The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 20, 1904, Image 1

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    ev ja.-
NO. 90.
VOL. LV11.
A That Russia
Present Regime, Allow Consuls at
J Ports Mukden and Antung.
United States, Sayt M. Plancon, Showi Unfriendly Spirit and Exhibits
l iki I .: .'L' D.lll.,!. T..-L. ltJ. Dant Dri.
LICK 01 Ulpiomacy in iwmiymg usaij wnuw nm
(, Ime Without Consent of His Government;Env ,
phaslze. Impossibility of Evacuation.
London, Jan. So. -German
paper this morning appear to W oav
Inn ih. way to explain tha Russian
retreat In negotiation with Japan, and
tn nit the capital of Europe opinion
now Incline to peaceful lasue In
tha far t.
In a dispatch from Toklo, the corres
pondent of tht Dally Mail ay ht
lwuied that Kurulo. the Japanese mln
ttr at Ht. Petersburg, haa sent a,
confidential report In which ha says t
a secret meeting recently. War, Mlnls-j
tr Kuropatkln. wnil mw of his col
logues, declared In favor of peace. !
The Tort Arthur correspondent of
tha Dally Mull cables thnt he ha bad
an Interview with 'Admiral AIWf.
who who spoke hopefully of the poss
ibility of arranging modua vivended
with Jaspn. Tha viceroy then rf-r-
HUM. Jan. llBy cava In of
tarth In tha Eaat Gray Rork mlna. ona
, of tha amalgmalad prtrtlea. tonight.
, Auiv nun wara killed and tw Injured.
Tle men wer woraina in a biui iiom i
a feet level and wera within threa
fat of tha 1IM0 level when a hanging
wall fell. Tha four hodlea are under
II feet of earth and It will be hour
before they -an be reached.
Maehan't Trial Proceeds Rapidly.
Washington. Jan. Tha trial of
Augjat Maihen and othera proceeded
rapidly today. Tha government put
In a avldence a number of documents
having direct bearing on tha dealing
of droit Ilroa. with Machen'a division In
tha postofP.ce department.
Millionaire and Widow Wad.
New York, Jan. Jl. Robert Graves
On Clothing,
Goods Hats,
Excepting only Dunlap Hate, E. W, Collars, Oil
and Rubber Goods and Dents Gloves.
as our goods are sold on very
close margins.
Monday January 4, 1904.
P. A.STdliES
Will Not. Under
red tha correspondent to hla diplo
mats agent. .M I'tancon, who emplut-
slsed tha Impossibility of Russlu's
evacuation of Mamhuila. M. Plancon
declared tha action of tha I'tilted
Mates, In making a commercial treaty
with China without Huaala'a consent
under existing clrcumatunees, was un
friendly and undiplomatic. Kuaala,
h said, would riot open or allrj ion-
aula at Mukden, and Antung under theJ
present raglme.
' If Jitpnn wantH ("uifit, Runala, M
rinneon auld. would not Intprfi-ra, pro-
vldnd other K"r allotted It. M
riant-on coialuiH'd by atiylng the
I'nlted Htatea and other power were
mora Intereated In the altuntlnn than
waa Kuaala.
Tha correaiHiiiilfiit ndda that the
United tUalt-a had ipilte upel Vlre
roy AledefTa calculation.
and Mrs. M.J. riant, widow of Henry
II. riant, nilllloimlre atmlhorn railroad
ateamahlp and land owner, have bern
marrl.d ut tha I'lant realdeiice In Fifth
avenue. There were only about nun
a doien wltneaaea, all relative of the
bride and bridegroom.
Toe xroom la well known In aot lety
a4-it Mt We. mM4 U " linmeuf-:j'
rich, having Inherited the fortune of
his father, a pioneer wallpaper manu-
MaaLaurln and Money elected.
Jackson, Miss., Jan. II. Senators
MarLaurln and Money wera elected to-
day .by the leglelature to succeed them
selves In the I'Med state senate.
Walla Walla Fort Abandoned. '
Walla Walla. Wash., Jan. 19. New
wa communicated to the Commeniul
Club toilny from Washington .that the
abandonment of Fort Walla Walla had
been definitely decided on by tha sec
retary of war as soon as the noise
Shoes, Etc.
Marray ks weia aulTlch-nlly enlarted to
supply accomodations, Tha new Is
received with bitter chagrin here.
Says Negro Is Vleleus.
Jackson, Ml'., Jan. 19. In hi In-
augural address delivered today before
a Joint scsNlon of tha Mississippi leg
islature, Governor James K. Vardaman
declared that tha growing tendency of
tha negro to commit criminal aault
on white women Is nothing mora or
less than tha manifestation of tha rac-
lal desire for social equality. In strong
term h declared that education la the
rursa of the negro race, and urged an
amendment 4o the stale constitution,
that will place tha distribution of tha
common school fund entirely within
tha power of, the leg-Ulatura. .';
Alleged Mining Investor Arrested.
Wlnnemucca. Nev., Jan. 1. Charles
Wallace, clalmlng,to be a mining In
veator from Joseph, Oregon, waa ar
rested here today on a warrant, charg
ing him with obtaining money under
false pretenses,
No Chinste Allowed.
Melbourne, Jan. 19. Premier Alfred
Peak in and the premier of New Zea-
Senate Passes
Mooted Motion
After Prolonged Discussions Res
olution to Investigate Post
office Up to Committee. '
Washington. Jan. 19. The senate re
quired less than a minute today to dis
pose of the motion to refer to the com
mittee on postofllce various resolu
tions looking to the Investigation of
the postomce department. The ques
llon had been previously debated for
hours at a time, but today no senator
manifested any disposition to dlacusa It
timber, f ttd It wtui adopted without a
negative vote.
After passing half a doaen bills the
senate returned to a consideration of
the ranama question. Quarles spoke
for almost two hours In support of the
course of the administration and waa
followed by Patterson, who criticised
the nivsldcnt. Patterson had not con
cluded when the senate adjourned. :
Washington, Jan. 1. The house to
day considered the Hepburn pure food
bill, but did not complete It . When the
house was ready to adjourn, on motion
of Hepburn recess was taken until
11:55 tomorrow. Thl course will re
tain the bill before the house with
out Interruption for consideration to
morrow. ;
Just before recess, an amendment
coming from the democratic side, was
adopted Inserting the word "wilfully"
relative to the sole of prohibited adul
terated goods by retailers, which would
make It Incumbent o nthe government
to prove knowledge on the part of re
tellers that sole of such goods was con
trary to law.
James L. Blair Buried.
St. luls, Jan. 19. The funeral of
James L. Blair, former general counsel
of the world's fair, who died last Satur
day In Florida, was held today. None
but relatives and close friends of the
family attended the services. The
pallbearers were' old friends of Mr.
Blair, six of whom were associated
with him in, the St. Louis Bar As
Before the casket was brought from
tha house there waa & threat that the
funeral would not move unless a car
riage bleonglng to a proscribed livery
firm and driven by a Man not approved
by the union driver of the other car
riage was taken out of line. A negro
driver of one of the other carriage
made the threat directly to the gentle-
man who had engaged the carriage.
Assurance was given that the earring
would not be Kept In line, and the mat
ter ended.
Ima.1 nnla Tawlnr'a Assertions.
Washington, Jan. 19. Senator ,
Smoot has filed with the committee on
privileges and elections, his second re
ply to, the presentation made by At
torpey Tayler. Reply follows the lines
of argument made by the attorneys for
Smoot tn the hearing before the com
mute Saturday, and places on record
a detailed denial of the assertions made !
by Taylor.
land, R. J. Badden, have cabled tha
authorities at I'retorla to tha effect
that Australia, after the experience of
years, Is convinced that the prohib
ition of Chinese labor Is Imperative In
British communities Expecting to en
joy tha responsibilities of self govern
ment.'' ' ' - '
Attall and Forbes Sign Articles.
Chicago, Jan. 19. Aba Attell and
Harry Forbes bava signed article of
agreement for a 20 round fight to set
tle their recent draw at Indianapolis.
According to tha lost agreement the
man ar to meet at 120 tounds at tha
ringside, with the understanding that
tha winner lay claim to the legitimate
featerwelght championship.
The time and place for holding the
contest have not yet been decided up
on. ..',
( Receiver DlaMock Resign.
Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 19.
Tancey C. Blalock. revel ver of the
Walla Walla land office, resigned this
morning. Ha assign a a reason hi
deslra for outdoor life and exercise.
His successor will probably be A. J.
Armstrong Will v
Doubtless Hang
Last Appeal to Be Made to United
States Supreme Court but
Time Is Limited.
Portland, Jan. 19. The United
States district court today declined to
Intervene in the case of Pleasant Arm
strong. Appeal will be taken to the
United SUtes circuit court, a member
of which la expected to arrive tomor.
row. In case he refuse to Interfere
the appeal will be. carried to the United
States supreme court. j Armstrong Is
undur sentence to be executed Friday,
Jan. If. It la very unlikely the United
states circuit court will Intervene In
face of tbe adverse decisions both of
the state' supreme court and the
United Statea district court. As the
time Is so limited. It would be almost
Impossible to get the matter before the
United States supreme court before the
execution occurs. '
Whittaker Wright in Court.
London. Jan. 19. There was a con
siderable crush In court and a bun of
anticipation when Whittaker Wright,
the company promoter, on trial on a
charge of fraud, entered the witness-
box todny. The former financier was
composed, and answered questions
firmly. He first related the story of
hi life In America, and then told of
the foundation of the London & Globe
Corporation, which, he declared, was
prosperous until the end of 18S9, after
the South African war had started,
when matters became disastrous. The
witness added thnt he assisted the;
compnny out of his private pocket, lend
Ing it between $2,000,000 and $2,500,000.
Previous to this he had prepared a
settlement of $1,500,000 on hts family.
giving $500,000 to each of his children-,
hut one day in 1889 the company's ac
countant Informed him that he must
have $1,500,000 or the company, would
be obliged to suspend. The witness
said he supplied the money, and con.
lequently the settlement on his family
was never carried out.
Wright admitted thnt he held only
2500 shares of the London ft Globe Cor
poration at the time of the crash, and
said he tried to induce the late Lord
Dufferln to resign his directorship be
cause the newspaper auacitea mm
over Lord Dufferln's shoulders, The
witness had Intimated to Lord Dufferln
thnt the nosltlon of chairman of a, spec
ulative company waa not dignified, but
Lord Dufferln replied that he was well
satisfied and that he wished to retain
the Dosltion.
Train Wrecker Gats Life.
Denver, Jan. 19. A special to the
Republican from Lajunla. Colo,, says:
John Devln was today convicted In the
district court of wreckng the Santa Fe
passenger train near Fowler last sum
mer, at which time Engineer John
Walker was fatally Injured. Devln
was sentenced to life Imprisonment.
Choynski Out At First.
Boston, Jan. 19. Kid Carter of
Brooklyn knocked out Joe Choynski of
Chicago In the first round tonight.
; ,.
Denunciations and
Thick and Fast That the New Ruler "
Cannot Stand the Pressure.
Russia Steps In and Demands of
Clear the Situation-Successor to Retiring King Is to Take
Crown on Condition That Slayers of Late Men
. archs Are Brought t6 Justice.4 ' ' ! '
Vienna, Jan. 19. King Peter of Ser-
vla, according to a report front Cettinje
Montenegro, published by the Neue
Welner Journal, I prepared to volun
tarily renounce the throne and allow
the power to nominate hi successor.
The prince of Montenegro is said to
have received a mandate from Russia
to clear up tha precarious situation In
Servla and King Peter is alleged to
bave recognised the untenabllity of his
position and to be willing to abdicate.
His successor, It la added, will' only
Dover, Del., Jan. 19. The New
Castle presbytery decided today to try
Rev. R. A. Elm wood, of Wilmington.
for preaching a sermon last June, en
titled "Should the Murderer of Helen
Bishop be Lynched V
The complaint against Bmwood is
that the sermon so worked up the peo
ple the next night, that a mob gath
ered, stormed the workhouse, took out
George White, negro, and burned him
to death at the stake.
National Board of Trade Mats.
Washington. Jan. 19. The national
board of trade began Its session here
today. The principal matter of Inter-
eat was the report of the committee
on crop statistics, which discussed the
standing recommendation of the gov
ernment that reports be collected
either by the census bureau or the de
partment of agriculture alone. Opln-
. this
The A. Dunbar Co,
They certainly are prices you seldom get We need the room,
show windows will tell the rest.
Pictorial History U. S 2.60
Bible Scenes 2.00
Webster' Dictionary.. 2.50
Dante Inferno 6.00
Home and Business com p..... 2.00
Milton Paradise Lost.. 8.00
"Remember when you pass this way,
Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle
ry, Paints, Oil and Glass Hardwood
Lumber Boat Supplies etc. j& & &
Cor. Bond and 12th Sts.
Criticisms Come so
Prince of Montenegro That He
be permitted to ascend the throne con
ditionally, on hi agreeing fb punish
I the leaders of the conspiracy which
.'resulted in the assassination of King
I Alexander and Queen Draga, remov
J Ing all those who were directly or ln-
directly concerned in tbe regieide. t,'
m. .... . w -v.
Welner Journal Is not confirmed, but
all reports indicate that affairs in Ser
via are steadily growing worse and
causing great anxiety to Austria and
Russia. The roads are Infested with
brigands. - ';. . .
Ion seems to prevail that the bareaa
of statistics of the agricultural depart
ment Is better prepared to do the work
.All Records Broken.
Fonda. N. T., Jan. 19. All records
for cold weather have been broken In
the Mohawk Valley, the official ther
mometer registering IS degress below
tero here tonight. Train on the New
Tork Central wera from two to three
hour late, Telegraph and telephone
companies were badly crippled. .
General Primary Held.
New Orleans, Jan. 19. A general
primary to nominate a democratic statt
ticket, to be voted for in April, was
held in Louisiana today. It la the first
test ever made In the state on the pri
mary method of direct nomination. .
Indianapolis, Jan. 19. The call for a
national prohibition convention, to be
held in this city beginning January
2S.has been issued by the national chair
man, Oliver W. Start.
week f
ale price I1.U0
" . " 75
" " 1.60
" " 1.00
see what our windows have to say-
Astoria, Oregon