The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 09, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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A$ a ' business proposition, il pays to trade at
home, conditions being equal as to the value
offered but when you can get a better article at
home on as good terms there, is an added reason
for patronising the home institution.
Do You Drink Beer?
If you do, then why not drink the best? Beer
is not a necessity, but a luxury, and if you must
have a luxury' of that kind, then get an article thai
absolutely pure, and which is made at home by
; ' J f '
The North Pacific Brewing; Company; imgi.
f 5 si Ui iji t n Jb iv o y.
f 1
IF 1
Aged Financier Visits His Oflice
1 1 Lers frequently Than Had
!i Been His Wont.
w i-w, 1 1
For Sale Everywhere.
Best for iSteam
Best for Rang'es
Best for Heaters
The most economical and satisfactory
Fuel for any purpose.
Any Quantity at Any Time
on short notice.
Free Delivery in the City.
Millionaire Now Eighty-seven Yesrs
of Age But It Pronounced to
Still B. Enjoying Hi Usual
Caod Hlth.
New Yoik, Ja. i. --Wull slivet prnc
"jtluilly linn lout one f lt moid Inler-
ll'UtlK I'ltiU-Ut tCII. H'lssell Sage, al-
; vho jh stilt insisting oi) visiting his
1 ii(ke one t twice a week, bun departed.
'.mm IiIm lifelong tialill iif arriving there
I,,'!, v nil i Iim Ullkc li-Kiiluilty, regard
of neither condition and. In fiul,
In mnv b.;"!i in Wall street nl liifr.?-
iiict.l inu-'i al. tlw him KriiduaJly with
dr.iiv t from participation In financial
inly at the niillillaUoiiH of his
filra.H an I Mrs. Sage, but hunted cin-l-li
. iim bnw wrvp'l him many
jr. ir -ilill nnivtlf tlii' loan bmlmM
n'l : h. Hm, U fXI b'llllfi1.
.Mr. ,;.( ;''. ho l 87 yirn old, nienil
ni.i.-.t in !il iImh- In til iiow'l-Mflh
; i '! In-ill'-, anil In Haiti to bf In his
i:: -;;.iti-of hi'iillli.
Phone 1961.
9th and Commercial Streets.
!S3Qffl9t4M&tt-'t h.kf U 2.'-
to Chlcno and all polnti eaut; Loulu
vlliB, Memphli. Nw Orluatw, and all
point fouth.
Be that yur ticket reads via the
llllnoM Central It. H. ThoroiiRMy nioa-iti-n
tralna connect with all trarnicontl
nental Unet at St. Paul and Omaha.
It your frlenda ar comlnf west let ui
know and we will Quote them direct
tho peelally low ritna now In fffeot
from, all eastern points.
Any Information n to rutM, route,
etc., cheerfully given on implication.
B. H. TRUMQUuL, Commerolal
Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Or.
J. JC. UNDSET. T. P. & P. A- 1
Third tret. Portland, Or.
P. B. THOMPSON, F. . P. A.,
8:00a m Portland Union DH U:10 a ro
7:00 p ml pot for Astoria and 9:10 p in
' Way Points
7:45 a ml Ij'or Portland and 11:30 a n
6:10 p m Way Points 10:30 p m
8:15 a ml Astoria for Waron- 7:40 a m
11:85 a m ton, Flavcl Fort 4:00 pm
6:50 p m Stevens, Hammonil10:45 a m
' and Seaside
6:15 a m Seaside for War- 12:60 pm
9:80 am renton, Flavel.j 7:20 p n,
2:30 pm Hammond, Fort 'Diliain
I Stevens tt Astorlu
Sunday only
All trains make close connections at
Oobls with all Northern Pacific trains
to and from the East and Sound points.
,J. C. Mayo,
General Freight and Pass. Agent.
r.r t'VH Ij'Allui I'.sijiii
III Itl'.f titi't 1-Mt'1 III,' JHt) t'lK- Piltfi
i riti iiiin-rtStMt", 1 ni.i)ni olhrrv KtIi(ia
Huiti-lllllltOllft UAU IHIIMf
r jxur Uru.-ptiil. or ni -tu. a
rllnrAir Jaltll.',',m (Uir, I r.
-A. k In-n Mull. lnm.mti. w u'"7
faUUJp4it. ildrilMsi stdiitinit ruisV4M 'X
v tn, ;1 ll,l-.Jll
I W ft Mil "lit
, '
Fflia.i? to DiOilce Channel of San
Palo B.iy Airod.
t. n l-'i.iin-K il, Jan. S. l.U-nU-naiit
ro.iil V. 11. Di-nr, ijf tho t'HKln'H-r
i-nrp! u vliarf ' ot the llvi-r and hiir-.t-
(uik i nil this I'li' lias uotlllinl
tla- .- u-tii-y of war lliat Coiitii'u-tor
ilatii'.ih Am.iu linn fallod.tu liv tip
:.i liii iu i n -t. in tlrC'lBi' tbf cliaimol
ill' Tallin tmv, mul luiH reoom-
,. -I -.) H la" rillii-i-llcil. fun
r ; ii- Mi. ftlu) is .ialil to have ex-.,,.;,,!-
;t tiinii- 111. in SJH.fiuO alri'aily In
urn lati'-M ,iiil !-ilii'i' during tin- lust
U tiu"i!b, ,-fl.vs hni ii failure to coni
",.iv v.-!:H th-'-.-xitit t'-rmw of hi eon-
1, . ( w.i I'll- 'D raoi-niK, wit- nun- it
.,imii-.I it r"t his plant built, mid the
skint iii:n- li" I'oiiUl woik ill duniplnir
an tli.- f hoiv at bi'.v t lilt. . a mlsoalcu
laiion IrivlnK li.'-n liiiali- In ri-sanl to
(!. laliVr iV.-tull, vwlliK to tho water
iieim; Kkoal.n- dim' than v:m ropre-m-im-il
mi I'll- KovornniiMit rluirtn. Ho
; i nj.i.iMi'1. hi' Kays, to appi-ul for relli-f
id tho .xia ivlaiy of war In the mutter,
In the way of an exunslon of. time.
In ltv liiimnuiiilP opeiatlons have been
siiHiiemli'd on tho ilreilger. .
noiiiMdl wiaihlcmi. It in alun mau.l
(bat a new not-j for JjO.000 baa tunteil
up in i he hand of the Pioneer Trust
Company of Kninw City.
Cashier SUic' ll Im ben removed
from lit hmii In Highland to the coun
iv jull In Troy, wher.'hr is under hi4
tuaid (0 prevejit pomilb! Injury.
"V'htii Manell s arrblgned before a
luntlcc of th pere ht etiterel a ple
i f not iillty to the numerous rhargM
)( forw-i y and wi dmltld to ball
on a boii'of 50o In eaeh count. He
a(d that be still had faith In the abll-i-..
to rtore oiiler If he were p"r
nntt' d to exeiclne his own judgment.
SHOOT Tlintvi
r). t BUkoly Announces lm.
prn Ditcovery.
i'y f California, 'Hi., Jan.
t 'a . . unty foniill bed that
. i fie In the production
. i historic extim t ani
. ,. 1 still another epeet-
- -i.' flo world and the
. It whs discovered
. 'i-ir il, professor of pal
i' t - -..rii rerslty of californ
i !r. -j .wars to have been
j- tv mkuown to palon
, ;!-( p.. - l -n named the thai-
'It if ., hu)re sea lizard
I anve been at least
i -' IfTlnfllly it was a
fhoie fo'-m but. after a long period a
l imine animal.
I'rof , Men-lam nays the remains iep
ie tit not 3iily a new species, a new
fan iiy and u ne-v' eenlua. bit a new
ni-Cri. . state, nent the-.Importune of
tvniih will be appreciated by scientists
as ti very lonwlileritble one.
"nt -.T1
have B
of thei
mnils I
m-n t
i. llll)-'i
bv Joh
ii. Tr
of U fill
i-.ttomm is,
KIHl Is tlt
sewn J
A KrljrlittMifil IIii,
Running like mad down the street,
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other aeeld-jnts. are every day occur
ranees. It behoves everybody to have
a reliable salve bandy and there's none
as good as pu-klln'a Arnica Salve.
Burns, cuts sores, ecaenia, and piles,
disappear imlckly under Its soothing
effect. v25c, at '.'has. RoKers drug store
If Friends Attempt Rescue of the
Street Car Bandits Woe
Betide Them.
Known Thst Prisoners Havs Friends.
Who May Try to Create Confus
ion at Trial to Releasa the
Vicious Murderers.:
Chicago, Jan. 8. Whhtustiui t!..;:.-;
to "shoot to kill." four crack shots 'of
the police department are on g'.iard Sn
the ciinniial coT:rl baildins to iirerit
any attemi-t to rescue the stMet car
bandits now on U'ial. ,
The jolke believe that the bar.ditst,
especially Neide.micr, have nunn-.o j .
friends throughout the country. If
these men, wijile the piiMmurs are be
ing talen to or fiom the court room,
should begin filing. It would cause a
tunic among; the guards and possibly
enable one of the bandits to escape. of ComrniTce. ' tW ra war
bus b.en on siru:e la.,t fall, and al
tli MiKhi in Noven.ber some, of the llnea
-'iif i.!'". '.oiidii'iied withdrew ftum tho
,fit artJ restored :he ,ld rates, a re
i.tiit effort to M-entaSdisa harmony
Ktunff th- warring- inteteeta baa failed
hpI ttie Bkufttiiirs i tid to. b.aa ; de?
inor.iIUoil a.a ev--B. , ,
What Ought Thsy Chew?
;osto, Jan. S. School committer -inn
have inaugurated u crusu-.'.e
nfralnst Boston teachers chawing gum.
A canvass has shown that Stoics of
the Itistiuctora a if gum i hewers nnd
tiioii Inquiry it was learned that rn-'st
of them came from Maine and New
lliinipshlr, the spru.- gum rroducm
rtiites. .vhere they had e.trly uciiu'-rcd
the habit. '
No Prospect For Settlement.
New York, Jan. 8. There now
t-i-m. to be to prj-sjie. t of an early
h-ettlcivent of the rate trouble between
the Atlantic. ort, lines and their rait
connection on traffic to Missouri river
and Texas pointy according lo the
CoIcmbiari& Rsdy to Fight. " " "'
Kfiw Yoi'fci Jan A 'et of war
h'.pi is rt.-.-n-,b!u- .it 'colon, presum-
i.bly wiife Ui':. parpo-w of maltias a.hos
i;b? ?loti,ai'iiraiioa -itgaliiHt Colombia,,
.vayt' a Ifr-aJd "dpateb'from Parrama.'
The .authorities' iviil inM'-t uioa. the
w;iu Jra-.v,iJ of ti CoioiJibian army
Mitert .! across tie boidef tbii Je of
iip- Mrata river. Xavl o; feel
ariiR tbkt it is the intentioa t eym
vt' C'ljlwubia eith-yto v.-tttsdrav her
troops or to fight, '
AM the warship rte-flue at Colon kt
fftiy Tnejd-iy,' presaret1 (o start lra
ir,dfatly for TSutnatl or Cajrtagena.
It Is believed In Colon that Colombians
u v.) icay to fight. , ''.'.'
Faif R','".d CowpfeieoV
St. Louis. Jan.. .S. The Intramurlal
road at the world's fair !u:a been oom-t!-;teJ
and in noiv being used in cer
tain Sf 'tkm;) for switt hing fright can
r.c,.:- tb whibit pKhices. tm to pkicea
uliese h.v.' i:ii;::l!'iK-tiu;i rk Is in
All I jtilp-n-r t !'.13 li--vn
r. cntra.'.'. ti for . vii li "i ly for
.UUvirry severa Ax lifue ti e eoon
U:S Ot this tro'ii.:i-n.
Livery Cri. ' St i'e Be-ewed.
CbUago. Ji'1 fno'-l of the
strii.e of the livery drivers, which so
inttr'.red with tttnerals uud pleasure
lartios b. fote the IronuoU theater fire,
has be;-n dei-ideii on by the union. The
truce Willi tin mvners ends tomorrow,
if Vy S m r- settlemeiit is reached,
cci.n.' driver will '.. called out again.
Tho liverymen beileve thut enough of
their rr-.i will refuse to strike to en
r.blei thorn to r : tl.'rsU."! , ll.out
UtnAilty. , V
l In.""
Farmers and Stock Raisers of County
Meet Hesvy Losses.
Chicago, Jan. 8. A dispatch to the
Tribune from St. Joseph, Mos., says:
The latest revelations of the defal
cations In tho bonk of Highland, Kan
sa, by Cashier J. E. Mareell, show on
aggregate loss of over 8160,000.
Of this, $07,000 Is on account of de
posits mode for the most part by the
farmers and stockralsers of Doniphan
qounty, Kansas. It Is in the hands ot
State Hauls Examiner Secrummer and
Is less than $2000 this sum being the
amount of . money in. the bank at the
time that It was thrown in charge.' .
There are 1 notes of the face value
ot J67.000, one halt of which are pro-
ar . tat
p v j yvt vni wyr"'"jt"'Si, 'i-j
it s
aSsltM Sl fWll! I V III
Traveling Bag,
Trunk and Valise
ought to contain a bottle of Medical Lake Tablets and a box of
Medical Lake Salts Nature's own great remedies for if you
hve not used .these preparations' you have no idea of their great
value to all sick people to the "stav at-homes" and tourists alike.
The effect cf Medical Lake Vater on the run-down and
diseased system is really marvelous, and this wonderful remedy
cures bv natural means, functional derangements ol the
Liver, Kidneys and Stomach it will restore you to perfect
health, pleasantly and as sure as the sun' shines. The Tablets
dissolved in water make a delightfully cooling and delicious
drink, and are especially suggested to those whose blnod is poor
nd who are subject to Rheumatism, Goat, Neuralgia and
Halaria whether eliding away over the rails or sailing over the
blue, you may find it convenient to b-ve tVcscemdies with you.
Buy the SALTS st your Druggist's, I.;c.;0c. and 91.00 a box
i New Vofk end Spokane, V'-wh.
Mi i-.vir..i-
Medical Lake Salts Mfg. Co., S pokane, Wash.
Gentlemen-I came to Medical Lake seven weeks ago almost helpless from inflamatory rheumatism,
and generally In a run down condition. At this time 1 am almost entirely recovered and have an ap
petite which is the dlspalr of the hotel proprietor. Infiamation and sw elllng Is nearly gone from my
hands and feet, and I feel splendid. Medical Lake has certainly done much foir me. 5 . -' :
O. O. WEBSTER. Sand Point, Idaho.
ror' Mle In Astoria by Frank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial I tha Con Drug Company
Tv'ith and Commercial and Charles Rogers, DM faMow's building Ml.