The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 23, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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v,wPiy www w v, o " v
(- and sddl to the flavor of bean soup, boullion,meat
glaw), julliod veal, ' brown aauco, muohroora and
tomato sauce, meat tunbales, Arming, canned chick-. .
. . . ca, haahod .Irowa. potauW xagout of mca.coruod w
bwt fritter. May also be used fur coloring tmnch if
no liquor is dwirod. , 30 cents per bottle.
Lcrcl Brevities.
T Fop rant, furnlshea ' ucifMrnJehaB'
two large clan roomi for houseseep-
'Ug; - water In kitchen.' Om Polar
on llrown's shoe tort.
Vtt ' i( , , , . MM. C U HAVENS,
The ladlee of tha library are very
anxious that tht public until not forget
tht dates on .which their cantata It
to bt held Thursday and Friday of
titit weak. Tht cantata. M folnf ' to
fee a great auoetat and thty want a btf
crowd to attend. . r , ' t
Tht high tthott pupils gavt thtlr latt
rhetorical aerclaae for tht ttrm yes
terday afternoon. Tht program ton
altttd of racltatlona, ortflnai stories
nd music, and waa wall rtndtrtd
throufhout. A number of Tlaltort
wart preaent. t ' ' '
During 190) mart than 43,000,000 feet
of log wtrt boomed on tht Natal river
Of tht Jt.077.H7 fttt rafttd and float
td down 1.454.IDI ft want to Knappton.
7M to Portland and tht balance to
Bouth Band. About a,M.0W fttt of
logs art still In tht boom, and aomt
l,0Ofl,C0O fttt fcava not ytt bttn fioattd
down. '.' , , "',
Tht tontratt far furnlthlrtg tht mm
tatary machinery for tot now Altoona
eanntry hat bttn awardtd to tht Aato-
rla Iron Worht. It la tht Inttntlon Of
tht management to mm tht new can
ntry rtady for optraUon at tht begin
nine of tha spring season.
- Tha btdy 'tf tht tate Mr Margartt
Flnlayaon reached tht 'city on laat
nlgbt'a train, and tha funeral will be
bld today from tha Prttbyttrtan
church, and not from tha late rtaldtnct
aa baa been stated. Tht church atr
vtcet will bt btld at Mill In tha fort
noon, and tht funtral cortege will text
tht train today for tht wtat aldt whtrt
tht Inttrmtnt will bt mada at Octaa
Vltw. frltnaa art Invited to attend
tha church, but tbt atrvlcto at tht
rave will bt' private, tht "body waa
f mbf fiartklgnt af did dtpot by turn
ber of tht neighbors of tht family and
a definition of Maaons. There cam
Aurjth, tht body, VS. jrmiayson ana, aw
two aona James and Robert Finlayeon
and Mr. !ltebtrt Flnlayton.'" '
Harrison L. ' Hambltt tamt down
from Portland yesterday Aa a rt
ult of hit vltit It waa reported tbt
deal for purchase of tbt Kinney block
on Commercial atrttt between Eleventh
and Twelfth waa finally cloead VP
Tbt property passes Into tht handa of
W. H. Darker and tba consideration
waa iam.;
4 More
of Wise's customers
will go to 3t. Louis t; ,
World FtUr. K
Next Drawing in July.
f"V' your sales slips
I ...a L tJ! n
January Clearance vSAJE
now in full blast.
'''', i
Hermaii Wise
The Reliable Clothier
and Hatter. & & &
". i v. -, , I ' i
IV' . ft - ,
v ;
Those who use them will have no other.
1 ' Also u complete line of kitchen utensils and 1 )
' Everything for the home. . u '.'j
Everything for the home. 14 k i ' Ask to so our Jewell ranges
Tht ft terrier tog recently lott by
tha PrafiJone waa returned to IM own-
tra yttterday. Tht dog waa located at
Warrtnton tht prtvloua night by Joe.
DoMhart, and yetterday morning waa
ahlpptd over to Aatoria. Jutt how tha
animal camt to bo at Warrtnton baa
not bttn explained, and doubtteta will
not bt, aa tha Dragdona art happy, to
bavo found tha winning canine.
A merchant atated yetterday that
tha . glutted condition of tbt orangt
marktt will not affect tbt local market
Tba ahlpment of orangea la conducted
In auch a way by tba California Fruit
Agency that tht retailer cannot make
a lotlna. only tbt trowere. whoat
grovta art overstocked, btlng hurt
In many of theet grovea tht grower
art throwing away god fruit
County judge Trtnthard yttttrday
received notification from Governor
Chamberlain of hi appointment aa an
Oregon delegate to tht American Road
Makert annual convention, which wlU
bt held at Hartford, Conn Commenc
ing February 10. Judge Trenchard
wlU bt unable to attend tht convention,
but l nevertheleaa grateful to tht gov
trnor for tbt courteay ahown him.
Tha weather wat tint yttttrday, for
tht Oral tlmt In two wteka, and tha
tun waa out long tnougb to give Aa
torlana an Idea of Ite appearance. Tea
ttrday tht barometer went up to lO.Ot
and remained atewdlly at that point
If ordinary Indication! could be count
ed upon In thlt community, tht atatt
of tht barometer might Juntlfy tht
ttatement that fine weather will pre
vail for a ftw daya.
Robert Wettdahl naa returned hit
dutlea at tht Hum 'mill, after' a two
wekt aelgt of tonallltle. Durjnf bit
lllnea Mr Wcatdahl'a throat waa ao
eort bt could not twnllow food, eiocpt
warm milk, and bt waa ao hungry at
time that It told on hi atrtngth. For
10 duya he took almoat no nourishment
and. being alBlcted only with a aort
throat, bad a decidedly good appetite
all of tht time. '
Otto tkibbtV tht lad who aehltvtd
aomt fame localy by giving hlgh-dlv-
Ing ptrformancea during - tht annual
regattaa. hua returned to tht city after
an abtenct of more than a year. Bkibbe,
want to tea at tht Inatlgatlon of the
ttatt offlclala and from Australia ahlp
ptd to' Valparaiso, from .which -port
bt camt -to Chemalnua, . B. C, and
thenct overland to . Attorla. . Jiklbbe
la tht lad who took a aho.t at Paddy
Lynch, but he eaye ht la going to
keep out of trouble, and that he Intends
making Astoria hla home. ' '
Tha Identity of tha man who poleonad
Charlea F.' Wlae'a fiunoua bloodhound
Don, baa not yet been determined, nor
la thert any prospect that bit 'name
will ever bt learned. The hound waa
one of the pair that followed Tracy and
Merrill, tht notorious deaperadoea, and
waa highly prlaed by hla owner, who
but a few daya previous had been offer
ed $150 for him. on was a remark
ably Intelligent animal, and, aa he was
always well . behaved, Mr. Wise Is at
a losa to account for the action of the
person who adnynlsttredthe poison.
A decision defining what constitutes
state tide lfthds" along the Columbia
river within the meaning of the statute
upon the subject waa rendered Thurs
day at Portland by Judwe Tinner In
tht ault of James Muekio, Jr.. ct al.
vs. James Good. This question has
been a, disputed one for some time,
and tha decision is ont of conuMt'rabte
Importance because thwro re a num
ber of cases pending or about to be
brought Involving tht sum, print. It
holds that tide' lands are no' limited
to lands which art uncovered and un
covered by tht ebb and flow of the tldi;
at all times, but also Includes banks of
navigable rlvera which are covord
by high water caused by rains or nitt't-
IttC anowJ ' ;.. t if ' .
A home for destitute consumptives
will be erected In Portland If the Initia
tive taken by Eureka Council, No. 204,
Knights and Ladles of Security, Is fol
lowed by the orders of that city. The
Security order will, pn February J6,
give masquerade ball, the proceeds of
which will bt donattd to a fund for the
building of a home In cast $5000 Is
raised. Theyihavt guarantttd to girt
tlot 'and anticipate that -tut different
fraternal aocUIei of tha city will 'an
take an lntere and do'llkewlat or
this causa. At tht next. session of the
legislature a petition will bt introduced
asking for assistance for th tsub
llshment of the" home. A number of
tbt lodges of tht Woodmen have de
clured their Intention to raise money
for tht causa by giving dances, enter-
tlnments and suppers, They art hope
ful of . securing tht necsaary means
to establish and maintain a suitable
retreat for this class of sufferers.
Or. C. A. Cordintr hat decided tt
make flan Francisco hla bomt In tht
futurt uid w)U leave today for tht
Bar City, whtrt ht will continue the
practice of medicine, Ht has won for
himself a good name during bit years
of professional work la. this city, nd
thert art many aapresalona of regret
because of hla decision to locate else
where. In Baa Francisco Dr. Cordintr
will bt associated with Dr. George
Ctert, secretary of tht state board of
health and a leading physician of Cal
ifornia.' Tht young man'a prospects
art bright and ht tnttra upon bit new
field of work with very. Indication of
making a winning. . During- tht ftw
years ht spent In Astoria he built up
for himself a good practice. . Ht served
Tor a Utrft aa city health officer. Be
fore bt settles down In San Francisco,
Dr. Corldner will go to Baltimore where
bt will take a special course under
D. J. C. Hemettr, an eminent stom
ach specialist
Thert appeared In Tht Aatorian yes
terday a dispatch from Tha Dalit tel
ling of tht arrest thert of a nvut giving
tht namt Harry Mason, who la held
on a chargt of bigamy. Mason mar
ried a Dalles girl whom bt bad known
but three weeks, and after tht wed
ding It waa learned that be bad another
wife living somewhere. Mason la said
to bt nont other than Ernest PapmahV
formerly a resident of Astoria, and
quite well known here. Ht la about
25 years of ago, and haa spent most
of' hla time working In restaurants.
Ha baa relative living In thle city
and to them his arrest on the eerioua
charge was a surprise. Tht first wife
ta reported to bt a resident of Cen
trails, Wash,, and her maiden name
waa Delia Decker. Tbt Dalles auth
orities have discovered tbat Papmahl's
rightful namt to ."Harry J. Forrest,'
and a dispatch from tha inland .ally
states that Mlaa Bunn,. tht girt, isjiom
he married thert; still believe blra In
nocent of the it. upe. " ": r.
Tht Commercial Club bowler art
beginning to finish In tht 15-gamt try
out recently Inaugurated, and tht show
Ingt art very good, except In a few In
stance .- B J. Pye haa not bowled
his game In the tournament, but he
can bt counted upon as one of tht top-
notcbera. ( Ht finished with 11, or
about ?our pin loss than hla average.
P. B. Peterson comes out with 42.60.
It ta remarkable that the averages on
alleys S and 4 are for better than on
1 and 2, a condition due to the fact
that the first named aUeya art more
used and consequently faster. The
team will be announced tht night of
January 25, and on next Saturday night
will leave for Portland to wrest the
Feldenbelmer trophy from, the Port
land Commerctalev iTh 'local aggre
gation haa tried ao often for tht trophy
and failed tbat It can hardly be ex
pected: to bring i:rhomek the. famous
trinket, but thert is considerable Op
tlmlsm at tht local club. v
The British (shlp Anciot, which ar
rived down tht river Thursday, was
libeled yesterday by Charles Henry
the sailor who was recently arrested
and 'tried oh 'a charge of 'stealing a
Oompaaa from tht British, ship -East
African. The 'charge' waa "not made
to stick against Henry, but during hlsl
stay in aii his ptuce was niiea wun
another,, immediately upon his re
lease,, through hla attorney, J. F,
Watts, Henry demanded that '' he be
reinstated on the ship, explaining that
he5 hadslgned.' to make the round-trip
voyage. " WheA it began to look as
though he would be "convicted another
sailor, for1 'whom S55 waa paid,' had
been algned to take hla place. There
waa a full crew and Captain Gullson
declined to permit Henry to remain on
the pay roll of the Ancalos. The libel
proceeding were then instituted.
British Consul Laldlaw says thert are
on grounds for a libel auit. He states
the plaintiff has no wages due him and
he has no clothes aboard tht ship.
"Henry was discharged," he concluded,
"because he was In Jail . , Another sea
man had to be shipped Jn -his place
because the vessel was ready' to leave
down the river; I advised British vlce
Consul Cherry of that place to allow
Henry to ship If ht Insisted upon mak
ing the voyage. Thert Is no cause for
a libel." ' Every day that the vessel Is
detained at the mouth of the river'
mean a big expense to the owners.
She has a .cargo aboard .valued at
1125.000."' ' , ' - !
" Clearsiiiice '
. ' AND
Mark Down -Sale
These Are Sample
- Prices
Begular $1 .35 and ILtO Wrappers yourx),
oboiot this week for only uyc
''' " ' . '
Om lot CbiWren't dretse that told for
Wo, 98c tod 1.23 your ehoie tbia ta,
wttk for.,
Men's jfuift that hsra been selling at
tiaO, tli SDd S17 60 your choict Q or
' tfaia wet,.... ,
Boy's daitt that have been selling, at SZ80
. 13.75, $3, and S 25, you eboitt) j.i tr
tor thia week .., 'V3
, mPM DEPT. $T0B
f e ,: The Place to 5ave Money.
ff08WtlO Commercial St.
SOSSIO Commercial St.
Too can save money by seeing .
Robinson Furniture Store
Be Sore and See Them Before Buying Elsewhere
Prices Are Right
. . ' ' ' . .''i 'r: '' ' : ,. ' , '
, - JOHN FOX, Pres. end SnpL , . A. L.FOX, Vice President,
. r.LBIsaor.Secretaiy . ASTORIA SAVINGS BAHX, Trees
V Designers and Manufacturers of
V .; ' - . f CORRESPONDENCE SOUQTED. . ... , :
Foot of Foorth Street,
Astoria Fish, Gam Poultry Market
f On Twelfth Street
Beat of Attention. . Quick Delivery.
2 MALAR ffil TOHN50N. Proprietor.
So"we will selljat great reductions a fine assortmeut of elegant
Couches V Morris Chairs Rockers
11 ' They must go. Call and o them. ,
ZAPF, V V The flfase Fcrniiher.