The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 23, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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U Fontaine Reaches Port From
Antwerp After a Passage of
191 Days.
Brings Full Carfoof Ceniejut, INg
Iron etc. Chinese Commer
cial Company to Sur.
render Charter.
Th French bar La F&ntalne, Cap
tain H amort, arrived la port yesterday
afternoon after' a Ion passage from
Antwerp. Pllo Archie E. Cann went
aboard the vessel yesterday ana
broufht , her Into the lower harbor,
where she was toarded by the customs
and health officials. She Is still tying
below the city, f , ,
The La Fontaine comes with a gen
eral cargo for Meyer. Wilson A Com
pany. She leftj Antwerp 191 days ago
and stopped for a day at Cherbourg
France, from which port she departed
It? days ago. Captain Hamuli reports
that his long paseaje was without Incl
dent, except fer the difficulty which
he experienced In rounding Cape Horn.
He was 60 day in getting around the
Horn, but aft reaching the Pacific
made a spankfng run up the coast.
AU of his trouble was encountered on
the other side,' where he had to con
tend with poor winds. Despite the
long passage of La Fontaine, she was
not placed on the overdue list.
She brings a cargo consisting of
cement, pig Iran and other such stuff.
and it la understood that the entire.
cargo will be unloaded at Portland.
Dr. Earle, quarantine officer of this'
port reports that the vessel brought1
a clean bin of health. Ta Fontaine
ia the cleanest ship that has entered
this harbor since my connection with
1 the local office.". Dr. Earle said last
night. She Is perfectly maintained,
and looks as neat as a pin."
' La Fontaine Is a well known French
man, and has made this port on two
ore vioua occasions, taking out wheat
cargoes. , '
Bar Dredge Said to Be The Finest Ves
se) of Its Kind In Service. '
The announcement from San Fran
cisco that the bar dredge will soon pro
ceed to Mare island to be repaired was
' of much local Interest When the Chi
nook was, being made into a dredge
the work did not progress as' rapidly
a was desired, and so much complaint
resulted that she was sent to Astoria
really before she was entirely prepared
for the big task which the government
undertook, with her. .
' It has been known for some time the
Chinook's boilers were In need of re
pair, and it ia probable that, she will
be sent to San Francisco more on this
account than because of any alterations
necessary in" ber"dredglng gear. The
work of the .Chinook' at this port Is
taken by government officials to demon
strate the usefullness of vessels of her
, olass, and the statement Is made that
'she has given better results than any'
other vessel of her class in the service.
That she should have made this record
for herself at the mouth pf the Colum-
bla river is a source of much aatls
faction locally. The announcement con
tains the statement that the value of
the Chinook win be greatly enhanced
' by some alterations to ber pumping
apparatus. There still remains in the
fund provided for her alteration Into a
dredge I3B.00O, and this sum Is now to
' be expended on her. So well pleased
; are the government officials with ber
work that other vessels of her class
are to be buillt
The Trouble 8ettled.
The Oregonlan says: Major Lang
fitt went to Astoria last Wednesday
to quell a dispute that had arisen be
tween Captain Dunbar and Chief En
gineer Llndley. The captain had In
sisted upon the discharge of a certain
man in the englneroom and the chief
engineer had resisted and cold weather
came between them.- Major LangfUt
calmed the troubled waters and as
signed anchorage to each of the officers
so that In the future they will prob
ably not drift afoul of each other.
Msbls Gale's Hsrd Luck.
The lumber schooner Mabel Gale ar
rived In port yesterday, and but for a
streak of hard luck would have made
a record passage between San Francis
co and Astoria for vessels of her class. ,
She left the Bay City on the 15th Inst
and four days later'arrived off the Co-
tumble, having been driven up the coast
by the strong breeae prevailing at that
time. When she arrived oft the Heads
stormy weather kicked up a rough bar.
and for three days the schooner was
compelled to beat around outside, her
crack trip thus having been spoiled.
Captain Johnson was a pretty angry
ittaa when he found that he couldn't
get In on record time, but consoles him
self with the thought that he will per
haps have better luck on his next trip
north. ' The schooner comes for a lum
ber cargo. ,;,
Chinese Commercial Company Finds
Its Traffis Unprofitable.
San Francisco, Jan. SI. The Exam
iner says that the Chlneae-American
Commercial Company, organised 1$
months ago with 4 capital of U.500.000,
Is now rapidly nettling up its affairs
and will surrended its charter in the
near future. e
The prospects for business In the or
ient, did not. It is said, warrant con
tinuation,, so lt has been decided to
settle the affairs of the company as
soon as possible and close up.
Marine Notes.
The steamship lndrapura should ar
rive today from the orient, with a cargo
of merchandise, i ; V
The steamers Sue H. Elmore and W.
H. Harrison departed yesieroay ran
Tillamook and Nehalem.
A three-masted schooner, supposed to
be the Challenger, from San Francisco,
arrived In port late last evening.
The steamer Despatch arrived yester
day from San Francisco ana ien up
the river for Portland! where a cargo
of freight awaits her.
The schooners Laura Mad sen and
Viking will finish their cargoes at the
Hume mill today. The Madsen will
take 400.000 feet and the Viking 175.000
feet. ' . i:
With the arrival of the two Cali
fornia lumber schooners and the French
bark La Fontaine," the offing was
cleared of vessels yesterday, and when
the shipping men returned to the city
from the mouth of the river only the
pilot schooner was to be seen outside.
The lighthouse tender Manxanlta de
parted yesterday for a cruise In north
era waters. She will stop at Destruc
tlon Island on her way up the coast
and will then proceed to Seattle, to take
on a supply of coal. Captain Byrne ex
iccts to be away from Astoria tor about
two months. K
Buffalo, N. T., Jan. IS. Within the
past 24 hours western New York has
been subject to meteorological con
ditlons such aa have not prevailed here
in a score of years and the situation
now s terrifying tne resiaems vi w
low lying sections, particularly In the
river valleys in the Hood district south
of .Buffalo. After a heavy fall of wet
snow lasting all day the temperature
fell below freezing, then rose again and
a heavy rain set In, which still contin
ues. " Owing to the fact that Ice has
formed beneath the snow. anf all the
streams are ice-bound, there ia no op
portunity for pie water to aoak Into the
earth or to pas away readily through
the natural channels, and the conse
quence la that unless the temperatare
falls again within a few hours every
flood district of western New York
will be Inundated and great suffering
and damage wll) result,
Insists He's a Man.
Helena, Jan. 22. Harry Pllcher of
Marysvllle is In the city Investigating a
story sent out frfcm here by an en-,
terprlslng string fiend a short time
since. The story, which appears to
have been started as a Joke, .stated
that Mr. Pllcher was a woman mas
querading a a man.
Mr. Pllcher left Maryvllle some time
ago and went back to his old home In.
Kentuck . During his absence the story
was started and sent to one or two of
the eastern papers. Now Mr. rucner is
looking for the writer. ;
Yesterday he secured an apology
from one of the Iqcal papers, wnicn
said at some length that it had been
Imposed upon by a man from Marys
vllle. Involution Imminent.
A sure' sign of approaching revolt and
eerieas trouble ia your syetom is ner
vousness, sleeplessness, or stomaca up
sets, raeetrie Bitters will quickly dis
member the troublesome eaases. It
never falls to tone the etomaah, regu
late the kidney and bowels, stimulate
the. liver and clarify the blood. Run
down systems benefit particularly and
all the aeual attending aebes vanish
under ita searching and thorough ef
fectiveness. Blectrlo Bitter Is only M
cents, and that Is returned If It don't
give perfect satisfaction i1; Ouaranteed
by Chas. Rogers, druggist.
LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Somebody hu what you want, er wants what yeil km to
M sell. Here U where want and wanted com together. ADVERTISE. , -
For the big prise at Doo James'
shooting gallery, 4 IS Bond street
Ft nrt -class meal for lie; nice cake.
coffee pie or doughnuts, So. V. 8. res
taurant, 4J1 Bond street. tf.
Spire Is a new face powder, and Is
the best. Use that and nothing else.
Sold only at the Owl and Eagle drag
stores. St cents a box.
They dent earn aut Whatf Why,
the bristles In the tooth brushea at
Frank Hart's Drug Store. Ha has a
big supply at all prices. Call and see.
The Morning Astorlan will be found
for sale at Griffin's book store and at
Scully" cigar store, corner Eleventh
and Commercial streets.
Wood. Weed. Weed.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly,
the transfer man. 'Phone till Black,
Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house.
Upper Astoria has a place where you
can get a fine glass of beer, as gooa
wines and liquors aa you can. And any
place in the city.
tf Oppoalte Kopp'e Brewery.
We sell, rent and repair all makes of
typewriters. Write for new catalogue
of New Dansmore.
Huxley, Ryan Co..
SS Fourth Btreet Portland. Or.
Piano Tuner,
For good, reliable piano work see
your local tuner, Th. Fredrtckson.
2071 Bond street. 'Phone Red 1074.
New stock of fancy goods Just arriv.
ed at Yokohama Bataar. 'Call and set
the latest novelties from Japan.
'The Boston Restaurant
Best ni Neatest Eatio; Honse lo Astoria
.Try Our 2 5-Cent Dinners
Prompt Attention lllgi) Class Chef
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest
Wholesale in ' , . ; '
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice,
A First Class Concert Hall - Finest Besort In The City
Seventh and Astor Street CHARLES WjRKKALA, Prop.
CII U lCll
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers, S ' i f
' ' , A.: V..' AUUBN, V' ;.
Tenth id Commercial Mrwta. v ,. ASTORIA, OSECO,
El ecu leal futures.
' Electrical wiring.
Electrical supplies.
Qaa mantels guaranteed.
431 Commercial street.
M. F. Hardesty Eleetrleal Contractor
Toa will always And the beat lie
meal in the city at the Rising Sun res
taurant No. HI Commercial street
S em (thing Oeed.
Take Point and Bhoalwater bay
oysters at the Imperial chop heuaa.
Try our coffee. It la uneaoaUed.
B. M. OALLAOHBR, Maaagar.
Strangers In town often apeak ef th
beautiful complexion of Astoria girls
and lay It to the climate, which la par
tially th reason, as they most all ua,
Hart's Toilet Cream to prevent rough
ness of the skin, chapped hands er
tlpa For sale only at Hart's drug
If it Is In season yoa will And It at
Ita best at the celebrated Toko Point
oyster house on Eleventh street.' Fish,
game, shell-Osh, choicest meats, pastry
coffee, etc., etc., served to the queen's
taste. Special accommodations for
parties. Open all night. Don't mis
the place, Eleventh street neat Bond;
A Popular Seianee.
Plumbing looks easy, but ne part
of a house Is more Important to health
and comfort than the plumbing. We
are prepared to do all work In this
line In the moat scientific and satis
factory manner. We keep the latest
Improved fittings always In Block for
new or repair work, All kinds ef
tinning, heating and steam-fitting.
'Phone 1011. 42S Bend stret JOHN
WweWr- ffeiff
TmitlTTTTTTTT" '""
Jk a Beer.
nlshed when necessary! position per
maaent. Ad drees The Columbia, III
Monoa Building, Chicago, lit k'X
Wsloeme at Sunshine '
efttt ejaeg atormJa a feeling ef relief
when aa ebatlnate,, pitiless .cold has
beta driven avsy by Allen's Lung
Balsam. Oaly people whe have beea
cured ef tkreat-ache aa sere lunge by
this remedy can quite realise what the
feetlsg Is. There Is no eplusa ia the
Balsam; Ita good effect I raJteal aad
tasting. Take a bettle heme today,
Business Preposition.
If yea are going east a earful eel act
ios ( your route la essential te the ea-ley-eat
ef your trip. If It la a bust
aese trip time la the ssela oo-slder-alea:
It a pleasure nip, aesaary aad
th eeeveaieacea aad eeattarta ef a
modem rail read.
Why not combine all by uslag th
Illlnait Central the up-ie-data real,
running two trains dally frera'St. Paul
and Minneapolis, and irora, Omaha, ta
Che. ago. Free reclining chair cars, the
famous buffet Jlbr try smoking ears, all
train vest I baled. In short thoroughly
modern throughout. All tickets read
ing via the Illinois Central will be hea
ared en these trains and ae extra fare
Our ratee are the saane aa those ef
Inferior readawhy net get reur
money wartnT .'. ... . . , v
Write for full particulars,
8. X. TRUMBULL, Commercial Aft
portlaad. Ore.
j. C. UND8BY, T. P. A P. A.,
Portland, Ore.
PaVL B. THBMP80N, F. A. P. A.,
Seattle. Wash.
' The Lee olootrlo Insoles, whioh ere
sold by the Owl drug store exclusive
ly and under guarantee for cure, are
not previously charged with electricity, .
We (Gan Please You
and Sa v3 You Money
Olr us your order for any kind of
printing; plain er artistic, business
or, persenal. - If guarantee aatisfac-
U.m.' ,
Beet work-anshlp.
Most reasonable prices.
, '-f Two ilnotyDe makln enable u te
' print briefs ana other book work on
short aotlce.
Newspsper composition a specially.
f y ; .? Write for Terms.
.-, .'' ...
II YOU WIGH jt 1 :
To Eat Well,
Sleep Well,
And Work Well,
eecham's Pills
You will Cat well,
BIOAUsl, WthetiipiMilfteirtlaa on ttu Dlfeetlfe Orfsne, Beeehsm's Pills wm. the
lenwtlonof fulnm and oppraulon Mtn monly tipnltuad, (IT lb. KppMlUi " wtd netoro
Um Stomecti to Iwkllbr nl MUml tmMaa. ,
'' .' ' V ' .
You will Stomp well,
BEOAUSB Bseoham's Pllle swUr lm InttaUonof the Kerroni lum, while by their
eumobulreand eluilni eetlon aeoa the Unt tad Kldneye, Disunion pnxxoidi with normal
, res olarlty, eo Out at nliht th. tnnqnlllM mint and body an pr and (or " Vatar1! eweet
Mtoref-peteetnl tlnmbar. Rhonld on (Ml milMi oner aa eigltliif er oaartTlal ertnlaa. a
'7? of Beeekam'a fllla au eelesly Met MfneUas Bees, . v
You will Work wot!, A -f .'. ' r r-: , v.';"
BECAUSI eeoham'O fill bring abont the proper oaelmllAUos of the bo taken, (tretoos
tottwRtonuwih, purify the Blood, taTlgorate the Ma one Bytn,dd (oroetothellatoleeiliid
thue endye the wother-siertel w f byitoil-wtth renewed energy and powers
v. SqM Evepywtoei-a In Eoxma, m omta and J owrta..
but accomplish their wonderful cure
by, the natural current generated by
the acid Sulde ef the body, anting en
the positive and negative poles of tk
battery formed by the sine plate I
one heel and th copper plate In, the
other, Bee them In the window, Ask
for a descriptive booklet telling ef the
marvelous cureSj of rheumatism.
TJi 1 1 rtii ' ; W s '
It reu. want your monsy'a worth
, Ring 'Phone MM.
Notice of Dissolution,
Notice la hereby given that th ua
deralgned doing business ' under the
firm name ef Klnkolla A Company,
proprietors of the' New Style restaur
ant have this day, by mutual consent
dissolved partnership, John Ktnkella
continuing In th business. AU out- '
standing account will be collected by
the new Arm, who will pay all oblige
John KJnksHa,
A Blow In The Back.
An overcoat Is a iimwianry nuisance
and the tendency lo take It off on
warmish day In late autumn and win
tor I aa strung a It la unwa. A
treacherous wind hits you In the batk
and the next morning you have lum
bago. Rub well and often with Pfry
Davis' Tfulnklllrr and you will be aa
tontshed to find, how quickly alt sore
n ia banished, There la but on
Painkiller. Parr Davie". :
Blood Hitlers cured me of a terrible
breaking out all over the body. I
nm very grtfu"Mts JullaPUbrldge
West' Cutnwoll, Conn.
' 4'' .
ing Go.