The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 24, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 9.
Marked Rise of Both Rivers Yesterday
That Kept Up Until Five O'ClocK in .
I the Evening When Fall Began. , ,
Actual Damage Will Not Exceed Half Million Dollars, but the Loss to
Manufacturer! and Employes Through Shut-Don n Brings
VUU HI a nvuiiw fiiiiivii w uw vi
as Yet Reported
Piltaburg, Jan. 88-The flood danger
at this point 1 ptiMwd.! Bfc 'rtwri
continued to rlt until S o'clork thl
afternoon, when and op tenth
wm rrglrtertd at th afnwmgahela
wharf.) From tbnt boor on, tha wnier
receded slowly, until it 10 o'clock, the
gauge re;isirtl M feet and alatkm
fry, Ttmparatura ia lower and light
now i falling. , i
Hit actual damage dona lit IH tabors'
wilt probably not e4 half a mllH'm
dollars, To thla amount, however, ut
b evaded the loaa to manufactories and
mllta through s foread abut down and
to workman through gugpendsd wages
whlcb will rna to a total cloaa to tha
million mark. No ! of life has been
reported. ' , ' ,
Washington,' Jafti" 18. The' bouse
devote tba WlrVo to ronalder
tlon of tha army appropriation bill In
tha eommttieo of tfce whole. Robin
on, dtmorrat of Independent.Ohlo, took
ocr'Mton to criticise tba war department
forexpendlturee mada by tba bureau
otUImim and fortifications In eonn-c.
thm with tha Langley ah-shlp. "'y
II of tba 41 1 of tha bill had bum
read for amendment when tha houaa
Provision In tha WU for tha con
at ruction of a submarine .oabla from
am,. uuum. Alaska, want out
on a point of order.
A aplrltad discussion waa preclpltat
ad by Hemenway, chairman of tha ap
propriation commlttea. who proposed
limitation on purchaaa booka and
periodical for tha army. Tha amend
mant finally prevailed, providing for tha
purchaaa of tachnlcal and profeealonal
worka only.
A resolution calling upon tba aacra
On Clothing,
Goods, Hats,
Excepting only Dunlap Ila'ts, R A TT. Cllars, Oil
gnd Kubber Goods and Dnts Glorea.
aa our goods are sold on very
close margins. . "v
Monday, January 4, 1904.
to the Authorities ''
4 .
btry f tba navy tua tnfwsenaUwt m-l
tha number of carriage .mnlntalued at
govariimenl 'tapenaa for tha we of bin
department, wua adopted.
Polloa Datactivaa Released.
Loa Angeles, Jan. 28. Pullet de
waives ttowlyWpby MiIaVa.
held on tba charge Of manslaughter for
l killing JM(ih4 lulfVh4lfuth-
r and son, at tha'rtirtel Broffeitrii, In
tbla city. December 11, today or
dered released by Just li e Chambers
who esneralsd tba men for tha killing
An attempt waa matla to hold tha de
tective fr about Ing on the jtiound f
ihsuffl'i lent warrant for artfiit,
Partla NoUbl. Arrive.
, Bun Kranclavo, Jan. Il.-Hla High
nraa Mlraa All Aamr Khan, prima min
ister of Parala, gH-ompanlvd If hla a.
Sflrsa Ahmad Khan. afcC itduB Quotl
Khan. vloa-mliii'r of Jucailon ar
rived here today on tba aieumer Koih .
They leave fir ilta raat Un0n"inor'.
i f t' "
Chlneee SeW Culture.
New Yori, Jan. M.A party of it
Chlneee wlU aoon arrlva bfg. aaya
T,)m diepatPtt frm rumala. for)
couraa of lftatructlon In the liberal ana
ad in ordar to atudy trade and handi
craft practiced In their native land.
ueyant Tana af Marketa.
New Tork. Jan, II. lnmeeed ac
tlylty and atrength hava developed both
In the bond-and atock marketa thla
week. The lifting of tha war cloud In
tba far eeet baa relieved the market
from a reprehenalta Influence. Tha
piling UP of bank reeervea In New Tork
baa relieved all apprebenalon of the
ability to meet requirement, better
aentlment over the Iron and ateel trad
and aatlafactlon with tha terma on
Shoes, Etc.
ttbkh ths couiitry'i aiapli cropa ar
being nxirketed hava encourugvd a de
mand for avcurltlra. The development
of ttffgrecHlva and powmful profeaaloii
al lctulerahlp on tba bull aide of tba
market haa driven a large abort Inter
eat to cover and helped tha buoyutit
tone of tbe market. '
Oovernmant la R .cognized.
Waehltiglon, Jim. 21. United States
Mlnlotar I'om-ii ha cabled tha atate
dturtnMtit that he hit recogulard the
provlalonHl government of General
Mornloa umi (hat Puerto PiuU I now
In tba governmenl'a poaaealon. The
r'oiiitlon took i.lnce on the toth I nut
Corporal Puniahmant Limited.
New fork, Jan. S3.-A now law re
bUlug to tha niie which can be
Intlklcd by .the cantonaJ or peaaanta,
(ourta llmita the application of'pnrpor
nl Tin)HhmonC' aecurdtng to u'ltuaalun
mrfavoitdaMi of tb.,Iiinaa,J4Mi and
womonjpvjrr S ycr oljperaona odtir
Vatcd at dlatiict achooia or othr
ai hoola of equal atntiillng and pereong
who hava been for three yeara In tli
public aervk. are no longer (labia W
o a'hlpped.
im. .Only.A'KawBuaalana Killed, f.
New tork, .io.f2l.The town to
Witt a ept for a taw murdera of Ruws
attina by i'hliwiw bandlta and acvera
auapb oua lire, cable tbe f!raid'e Port
Arthur correpondent. At Harbin therl
aro 19 murdcra weekly and the street
are unnf at night. fi
t( s fCoine Oiaaueeion Cloced. .
Manilla. Jan. 81 Tbe public die.
cuaalon on the aupplemental colnaga
act baa been' cloaed. It la probabk
lhat.lnimedlata action will be taken b)f
tba.anpmlaaion to extend the time until
Stoptomber neat before Imposing tha tag
penallxlng the Mexican and Spanish
rillplnourreBclea. f f T ,-! "
' ' -" ' ' "
Engine Oitchaa, 'Killing Two.
Vajicouvcr 8.(C, Jan. IS.-rljaco-motlve
F.nglnef Landner and Fireman
glinelcy, both of Revelatoke, wr killed
last night toward the bottom' of a. big
hill on Ihe Canadian Purine .railway. '!
The weather waa very cold and the
tracka allppery with frost. In soma
unknown way tha locomotive got be
yond control of the engineer and the
train ran away. The locomotive Jump
ed the track and all tha cara were de.
railed.' , , -.' ,v
, Ta Elaberata Peasant Laws.
8t. Petersburg, Jan. An Imper
ial ukase ordering tba assembling of
government conference under tha prea
Idency of the governora of the varloua
provinces In order to elaborate tha new
peasant lawa, monopolised the attention
here, relegating the far eaatern crisis
to a secondary place. Tha press en
thualaallcally halls the proposed re
forms which are based on a manifesto
of March 11 1908. . '
Shooting Tournsment
Pendletonfl Ore.. Jan. !8. H. J.
Ptlllman, of Pendleton Is the winner of
tbe shooting champlonehlp of the north
west, by making the highest average
for two dnya tournament; Average
M.7B: Wnre, of Spokane, second, 80.25.
Tha othera making good averages are
Forbes, or Spokane 8; Hellehan, or
Wallace, 88; Canes, of Spokane 88;
Peck, of Walla Wnlla 82. The highest
generai average of equada waa won by
Spokane team, 87.80; Pendleton squad,
second, 85.- ;'
No Answer to Note.
Toklo, Jan. 88. Tha answer to the
last Japan note by Russia haa not been
received. S , .
Cowllti County Leaders Settle ' All
! Their Past DUfaranoea.
Kalama, Jan. 28 (Special) Cow-
llts county republicans' held a "love
feast", here, Wednesday and patched up
their affairs ao there wilt be no fric
tion at the convention. In the year
1908 the republicans of this county re
fused to pull together, so consequently
pulled themselves apart. One faction,
known a tbe "Ross" ,facton,;,'waa led
by E. W. Ross, of Castle Rock, attor
ney for the railroad company. The
other faction known as the 'Magill"
faction, stood ataunchly ,by Ooverr-
or McBrldo. '. .. ,!l
They how - congratulate themselves
upending agalaunlted. , They will
continue to act In the good old re-
publlcanwftVilandt tbe 'oomlni on-
Vention It will bo "a long pull a.nd a
strong putt'', for Cowllta county, ,
Chicago Fire That Throws Into a
Panic Occupants of Twenty
Story Building-Frightened
Women Faint.
With the Iroquois Disaster Fresh
in Their Minds People Be
, come Frantic ,
Hravrjr of Elevator Men Avrrt
An Awful CatMlrophe-'
fire ExtlnguUlied by
Prompt Action. '
Chicago, Jan. 88. A, Are In the 20
story Masonic temple today caused a
panic among 4000 occupants 'of "the
building, and damaged the Slock and
futures of tbe tenants to the extent
of 820,000. All occupants of the build
ing escaped without serious Injury
through tiie bravery of the elevator
men. who remained at their posts oper
ating their cars while dens clouds
of amok filled tha building. The lira
broke out In a suite of five rooms on
the (Mb floor, occupied by Robert
Frledlander and Company!, manufac
turers of an X-ay apparatus. ' A light-
r match, carelessly thrown by an em;
ploya Into a pile of escalator In the pack
ing room la believed to have started the
tire. .
Thousands of occupants of the build
ing, with tba memory of the Iroquois
theater holocaust fresh tw their irilnda,
were alarmed whan" clouds of amdke
filled tvery floor and ruahed to the ele
vators. Many women fainted tn tha
scramble but nono waa seriously In
jured. The building waa emptieo
within half an hour.
That damage to property and In
dividuals waa not greater, waa probab
ly due largely to the efficiency of the
Are drill of employes. When tbe great
bell at tbe top of tha rotunda sound
ed the alarm of Are. every Janitor, en
gineer and fireman In tha building ires-
ponded, and long before the Are depart
ment had reached the atone temple,
the Are brigade bad attached a hose to
the standplpes which extend from the
basement to the roof of the structure.
turned upon the conflagration by the
volunteer firemen. The fire depart
ment used but little of Its hose, the
building's equipment being calted into
use. .'- ,
Killed By Unfriendly' Mores.
Manila, Jan. 88. A report haa been
received from Mlndanano to the effect
that Lieutenant Campbell W. Flake
had been killed and that Lieutenant
WUHam F,. Roberta and Private Foy
hud been badly wounded when out
on a scouting expedition against un
friendly moros. All of the men belonged
to the Twenty second Infantry.
New Wage Seals Granted.
New York, Jan. 23. live manufac
turers employing 2000 cloukmakers
have granted demands for a new wage
scale without a strike. For the last
three years there have been two strikes
seasons for the cloukmakers, one In
the summer and one In the winter, One
of them will be averted thla year by the
action of the manufacture .
Cheers For the Fourteenth.
New Tork, Jan." 23 .Not long ago
General Horatio King of Brooklyn,
called on Prealdcnt Roosevelt and In
the course of the conversation, he
proudly Informed the president that he
had 13 grandchildren. On Monday the
fourteenth grandchild arrived and Gen
eral King notified president nooseveit.
who has 1uat replied: ' "My dear Gen
eral King Three cheers for you and
especially for the mother of the young
est grandchild. Sincerely yours.
Responsibility ia Placed. ' 1
Chicago, Jan. 23 Upon the manage
ment and builders of thes Iroquois
theater hns been placed the responsi
bility for the Are horror, according to
the report rendered to Mayor Har
rison by Fire Chief Musham today. No
criticism la made of tha building de
partment, although several violations of
the building ordinances are noted. Be
tween tbere and four hundred relatives
of tha victims of the fire, at a meeting
today began permanent organization of
the Iroquois Memorial Association,
which has for its chief object tha erec
tion of a monument to the memory of
the persons who lost their lives In the
holocaust. A proposal to build a tow
ering building, of absolutely Are proof
material, upon tbe site of the theater
ruins Is decided upon.
' Lower Court Suetalnecf. '
Helena, Mont., Jan. 22. In the ap
peal of tbe Boston and Montana Min
ing Company from tha decision of the
lower court awarding J. J. McKatton
and other lawyers 1&0.0W as attorney's
fees in tpe ttoeion unu vhwi
cclvershlp case, the supreme court to
day dismissed the appeal and affirmed
the Judgment of the lower court. , .
Prepares to Hard Troops. i
..Paris, Jan. 23. The Matin stales,
according to reliable news it has .ob
tained, that the Japanese government
Is preparing to land four divisions of
troops In Corea a a military demon
stration. ,
New Tork, Jan. 22 Jules B. Nell
son, son of Frederick. Neilson and
brother of Mrs. Reginald C. Vander
bllt, whose marriage to Mrs. Marguer-ete-WalL
January S, was announced
only today, spent the day in an endeav
or to gain access to hla bride, whose
father, Frank T. Wall, a wealthy rope
manufacturer, Neilson alleged, waa
keeping ber from him against her will;
Resort to legal proceedings waa threat
ened by tbe groom.; Neilson and his
bride left the residence of the tatter's
father .together thla evening. Nellaon
aald: It ia all right now; we have be-
come reconciled
Boys Arrested for Murder.
Huffaro, Jan. 13. William Balsa mo,
an Italian, has been murdered In a
little grocery store of which be was
the proprietor. At first the Mafia was
suspected but early today four boys
ranging from IS to 17 years were ar
rested. One la alleged to have made a
confession Implicating hla companions.
Clearance Sale lays
Are Nearly Over.
Only six more day left to secure those Matchless
Bargains we have been giving. To miss this sale
will be equal to loosing, money from your purse.
You can save your money here by spending it.
The A. Dunbar Co.
566 Commercial Street.- .
They certainly are "priees yeu seldom get We need the room. Our
, show windows will ell the rest.
Pictorial History II. S......... $2.50 sale price. , Sl.tW .
Bible Scenes. ....... 2.0 " u 76 ' '
Webster's Diotionary. 2.5 M " 1.69
Dantei Inferno.... v., 6.0 : . " 1.00
Home and Business coiup. .... 3.00 " " 80
Milton's Paradise Lwt (.00 " 1.06
' , .....'.,..-
"Remember wken you pass this way, see what our windows have to say."
Groceries. Hardware Ship Chandle
ry, Paints, Oil and Glass Hardwood
Lumber Boat Supplies etc &
Cor. Bond and 12th Sts.
Life Savers Stare Helpless Into a
Blinding Fog While Schoon
er Pounds to Piecees on
i fi-
Out of Crew of Ten Men, but Two
Are SavedOne Is Washed
Ashore Unconscious ' J '
Ag-iwttu Hunt Strands a Few
Hundred Feet From Shore
- and Soon It a Total '
New York. Jan. f 23. Eight Uvea
were lost In the wreck today off Quo-
que. Long Island, of the four masted
schooner Augustus Hunt, bound for
Boston, from Norfolk, Va., wjtb coal.
Of the crew of 10 only two were saved,
the second mate, George Ebert, c
Cleveland, and an unknown Swede who-
waa unconscious when washed on tha
beach. The vessel was In command of
First Mate Conary who took charge
of her In the place of Captain Robert
Blair when ahe left Boston. - ; ...
Soon after midnight during dense tea;
the schooner stranded a few hundred
feet from the beach For hours the Hfe
savers were able to hear cries tbe
men on the vessel which waa busied la
tbe fog." They were absolutely un
able to belp the men. Time and agaJa
they launched their boat, only to have
it hurled back to the shore by the
heavy surf. The life savers also ha
,A lira lima anil afeots CAT-
n rwvuim w .
ryfna; lines either fefl wid or short of
the invisible mark, r
Schoner is Total Less
- New Tork, Jan. 22. The small
schooner Aiexa, sugar laden from Mn
sanillo to New Tork. went ashore early
today off Rockaway beach and became
a total wreck. It Is feared the crew,
baa perished. " "
Astoria, Oregon