Standard Oil Company, ia a smalt
trifle, compared vrith, the paid up cap
ital of the Rockefeller concern. The
founders are ' the Deiitsch bank, the
Na,tIona bank, Jacob Stern oif Frank
fort and the. Handet. ' and Industrial
banks, ' . ''" ' ' " : ' ,