- MMWlji eMMte-'l I PAGE' FOUR. "w ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY,, JANUARZ 21 Important changes take - PLACE IN THE ARMY v Retirement of General Young and Pro I motion of General Chay fee Causes a General iShaKlng up. J ashtngton, Jin. SO. Many Import ' ant changes will occur In the army dur- Ins th next few days, resulting from ! the retirement of Lleutenant-General $ Toun and the promotion of General Chaffee to be lieutenant-general. Gen- v crals Kobbe and General Mordecat were f reUred today and General! Sanger, I Rates, Haskell, Hathaway and Coxe, win follow them Friday, Gerela Dodge " will become paymaster general Satur- i day, Gneral Randolph will retire and General Gillespie becomes permanent major-general and assistant chief of the general ataft, while General Mac kenile will become one of the chief en glner. General Storey will succeed General Randolph aa chief of artillery. Col onels Taylor, Butler, Kline, Dougherty, Allen. True and the deput quarter roaater general will be made brigadier, generals and retired at once. HEAD OF LADIES' G. A R. "T.'.' ':.T0URNG THE-NOHTIIWESr Portland, Jan. !. Touring the Pa tlflc northwest and officially tnspect tag the vartoua lodges of the Ladles' Grand Army of the Republic, Mrs. Be linda S. Bailey, whose home Is In San Francisco, to today, la Portland. Mrs. Bailey is national president of the or der, and Is accompanied by Mrs. Ltaste It. Benedict, of this city, the two hav ing recently paid Visits to Salem. Al bany and Roaeburg lodges. Clever, prepossessing In appearance and brilliant conversationalist. Mrs. Bailey this morning discussed at length the objects of the Ladles' O. A. R. . She Is today a guest at the Hotel Portland. Before returning home she expects to go to Indianapolis to attend the Woman's CouncIl, which meets Feb ruary t. She also will attend the O. A. R. encampment In Mains. . Mrs. Bailey Is very enthustaatlo concerning the cordial receptions that have been tendered her throughout Oregon. Af ter her Oregon tour she will visit throughout Washington. HANDCUFFED PRISONER LEAPS FROM RAPIDLY MOVING TRAIN Los Angeles, Jan. 10. Edward Park er, a professional crook under sentence at the Folsom penitentiary for grand larceny, leaped from a northbound Southern Pacific train In the Tehacn apl mountains early this morning, and despite the fact that le was hand cuffed made his escape. Parker was being taken to the peni tentiary by Deputy Sheriff Cleveland, and the officer permitted him to go to the lavatory. He remained for some time, and Cleveland went to the end of the- car Just as Parker was climbing out of a window. The officer opened fire on htm at close range but It is not known whether he struck him. Cleve land also Jumped from off the train, but Parker Jumped down an embank ment and escaped In the darkness through a deep canyon. " SheriT White left today for the Teha cbapl pass to assist In the search for the fugitive. A reward of 150 has been offered for his apprehension. 7 0 LrjQ & M OREGON Shorj Line ahd Union Pacific TV hour from Portland to Chicago, No changa of ears, BODY OF "CITIZEN" TRAIN TO BE VIEWED BY CHILDREN New York. Jan. 20. The body of George Francis .Train, who died early yesterday, has been removed from Mills Hotel to a mortuary chapel, where It will lie in state until the funeral hour tomorrow. Thousands of children in whom Mr. Train displayed remarkable Interest are expected to take a fare well view of the remains. The funeral will be private and the Interment will be made In Greenwood cemetery. Of his once considerable fortune, Mr. Train retained nothing personally ex cept the Interest he had In 3000 lets he once owned In Omaha. Protracted lit igation has taken place about them anil will, it is said, be continued by his daughter. FIREMAN RETURNING HOME APPALLED BY A TRAGEDY New York, Jan 20. An unexplained tragedy has been discovered In the home at Oakland, N. J., of Arthur Oswald, a fireman. When he returned from his work In another village, Os wald was horrified the find the body ot his eight year old son lying upon the kitchen floor. The child had been be headed and bis head lay between his feet. The boy's pet dog also bad been killed In a similar manner. Mrs. Oswald lay In bed In a delirium with her seven months old baby sleep ing peacefully at her side. , Two other children lay asleep In their crib. Thus far nothing has been learned from the the mother as to the tragedy. SETS THE SKIN OH FIRE No disease causes so much bodily discomfort, or itches, and. burns like Eczema. Beginning often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually spreads, followed by pustules or blisters from which a gummy, sticky fluid oozes which dries and scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It ap pears on different parts of the body but often est upon the back, arms, hands, legs and face, and is a ... . voritifilo tnrm An f at In I888 I experienced at times patches oa the in- it times, especially at night or heated. The cause ma is a too acid and general unhealthy con dition of tbe blood much discomfort. rr.w worn 1 was afflicted wits jcosema. I con-i suited several pnysictane and a num ber of speoialUte, and used several ex ternal applications, reoelvtna but sliirht temporary relief. In February I deolded to try 8. B. 8., and in less thaa a month I experienced a chance for the better, and by May all symptoms had disappeared, and I found my self entire ly cured, and have bad no return of the diuui since. W. P. BRUSH. Kanairer Stockman's Advertising Agency. Station A, Kansas City, Mo. Al time went bv and I was convinced that The terrifying itching WtyQf and burninar is nro- ' .. duced by the overflow through the glands and pores of the skin of the fiery poisons with which the blood-current is oyer- loaded, while external applications, such M washes, soaps, salves and powders aresoot hing and cooling they do not enter into the blood itself or touch the real cause of the disease, but S. S. S. does, and purifies, enriches, and strengthens the thin acid blood and cleanses and builds up the general system, when the kin clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears. Send for oar free book on the Skin and its diseases. , No charge for medical ad vice, TWr SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA,. C4. . Tina uchkd- i . , ivpart VLKS Arrive. From ' Portland. ' Chicago Portland! Salt Lake. Denver, I. Special Ft. Worth. Oma- 5.15 w I: lit, ha. Kansas City. vlaHuot- St Louts, Chl- Ington. cago and Bast . Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, j Rapr Ft Worth, Om 1.11p.m. ha, Kansas City Masa, Vl&Huat st Loot, Chicago Ingtoo. tn4 East ' Walla Walls, St Paul Lewtatoa. Spo raaUfali kan. MInaeapoila, l:M.n. 7:41p.m. st Paul. Duluth, via. UUwaukte, Cbleax flpokanejaad Daat OCEAN AMD RIVER SCHEDULE. From Astoria All aaJilog dates" subject to chang. For 8aa Fraaela Tarn. c every lire days, Daly ts "Columbia River 4: a m, cept Sui to Portland and Dally as day Way Landings, cept Moi Steamer Nahcotta leave Astoria, on tide dally except Sunday for Dwaco. connecting there with trains for Long Beach. TigM and North Beach points. Returning arrives at Astoria same ev ening. O. W. ROBERTS, Agent Astoria. ' New Equipment Throughout Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Daylight Trip Through the Cascade and Rocky Mountain. B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 14) Third street Portland. Or, J. C. LINDSET. TV P. ft P. A., 141 Third street Portland. Or. P. B. THOMPSON, r. ft. P. A. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Tstephoa HL DRAYING A NDEX PRESSING All good shipped to oar ear Will receive special at'eatlon. No Ul Dnan Bt W. J. COOK. Mgr. Li T UXURI0U5 1 RAVEL Th, 'Northwestern Llmfid- trains, electrlo lighted tbroaghout both tnsld and out, and steam heated, are with out exceptlou. th finest, trains la the world. They embody th Ittest, newest and best Ideas for comfort convenlnc and luxury ever offered th travelling public, and sliogeiher are th mesi complete and splendid production i t tb esr builders' art. These splendid Train Connect With , The Great Northera The Northera Faciflc aol The Caoadlas Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO end tbe CAST. No extra ebarg for these superior acommodatlona and all clauses of tick ets are available for passtg ca th trains on this line art protected to the Interlocking Block System. ' wit mtoWyJ Economy Brand Evaporated Cream always bears the above cap I i label. It means the same 1 as telling you that we , back up Its purity with a I $5,000 guarantee. Made by the largest pro J ducers of Evaporated Cream In the world. Whert do' you gti shaved, now? un me uce, or course. What for? 15c. Where? At the Occident Barker Shop THE BOSS TONWRAL ARTISTS MASQUERADE " Or the Son of llorniiui (ilven I Vbiuitrjr II, The annual ninsqueiade ball of the Sous of Hermann w III tuks plav lit Foard ft Htokes hall on Thursday evening, l'Vbruary It, Nine handsome sad durable prises will be given this year. Th committee In charge f th ball has engaged th flneit mualo In th city and th usual good tlnw Is assured. Th prices of admission are as follows: Oent masker ..11 00 Lady maskers SI Spectator to Children , SI Ticket ran b bad from any of th member. An additional prls will b given this year to on ot the spec tator. Coupons will be given with eaoh ticket and of course the lucky one get tbe prls. s The Scenic Line TO THE EAST AND SOUTH. Through Salt Uks City. LeadvUle, Pueblo. Colorado Spring and Denver. 110 GRAND! Offer th Chelr of Three Route Thtough th Famous Rocky Moun tain 8cnry. and Flv , DtaUnct Routee East and South of Denver. 3-FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Between Ogder aH Denver, Carrying All Classes of Modern Equipment Purfect Dining Car Service and Per sonally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to All Point East STOP OVERS ALLOWED On All Classes of Ticket. For Information or Illustrated litera ture call on or address t W. C. M'iBRIDE, - General Agent 124 Third St.. Portland. Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA? RIYER RAILROAD LEAVE PORTLAND J ARRIVE :0ba ml Portland UnlonD- "ii: id" ain 7:00 p m pot for Astoria and 1:40 m Way PomU ASTORIA 7:ttm l:lpm: For Portland and Way Point 11:10 am 10:10 pm SBA8IDB DIVISION 1:11 am U:ttam 1:60 pm Astoria for Warn- 7:10am ton, Flavel Fortl 4:00 pro Stevena, HammondmOitf a m and Seaside 1:15 am! : a ml 1:80 pm Seaatd for War-j ronton, Flavsl, Hammond, Fort Steven 4k Astoria) 11:10 pro 7:t0pn :Saro 'Sunday only All train make close connection at Oobl with all Northern Pacific- train to and from th Bast and Sound point. 3. C. Mayo. General Freight and Pass. Agent ASK TUB AOENT FOR TICKETS vu ..TO.. SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND , ALL POINTS EAST. 2 TRAINM DAILY FAST TIME 2 For Full Particulars, Rates, Folders, Etc., Call on or Address J. W. PHALON, a DICKSON, Trav. Pass. Agt City Ticket Agt 122 Third Street, Portland. ( (It First Avenue, Seattle, Wash, i A. & C. DENNISTON, O. W, P. A. I mummttftcmiuamiuaiammruntummttananunai I ' ' : ";V II ATS "TRIMMED v "FRli? ' BIG REDUCTION SALE DURING MONTH OP JANUARY 1UU, SkirU, SliirtwainU. UnJorwenr, All , . klaJi of Lfttlie' vx ChiMron'i (uraUhlng , " ' gootlg. Hsir switches and ouipaJor. Welch Block. MRS. H IN0LETON. . lit tnauttmnmutatmmu mtmnnttmmtmmtmmmmaffltmmnmrmnttimU BAY VIEW HOTEL Commercial Street, Opposite O. R. & N CO. Wharf. COMFOUTAHLE ROOMS AND GOOD TAULE BOA HU. HOME COOKING. NO CUINWE MISS E. O LASER, Proprietress. r nttuntt nnit it ttttntt tttt ttoMtti ttttKttn I J a? 4 . L 1 R. J. Owkns, Proprfetor 1 THE WIGWAM CHS BROOKE, MsssfSf tt tt tt n C DUaa a( A..4 s"aU.fi!r! P. tt t ui cui 1 uiuw vi rxt 1, ui tut; 1 uviiivvvust tt a a tt tt tt tt tt tt Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors, end Cigars tt , tt tt tt 1 a i 4 n; tt ASTORIA tt . , ' , ' V; tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt a tt tt tt n tt tt tt tt a tt tt tt tt nit SEE TNL ILLIS1 RATED PICIlRtS a Eighth and Aitor ts. STEAMER ; SUE H ELMORE The Jargogt; SUiuuchest, Steadiest and moHt Soa worthy vcascl erer ou Uiis route. IWof Tablo and State Room Accommo dations. Will make round trip every flvo days between 1 : Astoria t i ? i -x t , and Tillamook .iff . .J,r. Fare $3.50 '4 Connecting at A.sloria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation CoVarid Astoria l& Ooldmhia River R. R. for Portland, Sun Francisco and all point East For freight and passenger rate apply to V . SAMUEL ELMORE & Co. General Agents, Astoria, Oregon T ; OR TO A. OX C. R. R. Co., Portland, Ore. B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Ore O. R. a N. Co., Portland, Ore. assi Billiard Strikes Milwaukee. f Milwaukee, Jan. 20. A blizzard from the east rcochnd Ihls rlty tonight. Much snow has fallen, Impeding street cor traffic , . . , Fllit Will Hitter. ; Those who will persist In ctoslng their ears sgalnst the continual recommend ation ot Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will nave a long and bit tr fight with their trouba,lf not end ed earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has Ut say: "Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King new discovery after very thing els had failed. Improvement ram at one and four bottles entirely cured her: Guaranteed by Chas. Rog ers, druggist. Pric tOc, and fl.Os, Trial bottle fre. ' NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Cnnl Tralim PORTLANU Leave AnlvM Puget Bound Limited.?:!! a m !; p m Kama Clty-Bt, Lout Special n:io am l:iS pm North Coast Limited l:M 0 m 7:00 a a Tacoma and SeatU Night B'Press ; ll:6 pre 1:06 in Take Puget Bound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor point Take Puget Bound Limited for Olym pla direct 1 Take Puget Bound Limited ar Kan sas Clty-Bt Lout Special for point on South Bend branch. Double dally train servlss oa Gray's Harbor branch. Four train dally between Portland. Tacoma and BeatU '. '