The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 10, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Astoria; Oregon; Sunday January 10, mi
Makes your hen lay Eggs. The in
crease of Eggs will pay for the food.
Cost is saved. 1 cent a feed for twelve
fowls. 25 and 50 cts pkg. Palls $3.50
Fresh Ranch Eggs 35 cents per Dozen
Local Brevities.
My.r lupfensM jrsstsra'ay attsohsd
his signature to kl of tha ordinances
passed by th. count II at III Ut msst
int on Friday nll.
Pull fPr of eltltansMp were grant
4 yirdty to Viator Ibndrlekson.
natlvs of Norway.and first lr wsrs
lMud to Duncan Thomson, a nallvs
of Oreal Itrltaln. ,
The local mHo of Esglss will hold
forth In apodal high Jinks at th. moot
n Ihla afternoon, a good aoclal time
la assured ttao members, and a fcrsje
ftltendanra la figured on.
1 Th. altolrla fight will not bo a
hlnln' tonight and possibly not tomor
f row bight. Tbo abut down at th
power bouao will bo' ocraalonsd by
anmo neoeaaary work on on. of tbi
Asterla Central Labor Counsll hai
. elected tbo following n.w oBc.ra:
President, F. K. Wright; vlco-proal
dent, II. O. Muhlsr; recording see
rotary, Henry KnoM; financial aoo
rotary and troaaurcr, K. M. Lomtaon
guldo, II. II. Lund; guardian W, L.
McCroaky.' ' ' - - V
Harold Maatan, th. yesr-old aor
of Mr. and Mra. C. C-Hasten, whlli
carrying a tea-kettle of boiling water
tiippod on th. dooratit and fall, dashing
tbo hot wator upon blmaolf, scalding
hla nock and broaat qulto badly." The
11(11. fellow la getting along nlooty and
will not' N disfigured. '
Ths poblla la plaaaod at tha proipoot
of tha oponlnf of tbo Columbia tboator
tbo latoat addition to Astoria play
houses, which will tako placo tomor
row owning. Tha management l
fortunato In aocurlng for tbo opening
a high claaa company such aa will ap
pear on tha board, for tha firat' twi
Ths Astoria Herald aayst Th. Aato-
rlan ha reappeared aa a morning pa-
Ihe Annual 5 ALE
per and la srilarged to a six-column
quarto. . It contains fuU ; telegraphic
dispatches, nil th iocjall bappanlngg.
and la ft credit W tbo city. Aalprlana
can only maintain a morning papei
by giving It the pntronugo It deserve
and It la'to bo hoped that It will be
appreciated. ,
Rlsh and Harris' funny fsroe, "Are
Tou a Mason T from the Uerman of
"Laufa and Krata," will bo the attrac
tion at Fishers' opera bouao next Fri
day evening, During the performance
you laugh, and laugh, nd laugh, and
a hen you are through laughing you
laugh at what you have been laughing
at," Advertlaementa will appear In
the next , ,
Ye.terday'a aad advleea from Lot
Angeles, where C. R. Thomson bad
gone for the benefit of hla health, were
anything but encouraging, Mra
Thomson wired that her husband was
very low and that little hope waa en-
talned for bis ratovery. His brain
baa been affected and It la feared he
will bo unable to pull through.. The
newa waa received with many expres
sions of sorrow.
Just what will be dona toward mak
ing the neceaaary repairs to the pub
lic) landing at th foot of Fourteenth
street has not been decided, but the
council will doubtless take some actlor
at Ha next meting. Friday night tht
committee on wharves and i water
frontage asked to be allowed to spend
180 for repairs, but tha report waa
filed. Mr. Smith called attention1 U
tha fact that the city would be liable
In caae of accident at the foot of any
of the street and suggested that step
bo taken to fence them oft.
Charles V. Brown yesterday resolv
ed a dispatch from Seattle announcing
that an aunt, Mrs. Bculltna, of Crofton
D. C, and her three children had gone
down on the Ill-fated ship Clellam. Mr
Sculllns waa also aboard, but was res
cued. Mr. Bculllns ts a brother of Mr
Brown's mother. A young man named
Creed, who la a passenger on the
steamer Alllnnce for southern Ore
gon, also received e dispatch telling
him of the loaa of hla mother, Mra.
Lenora Richards, who was on the Cle
llam at the time of the wreck.
ermaii Wise
The Reliable Clothier
and Hatter. & & 4?
' III ftll NiXC'N UP tO 11X12 tilt. ;i
Let us show you jut what these beautiful tapestri are.
Evoiykhing for the home. Ask to see our Jewell ranges.
The books of the several oounty of-
flclala are to be esperted by the ac-
oountanta, Clark and Buchanan, whe
have done this work for th. county foi
several years paat. Tha contract was
awarded at yesterday's sesalon of the
county court'. Ths Budget and Herald
were nnmed aa the papera In which
the proceeding, of the court be pub
lished, the price for tha wok to be
the same aa last year.' , The court
granted to A. Nutnberg "permission to
run a logging road acroaa county road
No. St. Adjournment waa taken un
til Monday, when the circuit court
Jury llst will be completed. ;
A. T. Wheell,'the negro who was sr-
rested while trying to effect entrance
to th home of Alec Glenn, was up be
fore Police Judge Anderson yeaterday.
He had been booked on a charge of
trespass, which was the only charge
upon which he could bo held. The
law provide, a maximum penalty for
this offense of $50 tne and this was
Imposed, by ths court, Judge Anderson
Informed Wheel that his presence 'In
the city waa not desirable, and agreed
to auapend sentence on condition of
his leaving town. If Wheell should
full to go, ho would be required to
spend 25 days In Jail. He has thus
far fulled to decide upon hla future
courae and la still locked up In jail
X. Howard, ehairman of ths bowl
ing committee of the Portland Commer
cliil Club, writes that It will be Im
possible for his team to visit Astoria
Commercial during the present month
because the men are all pretty busy
However, the trip will be made in
February ,' The local team has not
decided yet when It will go to Portland
to try for the Feldenhelnier trophy
but It Is the Intention tflx the date
this afternoon or , evening. Tonight
the first and second teams will' again
try conclusions, the object being tc
Rive the first team some badly needed
practice. ' The second team's formei
victory has filled the men with confi
dence and they expect to lower the
colors of the first aggregation agalr
tonight '
Ths ordinanos introduoed at Friday
night's meeting of the council casta
some light on the probable future
course of the council with reference
to the city hall proposal. The bill
which was offered by Mr. , Hansen
iiuthorlses the mayor and auditor tij
execute a deed to the property nt pres
ent occupied upon the presentation
of nn offer of not less than $15,000. If
the property can be disposed of for
this amount, the council will proceed
wlthfhe erection of the new building
online land recently purchased from
E. A. Taylor. The matter of improv
ing the present " building was not
brought up, and it Is believed the
council will not muke any repairs utl)
tii effort to sail the present site
i ...... ?
, The.lsdl.s ef(ths Woman' Club art
at work this winter on their traveling
library plan, and Hra. H. L, Hender
son, chairman of tha committee hav
ng th matter in charge, report, that
excellent progress Is being made. . By
means of the., libraries the club is
enabled to supply ths people of the
small towna In this vicinity with choice
reading matter, and the service U
greatly appreciated by those country
resldenta who And It difficult to past
the long winter evenings. Many
books have been donated to the clut
for tbs purpose, and tha ladles will
gladly accept such other donations ol
books, magazines and periodicals at
may be made, Tbo next session of tht
club will be a purely social function
and the membera are looking forward
to H with pleasure. '
A dispatch to tha Portland Journal
from Independence," Or.', says: "The
Independence Enterprise, the only
paper in Independence, waa sold to
day to Waller Lyon, who was formerly
private secretary to Governor Oeer,
and who la a valuable addition to the
city, being a man of sterling business
ability and a good organizer for any
city. Clarence Wagoner, who ha
edited the paper for the last year, will
remain here and will adit the paper
until Mr. Lyon can get bold of tht
bualneaa In proper shape. Tha paper
la a combination of two papers, tht
Enterprise having absorbed ths Weal
Ride, which waa the pioneer paper in
this section of th county. Mr. Lyor
has disposed of bis Astoria property
and will devote hla time to the up
building of Independence and Polk
Tha funeral of tha littl child of Mr
and Mra. John Blaalch, who died of
scarlet fever, waa held yesterday from
the family residence. City Physician
Pllklngtbn would not permit of tht
holding of a public funeral, but extend
ed to Father Waters ths privilege ol
reading funeral aervlcea at the bouse.
As a preventative measure, the citv
phyalclan , provided Father Waters
with hla antiseptic suit, and the prieat
wore it at the home of the parenta.
The suit Is of specially prepared ma
terial, which la aoaked In a strong so
lution of bichloride of mercury, and
la of on. piece, covering the entirt
body and nearly all of the head. The
services were brief and at their' con
elusion the body of the child was taken
to Greenwood for Interment. Dr.
Pilkington iv ports that but three hornet
are now undej scarlet quarantine, and
me regulations will be raised Immed
iately on two of these. But two deaths
have occurred from scarlet fever this
winter . s , .r
A. T. Brskks, aged 55 yssrs, disd laat
evening at I o'clock at his home in
East Astoria. Cancer of the throat
waa the cause of death. Mr. Brakke
waa stricken with the disease about
a year ago and since has consulted
many specialists. Including a Chinese
doctor. Two months agra hut caa war
pronounced hopeless and he returned
home from Portland where he had beer
receiving medical treatment. Diseased
la survived by Mrs. Brakke, three sons
and one daughter, the latter Mrs. H. F
H. F, Kamp, resides In Portland,
Kamp, being a resident of Portland
He came to Astoria from Mlnnesots
In 1877 and for many year, was ac
countant for the Flshermen'a Pack
ing Company, afterwards being Inter
ested with Cross Tlmmons In the can
ning business.' He was also loofel
agent' for William T Coleman Cw
of San Francisco, and of late years
tins been the agent of the Alaska
Packers' Asoclatlon In the north. Mr
Brakke Was once Justice of the peace
of the east end Ho waa a
member of the Knights of Pythlns
under the auspices of which order tht
funeral will be held Monday afternoon
He carries $1500 1 Insurance In the
Knights and Ladwles of Security.; De
ceased was well known In Astoria W
,duiliig his long residence her made
hosts of friends,' to whom the an
nouncement of his passing will be
sorrowful news. . '
. ' ' - M ( -
Vand.rbilt Spoken Of. (
New York, Jan. 9. Cornelius Van
derbllt will probably be chosen the next
republican candidate for congress from
the Thirteenth district for next fall's
election. The district leaders have de-
cld"d to offer him the nomination and all
that now remains to make Mr. Vonder
bllt the candidate Is his acceptance
when the nomination Is tendered.
Money goes further in Schil
ling's Best
In baliinf-powder
coSm lUrorinf uMtea
excepting the soda; no loss in
that .', . . j'r
At yo '! MjfcisJ . ,
(Clearance Sale
Fifteen Ladies' and Misses Coats
that , formerly sold for $8.50,
$10.00 and $!2.50 &
Your Choice For
One lot Ladies' Wrappers $1.00
and $1.25 values ' t? & &
Your Choice 69c.
JOHN FOX, Prw.andSupC A. L. FOX, Vice President.
P V Designers and Manufacturers of P f
Footol Fourth Street, ' - ASTORIA, OREGON.
The Popular Restaurant :
Two doors east from Seventh ftreet. on Astor street Beat
of Serrice., Eveiything in season. We also have desirablo '
j& j& Furnished Rcbms & j&
. for rent .by day, week or month
P. A PETERSON, Proprietor.
Astor St.,
Astoria, Or.
Tou can save money by seeing
Robinson Furniture Store
Be Sure and See Them Before Buying Elsewhere
rrices re tvigni
9 s.umM fit11"1111; .rwi"ir""pw.'W"'wts'sj 1 'jBirniwB
lkr- i2 -.1
-, , vT-' '
and other first class
Stoves and Ranges
Complete line now
on exhibition.
Ii. H. ZAPF,
Ths Houm Furnlthsr.