The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 07, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 80.
1 ''
to!h irdy Guesswork on Part of
Tr n Crew Responsible for
Death of Seventeen. I ,
friyM Train an aiding Mistaken for
On. Ahead, Passenger Rushed
t Death and Woeful
Topek. Kan., Jan. I. Seventeen
dead and IT Injured la the rewult of th
Rock Island pasaenger wreck at Wll
Mard thla morning. Mont o( the Injured
ar In hospitals In Topeka. Tha doe
(nra announce that with one exception
all will recover.
The single word "eaielesneBa"wlll
kum up the reason for the tragedy.
Instructed to meet a special freight
train at Wlllnrd, the engineer and con
ductor of tha 111 -fated passenger, not
ing that o freight train atood on a aide
track at Wlllnrd, ruahed thiough at a
rale which paaaengere declare to have
been it mile an hour, thinking the cure
they had aeon were the one which
they had been Instructed to paas. Fall
ure to acrutlnlit the number of the
tnglna waa directly responsible for the
wreck. Not a note of warning of the
fearful Impending disaster ever made
Iteelf known to the sufferers.
(lenerul Superintendent Ourber of the
nock Island naka this statement to
the Ass-H'lmed 'resa:
The engineer o' the passenger train
had orders to wait at Wlllard for a
lclal atoi k train, it passed on. mis
taking a freight train on the aldthg at
that station for the extra stork train.
Thle caused the wreck. Nobody else
Is to be at blame so far our Infor
mation goes." ,
A. formal Inquest was held at the
wreck today by Coroner Dolley, Wab
aunsee county, Tha Investigation will
be continue! tomorrow. Until a ver
dict for placing the blame la returned
no action will be taken against the
the second clans cruiser Chifuhuco, ac
cording to the llpmlif .llHi'MUh from
Valparaiso, Chile, also boa been sold to
Jupan, ,Vh Chacabuco was originally
built for Japan, but Chill bought bur
wtirn Mnr was fi-ared with Argentine
The negotiations have ben carried out
through an RnilJh frm, p" " ' '
Repays His Bond. men Twe
Over Cheek is Shawn.
Japan Buys Another.
New York, Jan. . In addition to
the third class battleship Captain Prut.
New Tork, Jan. I. Ex-Mayor W.
It. Kirk of'SyMcuse, now a guest at
the Hoffmtn house, la reported to have
exhibited a check for $40,000 payable
to his order and bearing tha signature
of J. P. Qnynor.
Many months ago Mr. Kirk signed
ball bond for Clajrimr who had been
Indicted for complicity In the frauds
connected with government work in the
harbor of Bavunnuh. (lay nor went to
anndn and Mr. Kirk had to pay the
IJO.PpO. When Guynor saw that the
bond must be paid he Is said to have
sent his check to his bondsman . .
i i
Highwayman Uses Gun With Fatal
Effects, and Then Runs.
Pall Lake, Jan. T.Jvhn (ileason,
the motorman cn a conathdnUd atreet
railway car, shot and Instantly
killed, and Thomas Drydon, conductor
on the same enr was probably fatuity
wounded ahnrtly utter nillnl-ht b a
marked highwayman who wns attempt
ing to rob them of their money and
v.tlubles. The murderer escaped Im
mediately after hooting and althout
seeming any booty.
Russians Send Force to Prevent Jap-
" anese From Landing Troops
on Corean Coast '
Hope of Peaceable Settlement Is Almost
Gone and News of Clash Is Momen
- tartly Expected by Russians.
Paris, Nov. 7. the It Petersburg, declarations of disinterestedness in
correspondent ef tha European edition Manchuria "A hv Runlt. .iufr.
nllng Russia's special tntrest In that
ef tha New York Herald esblee aa fol
Iowa i
. "There ia almost no hope new of a
peaoeable settlement of the Ruaao-
rcgli.n, wlehed to regulate, once for all,
all questions In the far east. In the In-
Japanese difficulty, and the publie here ( toreit of future peace and tranquility.
la axpeetmg new. ef a battle resulting' To ,Mt . , n m l. ,'
from the landing of Japan troops in I
Cor... J prop-sals:
A battalion f Rusian troop, ha. ""t-R' and Japan should mu-
hmi ni , ti.diu.. .b tuauy respect tni independence im
r . - - -
the Japanese from landing."
The Genoa eorreepondent of the same
paper says that tha builder, ef th. war
.hip. which Japan recently purchased
from Argentina are doing their utmost
to hasten tha work of getting tha vea
eels in readiness for sea.
Terrible Loss of Life Attend. Aeeldent
on British Cruiser,
Sidney. X. tt. . Jim. I.
Forty-three twrsoiis have been
killed by the explosion of
boiler on the Ornish cruiser
0 Wallnroo,
The Wallaroo,whlch was pro-
reeding tn Unhurt, signalled to
Montague Island reporting the
disaster but giving no detulla.
The Wallaroo Is expected here
are advised that one boiler
burst, The killed are assumed
to Include the whole shift of
23 stokers and a number of
deck hands. ,
On Clothing', burnishing'
Goods. Hats, Shoes, Etc.
Excepting only Dunlnp Hats, E. & Vf. Collars, Oil
and Hubber Goods and Donte Gloves.
as our goods are sold on very
4 ; close margins.
Monday, January 4, 1904
Government Urged to A. Should Hos
talities B. Begun.
London, Jan. 7. -There are two In-
uicut.oua this morning that nothing
ilennlte has developed in the fur eaat
ern crlels mid nothing ia likely to de
veiop until tne end of the week. The
ftrst of these, according to the Toklo
nrrnpomlmt of the Telegraph, ia the
urtency of the meeting of the Japan
rue cabinet that baa been called for
tod y. and second la that the member,
of tho iWtUh cablnut, have been noti
fied tc assemble Monday. The meet
In, nf the Jupanse cabinet hua almost
Certainly been called for the purpose
"f considering the reply of Russia, and
It la equally certain that the meeting
of the British cabinet la for the pur
pose nt discussing the attitude of Great
Editorial this morning in the paper
are tilinost unanimous in admitting that
in the event of war Oreat Britain can
not .oaiilbly soe Japan crushed, and
ulthntiKh not called upon to Interfere
by terms of Anglo-Japanese treaty
yet In event of the Japanese suffering
nuwillefivit, Qreat Britain will be al
most compelled to go to ber usslaonce.
The Dally Mill wants Russia noti
fied that ''under no circumstance, will
Great Britain permit the Russian Black
sea lleet to pass Dardanelles and urges
the adnilraHjr to nee that the navjr )
'I'he foklo correspondent of the Dally
Telegraph tlll expressed belief that
the Ruiuliiii reply will not be satisfac
tory. v
Baton Hnynslil the Japanese m'.n'sUftr
in un Interview published this morn
InK, mnkes Interesting reference to the
report from St. Petersburg that th
question Is likely to be settled by the
Russian Christmas. . The tnlnlstrf'
"That Implies the belief, according to
Russian expectation tbnt Japan will
give ths reply much quicker than the
cxar'a government has been able to do.
I notice when It la Russia's turn to re
ply, the Russian and some European
papers nre very pncflc, but, directly It
devolves upon Japan to answer, their
tone suddenly becomes pessimistic.
This Is very significant."
Proposals Msd. By Japan and Coun
ter One. By Russia.
Toklo, Jan. 6. A Japanese 'author
ity today made the following state
ment of the status of the fur eastern
The statement that Russia hus made
conclusions to Japan is not exact. On
the contrary, Russia, In the month of
October, made certain ' ' concessions
which wore -icceuted by Japan, aubse-
Itietitly withdrew the acceptance and
assumed an attitude which left the
Japanese little hope In the way of
reaching a satisfactory agreement,' The
Japanese government, confident In the
territorial Integrity of China and Corea.
".Second To recognise reciprocally
Jit'an. the special Interests of Russia
In Manchuria;- Russia, the special In
teretts of Japan In Corea.
"Third To enjige mutually not to
Infringe -Japan, the commercial right,
and immunities tcqulred by Russia in
Corea; Russlt, the commercial rights
and immunities acq ilred by Japan in
"In miking the third propoMltlon.
J.ipun wWhed not only to protect her
right, in China and those of Russia
In Corea, but to rate by the prin
ciple of equality the commercial rights
of nil nations In Corea and China.
"KusMla declined Japan', proposition,
and nubmltted a counter- propoation.
wblcb contained a clause providing for
the creating of a neutral tone, extend
ring from the Chlna-Corean frontier
Wong Tan, on the east, and to Ping
Yung, on the west. The aone com
pi vcd almost a third Of Corea."
"ThN Russian pretension took from
J.ipan all guarantee of the protection
of her rights in Manchuria and seques
trated a considerable part of Corea,
wbftre, without contradiction, Japan's
intetst preponderate, and which every
nation recognises aa being within the
legitimate sphere of Japan.
'Tho proposal eiasnerated Japanese
public opinion. Japan could not ac
cept the proposal for these reasons:
"Mint The definite occupation by
Russia of Manchuria would be a per
manent menace to the Independence of
Corea, wnlcn japan must prevent i
any price, for Corea Is an advance post
of Japan's line jf defense ,and the saf
ety of Corea Is a condition sine qua non
of her own se.-urlty, n
Second - Japan has. as other powers,
il3his and immunities In Manchuria,
l.y Mntw of tmtles with China. These
Hunts and Immunities cannot be left
to tbe mercy of Russia The refusal of
Russia to examine the Mnnchurlan
question denoted on her part the in
tention not to ibserve Ihe rights of all
nations In that region. Most evident other proofs of this Intention on
tlie pat of Russia were the occupation
of Tang Tung Tenons and the reoccu
p iiiun of Mukden. Every one knows
that by the new treaties concluded by
the United States and Japan with
China one city and two ports were to
he'onencd to the commerce of tne worm
Yang Tumr Tcheng and Mukden were
the two ooints chosen. By the occu
pation of these ports Russia prevented
China from fulfilling the obligations of
her treaties.
'In CoW equally acts of Russia have
had, as a result the closing of the Palu
liter to foreign commerce. Japan asked
Corea, simultaneously with the United
States and Great Biltaln, to open this
region to Inernalonal commerce. In
occupying Tons Wang Pou (Yongam-l-ho),
tlie only rort In . north Corea,
Russia paralyzed the realisation of this
project. Japan then had reason to
fear that letting Russia aloijrvould re
sult In closing the Yellow Sea and the
Interior of Manchuria to International
"In struggling with all her force
against the pretensions of Russia In the
far ehst, Japan worksnot only for her
self but for all nations. Japan does
not Ignore the dangers and rlska of an
armed conflict with Russia, and does
not embark upon It with a light heart
or fanfaronde." '- 7
Government Off.r Large Sum. T
" British and Suniwre. 1
London, Jan. 7. The' Knimonezkl,
Japan, correspondent of th. Dally Mail
aay. that the Germans of Klao Chan
are supplying Russia with coal and
gunners, and Admiral AlexlefT. agents
are offering large sum. for American
and British gunners. The correspond
ent of the Mail at Shanghai reports
that Japan baa learned the Russian
squadron at Bizerta has been Instruct
d to shadow Japan's new cruiser and
he Is In readiness to attack them In
the event of war being declared.
Russia Will Not,
St. Petersburg, Jan. I. A dispatch
from Port Arthur says th. Russo-Jap
anese cri.l i. commented on by Vic
eroy AlexlefT organ, the NovagraJ, as
"No threat can make Russia aband
on her legitimate right in Manchuria
or Corea. The Interest, of Russia and
und Japan can be' reconciled without
violating that country's (Corea'.) sov
ereignty. The outcome of tbe nego
tiations depend , on the number of
Ironclads at Port Arthur and of troops
in Manchuria. , Ruaaia doe not fear
war, but ahe doe not desire it, and
therefore I seeking to render tt Im
possible." '
Further' Negotiations Predicted.
Toklo, Jan. (.It Is believed here
that the Russian response has been
handed to the government, but the se
cret of its delivery baa been Jealously
guarded, and the nature of the reply
remain undlatloMd. Minister of Fore
tngn Affair Komura called this after
noon upon Baron de Roeen, the Russian
Minister to Japan, with whom he he
mined an hour, and later be vlsiud
Premier Katsura, when - an extended
confernece waa held.
Russia Can Not Allow.
Paris. Jan. 7. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of .he Herald aays:
'There ia no doubt that the Russian
reply Intimate In a friendly way that
Russia cannot accept Japanese Inter
ference. Russian cannot allow Japan
to acquire territory in southern Corea,
thus cutting communication between
Vladivostok and Port Arthur. .
Charles B. Wide1 Invests Tm
Heavily In Unproductive Miiv
, ..... In Properties, i-J
Xnnoune.rn.nt That Affair of O
eial. and Institution Are Separata "
Cause. Depositors ta Slack
Up Cashier Prosecuted.
Pendleton, Ore., Jan. (.Charles B.
Wade, cashier of the First NattstatI
bank of Pendleton, and one of the asset
prominent men in the state, today as
signed hi. property to W. F. MaUacfc
and T. C. Taylor for the benefit at
creditors. ' .',''., - ; ,' ; ,
It ia estimated that Wade fa lie! far
1200,000 or 1250,000, although W. T.
Matlock, one of the trustees, doea mat
believe that the liabilities wIU
J150,001. Wade ha resigned hi
tlon and ia at home stricken with i
ous prostration. ,
Wade ha been a heavy Investar la
eastern Oregon ml pes, and It la stale
that,, the heavy drain of unprodaetfra
properties ha occasioned his
raaament. His friend state hi I
ctal troubles are only temporary. The
rumor that Wade', affair, were hv
volved waa circulated Saturday aM It
caused a run on the bank which was
only stayed by the announcement Iran
stockholder that Mr. Wad-, affafes
were entirely sepaiate.. Senator A
keny 1 president of tbe bank.
. . .. ' ,
Awful Death Meted Out Seattle W-
i man Last Nhjhi.
V Seattle, Jan.' (. Gorgetta Ftyns.
better known as "Nugget." was Bor
dered In her own room In the restrict
ed district last night. The left aMe
of her head was crushed In try mum.
blunt Instrument and there were seven
wounds In the neck .that looked aa K
made by a stiletto. A gold watch wxA
chain are missing. So quietly was
the work done that no sound of a
scuffle, was heard in tbe next rootta.
All the thousands of articles that arc on' ony shelves tand
counters.' All the goods that are comprised in our enor
mous stock of best first-class merchandise. Everything is
reduced in price. Heavy, substantial, gratifying reduc-.
You can buy anything that is needed for 'personal wear or
for use in vour home for less monev now than anv other
time iu the year.
The A. Dunbar Co.
1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904
1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904
Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle
ry Paints, Oil and Glass Hardwood
Lumber Boat Supplies etc. j&
Cor. Bond and 12th Sts.
Astoria, Oregon