The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 20, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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To clean Ihara up lu liunj we offer al t uarrelonaly low price
One Hundred 20 pound boxen $2.7fl valiio for $1.73.
Fifty fl pound regular l.20aluo for K)c.
IX) N'T FOIIQET, tutt we're selling the largest and best navel
orange la tbe oily fur tb smallest plooe of money.
Lccal Brevities.
County Clark Clinton yaetarday Is
sued a ntarlags license to Eatln U
Bhalto and Ethel 0, Stlnaon, both of
Ctataoa county, t . . r
tplre U a ntw face powder, and la
the beat. Uae that and nothing else.
Mold only at tha Owl and Kagle drug
atora. Si cent a box.
Tha affar af 1 18,500 In annual Install,
inenta of I1S00 recent!) mada for tha
lty hail alia h'aa been withdrawn by
tha merchant who mada tha propoeaL
' Major LangtHt eame down from
Portland on laat nliht'a train. Today
ha wit! vlalt Fort Hteven on the' Col
umbine and Inapact tha work now un
dir way thara.
. harlff llnvlll haa baon Invltad by
flherlfl Drown, of Baker county, to
attend tha elocution of Pleaaant Arm
strong, who la to be hanged neat frl-
day at 7 a. m. There haa been a strong
legal conteat to aava Armstrong's neck,
but It reaulted In failure.
Tha funeral af tha lata Gideon John
eon waa held yeaterday afternoon from
the undertaking parlora of Coroner
Pohl,' and tha Interment waa tn Green
wood cemetery.
. An enjoyable da nee waa given at tt
Mary's hall laat night by the Toung
Men'a Institute. A large number of
ladles and gentlemen were preeent and
the affair waa quite auccewful.
Tha eontreot for the printing of the
city charter and tha ordinances waa
alcned yeaterday. The contract waa
awarded by tha waya and meana com
mittee of the council to Tha Aatorlan.
One of the flneat alelgha aeen an tha
atreeta yeaterday waa commanded by
Hiram Lelnenweber, local agent for
the Standard Oil Company. The eloign
la brand new, la drawn by a b&ndeome
whfta horee and there are two strings
4 More
of Wise's customers
will go to St. Louis
World's Fair.
of belle attached to the harneaa of the
noble atoed. Mr. Lelnenweber waa
the center of attraction yeaterday ae
he aped through tha atreeta.
The eaunty court will moot In ad
Journed seaalon today for the purpoee
of considering road mutter. Several
petltlotw for additional levlea In var
loua road dletrlcta are to be acted up
If the gentlemen who took a eoft
Knox bat by mlatake from the reel
dence of Mra. C. R. Thomaon laat
Saturday morning, will bring It to No.
410 Commercial atreet he may have
hla own hat
Director Robinson will ba ready In
a few day to announce the leada for
the aacred cantata Eather, which la
now being prepared for public recital.
The rehearaala are progreaalng nicely,
all the Indication being that the per
romance will be an excellent one.
Aeroromblo and Stockton are the
champion handball player In the Com
mercial Club tournament thua far,
having defeated fllnnot and Cohen In
three etralght games, the ecorea being
il-lT, JM6, and tl-1. Tonight the
aecond game will be played.
The new gatoline launch Chinook,
built for David Hood and Hana Peter-
eon, waa launched at Leather yard
yeaterday, A Columbia river Aahlngg
boat, equipped with five horse-powsr
engine, waa alao put In the water yes-
yeaterday. A Columbia river flihlng
John, of Clifton. She waa chrlatened
Area the.
Next Drawing! in July,
A Tip yur sales slips
iriv v L money y tTdiiin& at
x i v f r -f WISE S
January Clearance 5 ALE
now in full blast.
The Reliable Clothier
and Hatter. 7 &
Prices' $7.50 an Jp
Style and Quality Considered. A hand
aome ornament for the parlor as well as a
;.f convoniont music rack.
Everything for the home. Ask to sci our Jewell ranges.
'Judge Bowlby haa received notloe
from Major Langntt that the dredge
Ladd will be employed to deepen the
channel near Tongue Point aa eoon a
he can be taken from the channel
above. . The determination of the de
partment to dredge out the channel
there aolvea the queotlon of deep water
tor the eaat end Industrie.
A eaae of eoarlet fever waa reported
laat night at the home of Mr. and Mra
Elmer Coo, Ninth and Duane atreeta.
The patient la Mlaa Winnie Harmoa
aged II, The ueual quarantine re
striction have been impoaed, and pre
caution will be taken agalnat apread
of the dlaeaee. . u
Dr. 0 B Eaete vae at Chinook yea'
terday In attendance upon Fran Hun
eon. a well-known t forth ahore trap
manawho haa had a long clege of
typhoid fever. Mr. kJuneon la at 111 a
very alck man, abceaa of the lung
having developed at the wtnd-up of
the typhoid attack. Dr. Eatea (aid
laat night that hla condition waa pre
carious, and aeemed to entertain aome
doubt aa to hla recovery.
The late delivery of The Aatorlan
yeterday morning waa occasioned by
a ahutdown at the electric power house
Juat aa the paper waa ready for presa.
The circuit from which the motive
power , In The Aatorlan building' I
driven was Interrupted by the break
ing of a wire up town. While the de
lay, waa aggravating to both the pub
lic and the employee of the paper, It
waa juat one of those untoward hap
pening that can not be blamed on any
one and muit therefore be overlooked.
Mayor Buprenani yeaterday
haa algnature to all of the ordinance
panted by "the council 'Monday night
Two of the new meoaurea are aalary
bllla, lncreaalng the pay of Chief of
Police Hullock from ) to 1100 and
that of Fire Chelf Stockton from $70.60
to 80. Tha other bllla provide for the
acceptance of the s Improvement of
Franklin avenue from Fifth to Ninth
atreet and payment of the improve
ment, and appropriating $4000 to pay
Mary T. Strong for the new city hall
alte recently purcheaed by the city.
All the warrant for claim ordered
paid by the, council were also algtied
by the mayor and are ready for rtellV'
ery at the' office of the auditor.
brlak demand for red.Alaaka aulmon.
Thl will be cheerful new to thoae
park re who hav not yet dipoaed
it all fher etock, and the aplnlon pre
vail that when a few cheap lota now
on the market are dlipoaed of very
high price will rule. .The proapeeta
are more encouraging than they have
been for aeveral weeka paat, and there
I not much reaaon to doubt that the
price for red Alaaka will be fully IS
per caae. Holder of Alaaka aalmon
are In a fortunate poaltlon, a the Co
lumbia men are all aold out of aprlng
pack gooda, and tha few aockeye that
were packed on puget aound. and
which might be conaldered aa only a
drop In the bucket, hav all long atnee
one Into conaumptlon. It ia antic
Ipated that thia will be a good average
year for price for thoae packing on
the Columbia river and In Alaaka, aa
thle ia the regular off year for aock-
eye and alao humpbacke.
Officiate of the eounty were not at
all pleaaed with the atatemente made
at Monday night' meeting of the coun
ell regarding the contemplated pur
chaae by the city of the countye
Flacher typewriter. The Aatorlan cor
rectly reported the matter yeaterday,
although It neglected to aay that the
atatemente of Auditor Anderaon and
Councilman Nordatrom created much
merriment. The proposal to purchaa
the typewriter came from the city offi
cial and not from the county, and
Clerk Clinton atated yeaterday that
the county had no Idea of getting rid
of the machine, which ' baa recently
been rebuilt and la In good condition.
That the Impreaalon ahould have gone
abroad that the county waa trying to
dlapoee of rublah to the city ia a aource
of come dlnatlafactlon to the county
official, who feel that they have not
been fairly treated, eepeclaly In view
of the fact that the overture ware
not of their mediation.
At the meeting of the oity council
Monday night the petition of the Wo
man' Club asking that a dumping
ground be provided and that the nntl
expect oration ordinance be enforced
received only partial confederation.
The matter of a dumping ground waa
dlacuaaed, and , the committee on
public property will report upon It at
the next meeting. However, the mat
ter of the violation of the anti-expectoration
ordinance waa passed up
without comment. Mayor Suprenant
atd yeaterday that the law ought to
be enforced, but he expressed the opin
ion the club should have communica
tion with the police comlssloner."'The
mayor ha only advisory control over
the police department," laid the chief
executive of the city. "The club's
work ia commendable, but It ahould
place the matter , before the police
Advice from tha wholesale grooers
Indicate that there will shortly be a
The memorial adopted by the city
council aaklng the Oregon delegation
to uae Ita effort to eecure a new post
office building and customs house for
this port waa a aource of much satis
faction. Deputy Collector Parker said
yeaterday that the matter of larger
Quarters, especially for the post office.
had been considered locally, although
no official action had heretofore been
taken. The poet office is. badly pressed
for room, and larger quarter must
be provided, Astoria Is the dlstrlut
Ing point for al' the C6untry of aouth
western Washington and northwestern
Oregon and the business haa largely In
creased. The cuatoms officials also
require more room. . The cellar of the
public building Is filled with new and
condemned supplies and is so crowd
ed that there Is no room to store more
material. There ought to be some
place for the storage of revenue cut
ter supplies and equipment, which
must now be atored away in the cellar.
The offlcea on the i aecond Boor are
ajso Inadequate to the needa of the aer-
vlce, and the office that should be at
the disposal of the special deputy col
lector Is used for a storeroom fof eld
records. The department of commerce
and labor expecta to have a man sta
tioned here and he will need offlcea.
which are not now available. The
present building can be enlarged suffi
ciently, and It is probable that the Im
provement will be made In thle man
ner. 1 The atructura waa erected In
18TS and cost 180,000. It is well built.
but altogether too smal for the busi
ness transacted here.
The Astoria Progressive Commercial
Association met last evening In the
council chambers of the city hall and
elecHed offlccra to aerve through the
present year. The result of the elec
tion follows: President, C. W. Carna
han; vice-president. John Frye; sec
retary, J. A. Eoklni treasurer, J. ,N.
Qrlffln; board of directors, Richard C.
Lee, Harrison Allen, C R. Morse, John
Frye and A. a Skyles. President Car
nahan announced that he will draw up
the committees during the next few
day's and that he will report the same
at the next meeting of the association,
which will be on the evening of Janu
ary 17. Besldea the election of officers
last evening, the members talked In a
general way about the ne'eda of the
county and city. It waa practically
decided that the new road committee
will wait upon Rood Master Frye at
an early date and learn from him
the exact condition and needs of tha
Nehalem road to Olney and an avail
able distance beyond, basing recom
mendatlons to the county court upon
Information thus acquired. The trend
of the discussion was to the effect that
the road should be as narrow as prac
ticable and as substantial a possible.
one of the members pointing out that
the latter course will pay In the long
run. The subject of a new hotel for
the city also engaged the attention of
the club for a time, but no definite
course was shaped. It was apparent
from what was ' ald, however, that
the need of an up-to-date hotel la ap
preciated by the club, and that some
thing effective will be done along this
line in the near future is certain.
anuary ' :
' and
Mark Down tSale
These Are Sample
' i I'''- ( , ' ' -
Regular $1.25 end $1.50 Wrapper, jonren.
choice Ibis week for only uyb
One lot Children's dreeaea that cold for
75c, 98c and II 25 your choice thia jo.
week tor oc
Men' rJnits that have been selling at
$12.50, $15 and $17-60 your choice q or
thieweek -fOJ
Boy' Buit that bare been selling, at $150
$2.75, $3, and $3 25, your choice a.iqc
for thieweek
The Place to Save Money.
508-510 Commercial St.
608-510 Commercial St.
You can save money by seeing
Robinson Furniture Store
Be Sure and See Them Before Buying Elsewhere
Prices Are Right
JOHN FOX, Pre, and SupU A. L. FOX, Vice President. '
F. L. BI8HOP, 8eeretary
V Designers and Manufacturers of
Foot of Fourth Street, . . . , ASTORIA, OREGON.
Astoria Fish, Game and Poultry Market
On Twelfth Street
1 Best of Attention. Quick Delivery.
o MALAR SL JOHNSON, Proprietors.
SoVe will aell'at great reduction a fine assortment of elegant
Couches Morris Chairs Rockers
' They must go. Call and ace them.
ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
A Costly Mistake.
Blunder are sometime very expen
sive. Occasional? V.U Itself Is the prtoa
of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong
K yon take Dr. King's New Life Pilla
for dyspepsia, dlzslness, headache, liver
of bowel troubles. They are gentle yet
thorough. 25c, at Chas. Roger druc
store. . ......... .;. .