The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 22, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    "' ' ' . ; , ASTORIA, , OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 190L
A vegetable extract,... Help. tot make cooking easy,,
and adds to the flavor of bean soup,, bouillon, meat
rIuwi, j'llliod veal, brown sauce, mushroom and
tomato sauco, meat tunbslcs, dressing, canned chick
" on, hashed brown potatoos, 'ragout of meat, corned "
bwf fritters. Jiay also be used for coloring punch if
no liquor is desired. 30 Cents per bottle.
Lccal Brevities.
Dlvln mfvIm will bt dtld thU tvtn-
Int at 81 Tbomu church, Bklpanon,
at T:10, by th rtetor of One church.
PMm eouri reotlptt yttttrSty
amounted to 1100. Thr wr no
of drunkenntM tried, tho offend
r being gambler.
1 tMl
Tht trltlh bark Et African hot
horn furnlahtd with thro Mllor by
tht boarding maatere at Portland and
, la txptcttd tj Ivavt down tht rlvtr to
A dttd wtt filed for retard ytttw
day whereby John Peterson sella to
Oecar Lundqulat aavtn acrta In taction
II, townahlp 7 north of rang I Wcat,
for HSO.
..Tht library oantata la to ba prtttntv
d tht Orat tlmt on ntxt Thuraday night
January 11. and will ba repeated tht
following night. Tht rthaaraala hv
been mora tuoeeatful than thoat held
for previous antartalnmanta of tha
kind, and It la predicted that tha can
taU will bo an unqualified auocaaa.
Tha data for tha not matting of tha
city Teacher" AmocIaUoo haa not ytt
been attUed upon. , While tomorrow la
not tha regular day for tho association
to meat, tha Impraeelon prevail among
aorne of tha teacher that a aeaalon haa
been arranged for than. City Superin
tendent Clark aald laat avtnlng that
tha data will be announced later.
Abereremble and ttookton are atlll
tha undefeated champions In tha Com
mercial Club haUdbaU tournament
Laat night they want agalnet Marlon
and Graham and tho conteat was an
Intereatliif one. Tbt flrat game want
to Marlon and Graham by a score of, but tha champions took a brace
and won tht other gaxnea, by acorta of
Jl-ll and 11-14. Allen and Mllla de
feated Blnnott and Cohan. 11-11 and tl
IT. while Wllaon and Rgan taally die-
4 More
of Wise's customers
4 will go to St. Louis s " )'
World's Fair.
i - ...
Next Drawing in July, i
. La
your sales slips
money by trading at
January Clearance S ALE
now In full blast.
noted of, I'Jiitt.; and Gwnmul, the
acorea being 21-7 and tl-i. Tonight
AUtn, and Mllla'wlll meet McRweo and
Cohen, white Ktnrnty and 8Uno will
try roneraeiona with Wright and Sonet
Tha ft terrier qo whloh was laat
by tha Ziragdona la reported to have
been found at Warren. Tho animal
ref?" wen trained and during ab
tence tht Bragdona were very much
afraid they would ntvor again recov
er poaetMlon of tht animal. Just how
tht dog camt to be at Warren waa not
i Staeawjeawaaaat
A Wathlngton ditpatoh to tha Pert
land Journal aaya: Lieutenant Hiram
E. Mitchell, ton of Senator Mitchell,
who haa been here for the post three
weeka on leave, waa today, after exam
Inatlun by the chief aurgeon. IT. & A.,
ordered to the general hoaplUI at
Wathlngton barrack for treatment on
account of an Injury to hla leg recelv
td on hla trip to Alaaka.' . r -
Mr. Ettln L thatto and Mitt Ethel
O. Stlnaon, both of tbla city, were mar
rled yeaterday afternoon at tht reel
denct of Mra. M. fltlneon, on Four
teenth atreet, by Her William Sey
mour Short, paator of Grace church
Mr. and Mra. Sbatto left on tha night
train for a abort wedding trip, and on
their return mill take up their real
denct In thla city. '
Mr. C. W. Stoat and Mr. J. E. Ander-
aon, representing W. P. Kroner Ca,
merchant tailor of Portland, are at
tha Occident and will remain In the
city for a few dart, probably until Mon
day. Ther will make a canvaa of the
cltr and afford Aatorlana an oppor
tunity of selecting apring and tummer
aultlnga, overcoat and trouaera from
ona of the moat complete line over
brought to Attorla,
Another lumber cargo It in tight for
February, the Pacific Export Lumber
Company having chartered the Amer
ican bark Louie Uma. Tbt vetael I
now lying at Son Franclaco, but It ex
pec ted to aall for tht Columbia, river
Saturday. The charterora' have not
yet decided whither ah will be aent.
but It will be to a port acroa the Pa-
clflc, probably Manila. She will carry
about 1,000,000 feet of lumber.
At tht Inttano vf tht) Oregon Flth
and Game Aaaocl&tlon. Congressman
Hermann baa Introduced a bill for the
eaUbllthment of h nh. hatchery to the
atate of Oregon, for the pro point Ion
of trout and other gam flth. Tht bill
waa Introduced January 4, and at that
time waa referred to the committee on
merchant marine and flaherlea and or
dered printed.' The bill calla for the
appropriation of 130,000 for the pur
pose named.
' 1 1 ;
Bruittd, tged BO ytart,
waa yeaterday committed gto tht lUte
hotpltal for treatment. The woman
It not violently Insane, but It suspic
ious of her relatives and the sanity
commlsslonert were of the ' opinion!
a course of rent men t would restore
la' not 'mentally unbalanced ' for .the
la not mentally unbalanced for the
first time. 5 Mra, bruatad wta taken
to Salem last night by Sheriff Llnvllle.
Her condition waa brought about 'by
an attack of typhoid fever.
Tht leotur en the "Holy Land," to
be delivered by Mrs. Mann, of Port
land, More the Woman's Club tomor
row afternoon, I attracting much In
terest on the part of the members of
the club and their friends.' Special
Invitation have been extended tht
congregation qf the various churches
of the city to attend, and many have
expressed their Intention . of going.
Mr. Mann is a capable speaker, and
Is thoroughly conversant with her sub-,
Ject - ... .
The Reliable Clothier
m and Hatter. & Crn
Prices $7.50 and Up
Stylo and Quality Considered. - A hand- ,
some ornament for the parlor as well as a
convenient music rack. . . , ;; :
Everytliing for the home. ;. Ask to see our Jewell ranges.
exrt In (T01nmookflan.d; oiri thou-
ano of acree In Columbia eountte
Their holdings In the United State
amount to hundred of thousand of
acre.- Mr. Brumbley will go to fll-
kmook to. look , after the Interest of
the company. He tatet that the price
of timber land haa gone down mater
ially of late, and that In some Instance
ther l a difference of fully ti'an acre
over tht price paid two year ago.
The Lawi and Clrk corporation is
getting up a pamphlet for distribution
at tht Louisiana purchase exposition.
The pamphlet will be an advertisement
for the Mat and city a well as the
fair. It will have If page with
double cover of enamel paper printed
in two color and will contain 21 Illus
trations. There will be 100,000 copies
of the work published at a coat of t,-
100. Tht booklet will contain article
on every Industry and county In Or
gon together with article on Idaho,
Washington, Montana and Wyoming,
and a map of Oregon.
Richard Leathers, tht boat builder,
I how working on tlx Columbia river
fishing boat, of which flvt will be
used In Alaska. The other-1 being
built for Fred Bllnn and will be pro
vided with a four horse-power gaso
line engine. 8 vera! Columbia river
fishing boat are equipped with en
glnes, and It 1 probable be plan will
become popular, a much labor is there
by saved. The services of the boat
puller art not dispensed with on this
account, however, but when provided
with power the boats are never de
pendent upon the wind. The price of
boat I about 1200, while small en
gines coat about as much more.
Frank R. Stoke returned to this city
yesterday from Bucoda, Wash., where
he I Interested In a taw mill. He
will be In Astoria during the absence
of Mr. Foard, who I to leave- shortly
on a tnucn neeaea vacation.- sir.
Stokes speaks encouragingly of the
business outlook in the northwest and
1 of the opinion the present slump In
lumber price will not last long. He
ay the demand for lumber will short
ly begin looking up and axpects
tht mill to again enter upon the pros
perous condition which have prevailed
Mr. Stoke aaya Astoria la about the
most prosperous of tb cities of the
northwest and 1 pleased with tht out'
leak her.
The it ret t committee of the coun
cil hat Installed a atreet light at the
corner of Fifteenth and Dunne, at the
entrance to St. Mary' hospital, and
another fit the corner of Melbourne
and Alameda Avenues, In WestAetoria
The light at Fifteenth and Codar
streets was hung on short poles and
complaint was recently registered by
Councilman Belland. The poles have
ben replaced with others AO feet In
length, A 'light ia to be placed at
Flfty-flrst and Birch, but the company
Is waling nowfor full-length poles;
P. 8. Brumbley, rtprtttntlng the
Hlodgett Brother, the most extensive
timber land owner In the United
States, waa In the city yesterday at
tending to the transfer of a 14,000-acre
tract In Clatsop county, .', The original
combination in the purchase of west
ern Oregon timber land was John W.
Hlodgett, Delos A. Blodgett and Ed
ward Lowe and Mrs. Lowe. The com
bination owned 14,000 acre in this
county and yesterday deed were filed
for record under the term of which
the property passe' into the sole con
trol.. of Messrs, Blodgett The con
sideration was tl. Bsides their hold-
Notice 1 hereby given that the un
dersigned, administratrix of the estate
of Martin Em po, deceased, has filed
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clatsop county, her final
account as such administratrix and
the same has been set for hearing at
the County' Court Rooms at Astoria,
Clatsop county. Oregon, Tuesday.
March 1, A. P. 1004, at the hour of 10
'clock, a. m. All persons Interested
In aald estate ar hereby notified to
then and there 'appear and how cause
If any exist, why said final' account
should not be allowed, the administra
trix discharged and her bondsmen exonerated.
Dated this 10th -day of January, 1904.
Administratrix of the estate of Mar
tin Empo, deceased.
22-2-2S J jT if ,
United States Land Office, Oregon
City, Oregon, Jan. 18, 1904. ,
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 1878, entitled,
'An act for the sale of timber land In
the States of California, Oregon, No
vada, and Washington Territory," a
extended to all tht Public Land States
by act of August 4. 1892. -
'," ;" Jamti W; Sheridan, ,;
of Duluth, county of St Lout, state
Minnesota, has this day filed in this
office hi sworn statement No. 635S, for
the purchase of Lots 9, 10,. 11, and 15,
of Section No. 11, In Township No.
4 N., Rang No. 8 W., and will offer
proof to show that tht land sought
mora valuable Tor Its timber or stone
than tor agricultural purposes, and
establish his claim to nld land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday,
the 15th day of AprH.U904.
. He name ti witnesses: W. H.
Petrlo. Portland. Oregon; K. Q. Sta
ples, of Portland, Oregon;, C.E.Shep
ard, of Portland, Oregon; J. C. Pope,
of Elsie, Oregon. , 1
. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tit ovt-descrbed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before aald 15th day of
April, 1904. '
1-2? 4-1 . Register.
That on the 13th day of January,
1904, an application was filed by, said
Maria C' Holmes In the circuit court
of the State of Oregon for Clatsop
county, for Initial registration of the
title of tht land above described. Now
unless you appear on or before Monday
the 15th day of February, 1904, and
show cause why such application
shall1 not be granted, the same will he
taken as confessed and a decree will
le entered according to the prayer of
the application and you will be forever
barred- from disputing tha same. :
'Given under my hand and seal of the
sold Circuit Court this 13th day. of
January, 1904. . ; .
Ings in, Clatsop the owners hold 40,0001 1-15-3-12 Clerk of the Circuit Court
Mark Down iSale
These Are Sample
" Prices
Basular f I.2S and Sl.60 Wrapper 7 our.,
oboioe this week for only V
On lot Children's dresses that sold for
75o, 88c and 11.25 your cooie this mo,
week lor
Men' iJuit that kav been telling t
1160, U and 117.50 your eboioa n or
Uii week..
Boy't 8uita that have been selling, at I2.J0
12.76, S3, and S3 25, yoor cboie xi nr
for thi week.. Jw
The Place to Save Mone. . .
508-510 Commercial St. .
508-510 Commercial 9U
Ton can save money by seeing
Robinson Furniture Store
FOE ,': 'v-l': ?
Be Sure and See Them Before Buying Elsewhere
Prices Are Right ;
JOHN FOX, Pres. and Supt.
F. L BISHOP, Secretary ,
A. L. FOX, Vice Pretldaat.
Designers and Manufacturers of V
Toot of Fourth Street, .. , - 1 . ASTORIA, OREGON.
Astoria Fish, Gaine and Poultry Market
- On Twelfth Street
Best of Attention. Quick Delivery.
MALAR til IOHNSON. Prnnrietnr.
: So Ve will tellat groat reduction a fine assortment of elegant '
Couches S Morris Chairs Rockers
' They must 80. , Call and tee them.
ZAPF, The House Furnisher.