The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 24, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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A vegetable extract. Help .to make cooldng oiuy
and ihUh to the flavor of beau soup, bouillon, meat
gliuo, jellied veal, brown auuco, mushroom and
,, tomato iwuco, meat tuubulwy dressing, canned chick
en, Itaahed brown potatoes, ragout of moat, oornod
beef frittora. May also be umkI fur coloring winch if
no liquor U desired. 30 cents per bottU.
lecal Brevities.
CarMaj'lfeene wat letuttl yt
t.rday to Jacob Hannuksela wil Emma
Itandrlkaon, .both of Clataop county
' Mm DupoM'l tklft food hot world
vtdo ropuUUon. Bold only t Owl
and Kail drug atom. II coau bos.
L. Ohtor hit movod hit barbof thtp
to Eleventh atreet, botwotn Bond and
Commercial. Ht will opon tn hi ntw
quarter today.
Johan Viottr llrth and Martin J.
Dorg, native of Finland and Norway,
reatwctlvtly, yesterday 4clar4 their
Intention of bocomlng clllsen.
Tho adoWtt of Mra Mann, of fart
land, before tha Woman'a Club yaatar
day afternoon, waa rraally enjoyed by
tha many ladle who attended the aea
lon. Mra. Mann loured tbt Holy
Land, to that her remark, tha reeult
of personul observation, wtrt vary en
IlKhtenlng and xceedlnfty antartaJn
int, ,s. ' :,; , " . . , '
'- ,.,,
Taday'a aeaelon f tha laglaa will
ba a jollification In honor of tha tittle
daughter of Brother Jamea Itannaford.
Tha time la eipected to ba marked by
an tipreealon of toad fallowahlp and
a continual amlle all around. Tha
lodge will meet at 1:10.
At tha Narwealan'twedieh M. I.
church, of tht taut and, tomorrow,
Iter. C. J. Laraon, paator, praacbtnr
eervlcaa will ba held at II a. m. and
Till p. m. ' Tha Sunday school will
ba eouducttd at I o'clock In tha fore
noon. A feature of the evening aervic
will ba apactal mualc by tha choir.
Martball J. Kinney, tha wall-known
capltallat, waa In tha city yoaterday
wlndlna tip tha aala of tha Kinney
block and tha aaat half of tha blork ad
Jolntna tha Dement building aaat or
tha Klneny block, Mr. Kinney aald
4 More
of Wise's customers
will go to St. Louis
World's Fair. S
Next Drawing in July,
your sales slips
money by trading at
January Clearance iSALE
to "an'AUriaj)rpreritatlv' that 'ha
never taw Aatorta looking to prosper
out, and that be believed tha city had a
great future. ; Bualneaa condition ire,
h aald, better than ever before, and
tha march of Improvement la every
where to bt noted. Mr. Kinney return
ed to Portland on tha night train.
Tha ueoal winter run of ealmon haa
mad It appearance In the Columbia
and tha mark. I are well auppll.d. The
amelt ara of average le Oil year and
ara pronounced to be tha moat palat
abht email flah ever caught In the Co
lumbla. The demand for amelt la
heavy, ,
Persons living around Smith Point
ara soliciting contribution for repair
of tha road there. The council waa
recently aaked to make tha Improve'
ment, but declined to do ao. The Inter'
anted portlft hava aecured tlCO and
iprt to rale 1200. The road ta In
deplorable condition.
Wherity, Raleton A Company, tha
leading and reliable ahoe dealer, hava
Juat received direct from tha factory,
a complete Una of op-to-dat Edwin
Clapp'a and Lewi A. Croaaett'a ahoe
for men. The ahooe art noted for
their atyle, finish and durlblllty. Do
not fall to call and examine them be
fore purchaalng elsewhere. .
A ded wat filed tor record yester
day under the term of which F. A.
and A. C. Fisher, heretofore doing butt
neaa under the Arm name of Flaher
Broa., transfer to the Flaher Broa.
Company tha bualnea of tha flrat
named Arm, th consideration being
141,000. Another Inatrument waa filed
by which A. C. Fliher leasee to th
Wahar Broa. Company tha building and
ground and wharftng right, etc, for
a period of 10 year, Tha monthly
rental la itlpuloted at 11 JS. .
Abarerembl and Stockton continued
their record-breaking tami In the band
ball tournament laat night, defeating
Marlon and Graham three atralght.
Tha game waa an exciting one, but the
champion took It, 11-11. In tha eecond
gam tha ecor waa tl-l, while In the
third game it waa tl-lt. Tha tourna
ment will be finished Wedneaday night
Tomorrow night Allen and Mill" meat
IfoEwen and Cohen, while Wright and
Jonea will try, conclualona wjth J41on.
and Graham. . ,
Th -funieral f th laU Mr Jamea
nmayaon iook piaoa ytiieraay.' Bern-
caa were held at th Preabyterlan
church. . Rev. Mr. Brown, th paator,
delivered a touching eermon, and a
choir, constating of Mr. Spittle, Ml
Hobaon, W. ' H. Barker; and J, K
Ortffln. aang appropriate hymnt. Tho
Interment waa In Ocean View cemetery
on tho went "Ide. - Th pasting away of
Mra. Flnlayson Is lamented by a large
clrvle of Intimate friend and acquaint
ancea, who loved her for her "gentle
refinement and many lovable qualltlo.
now in full blast.
erman Wise
The Reliable Clothier
and Hatter. X?
V ;., , ;
Those who use them will have no other.
Also a complete lino of kitchen utensils and
. KverythinaJor tho homo.
Everytbing htmS
. Ask to sea our Jewell ranges
Probata Judge Trenohard yeiterday
appointed E. F. Ubke, Ou Melbrodt,
and E. C. "Jcffers aa appraiser of tha
astate of the liue Mra. Ann Jones.
F. Ubke, Jasper Heckard, and A.
H. Sales wer appointed appraisers or
tha estat of Lot Ollmore, deceased.
Mary P. Thornton 'wa appointed ad-
mlnlstratrlx of th estate of C. R.
Thomson, deceased, and F. J, Taylor,
Georg Nolund, and John H. Smith
were named aa appraiser. Tha pe
tition for appointment of tha adminis
tratrix aaya the estnt la worth about
13750. Olof Anderson waa appointed
administrator of the estate of the late
Gideon Johnson, while W. F. Gardner
Maxwell Ybung. and O. F.' Morton
were named a appraisers. The John
son estate Is valued at $500,
John Nation, a worthleia character,
waa, run out of town yesterday for wlfe-
beatlng. Matson was brought before
Police Judge Anderson 20 days ago
for having mistreated his wife, and at
that time was fined 140. Judge Ander
son agreed to suspend sentence on con
dltlon that Matson leave the city, which
he promised to do. He left that night.
but returned the following day, The
police rounded him up and be was com
pelled to serve out hi 20-day sentence,
On Friday he waa released, but he had
no sooner reached horn than he ad
ministered to his wife another beating.
She complained to the police and Mat
son waa brought befor Judge Ander
son. Once again the court gave htm an
opportunity to leave the city and he
waa shipped out on the night train.
Should he return the police will try
and fin dsome means of punishment
that will prove distasteful to Matson.
Tho wife Is an Industrious woman, but
the husband Is absolutely worthless.
fclety';" JBy th tiroi, ''Oregon pioneer"
1 tn?nt ail who, arrived tn th state
prior to February 14, lS,whlch waa
th (!u.t, Oregon wa admitted to the
Union. Tha term la also Intended to
Include all th native on who were
born prior to that date. It la esti
mated by Oorg II, Klmes, who la aa-
slstunt acrtary and curator of tha to
duty, that about 10,000 name will be
Included In th register. Already !S00
name, with relative Information, have
been, collected, and 'boa at work on
th matter feel pleased with tha prog
reo being mad.
Since tha last between th.
atat canal commission and Major W,
C. Langfltt, of th Cnlted SStatea en
gineer, Major Langfltt haa been, In
communication with th official of the
O. B. A K. In regard to th securing
of th right of way for the DoUee-Celllo
canal. Although It ta up to th atat
official to eecur th right' of way and
preaent It to th government. Major
Langfltt haa asaltted to the extent of
ahowlng th railroad company by plana
and map of the proposed rout that
It will In no war Interfere with their
trackage facilities. Governor Cham
berlaln and other member of th ttate
canal commission are still treating with
the owners of th property through
which the canal must pass, and ao far
have met with auccea. Governor
Chamberlain atate that he do not
expect that th atat will lecur the
entlr right of way without a contest
of aom kind. V
A Mntatlenal clash between Chief ef
Police Hunt and Attorney Thomas J.
Cleetbn, In which the head of th po
lio department virtually designated
th legal light aa a blackmailer, and to
which designation th latter jtrongly
demurred, occurred at noon yesterday
In tha private offlc of th chief. Th
latter aaya Cleeton attempted to com
pond a felony by offering to ' aettle
threatened suit for damage out of
court for $250, and ..Cleeton, while he
declined to make any extended state
ment foe publication, brands tha. chiefs
action as those of a crasy man. Dur
ing th Interview, which waa overheard
by everyone In the police station, hot
word wer exchanged by chief and at
torney, and It waa not until City Attor
ney. McNary waa called In. that, the
matter waa even temporarily smoothed
over, 1 refused to, ba blackmailed out
of SSSff amid Chief 'Hunt, after th
row. "I have no tUtement to maki
but Hunt acted like' a crtsy manv
waa all that Attornay Cleeton, wauld
Work on th "Orest Register," which
f being prepared by the Oregon His
torical society, to be sent to the Saint
Louis exposition, la progreslng rapid
ly, The register will contain names
and, Important biographical dates of all
the Oregon ploneera, so far as that
Information can bo obtained by th so-
Th oriental liner Indratamha, ar
riving yesterday, brought over th us
ual number of gold fish, and upon the
arrival of th steamship Captain Crav
en" presented Dr. Baylia H. Earle, quar
antine officer, with, three doxen of the:
flmh, which 'the doctor will place In the
lake juat back of the quarantine station
for the purpose of determining whether.
or not they will thrive in these waters.
There is a young sturgeon In the lake
and It 1 probable he will be made away
with before the tiny gold fish are plant-
ad there. An amusing Incident oc
curred during, thi trip of the Indra'
samha.,' The gold flsh belonged to tho
scolltary Chinese passenger, who kept
litem oa. th upper deck. The liner
encountered some. heavy, weather and
a great wave .wasaea over me aecx
carrying many of the gold fish Into
the aea. The next wave washed some
ot them back onto deck, and one of the
white sailors hastened to the captain
to tell him the ra was giving up a rare
species of fish. The gold fish abound
In great numbers tn the waters of
China and Japan and every liner mak
ing port brings hundreds of the little
fellows, which are usually distributed
among local friends of the officers of
the vesel. . , ' ,
Banr U, Bvnblet waa down from
Portland yesterday. '
J. P. Badollet went to Portland last
night to spend Snnday. .
An Improvement la reported In, the
condition of L Cohen, who haa been
quite 111.
H. B. Gist, the well known represen
tattve of the California Saw Works, 1b
in the city. , ,
j Arthur B. Peterson will leave this
morning for Portland, on a brief bust
nesa trip. , , ,
E. F. Llbke, a well-known resident
of the Lewis and Clark, was In the
city yesterday.
Dr. C. A. Cordlner la a passenger
on the steamship Oregon, which will
depart this morning for San Francisco.
He was tendered a farewell lost "night
by a number of friends. ,
Spices generally are half or
three-quarters something else.
Schilling's Best v
, , mOm .. ' taming wtnew wda
are pure and full strength.
Your grocer's; moneyback.
Jasitaary !'?
Mark Down iSale
These Are Sample
Begalar S1.2Saad tl.50 Wrapptn yourQ.
ehoioe tbia week tor only wyc
Oa lot ChiWreu't dreaaet that sold for
75c, 86c and ll 25 your cboie thai . .
Mk fnr -
Men' ctaits that bit been ee&isf g.
U.80, $1 and $17.60 your eboie n tgJ
ibis weak 4
Boy's Suita that have been 'aeiliiir, at 820
S70, $3, and $835, your cboie x oe
this week UY3
r,RE dept. mm
The Place to Save Money.
508-510 Commercial St.
SOS-610 Comnierclai M.
i";"' ,..Yoame'iibneyfcy$elii
Robinsoii Furniture Store
'.', : for "V" ;'':''- s
Be Sure ind See Them Before Baying Elsewhere
. Prices Are Rirjlit .
JOHN VOX, Pras,an- Supt
A. L.FOX, Tloe President
Designers and Manufacturers of V
Foot of Fourth Street, ASTORIA, OREGON.
Astoria Fish, Game and Poultry Market
On Twelfth Street
Best of Attention. Quick Delivery. .
2 MALAR SL JOHNSON, Proprietors.
So we will aellat great reduction a fine assortment of elegant
Couches Morris Chairs Rockers
, i They must go. Call and tee them. , ;.
ZAPF, The House Furnisher.