The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 09, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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t 1
to m m iift-iyii-uii.lril lipvn. Vo; lmve tho m'fl'tr-Ht
tixl moHt Hiutllili'y lnunilry in tbyWto uml do lb kit; ,
oik. All Whito help. ' '
nth atnl Dunn 81,
icow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works
Manufacturers cf '
Iron, Kiwi, Uraw nml Broiwu Ousting.
(Jtnern! Kouiiiliyiui'it und riittwiiiriakfrt. t
AliNululcly liintdiw work. lVices hwM.
Re 2431. ' Corner Eighteenth and Franklir
; . ;6LATCWTE1 IHisml Itukbir) , . ...
i.rlln'l it ttvvvmu ll 1
i the pine f liliil-, lift, Icmi, tr mid (travel, mul nil prepare! nxilit
t awl sleep nurhn i'n, uHcr, v.iIIimii. eld. Ivisy til luy. JVt.vnl lr l,
t.-. iHiniil in t"l. rMd on merit,. UuMrHUil, It ni ) to afm
i ftmUiifiii'wniMiii. i ;
CLUtRITE ROOriNG CO., Worcester BtiMing, Portland
If you do, get the best and
purest, for family and '
medicinal use,
California Wine and Liquor House
42iltONt 8TKEKT.. -
The Pioneer
There it no train in servii e on any railway in
the world that equals i" equipment The . -t
Pioneer Limited tram from St. I'util to Chi-
f cngo via the ,
Chicago, Milwaukee & Sr. Paul
v Railway
The railway company owns and operates the
sleeping and dining car on its trains, and ' ' J.'
gives to ii patrons' an excellence of service
not obtainable elsewhere. vrhe bntfet cars,
compartment cars, standard sleeping cars
and dining cars of The Pioneer are the
handsomest ever built.
; ; . Giiwril Agent
First National Bank of Astoria
ESTABLISHED 1886 -Capital
and Surplus $100,000
1 4r.TT"r . t
UIlll llw iv vu v
rtM i - a n
, mere in naiuijr
has not heard of "S, S. S. for tho
- t. .tl .iA ,n..l.loo nml
appetizer. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, the herb9 nnd roots
'" of which it is composed are selected for their alterative and tonic prop
erties, making it the ideal remedy lor
all blood nnd skin diseases, aa it not
only purifies, tnrichesnnd invigor
ates the blood, but at the same time
tones up the tired nerves and giveo
Btrenpth and vijor to the entire
For Chronic Sores and Ulcers,
Catarrh, RheunmUcm, Blood Poison,
Malaria, Anannin, Scrofula, Eczema,
Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Acne
j . . . j. n
ana aucn oilier oischsks bo uicuuc iuu -polluted
or impoverished condition of the blood, nothing nets o promptly,
nd' effectually as S. S. S. It counteracts and eradicates the gcrmr
aad poisons: cleanses the system of all unhealthy accumulations an.;,
oon restores the putient to health. Write us and our puysioaua wil.
give your case prompt attention without charge. '
Troy Laundry!
.11. A 'I J
i A WlMt,1ll!'l' IlllOk'
Third Street, Portland
Th foot trnnwn and most normlur blood nurifief
nnvtiticm rir 1it1ri in A mr!nfl tvnk
" v r
blooa." it is a siancinra remeay,
iincriiiiiUrd na fl frnnnrnl tntll ntld
I know of the snooeaafal ni of
B, B. 8. In mnuy oaie. It is tb bait
blood remedy on tho market.
S. B. B. I tnoirttonn.V)ly a iroeO
blood purittor, and tho bi-t tonic i
ever uneit v .
Short Line
ako union Pacific
TO houri from PartJead to Cklcfe
No change of mm.
'Hills tHk.L-
Prom Portland.
('till IRUl
Portland Salt Lake, Dnvr,
.Special Ft Worth, Om.
f: IS a.mj ha, Kanna City,
viiiHutitW St Louis. Cal
ifii;lun. j ' and KMt
1:21 m
Atlantic1! Hult Lake, Denver,
Kxpre Ft. Worth, Oma
MS I'-lit jha, KatiKM City
vliillufiti' SL Ixuls, Chicago
t a.m.
itiKtoiM m.l Kart
( Wall Walla,
t, ruL Lewtscon, Bpo
FusiMall. tune, Minneapolis
I ; p.m.
MS pjn. si. Paul Duluth,
vis. Milwaukee, Cbleagd
Mpokunei und East
From Astoria-
All Mlllng date
subject to ehang.
For San rraada
co every nre days.
I a. m.
Coluinbl Rlvar
4: a. m.
durl to Portland and
Dally e
cept Moi
Way Landing.
Hiratuer Nahcolta. leave Aatorl on
tide dally escrpt Sunday fur lhraco
(onnet tlng there with tralna for Long
Iteaih, Tig ind North Beach poloU
ltturnlng arrive at Aatorl earn ev
O. W. ROBERTS, Agent,
New Equipment Throughout Palace
and Tourist Sleeper, Dining and
itulTct, Smoking Library Cars,
Kor Pull Particular, Rates, Folders
Etc., Call on or Address
Trav. Pass. Agt' City Ticket Agt
t22 Third Street Portland.
n3 Ptrst Avenue, - Seattle, Wash
A. B. C DENNI8TON. Q. W. P. A.
TiiiM;Cnrd o( Tnviim
leaves Antvst
i I'ugtt Sound Limited. 7. am :! P m
Kansas Clty-St Loula
I Spwial 11:10 am 1:45 pns
North Coast Limited I M o m T:00 a m
rucomu and Seattle NlEht
Kxpresa 11:46 pm I:Ot B
Tak Pugst Sound Limited or North Limited for Grays Harbor point
Tuka inigat Sound Limited for Olym
i An direct
Tr.ktt Pu get Sound Limited or KaB'
i' Loula Special tor point
i iMiih Hi'nd brnni'h.
i.iibin iali train aervlc on Gray's
i.uivir bmnch.
Pciur trains dally between Portland,
ri.oina unci Soattla- t
Electrical Works
428 BOND BT.
We are thoroughly pr pared for ,
makln,; estimates and executing
orUevs for all kind of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Uupt'Mes In stock. We sell the
celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call
up Phone 1181.
H. W. CYRU8. - Macr
Scott's Hai-Ppa Capsules
A positive eur.E
For Inflammation or Oaturrb
of th Hlttddor wid i)lnand
Kliiueyii. No Cure no
Jured aiilckly uwl Pern
nrutlT lh nonl cum ol
fuitorriiOMk ind .lrt,
no uuttti-raf t.ow loiifr ittnd.
Inc. Ablatlr bwoilMt.
hold br dranlit. Wiar
SI. 00, or by mail, poitH
11.00, boi,ii.fc.
aiiktBroNTams, ottio.
1000 CASES
Montreal Stricken MHh Dreadful
Malady That Daily Assumes
Worse Aspect."
6peial Officer Visit Hom, Giva In-
structiont and Inquire aa to San
itary and Othar Condition
WorM in Suburb.
Motilrml, Jan. i Thera ar apitros
lnmtly 1000 caa of typhoid fever In
Montreal and the half doaen amallef
munklpailtlea whu h Join It on the three
aldva. The beulth offlcera of the var
ious Muburb auy frwh casta are being
ntrt4 oonnumtiy asrUe their ef
forts to chei'k the disease.'' In the city
proper the humber of rasea la far lesa
itmn In the auburbs. ,
Policemen art golnr from houae to
hous distributing printed warnings
urging houehold(-re to boil their .drink-.
Ing water and nuik inquiries aa to the
condition of the dalrlea.
Federation Of Labor No Longer Has
State Organiser.
(Portland Journal)
The American Federation of Labor
no longr ha general organiser In
the 4tat of Oregon. O. T. Harry, who
held the position for the past IS months
his tendered his resignation, which
hie been accepted. The fact leaked
out yesterday and caused considerable
surprise, even among his most Inti
mate friends. Many of them did not
'snw that he had any such action un.
ler contemplation. "
Wl.o his slccessor will be Is wholly
a, matter of conjecture. Some are In
dined to believe that an eastern man
will be appointed, while other are of
tho opinion that the position will re
main vacant for some time. The labor
lenders state that Portland and Oregon.
so far as the labor movement 1 con
cerned, are. too ( Important to remain
long w'thout a reneral organiser, and
will probably tike the matter up at
once with Samuel Oompers and other
members of the national executive
Mr. Harry ha been Identified with
local organised iabor for almost four
yeirs. Ha Is a: member of the sheet
metal workers jnlon. One year ago
but May he organised the State Feder
ation of Labor, and was Its first presi
dent. At the expiration of his tenure
of office he declined nomination for a
accord term.
Several labor men about the city
have been long planulng to have him
ousted from office. Complaints against
him were forwarded to Presllent Gomp
era, and It Is generally believed that
this was the principal reason for his
Mr. Harry will not discuss hi plans
for tho future.- He Is a member of the
state commission of the Lewis and
Ciiu-k fair, and announces that he will
remain In Portland.
Kvery Household lu Astoria
Should Know How to
lteslst It.
The back aches because the kidneys
are blockaded .-
Help the kidneys with their work.
The back will ache no more.
Lots of proof that Doan's Kidney
Plllff dp this. ,
It's the best proof, for it comes from
Oregon. .
T. W. Shankland, who la a street
car conductor on the Woodstock street
car line, residing at 710 Ellsworth St.,
Portland, says: "Some time last fall
I began having considerable trouble"
and annoyance from a dull aching
pain in the back over the kidneys. . I
think it was caused from the constant
slinking and jarring of the car. I
thought at first It would disappear
quickly as It came, but this was not
ihe case. Learning of Doan'a Kidney
Pills I procured a box and took them
according to directions. The result was
entirely satisfactory. The backache
grew less and less and soon disap
peared and as far as I can tell It has
gone for good for there have been no
symptoms of roccurrence."
Plenty of similar proof in Astoria.
Call at Charles Rogers, druggist for
particulars. ' '
For sale by all dealers; price 60 cts.
yoster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. 1.,
sole agent for the U. 8. -
Remember ln9 nam Doan's and take
no other. .
Wife and AsooiaU Elude Oregon Man
1 Bent "on Revenge. r. ' ' f
San Francisco, 3an. 1. With re
venge in hi heart an angry husband
is In San Francisco on the trail of bis
runaway wife and the man with ner.
The angry husband I I. W. Small of
Oswego, Or, The eloping wife Is Mary
Small. Her companion la John F.
Grant sometime known a Thompson
and also vstlc. The two sometimes
go by th nam of Mr. and Mrs.
Since August It, 1903, Small has been
trying to catch hi wife and Grant.
He h followed them all over Oregon
and Washington. Up to September
10th, laat be was on their track. Then
at length he lost them, but he continued
In pursuit. In hi opinion, good
ground exist for believing he may find
out something about thim either In
Sdn Francisco or Los Angeles.
Small' daughter, a girl of 17 years.
also ran away., gh waa not with her
mother. She disappeared a few days
before th mother. . The father tracked
her as far a The Dalle early In Aug
ust last and thn lost all trace of her.
He ay he ha abandoned every effort
to And hi daughter. If necessary, he
will devote th remainder of his life to
make Grant answer for despoiling bis
home, and he will try to bring hia wife
to her senses.
Small ha scattered broadcast pic
ture of the two nd descriptive matter.
The husband charges that Mr. Joele
Heater, of 180 Jefferson street Portland
Or., had something to do with the de
moralization of nls home. He say
Mrs. Hiater encouraged hi wife and
daughter to un away. He says he bas
foots to show thU on the day his wife
left August -3' last he was visited
at her home in Oswego, which 1 near
Portland, by Mrs. Heater. After Mrs.
Heal-r left Mr. Small packed her
trunk and went to Portland, where he
was Joined by Orant. It was not until
the night of August 1th, on hi arrival
home that the husband found his wife
had deserted him. He lost no time In
trying to locate her. On August 15th
he first learned that Grant had Joined
his wife tind that the two were trav
eling together. He says Mrs. Heater
aoiifcbt to give him wrong Information
by telling him ihat In her opinion Mrs.
Small had committed suicide. , -
Since the middle of last September h
has tmctd them to a number or ore-
gon towns, esomeumea uc
only a day or two behind them, and
then asmln the trail would become dim.
tie had to devote several weeks to at
tending to his own business In Oswego.
Having put this In proper shape he at
once again devoted all Ms time to
catching up with his wife and the man
with her. He Intimates that it will not
Iw many days and within the limit
of California before he will run the
couple to earth. ' ,
Will Not Call
' of 8rock.
For Depaait
Njw Pork, Jan. I. It baa been de
tided by the atockholdera committee
of the United Stttea Realty & Con
struction Company to abandon the plan
formed a few week ago which called
for a deposit of stock whereby the
committee hoped with the aid of dis
satisfied shareholder to effect change
in the administration of the' " com
pany's affairs. .
The notice alves no reason for this
decision. Stockholders are informed the stock deposited will be re
turned free of charge. Since the plan
was made public the George A. Fuller
Company, which is the building depart
ment of , the Realty Company has
Jo:ned th New Pork Building Trades
Employers Association, and rormer
Ju l ST O'Connell, president of the com
pany has resigned.
, All Cooks Delight in using
Economy Brand
Evaporated Cream
Never sours, always ready, never causes disappointment at the last
Daily Visits of Prisoner to Dead
Man Lead to His Arrest and
Final Conviction. k.
Resident of Capetown . Convict)
Murder' of Friend Under Grue
some Circumstances Jury
, Return Rider to Verdict
Capetown. Jan. I. One of th mawe
senaatlonal murder trial In the' (-,
tory of tfoulh Africa ha concluded la
a verdict of guilty against the English
man named Hart who m charged
with th murder of hi friend, lame
Armstrong, In remarkable clrcumstaat-
' .f . : ,' " , ..
Armstrong, .' native of Monteltk,
West Perthshire, arrived In Bouth Af
rica early last year, and shortly after
wards mysteriously diu,-5.rvl.
April hi headless body waa found oa
tb shore of a lonely lake near Cafe-
town. '". ' ;.'''";';'" '"
Suspicion fell upon hi friend start,
and at the Inqueat K cam out that be
had told hi brother that he bad bee.
Informed by spirit that the body of
Armstrong would be discovered new
water. Later Hart was een near th
spot walking away with something hi
bl hand, which proved to be a skull.
Thl he threw away but It we event-
uelly discovered, and itwa found that
the Jaw waa broken.
The trial has proved a memorabl
on. The Judge and counsel likened
tiit case to that of Eugene Aram. Arm
strong's body had lain for month by
the shore of the lake and had been vis
ited dally by Hart.
Counsel quoteoXhe following tanz
from "The Dream of Eugene Aram."
In reference to this peculiar feature of
the case: . ".-
One stern, tyranic thou.'ht thit mad
i All other tbougbU IU lave; , ,
Stronger and stronger every puis
Did that temptation crave
Still urging me to go and ....
The dead man In hi grv.- .
The prisoner gave evidence, declaring
he was gifted with second sight and
had discovered the body owing to rev
elation vouchsafed him from Jeaven.
The Jury returned it verdict only af
ter Jong deliberation, adding an unex
pected rider that the prisoner waa of
unsound mind, though this plea was not
set np In hi defense.
The sentence wa that he shibuld b
detained during hi majesty pleasure,
The case has excited enormous interest
owing to it gruesome feature. .
Union Delegates Form Council ;
New York, Jan. 8. Delegate from
unions of out of dior workmen
having an aggregate membership of
; ,M, many of them connected with th
building trades, have organised a. new
rcntral body to be known as the public
diid private Improvement council. The
unions represented Include the pip
calkers, foundation bricklayer, rock
driller, excavators, paver, teamsters,
truck drivers, stationery engineer,
blue stone cutters, asphalt workers and
It is th object of the new body to
enable the unions of the various allied
branches of labor to co-operate 'fr
their mutual benefit. .
Where do you get shaved now?
On the face, of course.
What for?
15c. - . ,
Where? J
At the Occident Barber Shop
moment when meals are ready to oe serveo. i our coo
will be delighted because it is so handy; you will be
delighted because it is the purest and most appetizing
We are placing the cap label reproduced herewith on '
every can of our product This is done for your protec
tion. Our name on the label means that it is the best
richest and purest Ask yourdealer for Economy Brand.
Sold by Chas.
Rogers, ttt Commercial
Till, it Tilt I Of4U4frV IrWM Mr
V - - -- - ' "
(. 1 - ; . -.V, - . . :. -. : . k -.. ' - '