The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 10, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    '-"' ' .
4 j ) 1 1 :
As a business proposition, it pays to trade at
home, conditions being equal as to the value
offeredi but when you can get a better article at
home on as good terms there Is an added reason
for patronizing the home institution.
Do You Drink Beer?
If you do, then why not drink the best? Beer
b not a necessity, but a luxury, and if you must
have a luxury of that kind, then get an article that
Is absolutely pure, and which is made at home by
The North Pacific Brewing Company. Phone 21.
Best for iSteam
Best for Ranges
Best for Heaters
The most economical and satisfactory
Fuel for any purpose'.
Any Quantity at Any Time
on short notice.
Free Delivery in the City.
Phone 1961.
9th and Commercial Streets.
0en in Old Liberty Hall,
Comer Seventh and Bond Streets
Honday Evening, January nth.
EJljIi Class Vaudeville
Hart: Hart SIMS
Comedy Sketch Artists. Celebrated Tramp Cartoonist
HUdebrand Hays SX Winchell -
World's Champion Hand Noveltv Sketch Artists and
IWnncer Hiid uilibrit. , nag-tjnie Piano IMyr
ADMISSION 10r 20 Mid 30 CENTS.
Band . Concert 7:30. Performance T.cgins 8:15 , Every Evening.
in ? khU
i'...v llmiNchokl ' it
8I1011UI Kimw How to
KeHlNt It.
Tht baak achd because) the kidneys
' art bIotkadt4. . ' , ' S 5 .
Help tbt kidney, with their work. '
The back will ache ao mors.
Lots of proof that Doan'a Kldnsy
pills do tht.
It's the beet proof, for It come, from
T. W. Bhankland, who it a etreet
car conductor on the Woodttock etreet
oar line, retldlng at 710 Blleworth St.
Portland, says: "Some time last fall
I began having considerable trouble
and annoyance from a dull aching
pain in. tht back over the kidney.. I
think it wai caused from the constant
haklng and Jarring of tht car. I
thought at " first It would disappear
quickly as It came, but this was not
the case. Learning of Doan's Kidney
Pills I procured a "box and took them
according to direction.. The result was
entirely satisfactory. The backache
grew less and less and soon dlsap
peared and as far as I can tell It hat
gont for good for there have km no
ymptoms of reoccurrence."
Plitnty of similar proof In Astoria,
('all at Charles Sogers, druggist for
particulars, t,
For sals by all dealers; prlct 50 cts.
PoHter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.,
nole agents for the U. 9
Remember tht name Doan't and take
00 other. ,
It's Santal-Pepsia Capsules
Mr Inflammation .r Oatarrt
e( the Hladdf rand UImmm)
Kldneya. Ha tan bo Bay.
Onrs mtloklr and Perst.
otl th. won! umi ol
oiirrlt. ndUIMt,
BO ttifttt"rof how ton stand
Abwlni.1 harmlMt,
Hold ht dranlBla. Wloa
Jl.oo, or by mall. poatpaiA
TBI MKTAl-KniN 80,
usFONTamt. OMNb
Sold by Chaa. Rogers, 5 Commercial
Cup for Apto Race.
Netf Tork, Jan. W. K. Vander
bilt, Jr., hat ottered to give a cup for
automobile competition on the road It
the Automobile Association con And a
suitable course.and will promote a' race
of from 200 to 300 miles, or thereabouts.
Chairman Pardlngton, of the racing
board, has accepted the offer and the
matter will be taken up at once by the
association .'
County Court Commences Work
of Selecting Jurors for the
Circuit Court
Balano. of Two Hundred to B. Chos.n
In All Will B. Stltcttd At th.
" Session to B. H.ld During
th. Prtstn W..k.
Th county court yesterday com
menced the work of drawing 200 cir
cuit court Jurors' mimes, and before
adjournment wna taken for the day
had selected CD persons, h. follows:
Krtiest Keldoil. farmer. Vesper: Ole
8rlm, fisherman, Astoria; John 8el
nea. clerk, Astwln,; J. K.,' Beymonr.
merchant, Anlorla; 11. Sharp, lalrarer
Astoria: I'eler Hhliitiid. laborer, Asto
rln; Albert 8lfert,lborr, KonStevens
A. Sigurdaun, Uiburer. Warrenton;
Mela HlmoiiBoii, merchant, Astoria", T.
8. HlmjHKin, palmer, Astoria; J. W.
Slaughter, farmer, Jewell; Albert
Hloop, farmer. Knuppa; B. J. Sloop,
mllknuiti, Amor In; ILiIph SJmip, form
er, gvenanu':' J. H. Bmart, motonnan.
Astoria; O. T. Smith, eaglneer, Aa
mrla: ' 8. 8. Smith, bookkeeper, Aa
torla; Ueorge Sold, Jr., farmer, Knup
pa; N. I. Burenson, lumberman, As
toria: Thomas Spencer, engineer, As
toria ; E. T. Stafford, fhrmer. Clat
sop: X. Stanovlrh. flshemian, Clifton;
Norrla 8tapls, loggT, Astoria; John
SU'lner, men haul, Astoria; Ardle
Strom, farmer, venaen; D. M.
Stuart, real estate deakr, Astoria:
Jacob Sture, fanner, Knapimr John
Svensen, merchant, Astoria; Grant
Sloop, farmer, Hvciiaon.
AlexandtT Tagg, nicrihant, Astoria;
William Tiigg, farmer, Clatsop; W.
E. Tullant, t'umierymaii, Axtoria; C.
Timmona. canneryman, Astoria; James
Tnttmi, pilot, Astoria; K. A. Taylor
farnur. Clatsop; A. J. Tee, clerk
Astoria; II, D. Thing, merchant, As
toria; Pi-rry Tltua, farmer, Pernhlll;
John Tltua. fanner, Kemhlll: 8. C.
Turner, clerk, AHtorla; Puvld Tweedle
farmer, " Jewell: " W. ' II. Twilight',
farmer, Knnppa.
A. W. Vtsinger, merchant. Soimldo:
C. Yurschuren. painter. Astoria;
John Vollmer, farmor, Seaside; Oeo.
Voaa, brickmaaon, Astoria.
Jamoa W. Walker, farmer, Jewell;
n. n. vtuuuce. ouruer, Astoria: Ktnr,
Warnataff, farmer, Olncy; Glmer
Wnrnalufr, farmer, Olncy; George V
Warren, faner, Warrenton; P. C.
Warren, farmer, Warrenton; " John
Waterhouse, farmer, Clatsop; John
Wedln, farmer, Svenaen; L. (3. West
farmor, Seaside: J. R, Wherry, farm
er, Klsle; c. W. White, merchant.
Warrenton; B. P. Wlggln, farmer,
Westport; Charles Wilson, carpenter
Astoria; Swan Wilson, merchant, As
toria; L. E. Wilson, farmer, Asto
ria; Joseph Wlnterhatter, clerk, As
toria; O. B, Wirt, farmer, Warrenton
Krank Woodfleld, merchant, Astoria;
R. M. . Wooden, farmer,' Jewell; P.
Max Young, timber crulsert Astoria
E. Wright, laborer, Astoria.
Court will be in session again on
Monday when the work of completing
the list will be taken up.
Monty Market Unsettled
New Tork, Jan. 9 The war scare
and the weak statement of earnings of
tho United States Steel Corporatioa
for the December auarter have had an
Important Influence upon the stock
market of the week and have helped
Mr. and Mrs. J. G., of Brook
field, spent yesterday In the city.
Mrt. C. H. Cslltndtr, of Knapptort
visited In Astoria during the week.
. .
Th. Chafing Diih Club mat Friday
evening with Miss Harriot Tallant
Mr. William Tobin and Mrt. Ftrtt
were In the city during the week from
Fort Stevens.
. .
Mrt. A. E. Walker, of N.w York
la a gueat of Mrs. C. M. Celler for an
indefinite period.
On averting th. young ladies
ci the Thursday Afternoon Club gave
a surprise to Miss Ixittie Bennett, who
1. tin In the city, a guest of Mrt. J.
H. Smith.
Mrt H D Thing tnttrttintd tht
to prevent th. expected January de
mand for securities with the season
cble easing of th. money market. Some
sentiment has grown up during the
course of the week ;hat the unfavorable
conditions In .he Iron and steel trade
have been adequately discounted In the
stock market. The war scare also
seems to haVe reached Its climax.-
Titer waa active speculation In a grouti
t minor railroad stocks on unconfirmed
rumot of a combination.
Cathtdrial It Toppling.
Row, Jan. !. Because of the
threatening condition of the famous
cathedral of Spoleto, portions of the
walls which fell on Tuesday last, the
government haa ordered the immediate
removal of the tombs of Frau Plllppt
Uppi and Orslnl.
Sailing Schyn.r D.tainad.
Victoria, B. C, Jan. . Sealing
schoiners which outfitted for Japan
and were lying ready to start have been
ordered not to proceed, owing to the
fear of war.
Thursday Afternoon Club this week.
The young ladlet played "S00 during
the afternoon and afterwards deliclout
refreshments were served.
Paul Trullingtr left Friday on tht
steamer Elder for San PranciCO,
where he expects to graduate in the
spring from the dental department of
the University of California. '
Th. Woman's Club h.ld a mott in
teresting and Instructive session y ester
day afternoon In Odd Fellows' hall
Ihe topic of roll call quotations waf
'What can we do for Astoria In 1M4T
Very pertinent and wise suggestion
were made by these responses, s Sev
eral other Important matters were
taken up and the meeting throughout
proved an Interesting one. '.
On. of th. mott tnjoyabla affairs of
the season waa the reception given, on
Sevan Cargoa Aggtgat. , Almost
4,000,000 FMt Snt Out
During the paat week seven lumber
cargoes were cleared from Columbia
river ports for California. The aggre
gate of the shipment waa almost
4,000,000 feet Of the lumber carriers
clearing, five were schooners and twe
steamers. The vessels clearing and
the amount of their cargoes follow: ,.
t Vessel Feet
Joseph Runs 350,000
Virginia "... 700.000
Francis H. Leggett SOO.000
Salvator 504.SS1
Melrose 825.417
Despatch , 600,000
Bartlett ...., 0S5.078
Friday afternoon bV Mrs. E. W. Tal
lant and Mrs. R. E, Carruthers In
honor of Mrs. W. E. Tallant. The
guests were received in the drawing
room, which was beautifully decorated
with Oregon grape and holly. In the
dining rom the color scheme waa greer
and white, A stringed orchestra play
ed during the afternoon. The hos
tesses were assisted by Miss Harriet
Tallant, Miss Florence Ross, Mist
Reba Hobson, Mrs. Horace Thing, Mist
Elmore, Misa Flore tta Elmore and Miss
Nan Reed. The guest of honor wore
her wedding gown of white crept, '
handsomely trimmed with duchess
lace. Mrs. Eben Tallant wort a black
lace gown, over white, with pearl orna
ments. Mrs. Can-others In white
satin and Miss Tallant In white lace
over white silk were beautifully gown
ed. A large number of guests called
during the afternoon In spite of tbt
very Inclement weather.
Total 3.935.S26
Five of the cargoes went to San
Francisco and two, those of the Sal
vator and Melrose, went to Sun Pedro.
Several lumber carriers are now load
ing on the Columbia.
Transfer of Library.
Chicago, Jan. 9. The Blackstom
Memorial. Library fiat been formally
presented to the Chicago library board
by Mrs. T. B. Blackstone, the donor.
The building it of Ionic architecture,
110 feet long and 0 feet wide, and
stands at Lake avenue and Forty-ninth
street. ( The bookstacks are of suffi
cient capacity to hold 30.000 volumes.
The building, which cost 250,000, it
given as a memorial to the late T. B.
r.l.ickstone, former president of the
Chicago & Alton railroad.
Are You Fagged?
That run-down feeling is caused
by your over-worked digestive
organs not doing their work
properly. Set them right, re
mvigorate your system and
restore sound and lasting health
by using ;
Sold Everywhere. la bora 10c mi Sc.
yy -W Sel UP k Avenues.! Ill
iiyLJiSXAh I VAST fcr . .BploraiMrt of rtmedlo wMrti .r. truly t LSlS-"
1 pWA
fcy ft. .mployntnt of nmedhi wtilch ir truty
Mtura'tenm-JMBIMCAL LA KB iflfKf,
r Nature's Own RtmtUta dlwct Iran
th. hint of th. GiMt CuMtor. ComMrei '
to Him., HM-awi). BOttruni ully fall. Th. .vafers of Medical Ull. h(v absorbed
their vlrtvei throurb wbMrnrMa tpring froai tlx btt In natur. th Indiana ncoenlied th.M virtue,
and hMd thm rMgW. We know better, and raaaoa that hi nature's laboratory th component! of Medical Lain
waters, ach adlitinct standard ol (real merit, hive been Nbtly compounded to form a remedy unequalled la Ban's
uiiii.i 11 '.niiiiiinT. w pnafBHKvpwiai ner. i. mm kmjhuj in mm .raw wdkb wui not praaneouy luccuBiD to its naustranona,
It it small wonder then that MEDICAL LAKE OINTMENT (or cmn) possesses healing power which
teems marvelous. This preparation it aa Ideal 5Ua Food and beautifier and is tht quickest and most agreeable
remedy for Sunburn, Ecxema, Bum, Bruiset, Chapped Hands and Face, and all Roughness and
Irritation of th Skin is tht most beneficial in its effects of all emollients and ft ta article which cannot safely
be dispensed with in any household. Medical Lake Ointment if topHed (especially immediately after washing)
will allay all soreness and assurt a toft, velvety surface to tht skin. 23c. a oox at druggists.
MEDICAL, LAKE SOAP for toilet tad nursery, makes bathing a luxury; 2Sc. a cake.
MEDICAL LAKE SALTS MFQ. CO., Sole Manufacturers
wist iiasitaasis3ij
-r- i!ft
Medical Lake Saltt Mfg. Co., Spokane, Wash. '
Dear Sirs My home Is at Lewlston, Idaho, and for a number of years I have suffered with a sever,
case of milk leg. On June 2, I came to this place to try the efficacy of Medical Lake water for relief.
At this wYltlng, while a cure has not been effected, all the swelling and soreness is gone from tht
limb, and I do not suffer any pain, and feel that in this respect I have gained great relief. The dis
ease it of long standing, and I know hat ir a cure Is to be had at all treatment must be continued.
Physicians have failed to do me any good. MRS. ED. FOUNTAIN, I wist on, Idaho,
For salt in Astoria by Frank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial.: tht Conn Drug Company
Tw'ith and Commercial and Charl.t Rogers, Odd Ftilow't building (St.