The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 10, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 83.
- 1
fuMUndVk Attend Ih1
Wreck of tht Clallam, Which
i Goo Down While in Tow
N . of Sound Tug. ,
Ptuen ttn Attempt to Esape in
f Boats, but Heavy Wavs
. I Seal Their Doom.
' ,. " v
Trlaa t lav tha UIvm ef th Halpltt
On, but tha tlmnts Oo Thlr
, Work nd Fw lurviv th
I Awful DiMiltr,
Beanie. Jan. . Tht stamr Clal
lain, of th Seattle-Victoria fleet wnt
down early this morning between
, fimlih Island and Dungeneea lit ht
llimlta of Juan ! rut. at H"
eight wll north of I'rotectlnn Inland
abort distance north of Port Town
end and 10 rollea from Victoria. Fifty
ma neraona. Including vry woman
an child on board. w lost. Burvlv
or of lh wrack war brought to
altl tonight on the ateamsr rlrlgo.
Th CUHam waa within alght' of her
dcailmitlon whan huge aea over-
wblmd he-r. h!nf In her dead
."')!. ft'iMM, n r ' ,v .S"
' atingulaliliif bV Br, W''uf
'her at, tha rfiwcr of ft bowling gal.
Thla happened yesterday afternoon
CulmliUloA of th tragedy waa poet
poned for several agonising hourt4
Bravely tha ofTirera and craw of th
helpless hulk work4 U mh tha raft
Ml and tht 10 aoula aboard her, Uut
In vain. Staunch a aha waa tht Clnl
tarn could not atand tha lrrlfl on-
alauahta of tht aeaa that raced in
mountain height from th ocean, and
Juat before darkneea began to fall It
waa reeolvtd to roaka tht attempt tt
aavt tht pangr at leaat by boata
The women and children wtrt plaxtd
In tht flrat boat to leave tht Mp
which Cttaln Lawrence, ft Yukon pilot
volunteered to corotriand, and which
On Clothing',
Goods Hats,
- --
Excopting'oniy Dunlap llats, E. & W. Collars, Oil
and Kubber Goods and DonU Gloves.
as our goods are sold on very
close m&rgijis
Monday, January 4, 1904.
was manned by dink humls. The
luiat was overwhelmed (00 yard from
tha Clallam nd Ita occupant shrinked
ill vain for aid from thoan aboard tfu
tmtr. Nut a hand could It raise
to aid them,' Tht second IIMmmI. Ailed
with ntul Mtiiit-ra. iind In command
of Hecond Officer Cuirln, wa loal a
ftw nilnutva lntr. ;
Aboard t)M t'liillnm watchcra anw
I ha wav MiMciiKira from tholi
hold on th awita iihd hurl thmn lnt
tht watera. ThoURh a llf boat a
mtt lalxr, atlll all' ml, dlllnnnt awrcb
rxtanding for 20 houra, ha failed It
nnd tract of hfr. More tmnariiKcra and
mtmbtra of i crew, wrt luat whtt
a third Ufo ImniI -wna aamMd In ar
attempt to luum'h It.
Frmn that t!in nimbr of thi crw
and a fow MiaiHfiiKra who had volun-
lrttrJ to remain on board, dfvotn'
thtniMlvea to tha taak of trying t(
aavt tht trtaatl Pumi tm lniotmt
and thrtt gin of bulltra
to work. In apttt of thrlr i-fforia tht
atir gained on I hem
ami they wert
lelVea to thell
about to rwlgu thcinarl
fatalwhan tha tug Illchard llolyokA
ont of th al tug which had bttn.
atnt out,, to the reai-ua fnm Port
Townaeiid, host in algbt.
A Una wa thrown aUiard the tug
and with hr tow ah atarted foi
Port Townaoud. Bht made fair pro
greaa, and It itil for a time th
Clnllum, with the rtmuludHr of hei
paaacngera and crew, wet? to b aaved
But tht hungry aia were not tt J
be cheated of their prey. The hull ol
tht Clallum bfgim to give way befori j
tht terrific uhhuuIIk of the wavea, and
the train of the tow line completed tht
work tht aeaa had begun. .
The tug Hea I.lon alghted tha llol
yoke and her tow about midnight ant
tond by to aaalal.
- At 11:10 tht Clallam went on hei
beam and and began alnklng. Hall
n ttwir li( '"'' inviw'tjnrid dlaap-
work and flouting wreckage remained
to ahow that ahe had ever been.
fly heroic effort . the crew of thr
two tuga auvtd the Uvea o nearly all
who had remained aboard the I'lui
lam. A few, were awept away nn(
pertahed In the blmkui-na of the atorm
with none to heetl their ahoul and
It u not tht fault of the cirtcer
or 'n that tht pa.aengera who took
to the boata were loat. When the life
boata wert lowered land waa wlihln
alnht, and prudence dictated that the
pi ttengeri and such of tht crew a
wert needed to navlgatt th boata bt
(Continued on page eight.)
Shoes, Etc.
The Testimony of Theater' Head
Usher Brings to Light" Fur
ther Carelessness. - ', "
Agjjarant Idioey On Part ef Manage
mant Qooailon,d Ualta Saori- ,
' fica of Innocent
Chicago, Jan. . It waa dlacovered
today that two iron eatea .the exlat
wert -titnt., U which hud not btcn known to
fforta tht 1 1 h- ..i.n.. .. .kl.ii
10, (nv iroquol thcatarafter the Art.
I i 1mil I- nf
life In the Ill-fated play houae.
Today .Jeurge II. Uunenberry, head
uaher tf the theater, admitted to Kul
kerton that- theao gate ere placed,
ont ocroaa the exit from the flrat bal
cony, and tht other acroaa the exit
from tht aecond balcony. Both gntea
were locked aecurely with dlot k
and were never at any performance un
locked until after the errand act of the
play On the dny of the fire, the aec
ond act had not been completed when
the cntaatrophe occurred and the gat"
were atlll atandlng.
Thty wert ao atrong that the firemen
were not able to hatter them down with
axca after the lire, nnd to the frenxled
people who aoitght aafetv through thoae
jli they were bolutely Impene.
treble. i '
Charlea Fetter, ef Ohio, Served Sever'
al Year In Conor.
; Hprlngflfld. )., Jan. Former Gov
ernor 1iarlea Foater dltd here today
t ll-lrt from cvrebral narnlval. While
at the home of General J. Warren Keif-
t r laal evening, Mr. Poatur had ft hem
orrhage. Dra. Tobey of Toledo and
Shepnrd of ayton were summoned, but
could do hotnlng.
(Charlea Foater waa born April IS,
at Tlftl'it, O. He waa educated In
the public arhoola and later attended
fiorttftlk, (.. academy until he waa 11
year of age, when he went tnto-bual-
nea with hla father In a general atore.
rom 1171 to 1876 he rerreaented the
Ninth dlatrlct of Ohio In congee, and
from 17S to 187$ nerved for the Tenth
dUtrlct.. From 18S0 to 1814 he waa
governor of Ohio. In 1S90 he failed to
be elect d United tatea icnator from
Ohio. From 1801 to J895 he filled the
position or aecretary of the treaaury
In President Hnrrlaon' cabinet. 8lnce
that dat hr had been Identified with
public Institution In the state of Ohio,
particularly n trustee of the hospital
for the JtuNtnt. v i t
Burt Go to Chloago.
f Omaha, Jun. 9. Horace G. Hurt, re
tiring pildent cf the Union Puclflc
railroad, haa sold hi Omaha residence
pioHrty and will. It la said, remove to
Chicago, where ae will reside for the
present . President Hurt auld the report
that he would auc eed Marvin Hughltt
ns president of the Chicago & North
western railway, was absolutely wun-
out foundation. .
Prisoner Dies at Church.
North YakltnV Jan. 0. Joseph W.
Downer, a ploner of this city, died sud
denly lust night while attending divine.
esrvtces In the Christian church. Pro
tracted meetings are In progress at
that church. He attended as usual
and took a seat up in front so that ha
could better hear the minister. He
ml down and pdaced his overcoat over
his knee. A few minutes later when
the lights were being turned down to
present stereoptloon views. Rev A. C.
Vail, the pastor, noticed Mr. Downer's
head fall forward. Without saying
What he expected ha went uu to the
man and found him dead. The mln
Inter summoned three men who assist
oil In taklne the corpse out of the
church. This was done before anyone
had realised Just what had taken place
lie was about 60 years of age and came
to this city about 15 years ago.
International Conference Purpos
ed for Benefit of Salmon
Senator Fottar lnit That Fich Will
Boom Extinct, and Aooording
ly Endeavora to Sava tha
Groat Indurtry.
Washington, Jan. Secretary Hay
haa determined to ask tht Canadian
government to Join In ft conference
looking to the eatabliahment ' of in
ternational flh hntcherle on the Frax-
i river for the propagation of salmon.
The conference, If agreed upon, will
i robably be participated In by the
United Statea fish commissioner, tht
nb commlloner for Washington and
the officiate In charge of the depart
ment of lUheriM and marine for th
dominion of Canada.
The plan as suggested has been
urged for more than ft year by Sena
tor Foster of Washington, who hsa
called attention of the state department
to the fact tlat unless some heroic
course Is taken the salmon supply will
I exhausted."
Crtalnty of Early Rtleas Bring Back
Health of Prisoner,
London, Jan. Referring to the
Utement ' published - tn the United
Statea that final arrange menu were
made yesterday at conference be
tween Ambssador Choate and the home
office officials for the release In April
of Mr. Florence Maybrlck, the Amerl-
tan woman under sentence of lift Imprisonment-
on the charge of poisoning
her husband. It Is pointed out that the
statua of the case la as cabled to the
Associated Press March IS. lOOt, when
it was announced on the authority of
the home office that ahe would be re
leased In 1M4. Tht exact date of her
release Is not yet fixed.
Baroness de Roques says that her
daughter, Mrs. Maybrlck, is decideaiy
In better health and gaining strength,
now that she has the certainty of be
ing released.
"All the sensational newspaperese-
counts relative to our business Interest
and future fortune," added the baroness
"hav3 not resulted In any profit to us.
Quite the contrary." '
General John Gordon, Famous Confod
orat. No Mora.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 8. General John
Gordon,' commnder In chief of the
Confederate veterans, died at his win
ter home near Mlumt Flat at 10:50 to
night. His falul liTness which over
took him last Wednesday, waa con
gestlon of the liver and stomach.
No Cor tract Lot.
Port land, Jan . Tile report which
ras been perslstenly circulated in east
ern Washington to the ehVct that the
O. R. has let tne coninu t iw
building the Rlpaiia-Lewlston branch
of their road, is nrotwunced yyttolly
without foundation by the officials of
thot company. They say Uie matter
has not yet come before the directors
of the company and while they do not
deny a branch will ultimately be con
structed, vet the company has no In
tention of commencing construction of
It In the immediate future.
Wsr Crcat, Panic
Constantinople, Jan. 9. Advices
from Erxtoum say the people of Sou-
son are In a state ot aemipamc, iemis
,i repetition of the events of J894. The
local governor andother officials have
fled. Tewflk Pasha, with several bat
taliona of troops and six guns, hns ar
rived at Mush, where the feeling pf
anxiety Is Intense. Detachments of
Kurdish cavalry have been stationed
at n.11 the villages along the Russian
frontier to prevent the passage of Ar
meulan band. A thousand armfHl' Ar
menians are In the district of Houson
They are commanded by a chief named
Antranlk. '
Foreigner Fared Better.
New York Jan. . United States
claimants who have been before tht
mixed tribunal for the settlement of
claim against Venesuela are arriving
here on their way to New York from
Caracft,. aaya a WUlemstad, Curacao,
dispatch to USe Herald. They expect
great dissatisfaction with the ward
and declare the German, Spanish, Bel
gian, Frenck and Swedish i claimants
fared much better before the commis
Brick Block for a Time In Grt Dan
gar. ,
Chebalis, Jan. . Cbehaila bad a big
fire yesterday morning at an early hour
th-it for a time threatened tht destruc
tion of the fine brick block of tht
Chehada Improvement Company known
a tht Columbus block. As It Is, Hart-
man X- Nathan, gtierai mercnatinise
deuleia, are losers to the extent of fully
$:.W0. and their loss may foot tip
more tban that. The Improvement com
pany losal about $2,500 to the build
In;, and Dr. B. O. Godfrey la loser
SSOO worth. Tht are waa discovered
almut half past t o'clock and tht ahnll
blowing of the siren whistle of tht elec
tric plant brought every ont out earl
ier than usual. The volunteea fire de
partment, by hard , work, had the
flames tinder control within an bour
and confined the fire to the one -bulld-taav
Just bow It started la unknown. Tha
fire began upstair In the hallway In
front of the law office of W. A. Weat-
over and burned down through. When
it reached Hart wan A Nathan"" Store
on the main floor It spread like wildfire
through the dry goods and clothing de
partments. Much of the damage Is
from w iter and amoke, but the store
Is literally ruined. The grocery de
partment was uninjured, except In ft
slight way. Hartman & Nathan have
11&.000 insurance, but this will not
nearly cover their losa. Dr. Godfrey
haa $800 Insurance, but bis fine X-ray
machine and his offices were ruined,
iv a. Westover. attorney, will lose
about 175. with no Insurance. The!
Workman hall and Cltiaens Club
rooms wert slightly damaged, me
Workman loss being heaviest. .
Great $ ale
or . .
The Trice on Every Garment is Cut in Half.
v $20 Garment This Week for $10
The A. Dunbar Co.
1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904
,1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904
Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle
ryl Paints, Oil and GlassHardwood
Lumber Boat Supplies etc.
' AT
Cor. Bond and I2th Sts. Astoria, Oregon
Friendship of America and Eng
land Greatly Encourages
Them and War Spirit
ju;?;-j IsVeryjStron&Qi v
Reply Has Been Made to Rtrssias
Note and carry Response .
b Demanded.
Feeling Prevail is) the Brrtith Capital
That Thar la Now No Mor Hop
of Peaceful Sttlmnt Than
. at Any Provioua Tim.
Toklo,' Jan. t. Japan addressed a
note to Russia today through Minister
DeRocen. Its character has not been
disclosed, but it is said that Japan re
quire an answer within a given num
ber of days. Whether thu note men
tions the time, making the document
aim ultimatum, or whether the time
is Intimated, otherwise, Is unknown.
The government, however, I determ
ined to secure an tarty response, and
dote the discussion if it should prove
to be fruitless.
It Is understood that Japan adhere
closely to her original contentions, and
It Is believed that If Russia fails tc
meet the demands fairly, war will en
sue.' .:;-. :; - " 'y .-
The attitude of the British and Amei
leans greatly encourages the Japan
ese war spirit,' which Is stronger than
ever. ' 't
Dim Prospect ef 8itltfflnt of RuMM
Japan Differences.
London, Jan. . The shadow of the
far eastern situation during the past
week has fallen darker on London than
on tht other European capltols. The
feeling here reflected from "London
(Continued on page four)
1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904
1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904