The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 22, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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'- "'
Government Customs Houses to
Remain Open ' Until 4:30
P. M. Hereafter. "
Euillyes W ill et Half Holiday
Each Week Duriagr July,
August and Septem
ber Thla Year.
Hereafter the United Statea customs
house at thi port of Aitorla will remain
pen until i: SO p. m. of each dor, in
accordance with a ruling recently made
by Secretary of the Treasury Leslie
If. Shaw. Copies of the ruling have
Just been received here. Formerly
the customs house 'we ' opened for
business at o'clock and closed at 4.
The rullnc of 'the secretary requires
that all customs bouses shall be kept
open until :10. commencing with
January 11. The ruling is made under
the act of congress of March 15, 1898.
Under the new order of things em
ployes will work eight hours dally. In
stead of seven and one-half, as has
heretofore been' the case. In the past
the local customs house was not closed
from to 4. and it will be constantly
open hereafter from ,to 4: SO. On
Saturdays during the months of July,
August and September the office will
be closed at IS noon, which was not
heretofore the 'case. The , additional
half hour will give masters of vessels
that much more time 1n which to at
tend to entries and clearances.
Apprentices Leaving Vessels Lying I
, Harbor at Portland. ,
Wholesale desertions are occurring
among the crews of vessels lying at
Portland. The men seem to like the
country; and. scarcely a day goea by
that some master does not report the
loss of sailors. Apprentices have Join
ed in the scramble for liberty. The
East African lost several men. of whom
two apprentices, Slmpklns and Whlst
on. are still missing. Parker Thomp
son, another apprentice who deserted
from the vessel, was recaptured and
returned to the ship. He says he was
foolish to desert and is glad that he
was captured. If he knows the where
abouts of the other lads he Is keeping
the information to himself.
According to the Journal, there ap
pears to be a regular epidemic among
the ship apprentices to desert. It Is
reported that there are four or five
aboard the British ship Glenesslln who
are on the verge of deserting. The
vessel is at the Eastern mill loading
lumber for Delagoa bay. South Africa.
Owing to the poor water and climate
that is looked upon as a very unhealthy
portl The Glenesslln was there on her
last trip, and the captain and all the
crey suffered greatly from suckness.
That is one of the reasons that the
apprentices are said to be looking with
longing eyes upon the shores of Atnerl-
ca'. "They do not want to go through
the same exeprten'ce of wrestling with
disease that they did a short time ago.
' Another reason for discontent is of
j fered in the fact that the Glenesslln is
I taklng on board unusually heavy tlm
l bers. In South African ports there are
f no longshoremen and the ship's crew Is
' obldged to discharge the cargo. That
f is heavy work that the beys are said
? to be desirous of escaping.
They have been with the Glenesslin
f three years and only have' one more
year to serve to blossom out into offic
ers of various grades. Desertion it is
pointed out, would spoil their seagoing
career in an Irreparable manner.
8tstement Showing Average Time Re
quired For Oosan Ships.
Local agsnts r the North German
Lloyd Steamship -iompany; operating
between New York and London,have re
ceived tables showing the comparative
schedules' of the big ships plying be
tween these ports during the past year,
the report of the United States sup
erintendent of foreign malls being tak
en as authority.
This report shows the Lloyd line to
lead the procession. Its ships Kaiser
Wllhelm der Grosse and Kronprinz Wil
helm making, respectively, the average
time between New Tork and London
through, the year of 162.3 hours and
154.1 hours. The ship with the next
lowest average was the Kaiser Wllhelm
IT, with an average of 161.1 hours.
This ship Is also a Lloyd vessel. The
quickest trip of the year between New
Tork and London was made In 148.0
hours, the Kronprini 'WilheinV estab
lishing this record.
The swiftest boat of the Hamburg
American line, the Deutehlsnd, moat
nearly approached ' the "record ef the
Uoyd vessels, making the trig' In the
average time of 143.7 hurs. The best
Cunard boat, the Lucanta, took an av.
erage time of 1T0. hours tor the voy.
age The White Star's best boat, the
Oceanic, required 17J.1 hours, and of
the American line the Philadelphia,
despite her name, proved the swiftest.
i' u V
but she took an average time of l.S.s
hours. The general average of all lines
is about 300 hours, and the slowest
average time wsis by the Cymric of the
White Star line, she taking IS9.7 hours
and only making three trips during
the year, while many other boats men
tioned made from 10,to 15 trips.
Shipping Statistics.
The bureau of navigation reports (1
vessels of 23.35$ grosa tons were built
In the United States durtir r Decern- j
ber. Of these S3 of UTS tons were sail
and 40 of 31.480 tons were steam. Dur
ing the six months ended December 31.
there were built In the United States ;
5T1 vessels of 1T7.047 gross tons,
against SJT of 171.599 tons In 1903. Of
those built in the last ait months of
1903 here were 308 sail and SS steam,
against 3S8 sail and 395 steam in the
last six mnths of 1903. During the
calendar year of 1903 there were built
In the United States 1159 vessels of
581.9T0 tons, against 1343 of 429.327 tons
in 1901. and 1323 of 371.129 tons In 1901.
The Overdue Vessels.
The chances for the French bark
Paris being afloat are so slight that she
has been sent up to 90 per cent. The
overdue list has been increased by the
nlaclng on the board of the British
bark Castor. 108 days from Java for
Barbadoes, at 10 per cent. The Swed
ish bark Edwardlna. a 50 per cent over
due, was taken from the board, as she
has arrived at her destination. The
long voyage of the Martaban is caus
ing apprehension and she went up to
70 per cent The Frisco Giuseppe weni
up to 15 per cent. : ; '
Marine Notes.
The schooner W. F. Jewett was
towed to sea Wednesday evening and
started around for Tacoma.
The French bark Ancols arrived
down the river late yesterday after-
noon. She goea to South Africa, but
has not yet cleared.
rh British shin East African lias
flninhed loading wheat for the United
Kingdom. She takes 3785 " tons of
wheat, valued at 378,000.
The schooner Volunteer cleared yes-
-,av for San Francisco. She takes
737,000 feet of number, of which 891,000
feet was loaded at St. Helena and 348,
010 feet at Vancouver.
Th. tine to the Heads is still down
and no reports were received yester-.
a., shinolna men who were at me
mouth of the river reported a rough
bar, with thick weather. Nothing was
In sight outside .
"Death Trust" Done Awsy With.
Chicago, Jan. 21. The end of the
uth tnittt" la In stent according to
. uvuu -
Secretary Prltchard of the city health
department, who announced late today
that within 48 hours the meaicai pro
fession of Chicago may be supplied
in. ntI-toxln serum at a price far
below that of the alleged trust price.
Secretary Prltchard refused to disclose
the source from which it is expected
to secure the supply. ' " t j
Missionary Lsdies Meet
New York. Jan. 21. Women from
all parts of the country are attend
ing the 43rd anniversary meeting or
the Women's Missionary Society of
America, being held here. This was the
first womans missionary society organ
ized and Its members represent nearly
every shade of religious feeling from
Episcopal to Baptist.
Fsthsr and Son Burned.
San Bernardino, Cal.,' Jan. 21. Ox
ma Mothato, and his four-year-old son
Juan were burned to death In a fire
which broke out at their home last
night. The mother, grandmother and
two other children managed to get out,
but In an incredible short time the
building was destroyed.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Bre-
pared in two minutes. No boiling ! no
baking! add boiling- water and set to
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry, Get a package
at your grocers tc-day. locts.
For the big nrlxe at Doe Joint'
shooting gallery, 418 Bond street.
Ftrst-claat meal for 15o; nice cake,
oolfe pie or doughnuts, So. U. 8. res
tauraitt, 434 Bond street. U.
Splro Is a new faoe powder, and is
the best. Use that and nothing else.
Sold only at the Owl and Eagle drug
stores.. 35 cent a box.
They don't some out WhatT Why,
the bristles in the tooth brushes at
Frank Hart's Drug Store. He has a
blr supply at all prices. Call and see
The Horning Astortaa will be found
tor tale at Griffin's book store and at
Scully's cigar store, corner Eleventh
and Commercial streets,
Weed. Weed. Weed.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest price. Kelly,
the transfer man. 'Phone 3311 Black,
Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house
tinner Astoria has a Place where you
can get a fine glass of beer, as good
wines and liquors as you can And any
place In the city.
tf Opposite Kopp's Brewery.
We sell, rent and repair all makes of
typewriters. Writ for new catalogue
of New Densmore.
Huxley, Ryan Co..
S3 Fourth Street Portland. Or.
Piano Tuner.
For good, reliable piano work see
your local tuner, Th. Fredrlckson.
2071 Bond street. 'Phone Red 3074.
New stock of fancy good just arriv
ed at Yokohama Baaaar. Call and see
the latest novelties from Japan.
The Boston
Best aad Neatest Eating: House In Astoria
tTry Oar 2 5-Cect Dinners
Prompt Attention High Class Chef
' " The Finest Hotel in the Northwest
Wholesale and Retail " '
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
A First Class Concert Hall - -Jp Finest Ilesort In The City
Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop.
kl s.Z'L449A9C3 Loser
f T CII II iCll
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers. ,
A. V. AsULrEW, .
Tentk aid Commercial Streets ASTORIA, OREGON
business mm &es
LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Somebody hae what you want, er wants what
sell. Here Is where want and wanted come together. ADVERTISE.
Electrical fixture.
F.lvctrlcal wiring.
Electrical supplies.
Gas mantels guaranteed.
43S Commercial street. ,
M. F. Hardest Eleetrloal Centraetor
Toe will always And th best lie
meal la th city at the Rising Bun res
taurant No. IIS Commercial street
Something Qoed.
Teke Point and clhoalwater bay
oysters at th Imperial chop house.
Try our ceftee. , It Is unexcelled.
S. M. OALLAOUBR. Manager.
Stranger In town often speak of th
beautiful complexion of Astoria girls
and lay It to th climate, which I par'
tlally th reason, as they most all use,
Hart' Toilet Cream to prevent rough
nesa or th sun, chapped hands or
Up. For sal only at Hart's drug
If it la In season you wtll find It at
It best at th celebrated Tok Folnt
oyster house on Eleventh street. Fish,
game, shell-dsn, choicest meats, pastry
coffee, etc., etc., served to th queen'
taste. Special accommodations for
parties. Open alt night. Don't miss
the place, Eleventh street, neat Band.
A Popular Sotenee.
Plumbing looks easy, but n part
of a house Is more Important to health
and comfort than the plumbing. We
are prepared to do all work In this
line In th most scientific and satis.
factory manner. W keep th latt
Improved fittings always In stock for
new or repair work. All kinds of
tinning, heating and steam-fitting.
'Phone 1031. 425 Bend stret. JOHN
O Beer.
nlshed when necessary; - position per
manent . Address Th Columbia, 130
"onon; Building. OUago; Ol.. J
Weleom as Sunshine
after a leag storm ts a feeling ef relief
when an obstinate, pitiless cold has
n driven away by Allen'a Lung
Ralsam. Only people wh have been
cured ef threat-ark and soe lung by
thta remedy ean eulte realise what the
feeling Is. There la ao epluaa la th
Balaam; Its good effect I ralleal and
lasting. Take a bottle keine today.
Business Propeeltlon.
If yeu are going east a earful select
ion of your rout Is essentia! to th
leymeat f your trip. If It la a hurt,
nesa trip time la th main consider
alen; If a pleasure trip, seeaery aad
the conveniences and comforts of a
modern railroad.
Why not combln all by using th
Illinois Central, th up-to-date road,
running two trains dally from St. Paul
and Allnneapalls, and irom Omaha, to
Chicago. Free reclining chair car, the
famous buffet llbr.try smoking cars, all
trains vestlb jld. In short thoroughly
modern throughout. All tickets read-
Ing via the Illinois Central wtll be hen-
red en these train and ao extra fare
Our rates are th same aa those of
Infeiler reads why net get year
money" worth t
f rite for full particular, "
11. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agt
Portland, Or.
J. C. UND81T, T. F. J F. A.,
Psrtland, Or.
P.M'I, B. THOMPSON, F. . P. A.,
Seattle. Wash.
Th Lee aleetrl Insole, which are
sold by the Owl drug store exclusive
ly and under guarantee for cure, are
not previously charged with electricity,
We Gan Please You
and Save You Money
'jlv us your order for any kind of
irlntlnt; plain or artist In, business
or personal. We guarantee salUf ac
tion. ,
Best workmanship.
Most reasonable prices.
, Two linotype oiacblneaeaablo us to
print krtefa and other book work on
short notice. "' '
' '
Newspaper composition a specialty.
Write for Terms.
i-; t !
Astorian Publishing Go.
To Eat Well, " ' "
, " "J ir Sleep Well,) t' : "
TAKI5 And Work Well,
eecham's Pills
You will Eat well, V
becachb, trruuit nMotfl. Aotlm m Uw Omm, Bseoham's fills mm tie)
MiiMitaa of htliMM .nd oppnukw wrnimon) tiptrHnoed, sir. th. appMlt. " Ms.," sad iwtore
th. Stomtoh to bMlthj tai utanl CnnoUon, ,
You will Sloop well,
BECAUSE onam's Pills rod? im IrriuUoaof th. Hcrroa arum, whlU by thee
ttlmoluiT. tui elMialnf Mtion apon th. Um kix) Klaur., PlgMtlan nrooMdi with aonul
nrnUrltr, to UuU st nlrtit UM trsnqclliud mind tnd txxif in prnpwed (or H Katnre'l mtk
iMtorr "-jefiU ilomtMr. Ihaald on. tMl miIw tttn n ndUnf or oootItUI renlBS, a
Oom of ohsm's Pills will qnloklr ladnw reTreohlm ilttp.
)fou will Work well, ;: j ' ", '""";'
' BEOAVRB Boaoham's Pills biiw sboot tti. frroper udmlUtloe of th. food takm, Hvstons
loth. StomuD, pnrllr lb. Blood, Inngonts Um Mwtob. 8rta,ftdd forootothoMoMtoaagd
Urn. nda. ttx workr4antal or phytlesi-wUb ranawoa mmfj aad powm,
Sold Everywhere In Doxea, 10 oontt and 28 cents.
yeu have te
but accomplish their wonderful cure
by the natural current generated by
the acid fluids of th body, acting
the posltiv and negative pole of th
battery formed by the slno plat In
on heel mid the capper plat In the
other. flee them In th window. Ask
for a descriptive booklet telling of th
marvelous ruiea of rheumatism,
f -ti . ; ;.;.'' I
. r ;t i I f . ,
If you want your money' worth
ning 'Phono 1SU.
Notle ef Dissolution.
Notice i hereby given that laeua-
dersigned doing busl nee uaier the
firm nam of Klnkella A Company,
proprietor of the New Sll restaur
ant, have thta day, by mutual consent,
dissolved partnership; John Klnkella
continuing In the business. All out
standing accounts will be collected by
th new firm, who will pay all oblige
John Klnkella,
I .
Fight Will lie Hitter.
Those whoViU persist In closing their
are against th con recommend
ation of Dr, King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will navs a long aad bit
lr light wltk their trouble,!! not end
ed earlier by fatal termination. Read
what T. R. Beatl, of Bead. Mien., baa
le aay: "Last fall my wife had every
symptom of consumption. 8h look
Dr. King's new discovery after vry
thtaf el' had failed. Improvement
ran at once and four bottle entirely
cured ber. Guaranteed by Chas, Reg
era, dreggtst. Price toe, and tl.t.
Trial bottle free. ,
r h.
t e ;