The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 23, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. IVI1.
NO. 03.
'In One Town Only Small Sjtore Is Left
StorullnrJ, Even Pillars of Struct
ures Being; Torn Out of Place.; .
People Thrown From Their Beds Hundreds of Feet Into the Black
' ncss otNliKt Cotton Bales Torn to Pieces and Scattered '
On the Tree Giving Appearance of Visitation of - ,
Heavy Snow Storm Throughout Section.
Tuscaloosa, Ala., Jsl. M. Adla
aatroua tornado swept ovr Moundvllla,
Ala ft town of too Inhabitants, 16 mtltt
south ot Tuscaloosa early today, kill
1 lug flva whit' persons and 11 negroes
,and Injuring moro than ,1M. Bvtry
business bouse, With tha exception of
email elora, wu destroyed.
The tornado mowed t path a quarter
ot mils wide through the town.
tturioom war rushed to Moundvllla
and (II that u poealble waa dona to
llavtaxa tha aufferlnga of Lha Injured.
By tha forca of tha storm, peroona wera
blown hundraWa of ft I from their twda
In tha blackness of tha night. Through
tarror, ft father, mother and three
children Had from thalr homa to seek
refuge and In their escltement left
flve-year-old boy In bad. Today ba waa
pulled from beneath soma tlmbar, but
thus far It has barn Impoaalbla to find
any othat mambar of tha family.
Bedding, carpet "id wearing apparel
an scattered over ft distance t 10
mlta through what waa ft' forest, but
which la now claar a If cut by a wood
tnan'a Mt. 1 freight ears wara torn to
h aptlntaro ,tha truche bring hurlad hun-
Mda of . from tha track. Whara
3 even plllara upon which these etruc-
;f turea raatad . ' "7
I Bales of cotton wara torn td atoms,
if frftgmania of tha lint finding lodgmant
I In trm making It ftppaar as though
I tha section had own visited by ft snow
I storm. Heavy Iron safes, tha doors
I ot which In soma Inatancea wara torn
, from '.hair hinges, wara carried sway
' by forca ! ol tha wind.. r '
Million Dollar Damage.
Flttaburg, Jan. II. ( Midnight) Tha
Allegheny and Monongoht lift rlvars ara
lining steadily. Tha Allegheny Is three
fast higher than har conaort stream,
and as a consequence ft dangerous tea
JOn Clothing
Goods, Hatsr
Excepting only Dunlap
nd Rubber Goods
v as our goods are sold on very '
close marginse
Monday, January 4, 1904.
goria la .tow forming Just above tha
confluenca of tha rivers. Thcrs Is k-a
nough In both rlvars at this time to
to keep both rlvars wall 0114 until
Sunday and perhaps later.
Many coat WM have sunk, snd a
numbr of larga factories are flooded.
Small streams ara ovrt-riuwlng and In
one, the Msrcar, the water la hlgW
than tver known before. The damngr
will amount to nnra than 11,000,000.
;,. '.''....flood In Ohio. :
Cleveland, Jan. !. Tha flood situ
ation In Clevalatid sod vlilnlty la it
full In tha temperature which will r
n tha probability of the dangerous
gorge about 10 mllea up tha Cuyabogn
river breaking and letting loose the
great mass of water. .
Threa great luke vessels that broke
looaa from thalr inoorlnga toduy are
atlll wedged tightly together and there
la no possibility of their breaking away
or being moved until the flood of wit
ter has caused. Tha entire loss In
Cleveland la estimated to be half a mil
lion dollars.
'Teaffie Demoralized.. ,
fall of rain for nearly H hours, an trrf
menaa quantity of enow throughout
the western part of tha stata of New
Tork waa rapidly turned Into water,
which soon tonight sent tha rivers
swirling out of bounds, flooding great
areas. ' .
In northern New Tork and places In
Canada where the temperature waa low
er, tha rain turned Into aleet snd snow.
Droatrattng 'telegraph and telephone
lines, and demoralising railroad traffic
' Oovernment'e Leasa Nearly Dana
Waahlngton, Jan. In tha postal
trial today aeveral wltneaaes wara led
through ft tedious, fine of que at toning
'i t.
Shoes, Etc,
Hate, E. "ft Collars, Oil
and Dtnts GloTga.
':v '
by the assistant district attorney, moat
of which, as tha counseil explained, waa
for the purpose of showing tha personal
Interest on tha part of Mu liens re
garding tha Introduction of theOroff
fastener. Tha government announced
It waa near tiie completion of Its case.
Adjournment until Monday was taken.
Firs st Aberdeen.
"Aberdeen, Wash., Jan'; M. Tha At
Untie Hotel, at Hum and K street,
waa gutted, and dumags to tha building
was done amounting to from f 1000 to
tUOO Tuesday evening. Tba furniture
was dumaged to tha 'extent of f800 or
11000. The bulldinjr was owned by C.
C. 8nrgent, who carried Insurance am
ounting to 13000. Messrs. Bonn A
Smith, tha leases, bad policies sggregs
tlng $1000 on Insurance.
Fire at Creeoent City.
Orant'a Pass, fore., Jan. XI. News
la received here of a Are at Creecent
Cltyi CaJ.. In which aome $10,000 worth
of property was destroyed. Including
tba Del Norta Hotel and Del Norte sa
loonr Beveral guests of the hotel were
also heavy loeera by tha flamea. The
lira originated In one of tha rooms of
tba hotel by tha explosion of two Jars
of gssollne.. ,
Chicago, Jan. II. Under tha name
of the Chicago Dutry Company, Chi
cago capltallats ara forming a corpor
ation designed to control the milk sup
ply of Chicago. Organised under the
laws, of the state of Maine, the com
pany haa an authorised capital of It
000,000, Within a few weeks, sccord
Ing to A., F. Hatch, attorney, one of
the promoters, the rompsny will pro-'
ceed to close the Options It now holds
on the boalnees of milk firms Iq Chi
cago ,e ,
The principal purpose of the new
company., It la mated. Is trot to advance)
prices, but to rata the atandarl of milk
In Chicago. All milk sold by the com
fany through Ita dletrlbutora will be
certified free from bacteria and all dei
eteriAue aubatanraa.
For each milk a flat rate of seven
rente a quart will be made, aaya At
torney Hatch, an advance of half a cant
In pries In soma parts of tha city.
atudled tibia Tao Hard.
Cincinnati, Jan. tl. Rev. Oeorge 8.
Coble, for a number of, years pastor
of the First Baptist church (colored),
Walnut Hllla, haa loat his mind. It Is
believed that religion Is the cause.
For tha last year ha haa been paator
of the Lebanon, (O.) Baptist church.
He was a constant reader of th Bible
and it la aald that ha knew more con
cerning Its works and meaning than
any other colored minister. . He waa
never found without his Bible. I
Rev. Coble returned to his home, at
Fo raker and Monfort avenues, Wednes
day to visit his wife. Suddenly he at
tacked her. Her cries attracted the
attention of the neighbors, who went, to
her rescue. , ,
Yesterday Mrs. Coble took him to
' .x-
her home at Xenla, O., for rest.
To Meet With Amerioan Competition.
Berlin, Jan. JS.Vnder the preal-
dency ot Duke Ern Guenther Suchles-
wlg-Holsteln, Kmperor Willlnm's
brother-in-law, the Middle European
Economic Society w-aa founded here
laat night. The prealdent declared the
aoclety was formed to defend Germany
fronj the overflow of foreign goods, and
above alt to meet American competi
tion. . ' . " .
C. 8. Wads WIN Tour.
Pendleton, Ore., Jan. 22. Deputy
United States Marshal Jamea Wilson
today served papers In Involuntary
bankruptcy on C. B. Wade, ex-cashler
of the First National bank, who as
signed a few days ago. It Is announced
today that Wade will leave tonight
for Europe In search of health.
Fight to a Draw.
Milwaukee Jan. 22. Charles Neary
of Milwaukee, and Aurelio Herrera,
fought six rounds tonight to a draw.
Joe Licks Joe.
Baltimore,- Jan. 22. Joei ; Gvlm, of
Philadelphia, won In a 10 round, bout
tonight from Joe Gans.,
'' f ; , San Francisco la Choioe.
. Trenton, N. J., Jan. 22. The brick
layers and Masons International Union
today, decided to meet next year In San
' - '..'.".'.'';
President Asked to Explain Con
cerninj International Affairs
of Panama as Touched
li by U. S. Interests.
Gorman's Pet Measure, After Pro
longed Debate, Is Accorded ;.
t i Required Ayes.
Seaator Fulton fteport Favor
' bly on Mlbrand! 8al
inaultlll m Cfaalr
man ofFUIierles.
Washington, Jan. 22. The senate
today adopted tha resolution of Inquiry
concerning affairs In Panama Intro
duced" on tha 6th .Instant by Gorman,
and listened to a speech on the Pan
ama question by Dolllver and another
on the subject of recess appointments.
' Gorman's resolution requests the
prealdent to Inform the senate, when'
and under what circumstances the
United States has used ft military forca
In tha Internal affairs of New Granada
or Colombia, whether tha United States
has aver been asked to interfere by
armed force, and by whom and on what
dates, and what waa done by the
United States; in which ot tha dis
turbance referred to In the presi
dent's last annual message haa the
United Statea used military force there
solely on Its own 'Initiative" and un
invited by tha government owning the
lfthmus, The senate adjourned", unto
Monday. - '., , y..
Washington, Jan. St. Senator Ful
ton, from tha committee on fisheries,
today reported favorably on the bill
making It a misdemeanor to export
mlshranded ealmon or to ahlp them
from one state to another.
Washington. Jan. IS. Morning and
afternoon aesiona of tha cabinet were
held today. It can be aald on author
Ith that no action ot aerloua Importance
waa taken."
Washington. Jan. 1!. Tha house
today passed 209 pension bills and al
so resolutions calling upon the secre
tary of .war and tha attorney general
for Information as to the number of
horses and carriages maintained at
government expense for officers of
these respective departments, a bill
permitting tha withdrawal, duty free,
from St. Louis exposition, articles do
nated to rejlglous, scientific educational
or literary institutions, was also passed.
los Bound On Lake Michigan. ' ','
Chicago, Jan.' 22. The steamer Iowa
of the Goodrich line, with a crew ot 60
men and 16 passengers Is Ice-bound
near th two mile crib north of Chi- ,
cago harbor. Difficulty was encount-
ered by the bout In leaving the harbor I
and several miles from shore It waa un
able to proceed. The 'boat Is being
kept In vtew by men at the life saving
station, although no danger la feared.
The boat has provisions for three days.
Tseama Schools Overcrowded. .';
Tacoma, Wash,, Jan. 22 The Board
of Education haa adopted recommenda
tions ot the committee on buildings for
24 new schoolrooms to be added to Ta
coma' a public schools. The rooms. In
use at the present time are overcrowd
ed. 7 ' ' -7 ' '
Did Not Represent Church.
Butte, Jan. IS. During tha lengthy
session of tha Silver Bow Trades and
Labor Assembly laat night, that body
received tha report ot the committee
appointed to Investigate the allegation
thnt'the Mormon church had taken a
decided stand against organised, labor
In Utah and had advlBed churchmen
to. take the place of striking min
ers of that state. After hearing the
report of the committee, "the assembly
decided this was not the case and a
motion waa put and, carried that the
church be not censured. . . .
The report showed that Mr. Cannon
of the -Mormon church had not repre
vented the church when ha advised the
above course for Mormons,
It la understood that tha assembly
dfscuased at soma longth the actions
of the naw, central labor body, but fust
owing to th strict secrecy irtalntained
The committee appointed to Invest!
gate the bartenders' troubles reported
progreas and was continued.
.-' Mtbwab Interests Conflict
New York. Jan. 32. Agreement on
terms for tha reorganisation of the
United States Shipbuilding Company,
It la understood on good authority, has
been reached between Receiver 'Smith
and Charles M Schwab and tha mem
bers, of tha Sheldon Syndicate, but tha
plant la aald to be acceptabe to neither
tha bondholders protective ' Committee
nor to tha Commonwealth Trust Com
pany, and litigation is bound to con
tinue unless Schwab Interests make
atlll further concessions , ,
The plan as outlined, provides for the
retention ot control by Schwab, giving
his $0,000,000 preferred and t,0QQ.tt0a
common on the total of approximately
JJO.000.000 wtock remaining. $0,000, 00
prererrea ana ronrown (umi
to other Intereals. , ,'
? . -
Butte, Jan. 22.' Gen. Joubert and
Capt O'Donnell of the Boer war. are
expected In Montana within tha next
tew days to perfect arrangement for
a, Boer colony In tha Milk river valley,
These gentlemen . are lecturing
throughout the country to raise funds
for assisting the Boers destined to de
velop the " resources of Montana JUi
coming to this country from South
i Ji tries. " '
. From accounta published ot the
movementa of Messrs. Joubert and O'
Donnell and their lectures. It Is learn
ed that tha Boers In South Africa are
I .; a most destitute .vwU tot ai4 r-'Kef
1 1 badW Aieeded. .-"X'.V ' '
When these diaiinTlhd t'ghi-rs
arrive In .Montana they will deliver
lectures on the lata Boer war and will
no doubt apeak to large audiences In
tnla city. - ' : ' . , ; v"
The scheme to colonise tha Milk river
valley was decided on after Captain
O'Donnell visited thla state Snd looked
over the country. The Boers will en
gage In agriculture and cattle raising
and will do much to develop thla fer
tile valley. . f , '
The A. Dunbar Co.
They certainly are priess yu seldom get. ; W need the room. Oar
show windows will ell the rest.
. Pictorial History U. 8. ....... . $2.60
- Bible Soanes. ..f 2.0
Wabster'sDietionary..;I...,'.. 2,5.
: Dastea Inferno... ...... 6.0
Homa and Business coin p..... 100
Milton's PavadireLoe ........ 6.00
Remember when you pass this way, see what our windows have to say."
Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle
ry, Paints, Oil and Glass Hardwood
Lumber Boat Supplies etc. j& & X?
; : .'7 , , r at . ;-
Cor. Bond and 12th Sts. ; "i . Astoria, Oregon
Efforts to Stay Execution Being
Futile, Relentless Justice ;
Claims Baker Murderer '
for Gallows.
iron Nerve Stays Wit)THimUntjI
the Last Giving Courage at
the Trying Hour.'
Makes Brief Address in Whleh
lie Expresses Horrow for.
j ' Great Crime Ills- ; i .
-.ton fCaae, J.ii.)
J Baker City, Ore.. Jan. 22 Pleasant
Armstrong waa hanged in the Jail yard
here this morning. .'The trap ' was
sprung at :$ o'clock, and (be doctors
pronounced him dead at 7:15, 01-4 min
utea later. The execution was perfect
as to dc'-Ua there not being a hitch
in the proceedings. The doctors say
the neck waa broken by the fall. 'Arm
strong maintained fats Iron nerve until
the last.' He made a brief Address, say
ing he waa sorry for hi crime, but ha
waa going ,to meet the girl he loved.
His last words were: -
'1 die In the faith ot Christ and la
the bosom of his true church I sin
cerely repent all my sins, especially ot
the great crime I must now auffer for."
At the close of the address he knelt
and received the last sacrament ot tha
Catholic church, administered by Fath
er Ollvettf. I ' . , '
Jfhftftnw ',,. v-Mtb,P!nant Aw--strong
was , executed was the cold
blooded, murder ot his former affianced
wife, Minnie Enemlngen -on Chrustmaa
night, 1001.
On Christmas night at the coivlusloa
ot a dance at the ranch of her brother-
in-law. Poe Henner, while Miss Kn- '
sminger, with others of tha party were
on their way from the house to the bars
(Continued on page eight)
. 1.00