The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 22, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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. ... Mr-.v
' As a business proposition, it pays to trade at
home, conditions being equal' as to the value
offered) but when you an get a better article at
home on as good terms there Is an addad reason
for patronizing the home institution. '"'"
Do You Drinh Beer?
If you do, then why not drink the best? ' Beer
is not a necessity, but a luxury, and if you must
have a luxury of that kind, then get an article that
is absolutely pure, and which is made at home by
i li J
u i, f, II
The North Pacific Brewing Company. Phone 21.
, - 'i , i '
Give We an
Get nold of a Rock
Island System folder, turn
to the map, study it a
minute or two, and you
will get a fair idea of the
immensity of the territory traversed
by this Company's lines Minne
sota on the North; Texas on the
South: Alabama on the1 East;
Colorado on the West.
If you are going East, now or
! later, will you not kindly give me
an opportunity of quoting rates
and telling you what our through car
arrangements are? Three routes East
via Denver, Omaha and St, Paul.
L . OOIMUM. tea
140 me tu, rm , Of.
'Opens in Old Liberty 1111,
Corner Seventh and Bond Streets
Tlonda Evening Januajry nth.
High Class Vacdevllte
Hart (D. Hart
Comedy Sketch Artiste.-
World's Cliamjiion Hand
Halnncor mid tyuilibrit.
Celebrated Tramp Cartoonist
Hays a Winchel
Novelty Sketch Artists and
IJflg-Time Piano Players.
ADMISSION 10, 20 and 30 CENTS.
Hand Concert 7:30, Terorraance Begins. 8:15 Ivery Evening.
Best for vSteam
Best for Ranges
Best for Heaters
Th most economical and satisfactory
Fuel for any purpose.
Any Quantity at Any Time
on short notice.
. 1 1 ....'
Free Delivery in the City.
Phone 1961, 9tl and Commercial strceis
1. 'V f r v 'v ii- .1' i T '
New York Physicians Recommend
That Feather Dusters
Be Abolished.
Rule Foriiiuhtteil to Check the
beta) From Pneuoioula
Mini Other l)leaes
Due to Venther. ' '
(Now fork, Juiw 11. In order to
check tbu incrtmi. la the number of
(loath, from pneumonia and other dla
uiw. due to Im lenient weather, an ad
vlnory board of leadliif phy.lciana ap
pointed by the health department haa
frniulaled rule, for the 'guidance of
the public. Death, from pneumonia,
liilinontn, troni hltln, and almllur ail
ment, ktit week numbered 679, which
wa. an ln'cree of 21 over the pre
ceding week and 111 over the record
of the opening days of Janaury. There
haa been a jump In the number of
pulmonnry consumption, tit being re
ported last week, an Increase of 47
over the preceding week. ,
The advice given by the advisory
board recommends, among other thlnga,
the discontinuance of using feather
du.tera by houM maid. The phya
lean' atatement aya:
"Expoeure to cold, over-exertion, lack
of phydcal vigor, abuse of alcohol, etc.,
predispose the Individual to pneumon
ia but are not It direct cause. The
bacteria germs which the Immedl-
at) excitant of pneumonia are usually
conveyed In the dust of the. air, con
taminated by sputum, nnsal or other
discharge, not always of those who are
111, which upon drying Is widely dis
seminated.. It la furthermore . most
Importoit that In the cleaning of pri
vate houses and all public convey
ance and places of sssemly, the.meth-
ods adon'ed should be such as will re
move" and not simply tir up the dust,
which, when contaminated, may incite
In susceptible person ome form of
acute pn?umonla as well a tubercu
losis, and the more common colds and
"Feather duster should be abandon
ed and molt cloth used for dusting.
When practicable, weeping should be
done In the evening, so that floating
luHt may completely settle before Its
removal by moist cloth In the morn
In. Moist mops should be passed over
floors, when these are uncarpeted, as
part of the morning dusting.
New Tork, Jan. 21. Mall advices
received from Bogota Indicate accord
ing to a Herald dispatch from Panama,
that the war feeling In Colombia Is
dying out and there Is a general desire
to allow Panama secession to pass with
out a disastrous war.
Heretofore the newspaper of the
capital have been filled with patrlotlo
declanttlons,that It would be necessary
to have a war to reclaim the lost ter
ritory. Novv all urge conciliation or
anything to avoid further serious com
plications. Juan B. Pereszote, who
has been agitating war with the United
States by. speeches and writings, i re
ported to have been placed under ar
rest.', .
From Cartagena come the report of
grout financial depression and the de
sire to establish business relations with
the Isthmus. Cartagena formerly had
tb. main outlet for the poultry, eggs
and hide In Colon. ' This port IS now
closed to tb Colombian tra4e and (here
has been no substitute. Shipment
made from Cartagena to the army at
Atrata are at ruinous rates.
, Aisle Are 20 Miles Long. .
St. Loula, Jan. 21. The marking of
the aisles In 11 of the 1 main exhibit
building of tb. world'' fair have been
completed by tb. order of Director of
Exhibits Skiff In preparation for the in
stallation of exhibit, "and the lght
seer who traverse all these aisle will
hav walked almost 20 mile. These
aisle are only the main passageway
between exhibits extending from aide
to side of the building and do not In
clude the mall aisle within exhibit
allotments. It 1 tated that there will
be nearly a third more mileage of aisles,
In the exhibit buildings of this ex
position than at the Chicago exposi
tion. There yet remain eight large
buildings to be marked off.
8al. of Blooded Horses,
Chicago. Jan. 11. Top price In the
Splan horse sale at Dexter Park Pa
villlon have been paid by easterners.
Prince Katon, a bay stallion sired by
Red Heart, out of Aurora. Hlghwood,
was sold to R. Weston of New Tork
for 1S.750 and Hattle B, and Lady Bess,
a team of bay mares sired by Falrlawn,
went to L. W. Cushman, of Boston,
for tsm. Norwood, the stallion lred
by Nutwood, out of Nora Wilkes, wa
sold to M. E. McFaffey. of Stllesvllle.
Ind.. for 11780. v '
Mrs. Bowers Guilty.
Bun Francisco. Jan. 21. The Jury In
the case of Martha E. Bower, on trial
on the charge of murdering her hus
band, Martin Bower, brought In a ver
dict last night of murder rn the flrt
ilegree and fixed the renalty at Im
prisonment for life.
Heavier Business in North Show
Shading of Prices inthe
. South.
nt 1 . - k " ?'
t '
General Outloek for the Foundry
Hen Not Nearly 80 Bright
as Showing of Pre
vious Weeks.
New York, Jan. 21. The latest ad
vice from the leading distribution cen
ter point rather to a alight weakening
tendency In the pig Iron market, says
the Xron Age. ' Some of the southern
makers, spring business going almost
entirely to northern producers are
shading prices. Complaint are coming
from some foundries that business is
slow with them and they naturally hes
itate about additional purchases. Still
the tonnage, almost entirely for the
first quarter l fair.
A number of the leading southern
interest continue to work on a plan
to harmonise the recent difference and
to reach some common ground for
price, tn the east there has been a
little more demand for baalo and low
phosphorous pig from the steel works,
vhere business has Improved somewhat
The deadlock In- the steel rail trade
continues, but It look as though the
logic of the situation will force the
maker to gtv way.
There la a little better feeling In the
bai trade east and west, but the sheet
trad, still show symptoms of weak
ness. The tonnage In plates and
shape are better but will poo prices
on these material are firm, these works
have an advantage which manufacture
bridge and building from the stuff
made In their own mill.' They are
making low bids on contracts for
bridges and buildings. The result' I
that the views of the consumer are
really being met and their Interest be
ing: stimulated.
, The demand for wire product I
very heavy under the stimulus of the
recent slight declined f 1
The1 scrap market have been quit,
excited and, the claim la mad. that
in a number, of Instance prominent
dealers have been forced to cover short
Advices from abroad are to tb. effect
that the German steel maker are mak
ing very low prices for steel In th.
International market. Our American
makers do not appear to be meeting
these prices, which would be equiv
alent to about $14.60 for billet at Pitts
burg. As a matter of fact the leading
Interest has been declining business
offered for delivery during the neat few
months.' . . -. r .1 ,o ,
Street Car LIcskm Revok.4,
New Tork, Jan. 21. Angered be
cause of what they declared to be
wretched . sen-Ice on the part of the
trolley company, the town council, of
West Hoboken has passed an ordinance
revoking the franchise granted to tha
North Hudson Railway Company ta
lsSt The North Hudson Is on. of th.
ubsidlary companies of the Public Ser
vice Corporation of New Jersey, which
control hundred of mile of line con
necting the varlou citle and town
about New Jersey.
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders art sometimes very expen
sive. Oeeaelonaly life Itself Is the price
of a mistak. hut youll never b. wrsmg
If yen take Dr. King's New L1H Pffl
for dyspepsia. Alas!, headstone, liver
of bowel trouble. They ar genii, yet
thorough , 28c, at Chaa. Rogers" drug
tor. .....
II a tikll 1
the tuns ef the Crasl Ctsstor. Caatsrt. t ' 1
t oim, sus-suo eostnias axitlly Ml. Tn wtteft of Mtjlcsl Late asv aMortM
their vlrtuti through ssMsrrantss spring- froa tha b4 Is natnr. the Indiue'ncognli those virtue
ad dwid thosi augk. W know btttar, snl rosso that In ssturo's laboratory th conpomnts of M4lcal Uk
watora, ach a dlitlnct atskdsrf ef gnat ffitrlt, hav bun subtly conpoundod to Ions s rtswdv unequalled Id stas's
phiracopala?l!Mr Is so nalady o tha bloud whkh lll sot peraanwur succusib to It siUiiiiraUoaa.
It ii imsU wonaer then that MEDICAL LAKB OINTMENT (or cream) possesses healing power which
' seems marvelous. ' This preparation is an Ideal Skin Food and beautifier sad is th. quickest and most agreeable
remedy for Sunburn, EcMtna, Burns, Bruises, Chapped Hand and Face and all Roughness and
' Irritation Ol the Skin it the most beneficial in its effects of all emollients and is an article which cannot safely
1 be dispensed with in any household. Medical Lake Ointment if applied (especially immediately after washing)
will alky all soreness and asiur a soft, velvety surface to the skin. 25c. a box at druggist. .
. . , J. v,'.v .ii i i jv ?).,
MEDICAL LAKB SOAP for toilet and nursery, makes bathing a luxury. 2SC. a Cake.
MEDICAL LAKE SALTS MFG. CO., Sole Manufacturers
Medical Lak. Salt Mfg. Co., Spokane. Wash. 1 , ;
Dear Slrs-For ten year I had been almost a cripple from rheumatism, and frequently wa In i"00 con"
dltlon that I could hardly get around. On June 9 I came to Medical Lake to try the hot baths, was al
most helpless at that time. On account of cold, bad weather during June, took only a few Medical Lak.
baths. Later, the weather warming up, I begun the treatment In earnest, and at this writing, August I.
consider myself entirely well. The hot water baths In Medical Lake wa ter have done business for me.
Before coming to this place I spent several hundred dollar with physicians and for various w1" tut
received no benefit until I tried Msdlcal Lake water. THOS. BELL. Spangle, Wash.
Mr. Bell I 71 year of age, and says he ha thrown his can away for good. , Ha walks erect and strong
a an Indian. ,,,.,...r lj ' ' v
For sale In Astoria by Jrank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial: th. Conn Drug company
Twe'ith and Commercial and Charts, Rogers, Odd.sHWow' budlaf ftt. t, i,V'.: .. , -y,';!."-' "-