The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 21, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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A r ,i ; 1 & i .. U A Si
If you do, get the best and
, purest, for, family ana
medicinal use,
California Wine and Liquor House
phqkb 1174 buck
The Pioneer
I imitori
f ,1s ' f 1 r .... . 1, ,
1 :
rut . 'j 1 'j i i 1 i t
There U no train in service on any railway ia
the world 1 that eqtiali in equipment The
' Pioneer Limited train (rom St. Paul to Chi
cago via the t
Chicago, Mivauke8 & St. Paul
l,'. i J
The railway company owm and operatM the
aieepinf and dininf can on iti trains, ana
give to iu patron an excellence of eerelee
not obtainable elsewhere. The buffet can,
compartment Cr, . Undrd ileepinf caaa
and dining cart of The ? Pioneer are the
kandioneat ever built. v
134 Tbfr4 Street,; Portland
. " . .. . A
First National Bank of Astoria
''v A ESTABLISHED 1886 F 1 I
Capital and Surplus $100,000
m well m nicely laundried linen. We hart the neateat ;
, tod moat sanitary laundry in the state and d tha beet .,
, workl-All White bolp. R' 7 ;;
for-Tani D..n.8.. TfOy LaUIidry
(EUTERtTE I Mistral Rakktr)
or Hurt It MWCKMiwHry to It 101'
Takes the plaoe tl shingles, tin, Iron, Ur and gravel, and all prepared roofing
For flat and alee aurfacea, guttera. valleye, ete. Km; to lay. Tempered for all
climate. Reasonable in eoet. Bold on merit. Guaranteed. It will pay to aak for
prloe and information. i
THE ELATERITE ROOTING CO., Worcester Budding, Portland
Crow Flies"
' The ihortest 1 line between
Minneapolii, St. Paul and
Chicago i , .
the route" of the famous
' Limited"
,.f ,Th Train fw Comfort'! ,
every night in the year.
ftaftiro ntHrtlngon atrlp-no tmitur
Wlmro-wrlU) tur lntretln Inforraa--tlon
aboul oorafortaUl mveltnf . ,
H. L SISLERi Gawral Ajant. J
132 Third 6t Tortland. Oreon.
Gentral PwuenBr Agent,
It t'liit-iii'i itii n xvni4i.inn
la Hl.l 4 M fci-mn Win, mm.
UiwriblMl, Take
I..Krttii. NtfftiiiliMtloH. ln.ll.
Hiu. of ;o, UtH Md 4. I.
.np hi I'urtl.Hl.rv, TalbHMW
u4"Rftlfivi' i,Hi,.,".l.ii-, l.j r
Every Household lu Astoria
Mhoukl Know Mow to
Itealatlt. -
The back ach kacauM tha kUlneya
are Wockadaw. ' t'
Help tfca' kldnajra with thalr work.
The kaek will uha no more.
Lota ef proof that Soaa'a Kidney
PBlado thia; j "
, It'a the beat proof, tor It cornea from
Oregon. " " "- ' .
I, W. ShAnklaaiJ, who ia a atreet
cac conduolor on tha Woodatock atrt
ear Una, reatdlng at 710 Ellaworth 3t.i
Portland, aara: "Some time Uat fall
I began having considerable trouble
and annoranoa from a dull aching
pain in the back over the kldneva. I
think "it waa' eaoaad from the oonatant
ahaking ; aad Jarring of the ear. J
thought at flrat it ; would disappear
quickly aa It came,' but th!e waa not
1he caae. Learning of Doan'a Kidney
Pills I procured a bos and took them
according to direction. The result waa
entirely aatlafactory. Thex backache
grew leaa and leas and aoon dl8ap4
peared and aa far aa I can tell it has
gone for good for there have bean no
symptome of reoccurrence." . ;
"Tltinty of aimllar proof In Aatorla.
Call at Charlea Rogers, drugglat for
particulars. r 'f ?s;" '
For sale by all dealers; price to eta,
Foater-MUburn Co., , Buffalo, N. T.t
sola aganta for the V. 8.
Remember the name Doan'a and take
no other.
.(.I . V
i .1 1 . !
'. V,,. , v ,?; .. .:" i,
Shorj LINE
akd Union Pacihc
19 hours from Portland to Chicago,
No change of ears.
TlaiB clUui
;U p-m
Pt Paul
Prom Portland.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Pt Worth, Oma
ha, Kansas City,
8t Louie, Chl
cago and Eaat
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Oma
ha, Kansas City
it. Louis, Chicago
and East
Walla Walla,
Lswlston, ' Spo
kana, Mlnnaapolla,
at Paul, Duluth,
IfUwauks. Cbleagd
and Cast .
l:0 p.m.
' Prom Astoria
Daly as
cept Burl
All sailing datss
aubject to eltaags.
For San Francis
co every Ave daya.
Columbia. River
to Portland ' and
Way Landings.
: a. aa.
Dally as
Otpt M
Stsamar Kabcotta leavaa Astoria, on
tide dally except iundaf. for Dsraoo,
connecting there with traina for Long
Uoach, Tlg and North Beach points.
Returning arrives at Astoria earns ev
ening. ' ' ' '
0. W. ROBERTA, Agent,, .
New Equipment Throughout Palaos
' knd Tourist Bloepers, Dining and
" Buffet, Smoking Library Cars.
Daylight Trip Through the Cascade
. sad Rocky liountalna. ;
1:00 a ml Portland Union De a to
1M p ml pot for Astoria and! l:Mpn
WayPomu . '
:10 p m
For Portland andl
Way Points
10:10 p m
lillim Astoria, for Waran- 7:40 am
ll:am ton, PIavsI Port V4:00pm
1:00 p m Stavona, Bammondj10:4C a m
and Seaside
MS a ml
Seaside for War
renton, Piavol,
Hammond, Port
Steve na Aatorla
7:10 paa
" Sunday only '
Alt traina make close connections at
Oobl with all Northern Pacino traina
to aad from the East and Sound points.
l.C. Kayo,
' General Freight and Pass. Agent
The Scenic Line
Through Salt Lake City, LeadvUls,
Pueblo. Colorado Springe and
(Silica W
kwiy of the army (officers whoae
nominations for promotion were con
firmed by the snat Monday have at
tm time been stationed In the norths
weat, 'either 'mt Portland, Vancouver
Barracks or Walla Wulla, says the Ore
gonlaa, ',, , . .
Of the brlgaoler-genersls confirmed
for promotion to the rank of major
general, William A. Kobbs will be re
numbered as blng at one time, about
UI7, stationed at Vancouver barracks
with the artillery, whils Wallace P, i
Randolph a few years ago was pur
chasing horses throughout the nortb
weat for the Philippine service.
Among the colonels confirmed for
brigadier-generalship Is Harry L. Has
kell, who was stationed at Vancouver
barracks with ths Twenty-First Infan
try nearly 10 year ago. Charles 0.
Allen only a few years sines was sta
tioned at "Walla Walla. William E.
Dougherty, shortly after ths Spaniah-
Ameiican ar, waa stationed with ths
Seventh Infantry, of which he was com
mander, at Vancouver barracks, and
was at that time commander of the
post. Frank M. Coxa from n nntn
1800 was chief paymaster of the de
partment of the 'Columbia,1 and was
stationed In this city,' Colonel Fran
cis N. Dodge, whose nomination ror
paymaster-general has been confirmed,
has been stationed both at ' Walla
Walla and in this city. ' ,
Colonel Forest H. Hathaway, chief
quartermaster of the department of the
Columbia, stationed at Vancouver bar
racks, will b promoted to the rank of
brigadier-general Immediately upon his
retirement. ,
Sines September , 4, 1M2. Colonel
Hathaway has been almost continu
ally In ths service, having enlisted at
that time as a private In Company O,
Sixteenth Vermont Infantry, In which
ho served during the war of ths re
bellion .mtlt ho was discharged, Feb
ruary, 10, 1867.' He was promoted to the
rank'sf captain In ths One Hjindred
and Seventh United States Colored in
fantry, June J0.1M4, the title of Brevet-
major was conferred on him July Is.
lift, and he was honorably mustered
out of the service February 10, 1807. ;
In March, 1807, he was appointed a
second lieutenant and commenced his in tha reamlar army anew in
ths Forty-First Infantry. In Septem
ber, 1877, he was promoted to a first
lieutenancy In the Fifth Infantry .and
February IS. 18M,was promoted to
ths captaincy and made United States
quartermaster. In September, 184, he
he was made a major, and In August
1000, was again promoted, being made
lieutenat-colonel and deputy quarter
master general alnce when he has
lieutenant-colonel and deputy quarter
termaster of the department of North
Philippines and as chief quartermaster
of the division of the Philippines.
The army quartermaster is seldom
heard of as a hro In time of war,
though the tasks before him are often
mors difficult to perform than those of
the field officer, and much credit has
been -awarded Colonel Hathaway for hie.
excellent service In this capacity during
the Spanish-American war. , His brev
ets for bravery and gallant ' servlci
while In action are also numerous.
Since he haa been stationed at Van-
couver barracks he has made many
friends both la this city and Van
couver, all of whom will be glad to bear
of his promotion. v ' ' ' ""
ti if C
4 i J-
Proposition Made by Star Witness in the
Shipbuilding Case to aSettle. .
, ,, . ' - i v i' - .
" SMawaSBiWMWMawM ' ry . . . .
Plan WiU Not Be Accepted-Evident Idea of VUpaU Is to Effect
" Reofainization of Company, Workings pf Which Have '
Been Freely Aired In Courts, i; .' '
OfTera tha Choice of Three Routes
Tit tough the Famous Rocky Moun
tain . Scenery, and Five Distinct
Routes Eaat and South of Denver.
Between Ogden and Denver, Carrying
All Classes of Modern Equipment
Purfett Dining Car Service and Per
sonally Conducted Tourist Ex
euralons to All Points East -'
A 4 V ,s:
, On, All Claaaea of Tickets. '-.
For Information" or Illustrated litera
ture call on or addreaa &
W. C. MeBRIDE, General Agent
184 Third St, Portland. Or.
In - . flSA A J
the man who wears
Hm4 OlM ClMklna.
1 tf in uit worio. n m
w not ermuk. umI ar tt
uoky. Look tor tnd
mark. If not tt deutx'l
SN4 (at atktlosiHk
. iMtjw bm,im art.
New Tork, Jan. SO. Charles M.
Schwab has mads ths first mortgage
bondholders 'who are pressing ths ac
tion for a permanent receivership for
iths United States Shipbuilding ' Com
pany, what Is tantamount,' says ' ths
Times, to an offer releasing his bold
on the Bethlehem steel property. The
offex cams aa ths result of a long ser
ies of conferences hlch wound up In a
meeting of three hours duration In Mr.
Schwab's office. It was, however, not
accepted, nor did the condition under
which it; was discussed later by Wil
liam N. Cromwell, counsel for ths
Sheldon reorganisation soramlttee, and
Samuel Untermeyer at the , former's
residence.admlt of what might he called
a definite proposition for the reor
ganlxUlon of the shipbuilding com
pany.; ..' '; "r'
"The conference it is understood, had
to .do with a tontoUvs plan by which tbe
second mortgage bonds to the extent
of I10,o4e,m which Mr. Schwab holds
as the purchase price of his Bethlehem
properties and the I18.OO0.M0 of general
first mortgage bonds on the entire ship
building company, would be placed on
an equal footing.. This, it is under
stood, Is not and will not be accept
able to tbe four first mortgage bond
holders backing the Conkllng suit who
believe that despite the fact that Mr.
Schwab's bonds are a" first -mortgage
on the Bthfthew plant by Reason of
the terns of the deal incorporating as
one of the constituent -properties of the
ship combination, thellr holdings and
the holdings of every first mortgage
Military Grounds For Coast.
San Francisco, Jan. 80. Ths Pa
clflo coast will soon have fine military
maneuvering grounds. , They will be
located In San Lvls Obispo county, the
choice of three tracts, each containing
about 80,000 acres, now under consid
eration by the government. The prop-1
erty has been favorably reported upon
by Colonel George H. Torney and Ma
jor William Stephenaon. Who were sent
out here to look into the matter. They
describe the lands ks being entirely
suitable as attes for a permanent mlll-f.
tary camp, where all the United States
troops and state militia could meet and
be put through all sorts of maneuvers
and drills. For this camp congress-
la willing to appropriate 8500,000
There are to be three other campa of
a similar nature In different parts of
the country. ;
Billiardiat laauaa Challenge.
New Tork, an. 20. Jacob Schaefar,
the American blllordlst now here has
oublished a letter, says a Herald dla-
patch from Paris, challenging any bll
Hard player In the world for two
matches, one at 18 Inch balk line, two
shots In, 8000 points, 600 points each
nlfc-hUhe matches to be played with
two and three , eight Inch balls on
five by ten table. . v -S
Monarch over pain. Burns, cute
sprains, atlngs. Instant relief. Dr
Thomas' Electrlo Oil. At any drag
store. -..; 1 " '
bondholder ought to go ahead of ths
Schwab bonds la any settlement, - -
There the matter stands) at present
with the prospect It Is stated, of an
amended offer and a resumption of con.
agreement to end tbe long drawn out
controversy. Theee conferences were
the most Important of .anz jbeld elrwSe
ths litigation began. Inasmuch as the
definite decision to submit a new offer
was peached . The first meetlni was aU
tended by MP. chwab, Mr. William
Cromwell, counsel for the Sheldon reorj-
ganlzation committee, who is wider
stood to be looking after Mr, Schwab
Interests in tbe present and prosepctlva
negotiations; Charlea W, Wetmore,
president of the North American Corrf
pany and chairman of the Sheldon m
organitxatton committee and Max Para,
Sfr7 Schwab's personal wnrje-li .
Tha ground eovsred. by 4be prepoal
tlon which was to be adopted, after
certain details bad been, worked oat
had been gone over since the last "hear
ing before Judge Klrkpatrick In a Jer
sey court a week ago by a number of
persons, including practically all the
Interests on tbe Sheldon reorganization
committee, and disinterested persons,
who were called to pass upon the fair
ness of tbs proposition. The approval
of tbe latter was given, it Is learned,
and, .according to .certain reports ths
advice of Receiver Smith waa obtained.
The resultant plan was, therefore, con
sidered by the parties concerned in pro
poning it as a generi proposition and
barring details to be considered later.
Hall Caine. Author of "The Christian,"
and Other Famous DooKs, Leaves
London for His Health. '.
London, Jan. 20. Hall Calne, the
eminent novelist who Is suffering from
a general breakdown, left today for St
Moritx. He goes at the orders of bis
attending physician. Caine Is perhaps
the' most characteristic writer' Of the
day. While there Is a distinct lack of
humor In his work, he nevertheless pos
senses a style of diction that appeals,
strongtly to the great mass of readers.
He handles his subjects with a strength
and directness, albeit in ' a somewhat
sombre manner, that places him in the
front rank of novel writers. ; His re
markable facial resemblance to Shakes
peare has often been commented upon.
Unremitting work and deep literary re
search are thought to be the cause of
his present illness. k
Chicago, Jan. 20. Nearly two
months of work and 8500,000 expendi
ture for repairs will ba required, un
der the new theater building ordln-j
ance for the opening of the Chicago
playhouses. Thts is , the estimate It
theater managers and It doea not In
clude the amount which will be ex-,
pended tor the' entire rebuilding of at
least one theater.
, Three theaters are closed already and
five others have almost admitted that
they would be forced to suspend. The
number which will not be able to open
has been estimated at one' half to, six
sevenths. -. There, are. -. few theaters
which will be able to use mors than
two floors for many months, and many,
even of the, best, may abandon the gal
lery permanently; The price of theater
tickets Is almost certain to be Increased
It Is said that 82 and 82.60 as a stand
ard price for seats Is likely to be ad
vocated by the managers and that the
low priced houses will make corres
ponding Increases. -,;
Victoria, B. C, Jan. 20 A bulletin
Just issued t ths Bureau 'of Provin
cial Information lor British Columbia,
reviewing the Industrial conditions of
the past year gives the output of the
metalliferous mines of the province at
1,276,000 tons. The coal mined am
ounted to 108,000 tons. The total val
ue of the mining output was 819,200,000
which was nearly ' 82,000,000 increase
over the previous year, notwithstanding
the atrikea which paralyzed the Indus-
try in the early part of tbe past year,
with the exception of the salmonpack
which is greatly below the average, all
other Industries show large Increases.
The cut of timber during the year was
15 per cent greater, the dairying output
one third; fruit marketed 33 per cent
increase; halibut and other fisheries 40
per cent,, , . ' '
, The value of the total productions of
the province was about 30,000,000. The
value of exports was 321,000,000, 3.000,
000 Increase over the previous year.
- Vioeroy To Remove Headquarters.
New Tork.' Jan. JO. It la reported
here, says a Herald dispatch from Che
foo, that the Russian Viceroy, Admiral
Alexleff is" preparing to remove his
headquarters to Harbin, a town on the
Mancburian , railway, where the line
branches off to Port Arthur on the
south,' ' '""'..-- -'U ;