ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1904. PAGETHBEK. IT IS MANUFACTURED AT HOME As a business proposition, it pays to trade at home, conditions being equal as to the value offered) but when you can get a better article at home on as good terms there is an adcUd reason for patronizing the home institution. Do You Drink Beer? If you do, then why not drink the best? Beer is not a necessity, but a luxury, and if you must have a luxury of that kind, then get an article that b absolutely pure, and which h made at home by t ,1 THe North- Pacific Brewing Company, Phoned SIC 5ICHEL & CO. NAVAL MEN ENTERTAINED Brilliant Receptions Given on Board Vessels of Squadron and in City of Konulu. The work ra lone under federal or der. ATHELETIC SPORTS ON SHORE Fop Sale Everywhere. AUSTRALIAN COAL Best for Steam Best for Ranges Best for Heaters The most economical and satisfactory Fuel for any purpose. Any Quantity at Any Time on short notice.. Free Delivery in the City. ELMORE & CO. Phone 1961. 9th and Commercial Streets J "ISS ROSE OWENS, WASHINGTON, D. C. f No. Seventeenth St., f4 If cverv lulltrine woman has the lime experience with Wine of Cardul that 1 had, your medicine will be most popular. About a year ago I begin to have a worn out Urea feeling with latitude, pain In the back and head which Jtrpt incrtaalng every month. I felt that (needed aomethlnr;, but to get the right medicine was the trou fefc. I finally decided on your Wine of Cardul and only needed to take three bottle when I waa fully re covered." rrnilEN Mw Row Owens, who J I has a responsible position in " I tho Government service nt Wiwhincton, D. (!., decided to try Wino of C'urdiii, olio made a vino choice Over a million women have boon relieved of foiinilo weakness by this atimo Wino of C'urdui. It is not a trontr medicine but may be token every dov m Hie your by any woman with bonofit. It does not force results, but corrocta derangement! ol tho menstrual organs. It strengthens tho nervous system, gives tone to the bodily func tions, acts dirwtlv on the ironiUil organs, and is the ii noat tonio tor wo men known to the science of medicine, I Jtfiii Hon owm. If you are a suffering wo man we would suy to you that Wine of Cartlui aelaom fails to complotdy cure any case of female ills. Wo say emphatically, it never fails to benefit. Every day hun dreds of sufferers are writinn . 1 to our Ladies' Advisory De partmont. The letter an opened by persona compe tent to give advice. Mrs. Jones was cured by follow ing the advice which waa freely given hor by the Ladies' Advisory Depart ment. Miss Owens was cured without advice by just buying a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardul from her druggist and taking this great medicine in the pri vacy of her home. No doctor's ex amination, treatment or advico is nec essary, i ou have read what these two cured women have written. Is this not enough to lend you to determine to be rid of suffering f ; August 13, 1900, Mrs. VT. H. Jones, of Cameron, Mo., writes: "I suffered terribly at monthly periods for three years. I would sometimes m for seven months with no flow at all. Now I have my health back agnia and am expecting to be confined In January. I cannot pralscyour medicine enough." WINEofCARDVI A million suffering women J have found relief in V , Wino of Cardui. Admiral Evans and Brother Officers Ftd by Grateful Citizens of Isl and Possessions, Who Re turn Courtesy. Honolulu, 1)90. it. (Correpoiiilnc of i lie AMx-utle4 1'ress) Via San lY;n,vlo, Jan. (.The officers of thn Ameiii.HU naval mjuadron hove been the guest at a erle of elaborate en lertnliiinuiit during ihelr stay In Hon olulu ii ii J the nun have engaged in in. ii. y kin-la of athletic contest with tinit m mid i.'lumplona on shore. On the evening of the I6th Ailmlrnl Kvnin? mi't tho other officer of the limdrtMi gave a reception on board the ti;ittlealitp Kentucky ami Wisconsin to ilia cli!sfrin of Honolulu, which I gen M.illy ilem-ilbeJ a' the most brllllunt ufTiilr ot the kind ever een here. The big battleship were lined with iwan- d.(ent llshta up to the tip of their lopmmtn, along all their spur anl iiVwir the slle 'tnd deck.and the wharf between them wss also elaborately 11 lumltmtel. Admirals Evan and Coop er and .tiff received the guests. The' shme contest Included a number of omet In which the sailor either bent or fouisht draw with the Honolulu i liauiLlons. Bill Hulhut, the Hwnilnn champion, fought 10 round to a draw with .fame Sherlock of the VIeon rln. The Kumehamehu baseball team of Honolulu, composed largely of Ha ivulliir ilefentel the Wisconsin texm bv nine to seven. A football team be tween the Orgn and Kentucky team lto(l In' their third Craw without . Micro. Oii Saturday there va a re g.itta In the harbor. V. V. Alexanler, territorial survey-ii- mid representative of the United States geodetic survey has returned I mi l a tilp to propel ly. locate the Is- hnd of Nllhiiu, near Kauul. The I- litnl I mMplaeed on all mariner's clmtt. Alexander with two rwlstrtnt mad.' n correct trlangulatioii , and lil.ieed the- Island correctly on his charts ; Mor Firemen For Theater 'New fork; Jan. 5. Acting on a re iort iiiade by Assistant Foreman Line nan, who hun been Investigating New Vork tli"ntw. lire Commissioner I fa yes ha assigned 13 additional fire men to duty at a many theater here, lie declare more men would have been stationed In the playhouse but for die law which limit them to two inun under normal condition. HAY'S RESOLUTION REFERRED Message of President Accorded Ap plaute of Republican Side. Washington, Jan. . The privileged resolution proponed by Ifciy ot Virginia, providing for the Investigation of cer tain statement In the Brlstqw post ofllee report reflecting on the member Hhlp of the house, waa today referred to the committee n postofflce and post roads, on the motion of Payne, of New York, majority leader. Eight republic an voted with the minority on Hry s motion to order the previous question ttliUh wu lout .and three republicans voted with the democratic minority "gainst the motion to refer. The president' mcMige relative to Panama and the canal was read In the house, receiving applauee on the re publican side. ALLEGED VICTIM SUMMONED. Mrs. Ames to Appear in Court to Pros cut Thorn Davie. San Front laco, Jan. S. An attach ment wa Issued by the United States attorney today for Mr. A.. H. Ames of Marsh tleld, Oregon, the woman who claim she waa brutally assaulted while on the steamer Alliance some few month ago. She will be brought to thl city to appear against Thorn Davta to prosecute him for the heinous crime which I alleged he committed.. . NEW YORK IS THE CHOICE Intercollegiate Fencing Associa tion Meets and Arrange for Annual Tournament SAME LINES AS LAST YEAR Leading College of Country Represent edInvitation Extended by St Louis Fair to Compete in Olympic Contests. New Tork, Jan. I. Delegate from the reven unlversitle composing the Intercollegiate Fencing Association, at t.elr aeconi irinual meeting, hare de cided to hold the annual team and in dividual championship tournament In this city at the' New York Athletic Club, April 1 and J. The competition will b ; ;oaducted on the same line hb lust y.r, each man fencing all the repreatntative of the competing col lege except hi own. Team-i will cofTslst of three men anil the pne corlnj the largest number of victories wills the championship while the individual scoring the greatest number of wins rtfeive the medal for tho Individual championship. The delegates present were from the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Co luir.bla, Yale. Harvard. Weet Point and Annapolis. An Invitation to the association to send teams for competition in the world' fair game at St. Louis next full durii.k the spetlal fencing tourna ment arranged by the Olympic games committee a referred to a special committee. Business Proposition. If you are going east a earful select ion of your route I essential to the en joyment of your trip. If It Is a fcoaf ness trip time 1 the main eonelder alon;'if a pleasure trip, scenery an4 the conveniences and comfort of a modern railroad. Why not combine all by using the Illinois Central, the up-to-date rd. running two trains daily from St.' Paul .ind Minneapolis, and Irom Omaha, te Ch! ugo. Free reclining chair cars, the fatnouft buffet library smoking car, ad train vestlbal-id. In short thoroughly modern throughout. All ticket read Ins via the Illinois Central will be b ored on these train and no extra fare charged. Our rates are the same as those of infeiior- road why ot. get year money's worth? Write for full partteular. B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agt, Portland, Ore. J, C. LLN'DSET, T. F. P. A.. .-- Portland. Ore. fUAU'JJftV W J. T k . - Seattle, Waaau DOWIE LOOKS TOWARD TEXAS. Is Not Going to Australia As All the) World Supposed. San Antonio, Tex., Jan. ,!. Joha Alexander Do!e, the founder of Zioa City, Is not going to Austialla on thi nip. He arrived here to Investigate Matagorda Island on the Texa roast. as a site for a new "Eternal City." Dwifl's plan is to enter upon extens ive stock farming and facory wrk- le ha an option on the Island which tmbraces 30,009 acre. , Powie admits that he has had this In mind for some time and that he auay brirg h! entire following to the new settlement. .fr' Departure In Football. v , Annapoll, Jan. 6. At a meeting f the Navy Athletic Association steps have been taken to abandon football coaching by profesMor.da. sasauswa.q , miitMtwmmt.jlw) Ayefs If your blood is thin and im pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor's medicine. "I w mr lir, without rtmilit, to Aver"! Rnmr-ttrilU. tt i' 11m moat womlerf ill uhhM vlnv hi the woriil for mrvouBie . My oure 1a ptiruwiii-tit, Hiul t ctunmt ihniilc vw nont:li." Mas. Mui.U McWki.l, Suwurk, N.J. tXaHaaBMBHBSNsa M0T A www " NOT A PATI So long as Medical Lake can Provide II .0(1 bottle. AM dniir.!l.H. Ji C. ATKR Oft., C - Lowftlt. Mhs.. iur 1 1 Poor Health Laxative doses of Ayer's Pills each night greatly aid the 8arsaparllla. the requirements of n enfeebled constitution, you need not suffer. Here are Nature's own remedies, direct from the hand ot the Greet Creator, brought tojwu In the shape of rleessrt. agreeable, heelth-glvinj Salts, evaporated by our own process. They have lost absolutely no vlnue no jtrcngih. Ey analysis, the waters ot ftedlcal Lake contain twelve IngreJknts. each an! all tatiJnU ol the pharmacopoeia. By analysis the Salts have the same In exactly the same proportion. Nature has compounded them so efficiently (hat man has tried and tried lnvdi:i to make them. Eat art can never compeie with nature, when nature evolves a masterpiece. That the Salts are a masterpiece, their hlsbry proves. To Medical Lake, a ilttle wood land gem hliden high up in the mountains, among the forests ot Washington, the Indians frr centuries came. Hera they worshipped, and drank ot the pleasant waters. The well were made stronger and thrived on the delicious heverare. and the sick and ailing were restored, la all disease ol the BLOOD, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. flALARIA, and In all cases ol KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLE, flEDICAL LAKE SALTS WILL flAKE A CURE, It Uken faithfully; yes. cure as sure as the sun shines. Man, with ell his teaming and his cunning, his experience and his skill, cannot maks remedies like these, which nature freely gives. 2S CENTS, 50 CENTS AND $1.00 A BOX, AT DRUGSTORES The Baits are also reduced, as a convenience, to Tablet form; five grains In each Tablet. Such a Tablet' dropped Into a glass of water, makes a remedy for the tame troubles and at the same time an equally delightful cooling beverage HEDICAL LAKE SALTS -flFQ. CO., Sole NEW YORK AND SPOKANE, WASH. rianufacturers Medical Lake Salt Mfg. Co., Spokane. Wash. Gentlemen wa stricken with violent attack of sciatic rheumatism. Fever waB at top notch, and I suf fered excrutlating pain. Everybody who saw me said that the mineral water did not exist that would cure sciatic rheumatism. Nevertheless, I determined to try Medical Lake before going elsewhere. Only three weeks' treatment wa required to set me on my feet and enable me to look after my business. To make sure of no possible return of the d Isease, however, I sontlnued the daily bath for a period of two months, and have been free from rheumatl sm since. 1 W. A.- 1MLAT, Medical Lake, Wash. For sale In Astoria by Prank Hart, corner Twelfth and Commercial.: the Conn Drug Company Twr'-fth and Commercial and Charts Roger. Odd Fellow's building 6a. -