The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 23, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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r ; t 'i
A ' Ai a business proposition, It pays to trade at
home, conditions being equal as to the value
offeredi but when you can jet a better article at
home on as good terms there is an added reason
for patronizing the home institution.
Do You Drink Beer?
If you do, then why not drink the best? . Beer
is not a necessity, but a luxury, and if you must
have a luxury of that kind, then get an article that
is absolutory pure, and whkh is made at home by
The North Pacific Brewing Coriipa
mir... i
Give r.1e an
' Get hold of a Rock
Island System folder, turn
to the map, study it a
minute or two, and you
sea a m a
J will get a tatr idea of tne
X immensity of the territory traversed
1 v by this Company'i lines Minne- f
J aota on the North: Texas on the
South; Alabama on the East;
Colorado on the West
7 ' j If you are' going East, now or,
later, will you not kindly give me
an opportunity of quoting rates
mwA 11in uaii urritt An, frkAiirvfi ra
WW lulling JVU tt,.v WW. UUVUII MM
, amngementa are? Three routes East
via Denver, Umaha and at. f aul.
L . OORMAM. CUraeeal a, J
- t 140 TMM Si, MHlMa, Onl
Opens in Old Jdbvrty Hall,
Corner Seventh and Bond Streets
Tlondoy Evening, January nth.
Illlh Class Vindevllte
Hart & -Hart
Comedy Sketch Artista.
I Celebrated Tramp Cartoonist
World' Champion Hand Novelty Sketch Artisla and
Balancer and Equilibrist. llag-f ime Piano Players.
t ADMISSION 10, 20. and 30j CENTO.
Hand Concert 7:30, Performance Ucgins 8:15 Every Evening.
; Best tor vSteam
Best for Ranges .
Best for Heaters
The most economical and satisfactory
Fuel for any purpose.
Any Quantity at Any Time
on short notice.
Free Delivery in the City.
Phone 1961.
9th and Commercial Streets.
Experiments Show That the Real
Article Can Be Produced
at Home.
Uri'Ht Ilwovery 1'lacon Itadimn
WlthlD lUty ltotM;h fAU
the Broaches of
New York. Jan. 23. Announcement
recently made lit a mtNng of th
Techmiloity Club that radium ha4 Ix-en
KXtruitmt ' from American ore hiu
brought from Proft-aaor Alexandor H.
1'hllllp of Princeton L'nlvsralty. who,
conductnd I ho eprlmcnu, the itata
rnrat that this ltet dlcovery by
-mltt will aooa b o plentifully pr
ducd In the United Btntm a to be
within euay reach of all branchea of
atlrnce. The ore uaed In the experi
ment! came from Utah.
"The apeclmvn waa between 21 and
SO noundt In weight," aaid Prof. Phil
II t. "It waa not the pitch blend uaed
by the Curlce In the manufacture of
the French radium. U waa car not lie,
an, ore of canary color, containing, aa
t found after experimenting wth It,
oxide of uranium anl vanadium com
blued with other oxJJea that produce
radium. In extracting the radium I
ued the Curl, method, which I took
from their paper, and ! claim no credit
"Ai a reault of thia flrat extraction of
American radium arrangement have
neen made oy certain perwoni in uunaio
who own aeveral mlnea of carnotite,
to manufacture radioactive agents on a
large scale, and, In my opinion. It will
eoon b o plentiful that It will be eai-
lly within the reach of all branchea
of aclence. Th. Increaaed production
will naturally decrease Ita coat ami
there need be no fear of exhausting the
American aource of aupply, for I am
Informed that U la practically limlt-leai.
"There la not the allghteat doubt but
American rodlum enn be maae na
utroiig as the Curie product and equally
available for all aclentlflc purposes. "
mens of thate prehletorlo sllurlAntso
valuable to science. This Intereatlng
fomll waa discovered near Coqulmbo,
Chile and the specimen has been un
earthed In almost perfect condition.
Other valuable specimens have been
found In the same place. Prof. Mer
rlam, occupying the chair of historical
geology at, the university, says that
so far as be Is aware no specimen has
been discoverel that rivals this one In
completeness or In scientific value.
University Receives Gifts.
Chicago. Jan. 33. A dispatch to the
Tribune from San Francisco says;
"The will of the late Charles F. Does,
the millionaire lumberman of the Pa
cific coast, sets apart the sum of $700,
000 to be used In providing a library
for the University of California. Presi
dent Wheeler has announced that Mrs.
William H. Crocker of Ban Francisco,
has given 125.000 to the university for
archaea logical work in Old Mexico.
, Chinese Are Revolutionary.
New York, Jan. 33. A serious native
disturbance has occurred In the Interior
near Pyeng Tang, cables the Seoul cor
respondent of the Herald. The author
ities are apprehensive that It may
spread. ' '
Arbitration to 8ettle Touble.
New York, Jan. 33. More than 1500
men In the building trades at Pater-
aon, X. J., who have been locked out
for a month have returned to work.
Their differences with the employers
will be settled by arbitration.
. Caught tn The Aot.
ehlctuto, Jnn. 33. A raid made by
iletiuty United States marshals on a gat
In Morgan street has resulted In the
arrest of, three men charged with
counterfeiting. John O'Shea, it Is as
serted, was caught In the act of making
bogus haTf dollars. Renry Cotter was
aotured with him, and Fred Sullivan,
a saloonkeeper, was locked up on s,
charge of aiding In the dustrlbutlon of
the counterfeits. The three men were
taken before Commissioner Foote and
held In 11000 bonds each. Molds, dies.
nd partly completed coins were seiea.
Just as a Firs V
spreads in dry grass and weeds, so does
an inrtamatlon of the throat grow
down Into the sensitive air passages of
the lungs. The cold, like the fire.
should be promptly dealt with. When
you begin to cough use Allen's Lung!
Balaam. It will certainly heal the sore
throat and lungs and It may aave you
from consumption.
Fading of War Prospects and the
Abundance of New York Mon
ey Leading Features.
Demand qf Union Miners in ludl
nn 31 ay IU Settled Ami
cablj j Says Presi
dent Mitchell.
NewYork, Jan, 33. Special tele
grams from correspondents of the In
ternational ercafttlle Agency res-
petting the state of trade throughout
the United States and Canada are sum
marized as follows:' - r ' .-J v,...f rj,
The most encouraging developments
of the week are the widening demand
for ull forma of iron and steel at Pitts
burg and Chicago, with Increased con
fidence that bottom price, have been
reached. , '. , ;;. . .. . . ,
Other features are the fading of war
prospects, a real plethora, of money at
New York and at western centers and
the highest prices for wheat since 1898,
due to Increased milling demand for
home and foreign requirements and a
greatly oversold Map option' at ' Chi
cago. .Other advances In price, were
for corn, oats, cotton, coffee, leather,
hides, tin. and copper "with partial re
actions in the last two. Silk goods
are In better demand, prints are hard
ening, converters are buying with more
teedom. Boston's wool shipments ex
ceed those of a year ago. ' Shoes and
leather are fir mln advances. Most (
Important Industrial negotiations are
about to be begun at Indianapolis. The
miner, union wast 10 per cent higher
wages for picked coal and more than'
that for machine mined. Bituminous
operators , In four states want 'a re
duction. ' John Mitchell say. he is
hopeful that an amicable settlement
will be reached.
Chicago's distribution of merchan
dise at wholesale clothing, dry goods.
shoes, leather, builders hardware and
grocers show Improvement. St. Louis
says dry goods buyers from the soatb-
west are taking liberally In the face
of higher prices..
Philadelphia- textile Industries, ex- '
cept cottons are busy. Spring order.
received at Stl Paul are up to expec
tation.. Duluth's prospects for spring
business are, good. Cincinnati reports
a good volume of business through the
Ohio, valley. t Cleveland's advance or
ders for; spring delivery are ahead, of
those of last year.' ' ,
Throughout te Canadian Dominion
therweek lias been unlet as the severe
weather has checked sales In the coun
try districts- and made collections
slower. Two or three large failures
have disturbed, the dry goods trade.
Spring orders In men and womens fur
nishing jroods are brisk.
: Prominent Men Arrested.
Spokane, Wash.. Jan. 33. L. S.
Streyfeller. as a representative of the
Spokane Ministerial Association, ap
plied to Assistant Counsel Conner this
afternoon for warrants for the arrest
of about a doxen citizens accused of
being owners or agents of property
used for immoral purposes The list
includes Jerome Drumheller, "Dutch
Jake" Gocts, Harry Baer, R T. Daniel,
and others less prominent
Don't, let the little ones suffer from
ecsema, or other torturing skin dis
eases. No need of it Doan's Ointment
Icato skin.' At any drug store, St cents
I rx T 1 4w I m 1 1 ' 3
University of California, Jan. 28.
News of one of the most important
geological discoveries ever, made in
South America has Just been received
at the university of California from
Astronomer W. H.. Wright, head of
the Lick Observatory now in Chile. The
Ond is remarkably perfect . specimens
th Ichthyosaurus, and ths slgnlft-
oancs of the discovery lies in the fact
that Smtth America has never been
mens ot these prehistoric, Silurians so
ty taptoynetit of inll( which at troly
Htnra't own MEDICAL LAKB tplfic.
art Natare's Ow. RmmSIm atnet fraa
th huts of Ui Urut Cmtor. Cmimm
H Him, ma-mti nottnia nwally Ml. The wafers of Madlcal Uks & atxerM
thlr vlrtMl thronrk safcMmiMaa prlf fro tin twsl to attar. Tk tnillan racoirntna fht virtues
d liwil Umb aufW. Wt know btitar, nd muos that In aakm't Uborttorv tht cwntoamts of Medical Lain
warm, aach a djiilnct MatoarS of sraal awrtt, aavo bam wabtljf conpoumM to form a rtawdy unoqualM Is bu s
i j i fwfii nw w awiaiiy vt m woa wnica wui lanainanuy ascoms to m itraUoa.
It is satall wonder then that MEDICAL LAKE OINTMENT (or crstun) pouesse healing power whica
seems marvelous. Thisprtparation is sa Ideal Skin Pood sod beaatiner and It the quickest and most agreeable
renedr for 5unfeurn, Euema, Bunu, Bruises, Chapped Hands and Face, and all Roabnes and
Irritation of the Skin is the most beneficial in its effects of all emollients and is a. article which cannot safely
be diipcaied with in any household, Medkal Lake Ointment if applied (especially immediately after washing)
will ails all soreness asd assure a ioft velvety surface to the skin. 23c. a box at druggists.
MEDICAL LAKE SOAP for toilet and nursery, makes bathing a luxury.
25c a cake.
MEDICAL LAKE SALTS MFG. CO., Sole Manufacturers
Medical Lake Salts Mfg. Co.. Spokane, Wash. ' .
Dear Sirs For ten year. I had been almost a, cripple from rheumatism, and frequently waa in such a con
dition that I could hardly get around. On June 9 I came to Medical Lake to try the hot baths. Was al
most helpless at that time. On account of cold, bad weather during June, took only a few Medical Lake
baths. Later, the weather warming up, t begun the treatment in earnest, and. at this writing,, August 8,
consider myself entirely well. The hot water baths in Medical Lake water have done business for me.
Before coming to this place I spent several hundred dollars with physicians and for various remedies but
received no benefit until I tried Madical Lake water. , THOS. BELL, Spangle, Wash.
Mr, Bell is 71 years of age, and says he has thrown hla cane away. for good. He walks erect and strong
as an Indian. .-' i, - : v. . , . . . . - ' ?
For sale In Astoria by rrank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial,: the Conn Drug Company
v Twr'ita and Commercial and Charles Rogers, pdd Fellow's building S1.