PAGESIX. I INDRASAMHA MAKES PORT Oriental Liner Brings Manila Ex hibit for thoSt. Louis WorWV FliW EASTETN AFFAIRS .QUIETER Captain Or'' 8uya He Balicv War Will Be Avolded Othtr Lockl SUWue IIlpiituKS The oriental liner Indaaamha arrived la port late yesteraj,. afternoon . ,6h omes originally from Manila, but topped at MoJI. stob and Yokohama, the Japanese ports. The Indraaamha made a very tastWssa from Manila, occupying only P day on the trip; while she depart! from Manila 54 days ago. She brought one fMtaa: & eager, Mr. Ransom, an O. R. N.. man, and four stier passengers, at, whom but one was from China, the others being Japanese. Dr. Earle vis ited her In the lower harbor and found her free from cWttajtoa; ' i j ' Captain Crave, of the Indrasamha,' my there Is Utile probability of war between Russia and " Jpaa. i ' en he was In Japan he found that there was much leas talk of war. and the opinion seemed ta previa! that sAJusU ment of the dlfflculUe between the natlona would bej brought about with out the use of arms. , Trom what I was able to gather at MoJJ.".kok and, Yo kohama, there wlll'be ao war." said Captain Craven, jwho seemed to think the conditions to 'the tar east had been overstated . 1 The Indrasamha was heralded prior to arrival as being loaded-wlta a, mU llon -dollar cargo, but when ttw matter of the worth of the ship's freight was mentioned yesterday the captain smiled blandly. He has only II bales of silk, acme matting, teas and curios, but the " i. .nrth far from 11.600.000. , The MW11 wMWt to tt St. ouie fal, ui aboard ta"lBdianh.The upper aeck of the liner ia plied high with bamboo poles and nipa leaves, of which the Manitf diag are to bt constructed. The Indrasamha also hrlnm some of the Manila exhibits, including' a handsomely carved Jap anese boat, such as are used there for very-day work. The boat is about 10 feet In length and Is remarkable for fee workmanship shown In Its design. The-User bad aa uneventful passage cross the Pacific . She came direct to Astoria. from Tphama th laM port of call on the other side, and left p the river last algnt." u' " Captain Craven yesterday, showed a press representaUte'a New tork news paper cUpplng that Is causing him some jneasinees. Itl totfc effect tnat Captain Porter, formerly his first officer on the IndravelM. had tort his position with the company. .Captain Porter was given comma of one of the liners, the IndrawadJ, and 'was to join her some time ago. . At New Tork Captain Porter, according to the clip ping, got out with a party of friends, and woke W In Boston." MeanUme bis sfclp Ua4 departed without him, ltd his dlcharKe from the service Is aid to have followed. Mrs. Porter and her children are at Kobe awaiting the arrival of the captain. Captain Craven brought' out Captain, Porter and he IsJ downcast because of the failing or. nis fgrmer first officer, to whom be was very much attached. ' ' " THE CAPTAIN WAS OBSTINATE. British Master Not At All Anxious to 8ubmit to Arrest. ' Captain GuUlaon, of the British ship -JUtcalos, was, arrested yesterday by Sheriff Linvllie on a warrant sworn to by Charles Henry, a sailor, charging him with defamation of character, and demanding damagesln the sum of 1350. Henry had signed for the outward voy age on the Ancaios, but had been ar rested at Portland for the alleged theft of a compass from the ship East Af rican. While in Jail awaiting trial Cap tain Gulllson finished loading and re placed Henry with another man. Henry wis cleared of the charge. On Friday Deputy Sheriff Binder re telved a telegraphic warrant to arrest the master, but when he went aboard ship Ciptain Oulllson refused to leave the vessel. He became stubborn, and when the deputy Insisted that it would be necessary for him to go ashore as sumed a threatening attltnde. Deputy Binder promptly covered him with a re volver and refused to permit him io ' leave the cabin, the captain having intimated' that' he would arm himself . After two hours' wrangling Mr. Binder onhnrA tin vine concluded to .await ; the return of Sheriff tlnville,' who was out of the city, TestenJay th sheriff boarded the vessel and had no dim oulty, tht captain's wrath havlnf eoold off. ? '. 7 On comlnx aohor Captata Oulllson conferred wttb Hcnrya attorwy,' and tt was finally airrwd that the" matte? bo settled for t"5, which was paid over to the man. Henry mada some effort compel the rantaln to take htm aboard for the outward" passnjre. but content ed himself with the amount of damages received, THE LUMBER CARRIERS. Week! Shipment Amounted To Four Million Feet Six lumber cargoes were cleared from this port during the past week, and a seventh .that of the bark Haydn Brown, should have been cleared, in view of the tact that the vessel made an ef fort to jet to sear The week's ship ments amounted to mire than three and one-quarter million feet, and the Haydn Brown's cargi , would have broaght up the total to- more than 4.- 000.W0 feet. The vessels clearing and theb cargoes ( ere as follows: i - - ' ' 897.95 Aurella 650,000 4!4,0('O 737,000 475.000 i Prentiss ...... Volunteer .... Viking Laura Madaen Total .3.383.934 The schooner Challenger, which ar rived' late Friday nlghi went to the Hume mill, where she Is to load lum ber, for San Francisco, The weens shipments from, the Hume mill am-' ounted to 78.000 feet. No Appropriations This Year The house rivers and, harbors com mittee has decided that no appropria tion bill wUl be submitted at the pres ent session of congress because, of the large unexpended balance lying Idle in the treasury. This balanc amounts to t3.000.000, and the failure to expend U was due to the Inadequate number nnrnnwnt engineers and the de lay and difficulty In securing sites for government work. The decision of the committee knocks out The Dalles Im- nrovernent and eat off the fund which had been expected', for- Improvement of the TUUamettfand Columbia between Portland and Astoria. The' work pro vided for .by continuing contracts will be cared for in the sundry civil bill, so the Jetty work will not suffer, nor will dredging operations be suspended. The amounts available, but unexpended, for local improvements are as follows: Mouth of Columbia $1,392,65 OS Columbia below Tongue Point ..v....... v.-.. . Columbia and lower Wil- Umette. 05 Total IU8M54 49 Tha Oregon delegation will try and get The Dalle appropriation In the aundry civil bill. ' ' Maris Notes. The gaaoUne schooner Delia departed 'yesterday for Nestucca. The British bark Ancaloo - cleared yesterday tor Durbln, South Africa, with 33,023.5 barrels of flour, worth $115,231. and 1000 cases of frolt, val ued at 32250. ' , The steamship Oregon arrived down the river yesterday and took on an un usually large quantity Of shooks at the O. R. A Nr dock. At 6 p. m. she proceeded to the lower harbor and will probably get to sea this morning. The Iqulqul Shipping Report of De cember 12 gave particulars of the loss of two vessels well known at this port. The British bark Clydesdale, Captain Ivans, took fire at Tocopilla on the 10th of the month, and was a total loss; 32,000 quintals of nitrate were lout. The crew was all saved. The German ship Nesaia was burned December 11 at Celta Buena. Part of her coal cargo was saved. The vessel was dlscharg lag. , China loan Negotiated.,, New Tork, Jan. 23. -A dispatch from Tokio to the Times says the In dustrlal Bank has agreed to lend about 11,600,000 to the Chinese government on he security of the Ham Tang Iron mine at six per cent for a period of 30 years, on -condition that the mine furnishes annually a minimum of 70.000, tons of ore for the use of Wakeniatsu found ry, What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family - T -. it. a- J m ctcjjt utt. Act us answer 11 wuay. y EI a delicious and healthful dessert!! Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling I so baking! add boiling water and set to cooi. r iavors: t,emoa, urange, Kasp. berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. locte. if - ASTORIA; OREGON; 8UKDAY; JANUARY,S,10M 11 ' -v " " ' 1 . JgaMBajsjsjMsiagMBMBMBM IRsHHHsSBMMMHRHSB ! 1 BUSINESS LaOAtiS i 1T YOUR WANTS BR KNOWK Somebody lifts what you "want, or want wbt jru ' tt ; i ; mIL Here U where wnt and wanted romo together. ADVERTISE. First-class meal tor ISc; nice cake, toffe pie or doughnuts, Sc. V. 8. res tauraiit, 434 Bond street. tf. Spiro is new faee powder, and Is the best. Use that and nothing else. Sold only at tile Owl and Eagle drug stores. 3 cents a box. . Astoria. They dont eome out Whatt Why, the bristles in the tooth brushes at Frank Hart's Drug Store. He ha a big supply at all prices. Call and sea The Morning Astorlaa will be found for sale at Griffin's book store and at Scully" cigar store, corner Eleventh and Commercial streets.' For rent, furnished or unfurnished two large, clean rooms tor housekeep ing;, water In kttchen, . Over Peter son & Brown's shoe store, , i-S MRS. C. V. HAVENS. ' Weed. Wood. Wood. Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone S3 11 Black. Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. Upper Astoria has a place where you can. get a fine glass of beer, a good wines and liquor aa you can find any place In the city. HARRT JONES, ' Opposite Kopp's Brewery. '' ' Piano Tuner. For good, reliable plane work see your local tuner, Th. FreJrioksoa. 2071 Bond Street. 'Phone Red I0T4. ' JAPANKSB OOOD0. New stock ot fancy good Just arriv ed at Yokohama Basaar. Call and the latest novelties from Japan. Monarch over para. Burns, uta sprain, Ung. Instant relief. Dr Thomas Blectrio Oil. At any drag store. !'iiiiiiiiinmmttnnttti!i"tw8ttM""tmtttt The Boston Restaurant &itO COMMKKCIAL 8TUKET Best asd Neatest Eatlnj House ifl Astoria .Try Oar 25-Ccnt Dtdiers Prompt Atteatloo IHiS Class Cfeif 8 MARINpVICH tt CO HOTEL PORTLAND The Flneit Hotel In the NorthweBt PORTLAND. ttttttt r 1 .n.n.mtMT 1 FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale aad Ratail Sltipg. Logging Campi and Milh supplied on hort iaia. LIVE STOCK BOTJOHT AND SOLD WASHINGTON MARKET . CliKISTENSON t CO. THE LOUVRE i HrtOUC-oftHail -2PiiIl4)PiIiTliOit , ADMISSION FREE iTTRioTi vk rmnuu ciane wkkiu Seventh and Aitor Street CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prp. ?Y WU 11 IC4I STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FL0U8. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIOAftS ..' Supplias of all kinda at lwet rate, kt sUortnon; Faraew and Loggers. , , ; A. V.; ALLEN, , Till, Teith ltd Commercial Streets, CALL ON HIM. Electtlral fixture lllwlrlcal airing. Electrical supplies. 0 as mantels guaranteed 431 Commercial street. M. F. Hardest Eleetrloal Contractor BE3T U-CBNT MBAL. Tou will always find the best Uc meal la the city at the Rising Sua res taurant No. 413 Commercial street ' Something Qood. Teke Point nd Phonlwaler bay oysters at the' Impertnl chop houte. Try our ceffee. It I unexcelled. S. M. aALLAQHHR, Manager. Stranger in town often speak ef th beautiful complexion of Astoria girls and lay It to the climate, which la par tially th reason, a they most all use, Hart's Toilet Credit to prevent rough- neo ot th akin, chapped hands or tlpa For sale only at Hart' drug tore. s AT THE TOKE POINT. , If It I In aeaaea you will find tt at It best at the celebrated Toko Tolnt oyster house on Eleventh street. Fish, game, shell-fish, choicest meata, paatry coffee, etc., etc., served teUhe queen' ustu. Special accommodation for parties. Open all night. Don't mlM the place. Eleventh street aeat Bond. A Popular Iptenoe. Plumbing look easy, but a part nf tinitu la more Imoortaat to health and comfort than, the' plumbing. W are prepared to do all work la this line la the most scientific aad salt- factory manner. We keep the latest Improved fitting alwaya la stock tot new or repair work. s Ail kind of tinning, beating and steam-fitting. 'Phone 1031. 421 Bend stret. JOHN A. MONTQOMSRT. OREGON. 11 11 iigllimtll 1 1 II 1 1 Bli U O Beer. AST05IA, 0KEC0N Wed when necessary; position per Outnent. Aditroal the Columbia, ti Uonon Ouiiding, Chlcuto, UU , , jj Weloeme a Sunshine . after a long storm is a feeliaf ef relief when ,aa eUsUnate. pltikss cold ha eea j Iwa ,. awiy by . Alien' Lung Ralsaai. Only people who have been cured ef throai-aca aad r lung by this remedy caa eult realise what the fedllag I. There I ao apluat la th Balsam; It good effect la raJteal aad tastlr-r Take a settle heiae s Business Propesitlen. If yeu are going east a earful select lea el yeur route is easeatla) to Ik a leyaieat ef yeur trip. If It Is a bust aess trip time la the mala consider ate i It a pleasure trip. eeery ad th eeavealeaces and cemfert ef a medera railroad. Why aot combine all by uatag the UUael Central, the up-te-dsie road, running two train dally frm St. Peel aad Miaaeapolis, and trom Oauha, to Chicago. Free reclining chair ears, tha famous buffet llbnry smoking eara, all trains vestlbjUd. la short thoroughly modera throughout. A,ll UcktU read ing via the Illinois Central will be hea- eVed eo the tfalo aad a extra tare charged. Our rate are th same as those of leioiUr rda-why ae't , get yeur raeaey' werJihT ,. , Wriie foVt.ll'parUeuira, ' - 14. TRVMBUUU Cemaierelal Agt Portlaad, Ore. h J. 9. UNDSBT, T. F, P A-. , PerUaad, Or. FiVh B, T344MMON, F. A. P. A.. ,f , Seem, Wash. The Lee eleetrle insoles, whieh are aold by the Owl drug store exclusive ly and under guarantee for cure, are not pre vioost y . cp ytw i-.wiyt We Gaifl Rlease You and Save You Money -V f'''-' i"- ,j i- Civ us yeur order tor any klad ot irlatlBs; piala ar arUatla, bturiaen or prrtaai). TT fuarantee sattsfac I Beat workssaaskla. Jleit reasoaabl or lees. Tw Usetyae taaeklaea eaakl u t ' aria t brief a atfcer book' weVk aa hort aeH. rTewseaaer oeaiaeetMea a Sfeetalay. Wrl4a for Teeasa . Astoriati Publishing Go. IF YOU wiou j To Eat Well, A j; 13; W'Bj. Sleep Well, r v And Work Well, eecham's Pills Yom will Cmt vtmll, BEOAvSR, bTtktlrwwelS. kMam n Um DlrMHn OrM. eeehsm'e la wi MuaHoaol fulMW ml opynlon wwiuBly eiywlie us, flT. tin "fVMtf " eft," we Mm liaaMk to baalita u tuunt luNM. Yom will Stomp wmll, .MJitPi iHunam 1 ruts ihnj UmulMtrtud lMuln tatloa spaa tlx mtrr"-vM.ral ilumlwr. Shool. tnt aoM of Bseoham'e Pills wiu uiif Yon will W6rk wol'l, 11 BECAUSE asoham' Pills brini thoat th. proper aJlmtUtloitpf 0i fool Mkea, (IretM to Ua Htom(Th, porlfr tha Hloo, tnnionit. tha Harrona Srata,Ml(l torn to th.MttMlaa.aa . tbaa andoa tM Odrtmiiuetsl er ttijaaaUwltt reneee. tasrff tdw. Sold Everywhere In Boxo; W ovist mind 28 ooptu but arcompllKh thnlr wonderful enroa by the natural current generated by th aold fluid of the body, acting a the poaltiv and rairt polea at tat battery furmed by th alno plate lit one heel and the copr plate to tb other. them in the wlndow. Art for a deaittriptive booklet telling of la owrveloue cure of raeuatatiata. ' tt 1, 1 .'. i 11 is u! DBNiuoits TrrswiuTtar. W anil, rent and repair all makes of typewriter. Writ tor new catalogue ef New Denirnore. t Huiley. Ryaa A Co.. ' tt Fourth Street Portland. Or. C0AU C0AU C0AU ,, . If you want your money wortk Ring 'Phone 1JU. OEO. W. SANBORN, Aft. Netlee ef Diseeiutlen, Notice la ktreby glvca that the ua- deraigaed demg buslnet vader Ik firm asm of Aiakella A Com easy, proprietor ef the New Style restaur. aat have this dsy. by mutual coaseat dissolved partnership, Joba Klabella continuing In th business. An aat- Uadlng ascouats will be collected by ' th aew Arm, who will t7 all abllga. Won. JOHN BARA60. Joka klaketle, "" " A Blew in The Seek. ' An ' oveVi' wt V a' necessary nuieanea and the tendny to take It off warmish days In late autumn and win. ter I strong as It I unwise, A treacherous wind hits you In the bark and'tb Wrt' mornlna; you hav lum bago IJ,ub )) sad often wltk errF Davis Painkiller and you will be as tonished to find how quickly all sore ness Is banished. ,Tbr t but an Tlinkllh-ir, Perry Pnvl' , j, . i' ' ' ..;:. .J r 1 Jtom imwwiw w ivmi eriMn, wtme tf aMs. Utm m4 Kldnri, llltloa ettMMUj with soma! M ttum erter u .ItlHii m eoetlrlal enata, a utae rtiwUaf Umk 'ei I 1 BS3 i