The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 28, 1903, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ! i
Chafing Dishfes, Hanland China,. .'New Shops" German China,
i Rich Cut Glass, Steins, , Silver-plated , ware, .Carvers,, Door
Mats, Baskets, Priu-Olas, bomino Sugar, Meat Roasters, Pre- ,
ferred Stock Can Goods, Nuts, Raisins, Anti-Rust Tinware,
Beans," Olive Oil, ' Christinas Candles and Holders, Tablets,
Lowney's Chocolate and Cocoa and lots of good things to eat
i 5-1 ,' '
There's just as much difference between an Alfred
' Benjamin Smoking jacket and "the, common kind"
as there is , between Alfred Benjamin suits and the
... other kinds. .
Properly ShrunK; Scientifically Made
Tailor Finished
.... rwy Afe I .
.local Brevities.,
Tha regular meeting of the. Astoria
Chamber of Commerce will be held
this'evening at t o'clock."""""' "'
L. A. Petersen, a native of Sweden,
was made a full citizen by County
Oierk Clinton thU afternoon ' -
'' The measurements of the ' gasoline
launch Delia were announced today by
Deputy Collector McCue. The Delia
measures 21 gross tons and 21.40 net.
. The regular annual sale of taxable
property is now In progress at the
court home." The ' sale .began this
morning and. will probably continue for
three days. .
. The Christian Endeavor , (Society, of
Cathlamet, rendered a special rnusical
and. literary program at its regular
meeting last evening which was great
ly enjoyed by those present.
! r
Mrs. Helena Prebst, a young woman
of Seaside, died , yesterday afternoon.
The funeral will be held tomorrow and
the Interment will be in Clatsop ceme
tery. .-''-i ; v ;.;,
Oh yes, they cost from 50c to f 1.00 more thaa the
poorer made stuS but they are worth twice as much.
When you give' a Gentleman a Smoking Jacket, give
Jiim one that will not crawl up his neck; give him a
Jacket that won't shrink all up; give him a Jacket
.that won't rip;, give him a Jacket that will give him :
pleasure and not be an aggravation. .
ermaii Wise
' " 7 ; The Reliable Clotheir. ;
The steamer Colwell, . belonging to
the Miller Sands Seining Company, ik
on the beach at Skamokawa, undergo
ing extensive repairs.. The company
also' expects to build a new boat house
on its seining grounds.
This has been a very dull shipping
season arid of late things have been
painfull- quiet along the waterfront;
Since, Christmas there nave been vox
two movements, the Columbia arrivln,?
and the, Aberdeen departing, ; . . ...
The Cathlamet baseball team expects
tr, hnli a meeting soon for the purpose
of reorganizing and selecting the play
ers fdr the coming sea-ion. A contract
wti, be let for improving the grouna
a nUHne'ft in first-class condition.
It is. said that a few crack players will
he listed in the 1904 team. : - ....
Thr l little probability of Circuit
Judge McBride returning to this city
before the ' February ' term of court
convenes. Should Occasion arise he
will be here' a week in advance to
set down cases, but the indication are
now that such a course will not be
necessary. The docket Is now remark
ably clean, the few remaining eases
being of rather a petty nature. '
Mrs! Annie" toller, wife of lohn
Koller, died at the family residence in
the East End Saturday afternoon. Con
sumption was the cause of death, Mrs.
Koller was 37 years of age, and leaves
besides her husband six small children.
The funeral was held this afternoon
from Pohl's jniartaking parlors, Rev.
Mr. Lumijarvt, of the Finnish.Metho
dist church at Clatskanie, officiating.
The interment was in Gtreenwood ceme
tery. .' , . '-Mi-y, s 1 ii v
nesslin was towedup"the river Vo load
grain. , The Glenesslin Is the vessel
that wasi'recentjy freed from quaran
tine, bee detention and fumigation .by
Dr. Earle being occasioned by .Jhe pres
ence of an army of rats and swarms
of cockroaches, f - i
Sunday's association football game
between the Ilwaco and Condon (eastt
ern Oregon) teams was a snap for Il
waco, which scored seven times. The
sheepherders lacked team work and the
Ilwaco men scored live times in tha
flrst half. The game is played with
head and feet, the. use of the hands
being (wl, and the, match excited much
enthusiasm among spectators. As
sociation football was once very pop
ular in Astoria, but few of the ama
teur sportsmen could "now tell 'now
many points a goal counted. ' The Il
waco team returned on last ' night's
train and its members were very glee
full because of their decisive victonr.
The prospect of bitter warfare be--.ween
the rivaling lumbering interests
of the coast will affect the local situ
ation to a material extent.,. The strife
will probably not reach an acute stage
until spring, for, the reason that logs
are verv scarce at present, many of the
lodging camps having been closed down
for the winter. It is Btated the north
ern mill men will leave nothing undone
to rout their , California ' antagonists,
and, as is asaal In such contentlons,the
mill men will seek to,i compel every
branch of the Industry to bear part of
the burden. " The price of logs will
doubtless be forced down, and there is
some talk, already of probable reduc
tion of wages. The loggers are m a
rtrong combination and it is not clear
that they will agree to stand part of
the brunt of the . big fight whioh -is
fmnendlne. As to the 'employes, they
have a union now, and an effort at re-
d uced wages may cause trouble . 1 ne
belief is general that the Califomlans
vUl lose out !n their struggle. .
The capture of the two alleged
thieves wanted at Vancouver showed
good work on the part ol tne ant
ing officers Messrs. , uamma.
Thompson, The aescripuu,, v--men.sent
by the sheriff of CJark coun
ty, was meager, and when uamma,
and Thompson were aetata to make
the arrest it appeared that the data at
hand would allow the culprits to elude
their vigilance. The town was filled
with strangers, many loggers .ana
country people being in the city pre
paring for Christmas. Nothing daunt
ed, however, the officers set out and
son ran actbss two men that aroused
the suspicion of Mf. Oammal.. The
movements of the suspects were noted
and they were followed to tne o. n.
Sc N. dock where their luggage had
been landed by the steamer Hassalo.
They were later arrested In a ddwn
town saloon. : The men made no at
tempt to conceal their Identity, which
Is considered somewhat . strange as
there Is , little question as to their
gum. . a i '. s . .
Jt.i j .i-i
We are exclusive
agents for !
Jim j m
Shoe women
& CO.
Successors to John Hahn
irc Esesi uesiaBraai
,: r. . tt-
Regular Meals, 25 Cents ; ,,-.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty
, Everything the Market Affor4s "
Palace Catering Company
'"L" We ha'i)lendid 'aSortinenrof well finished
and highly enameled Brass leds
- :: possessing full ; 't r
The best 'Une
6f beds ever
, played in Astoria,;, H
Ask to see- our Jwtll range.
EyeryAing for the home.
r The marriage of Mr. Lawrence C.
Keatirig, of Oakland, Cal... and Miss
Nellie Lldwell, of Astoria, will be sol
emnlzed at 4:30 this afternoon at et.
Mary's Catholic church, Hev. Jatner
Waters officiating. , Miss Maud Stone
will' be the bridesmaid. After the cere
mnnv the newly married couple will
take the, night train, for Portland, where
they will remain for a short time , ana
thev will remain for a short time ,and
then proceed to Oakland, their future
1 David G. Van Houten, a prominent
farmer of Multnomah county, shot and
kiled Albert Young, a saloon keeper,
in Portland last night. Young had al
ienated the affections of Mrs: Van
Houten-v young was':sitting:in his sa
i,J.n whpk Van Houten entered. ' Re
marking that he would teach Young to
irfcra -with Ws ..'mtio. relations,
Van Houtn fire, the hajl. taking
feet la .the abdomen . A second sno.
broka the arm. Van Houten then flea
and was. capture today., rt
p.verthing M 'id readiness tbe
nmmrMi iauB enterainment tomor'''
row night and "the attendance promises
to be very large. Art excellent program
has been prepared.' Interest centers in
, hoxlnz bout between Perry Queen-
an and Professor Muller." Both men are
confident of getting the decision. . Bul-
it.n of the Hanlon-Corbett fight wm
be read at th, entertainment.' Locally
sentiment favors Corbett, although
1,01 much letting on this
contest as on some of the other not-
able events. J t ', ' f
There have been very few move
ments in local shipping circlet during
the 'pist few days, Saturday the
steamer4 Elder arrived In from 8a
Francisco and proceeded up the river.
Sunday the American schooner Aber;
nassed out, loaded with lumber,
and today the French bark Europe ar
rived down from Portland with a car-
of wheat an the British eni Glen-
Nearly all the men on the Commer
cial football team complain of stirc
necks since their Christmas day battle
with the Cheraawa Indian eleven. The
Indians play fierce ball and have culti
vated a faculty of twisting necks when
tackling. The Chemawa team was
nMr. than the Commercial eleven
nnA the visitors depended upon trick
plays for their yardage. The neck
twisting system which they employed
was calculated to weaken the player'
work. When Decker, the Haskell end,
tackled' Stockon on the'latter's great
run he deliberately twisted the Com
mercial quarterback's neck and was
hissed for his foul tactics. Stockton
was not hurt, however. In this mixup
When Barker began making his fre
quent runs the Indians spotted him
for ulanghter,- and balf dosen times
an effort was jnada to lncapacltiate
him by" kicking him oh the ankle.' Not
until the' very end of the last half was
Ithe-effort successful: Barker's ankle
Is badly swollen. Several other play
ers wen also khke'l on the legs. ; The
Comrnrrclsjf Dlayed rougher bait that)
usual, but, as one or mem- pxpiainecr,
they vere merelx"P?htljiK ths devil
mith fire.", The Commeii lal ii:en will
practice at frequent intervals during
the spring and summer and expect to
have a veryi atrong '.team fur next sea
on. Many of the football players will
play baseball on the club's nine dur
ing the coming season.
Mrs. A.' J. Ross, who has been
visiting with her daughter Mrs. W. 8
Grim,"retu"rned to her home in Port
land this morning..
Moneyback says: I am Schil
line's Best ; I am true and good
and as fine as is worth while ;
if you 'tlon'r think so, your
grocer hands you back your
rnonty. ; -.".,:v ,
Poyqlaranda of
The Boston Restaurant
. ..-I.. .... . .
. II. V I M
Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria ;
Try Our 2 S-Cent Dinners i :H
Prompt Attention
Higii Class Chef
:-.: i ( 'i i i ;
A t
Hoar ancf Forsksr.
4 The -etort courteous passed fre
quently between Senators Hoar and
Forak-!!1 In the Panama debate; , s
Mr. Foraker did not like being in
terrupted, but Mr, Hoar persisted in
suylng that he was being badly mis
represented. There were long' col
loquies, one of which ended as follows!
"When the gentleman from Massa
chusetts Interrupts me," said Mr. For
aker, "I wish he would tell me where
I was." .
"Well,"said Senator Hoar, beaming at
the opportunity to "get back" at the
rthioan. "tha rentleman was making a
misstatement of my position. ,'.
There was a roar of laughter wound
tb Senate t this ally. " " ' J
Fight Will Be Bitter.
Those who will persist in closing their
ears against the continual recommend
ation of pr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will nave a long and bit
ter fight with their troubles.lf not end
ed earlier by fatal termination. Read.
what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., ha
to say: "Last fall my wife had every
svinnlom of eonsumntlon. She took
Dr. King's new discovery after every
thing sis had failed. Improvement
rams at once and four bottles entirely
cured ber. Guaranteed by Chaa. Ro-
ers, driggtat. Price Wc, and P H.
Trial botUaa fm. -
. . - . .
Bale of pictures now onv ;W
the room: we ne4 the money. OsU '
around for bargains. Wood II eld's AH
Stars. - ' '' "'
1 J