The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 24, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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A ;: f U r '"v "; r '
As I business proposition, it pays to trad it
home, conditions being equal as to the value
offered) but when you can get a better article at
home on as good terms there' b an added reason
for patronizing the home institution. ' "
Do You Drink Beer?
1 1 v . - ; - . .y 'i . ' '--A- s
If you do, then why not drink the best? Beer
is not a necessity, but a luxury, and if , you must
have a luxury ef that kind, then get an article that
b absolutely pure, and whkh b made at home by
M J. s t H a 1; ii It K 'i iS Sf ft 51 if t u n If ,
The North
'4 'I':' !... 4
Brewing Cotrr pan v. Phone 21.
TIII'T, f. A
Give e an
Get hold of a Rock
J ' 1 fslend System folder, turn
to the map, study it a
minute or two. end you
rJ will get a fair idea of the
M- :i immensity of the territory traversed
now or
give me
I , by this Company's lines-Minne
sota on the North: Texas on the
? " South; AlabamT on the Efsstr
Colorado on the West
,'i - t If you are. going East,
! l4cr' Will ydJ not kindly
an opportumry or quoting rates
v and felling , you what our through cat -
I arrangement arer (inee Domes fSV
l. a. ctomuH. oMHi
. ' i It- I V i v.. V k.- r.t
Military Activity Continues to In
crease in Volume at Por of!
the Black Sea,
? v. t bit '. b tY(l'H
"i.-.i iufih
l'rohbllMt of Ueiwrtlnr Vea
eels Erer Reaching- De(i- ,
illtn, Mud Hub- 1 "
Open in Old l.ibtrty Hall,
Corner Seventh id Bond 8trts '
Tlonday Evening, January nth.
.. a .... , I 1 v ..
Illili, Class VmdcvIIIs
naaa csgpycfiwi ...
Hart Ck Hart SIMS
Comedy, SkstcU Artiste. Calibrated Tramp Cartoonist
tlUdebrand Hays CI Wlnchol.
World'i Champion Hand Noteltr Sketch Artists and
Bslsncersnd liuilibrist. - IUf-fime riarie Plsyers.
ADMISSION 10.. 20 and 30,. CENT Jf
Band, Concert 7:30. Perfo'rpence Begins 8 : 1 5 Every; f.eii.
Biest tor 5team
Best foir Ranges
Best for Heaters
The most economical and satisfactory
, Fuel lor any purpose.;
Any Quantity at Any Time
1 on short notice.
'.,1 V'
Free Delivery in the City.
Phone I9S1.
Oth and Commercial Streets.
Ity at Iht Pluck Re nort continue.
cable. , Rurnl.n eorrcpondent of th
Time.. S Men r urrlvt.f for t'hipAmi
on tranijwrt. tMtti titi'&Lt. The
rutlw.y. r gorged - with mlllUrjr
tori.. Private freight li .idetmcVed
In order" to xie4li .hlpmenta or iip
pile., rjv. more tr.n.poru, ciu-rylnc
26.000 ton. of cargo and a large number
of troop, will be dispatched a. mod
poMlble. . The tran.porta will take
gun. and munition, which art needed
at Port Arthur. ;, tj
Tb Ruaitan oltlcer. .re watering on
the chance, of thla or that transport
renhlng It. declination In advance of
Ih. opening of hoattlltle..
Congr of Veung Stud.nta
Rome, Jan. it. The ftrat congre.
of .tudent. to be held In Italy for the
purpo. of dtacuMlnf moral and, re
llgrtoua queatlont, I. In aewlon hr.
The mort numerou. reprewntatlon to
the congreM la derived from unlver.
altiea' throughout Italy, end Sicily hut
Influential delegate, are prcaent from
France, ttpaln, Portugal, SwIUerlind
and' Relglum. J. A. Molt of New
Twk, aecrtry of the World". Student
Chrlatl.a Federation nd rgnler of
the .tudant moT.meat In different
ooun tries In Europe made the opening
ddreM, In which he MundH the key
note to forward the rellglou. moeemeat
among young mtri of the Latin race.
Over two hundred delegate, hav. earn.
t Rome' to attend lb. congreM which
I. regarded her with deep Interest.
Fall. t. Commit Murder,
j N.w York, Jan. II. Apparently be
cause hi. wife and .on h.d deserted
him on account of his Intemperate hab
its. Frederick T, Thrush, a lithograph
er, ha. attempted to murder hi. wife
r4 son Frederick, IT year, of age, in
the attbule ef an apartment house Is
Bast 14th street. There waa a ttibi
struggle between Thrush and, bis tan,
the latter endeavoring to pretest hi.
mother.'' , , :: )
Immediately after the sheotlng
Thrust ran Into the irtreet aa If to
eao, but suddenly halted and fired a
hot Into hi. owa head, casing death.
Kr.. Thrush and th. hoy probably will
uv.; ; ' '
t ;, Corporation Man Dead. f ,
New Tork, Jan. It. James Clark,
founder of the James Clark Leather
Corporation of St. Louis, Mo., Is dead
at hi. hom In Plalnfleld, N. J.,, from
rnoumonl. His health It rated at'
110,000,000, consisting, mostly of St.
Lo'til. real estate, ',. . ... ;. .
' Presidsntlal Election In Doubt..
New Tork, Jan, !S. Tha result of
the recent presidential election in Co
lob'la ji still, uncertain,': according to
a ".Herald 4lpoatch.' f roni iBogot' by
way of VanamaJ Affairi generally, are
reported tb b tjulet, - , -A
In our relations with oriental people it is of the
first importance that gentlemen of the different races
Hhould meet on terms of friendly fellowship ,s This
effpecially important in China, on aeount of the late
diffieultit' there, and the' too freqiient annoyance, pf
Euro Deans in their dealings with the Chinese A
good work in this direction, initiated by the Rev.
Gilbert Keid, waa interrupted by the Boxer outbreak
and has lately been begun afresh Mr; Reid has been
engaged in a special mission to the, higher classes,
and is now organizing in Shanghai an international.
institute, the object of to build a sort of club
4 ...... ... i .Vf
hnm where. intUigent.ftnd wealtriy Vhince ana ior-
eieners I can: tneet on friendly term. There will be
a large iall' f or 1e4urersmall elasa rooms, a library
and, commercial museum, the building to cost $60,
000, of whicir $20,000 are provided by Chinese men
of means, and our Wu Tung-fang was the first sub
seriber there, and William C. Low is president of the
New York associated committee. Independent.
True peace of mind does not depend, as some seeni,
to suppose, on the external incidents of riches and
poverty, of health and sickness, of friendships and
enmities. It has no necessary dependence upon so
ciety or seclusion; upon dwelling in eitWor in the
desert. Let the heart be right, lt il be fully united
with the will of God, and we shall be. entirely con
tented with those circumstances in which Providence
has seen fit to place us, however unpropitious they
may be in a worldly point of view. He who gainsj
the victory over himself gains .the victory over, all his
enemies. Parish Visitor. .
: ) : ,
The erowa jewel of character is sineerity. On that
depends, our ability to believe tftiat people say, not!
only, bet to interpret fittingly Jtheir aetins.; . An
insineere person is like a flawed crystal, fatally mar
red, and every other brilliant or fine quality is rend
ered worthless by the shocking defect in the grain,
which no excellence of anotehr kind can condone.
In our own lives, in speech, in deed, in thought, a
prime endeavor should be to cultivate a noble candor
an unshrinking fidelity to truth, and an unbroken
sincerity. Temptations come, in social intercourse
to be politely acquiescent in what we do not approve,
to make excuses which we only half believe, to violate
the truth; and we suffer insincerity to eat into our
souls, as "'a corroding rust. ; Truth need never be
brutally spoken! The Bible speaks of the union of
truth and love in our conversation. It is worth much
effort, humility and prayer to attain sincerity in all
things. -' " ...
IIow can aiiy one use the 'scriptures Irreverently 1
We might think that the slightest realization of ' what
they contain'would check every attempt at making
merry with its words or incidents. We are no con
sidering now that irreverent use which indicates ut
let unbelief and hatred, and which becomes shocking,
but simply the quotation of the words and incidents
of the' scriptures to point a jest and raise a laugh, a
In many instances no harm is intended, but harm
is done all the same. Without going very far into tha
subject, and without the many reasons against this
species of irreverence, let it be said that if there were
no other reasan for omitting it, it would be sufficient
to know that when ludicrous aossociation is mads
with a text or an incident it is apt to stick to it
Whenever you think of the text the other, is recalled
Lei it be part of our reverence, then, to treat the
aacerd scriptures as tontaing God's revelation of
truth and life to luen. S.S.Magaaine.
Tbes. Pltatera art a aeieatil.aad Vtmeaieat eeaiViutiM ef
healiag and itrngtseiag gasta, tegether with the Salts af that aeet
weadsrral tt Natars't Lshes, HsdUal Ltkt WUUmgktm. K.
Plattsr ' War. teri.ed, eeaiWtsM sash peealisr eirttire asst
strssfthealsg qaaUttei, s4 w. sisaadeatly assert that this is ths beet
a.4 meet highly swati. flastar vrte .ssi.aissded. Tkejr gtre
fattest asd toethiar relief, will he foiad tk. 1
jot Vara er need, sad willflsira Thnat,
ChMrt a4 Uag WfftwKa, KMbmx
BM4r Afftgalsw, Umtwc. WMk KsmSc,
' sVackactM, sthlsmUti, PlMrtaf , fmghi, .
Oris, CraaafS,' Ahratet, gavWaa, jjma
mi, MRfasMt tml Imftn .! tt ah.
JMaht r kmOm. ' : ... ""-".. Jr
MMiMl jLak. prevSMSMsM as.sytyMat .
A fMlssI Uke TsfcM sletOwJ to a wt sf msw,
Mine s Mlfhitally WMm eeeHsg Wrongs.
ef OMty or RheaaMtt. tiaisaili. m
esleklr fcy srieMst Meilaai Lake WaSar.
' .1
V. v" treses
,. Medloal ts. Salt. )ttCt Spalskne. WaA. ..
My Dear Sira For several year. I had been a sufferer from chronic
neither eat nor drink with comfort, and my .tomach aeemed'to rebel
enjoyed. . tt was some time after I learned of the virtue, of Medical Lak
( consented to try the water.'for th e reason that I had no faith In It. En
;ea ana l commencea using uie wmir. nutn ig rar ,urnu (iimveuiai .
, -credlably short time was entirely well. Bine then eat what beat pla
Votr'M. In
H, Q.V1G1N, Medloal lAke,;Wiuh.
Astoria by nwnk Matt, eoeswr patM and Oanustasshah I
and Ohaet aagatsi,, OSS
disorder of the stomaeh. Could
gainst such food aa other people
e In, cure of euch ease, before I
t persistent friends finally srevtU-
Improvement followed, and In in
ase. ma and no further trouble hi
Um Com Dm Ceay