The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 21, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 91.
f 11 4 I A -
Powers Appealed to by Czar's Govern
ment to Avert Impending War
. Diplomacy Demands Pence.
Should War Rciult, Russia's Aspirations in the Par East Will Receive
Set Back Thai Will Be Ditficuit to OvcrcomeEuropear
' Government May v Yet Hesitate to Grant Any
saying Jt plalncd th mylry, other
wlmt unexplulnable, of th oppoeltlon
on th part of th democratic senators
to th Panama ,trety. I
Russisn FlMt Enter lues. (
Port Slit, Jan. 20. The Ruawlan
battleship Aurora, the transport OreL
tb collier Bamloff, and nine torpedo
boat bound for the far enet, have en
tered the Rue canal. f '
Pronounced Concession to Japan.
London, Jan t.-AU. the pclal
dispatch from it. Petersburg thla
V morning reflect ft more peaceful feeling
which prevail there. Llltl change,
however, la to be obeerved In dispat
cher from Toklo, which repreaenl the
situation aa unchanged .
The at. Petersburg orrpondmt of
the Dally Tlegrpk thttt
the dispatches from the Russian vic
eroy, Alealeft now Incline toward ef
fort for a. diplomatic settlement, on
the ground that war would check the
natural court of vent, which tnuat
pro moat Russian aeplratlona In the far
eaat. :
Londan. Jan. 0.-The Toklo correa
pondtnt of Rtuteft Telegraph Com
pany cabl that the privy council met
today and received lengthy report
from foreign Mlnlirter Komura on the
negotiation wlh Rtt"1- No "UlU"
' mnt of th proceeding will be given
out at preaent. Jpns newapaper
publish a report from continental aourc
ea that Rula ha decided to pp "
the power to avert war. Thla re
garded her a a proof of Hual' un
readiness to make satlafaetoiy conces
Ion. Cabling from Toklo, the correspond
nt of the Humlunl any the privy
Council ha an urfiit ordinance fin-
Jpowerlng the cortinwndcra of the ltd-
rnlrallty tatton to prevent forvlKii
warahlp. by f If .newwary. from
entering certain port In tlm of emer
gency. The Toklo corrcHpomli'tit of the dally
Telegraph dMlurr the privy council at
a meeting today dlacuiuM the ptopoeitl
to lue an order, in event of war, en
acting a elate of ele In iHln pliicee
outald of Japan.- s '
Want Amerloan Exhibit,
gan Pranclaco, Jan, 20. 0. M.
Uoldaracena, loa conaul for Spain, I
In receipt of a communkatloii from
Carlo Citrlwnet, prealdent of the Cham
ber of atmmerce and Induatry, of Cor
dova, wherein American manufactur
er of agricultural machinery are urged
to make exhibit at (he fair to be held
In that city neit May Lot year an
exhibition of agricultural and Industrial
product was held, and the reeult were
eo gratifying that thl year It ha been
derided to have additional southern
province participate.' :f5.;-
At the exhibition In 10I number of
manufacturer from th United Btate
bad dlplay there, and aucceeded In
Arm Pec Cerea Poliee.
Seoul, Jan. II. -The emperor f
Core, ha ordered that 700 revolver
'and club be distributed to the "ped
'dlar," who are nominally the aocret
police, and a dang-rou element . My
Coren are ? leaving ' Beoul fearln
troubl ft !
.. i , a.
ArutRtrnx't Attorapyg KntTK4
I..,, . tiilii4.LStil.l4Ul,,,.:4t'
BAlim. Or.. Jn. SO. Attorney for
Flea ant Armatrong today argued their
ca before th uprm court on It
merit, and an opinion wilt doubtle
be banded down tomorrow. Insamuch
a th court refuwd to grant a ty
of xcutton when application wa
mad laat week, there I little hop for
from that tribunal.
Armatrong' attorney wr unable to
perfect an appeal to th circuit court
ot appeal from th decltlon of th
United State dUtrlct court refuelng
, writ of naocaa corpua, oui umimr
they will do o tomorrow
ft '
. I -Navigation I upenoeo.
yi4lphl Jn. 20. V'UIM'
th continued cold weather and forjn-
ln of h floe, navigation of th DI
ing of Ic floea. navigation of the Del-
pended today. t
' Piatt en Fanama CanaU
Waahlngton, Jan. SO. Patteraon to-
day completed and Plntt, of Connectl
cut. beaan a oeech on th Panama
canal oueatlon. 1
Patteraon declared th prealdent waa
lariely reaponalble for th revolt In
Panama and announced hi decided
preference for th Nlcarguan rout.
Piatt took thl pronouncement for
Nicaragua a th text for hi remarks
On Clothing, Furnishing
Goods Hats. Shoes, Etc
Excepting only Dunlap Hats, RAW. Collars, Oil
h and Rubber Goods and Dents Glores.
as our goods' are sold on very
close margins.
Monday, January 4, 1904.
selling s large amount of machinery,
on house alone disposing of more than
:00 machines, principally mowers.
President Carbonel slate that Ameri
ca I looked to for the best agricul
tural machinery, and it 1 desired to
open up th market there for them. In
asmuch as flpaln 1 eagerly seeking. for
th mo tmodern Implement and ap
pliance th world boa to offer. While
no premiums will be offered at th fair
th opportunities for business that will
be afforded are assured to be so good
to Justify any ambitious nous to
Undergo the expense of making an ex
hibit." ' '
gpitfii Is? joining In th march it
progresaof th world." said Mr. Oold-
srarena yesterday. , .
. Drifting now Stops Traffic,
Syracuse, K. T., Jan. 20. Heavy
drifting now ha parallsed all th rail
road except the main line of the New
The worst blocad In recent year pre
vail on th Borne, Watertown and
Ogdenburg road. The road between
Watertown and Syracuse Is completely
Bill Popular
With All Classes
Counsel for Brewers' Association
and Rrpresentatives of W. C. ;
" ' ! T. U. Ask Its Passage. I
t 1, J ;. ' ; t A '
Washington, Jan. 20. Th house
committee on Judiciary today granted
a hearing on th Hepburn-Dolliver bill
to give th ctat pollc power over "or
iginal packages" ot the liquor shipped
Into the state for ue. Robert Crall.
of Baltimore, general counsel for the
United Btate rirewcro. Aaaoclatlon,
aald the bill wa the moat Important
measure presented to congress since
h civil war and aaked amole tun
for It coiulderatlon. Rev. E. C. Din-
wlddle.representlng the American AnU-
Saloon League, said th legislation wa
necessary. . "'' . ' ' -M
Mrs. Margaret Dye Ellis, leglela-
tlve superintendent of the National W.
C. T. U... pleaded for the passage of
the bill In behalf of the mothers of the
Accident at Plant of Cambria Steel Com
panr Brings Roof Down Crushing
Men to Death in the Debris.
Fifteen Injured Are Removed to Hospitals and Some Bodies Recov
ered Suffering Victims Cannot Be Reached on Account -of
Intense HcaMHood Follows the Fire, Caused : '. '
by the Buntin of a Water Pipe;" " "
New Ordinance
May Be Revised
Special Council Committee and
Theater Managers Win Try
7, to Effect Changes.
Chicago, Jan. 20. Probably the city
council Monday night will again con
sider and revise th new theater ordi
nance, A meeting between theater
manager and a special commute oi
aldermen will be held later In the week
at which the manager will announce
what Is physically bnpoaslble for them
to accomplish In making their theaters
ufa. and at the same time open for
the balance of the theatrical season.
Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 21. An Im
mense steam pipe directly over" the
engine in th boiler room of No. mill
of the Cambla Steel Company exploded
about 1:20 this morning, bringing down
a whole section of roof. The wood
work at one took fire from the fur
naces and I burning fiercely.
About IS men have been taken oat
and have been either sent to the hos
pitals or are lying in cots in th office
nearby. It 1 known that several are
Wiiahlmton. Jan.- 20. The
passed th Hepburn pur food bill to
day on a rllng vote of 201 to , n
opponent being unable to secure roll
call. Th amendment of inserting the
word "wilful" with reference to per
son who ell adulterated or mlsbrand
foods, and which would have compelled
th government to prove the Intent to.
violate th law, wa atrlcken wit. Sev
eral attempta were made to amend the
bill but nomnterbil change ar made.
Chicago, Jan. 20. Following an
alurm of lire In the temporary main
poatotnee on the lake front nearly 100
tons of mall matter and 22 stamp can
celling machines, weighing fcatf a ton
each, have been carried out of the
building In four minute. The army of
clerk learned the alarm wa a false
one, sent In to test th efficacy of the
Ore' drill. Two hundred persons were
buying stamp or posting letter when
Custodian Nagl ent In the fire alarm.
In less than three minute after the
sounding of the gong, even line ot
hose had been attached and atream of
ater were being directed along the
floor much to th dlscomfitur of the
Snohomish, Jan, 20. Mose Shen-
yor, a pioneer farmer who naa resioeo
for mauy year on a ranch three mile
from Snohomish, on the Marysville
house! road. 1 lying dead from the effect of
drinking wood alcohol.
Shenyor had been dring Saturday
and, presumably, running out of less
dangerous liquors, that evening began
operating upon a large supply ot wood
alcohol, which be took with sugar and
water. . This he kept up until Sunday
afternoon, when his condition alarmed
friend, who sent for Dr. Durrent.
When the doctor got out there Shenyor
was beyond hope. He died early this
morning without ever regaining his
senses, the stupor lasting about 18
hour. '
Coroner Brakeman went - out to
view the remain this morning, but held
no inquest
7 Aftr th Fifty Thousand.
New Haven, Conn., Jan. 20. The
answer of W. J. Bryan to me appeal
fro mthe probate court brought by heirs
the late Fhllo S. Bennett, was filed
the superior court today." In his
answer Bryan figures both as th exec
utor of the Bennet will and as truBtee.
effect the answer declares that the
sealed letter referred to In the will,
makes It the duty of the executor to
pay I6Q.000 to Mrs. Bennett io ue
turned over o W. J. Bryan, and that
the section of the will mentioning the
scaled letter Is valid.
, Call For Meetings.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 20. The re
publican state commute will meet In
this city February 27. ' Call for the
meeting was mailed by Chairman Mor
rlson today.- , . ., ,. , i
In a critical condition. ' Added to th
Fir and explosion disaster, a large
water pipe burst and Is flooding th
ground about the scene. On moa
caught in th debris I in plain sight,
but cannot be rescued owlngr to to
Intense heat. . . K
, (2:40 a. m.) Number of dead Is es
timated at from 12 to 14. Th Injured
will number 21 or more, man yof whom
ar terribly scalded and cannot live.
Two bodies have been recovered.
Iroquois Theater Bald By So
ciety Leader to Bo Available.
Chicago, Jan. 20. Arthur C. Hull,
leader of the Iroquois Vemmorlal As
sociation, announces that he will offer!
the site of the Iroquois theater for the
erection of a metqmorial to the victims.
Hull refused to. say who authorised
blm to make the offer. The estate of
which the site Is a part, ha agreed to
convey It to the association, Mr. Hull
says. '. . -.-.,! '
Eight mor churches and several ad
ditlonal balls were closed today by or
dec of th building department
clpal feature of this plan la the extens
ion of the New York delivery sua
tern to Buffalo so that grain can b
delivered at that point on New Torts
contract. ' The recommendation ar t
take effect on February J. '
Alderman Guilty as Charged. ,
Grand Rapids. Mlchu, Jan. 20.
Guilty a charged with a recommenda
tion to th court for mercy I the ver
dict rendered by the wperlor court U
day In the eas of Alderman J., Ellen,
charged with having accepted a brfb
of $350 from ex-City Attorney Balls
bury, in the Lake Michigan water deal
scandal. Th Jury was Out less than
two hour. ...i '
..... . . . .
Favor Reessveit's Nomination. '
Lincoln, Neb, Jan. 2.-r-Th repub
lican atate central commute today de
cided to hold tne state convention at
Lincoln Hay IS. '
drain Market Seep Broaden.
Nw Tork. Jan. 20. Plan formu
lated recently to broaden th scop of
trading In th New Tork grain market
have been unanimously adopted at a
meeting of th grain trad at the pro-
Atim titiM- Tha rMM-t of tb com- i flMAlntlona wer adonted favoring
mlttee on grain recommending th e- Lhe re-nomination of President Boosa-
tabllahment of new grade waa
Purser TeIl,IIi Story.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 20. Captain
Charles C. Manter. master ot one ot
the rescue tugs, and Frank Treer, pur.
ser of the lost vessel, were the prin
cipal witnesses in the Clallam disaster
Investigation today. Captain Manter
outlined clearly the part he and his
vessel had played In the rescue of pas
sengers and crew of the Clallam Im
mediately after the steamer foundered.
Treer calmly described the scene prior
to the sinking ot the vessel, from the
time he began Issuing life preserv
ers up to until a few minutes before
th Clallam went down. HI was one
of the narrowest escapes. With Cap
tain Robert and other he wa res
cued from a raft and take aboard the
tug Holyoke, which was towing the
Seoretsry Hay Qoea South.
Washington. Jan. 20. Secretary
Hay left today for Thomasvtlle, Ga
where he expect to remain for two
week a the guest of Colonel Payne.
Th secretary 1 acting under his doc
tor's order In making the visit to the
...... - i. i .,- J m uiiiii. ,
I mini i Miiiiirniiiiinins " i"'rl
I i
Dress Goods P
The A. Dunbar Co.
They certainly aw prices you seldom get We need the room. Our
snow windows will ell the rest 7 ' ' ,
Pictorial History U. 8. ..... . . . $3.50
Bible Soena .....2.00
Webster' Dictionary 2.50
Dante Inferno. ........ ...... 8.00
Horn and BusinecomD..... 2.00
Milton's Paradise Lost . .v 0.00
sale price
. 50
"Remember when you pass this way, see what our windows have to say.
Big Los By Fir.
Shelby, Ohl6, Jan 20 The United
States Steel Corporation sustained a
$2,000,000 loss by fire tonight at the
plant of the Shelby Steel Tube Com
pany. The stock rooms and the pro
duct of the plant for the past six
month wa destroyed.
Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle
ry, Paints, Oil and GlassHardwood
Lumber Boat Supplies etc. ! ? ? j&
Cor. Bond and 12th Sts.
Astoria, Oregon