PAGE FOUR. ASTORIA,! OREGON, MONDAY,. DECEMBER 28,' 1903. PREPARING TO RETURN HOME. LHtlf Probability of Fsvorable Reply to Colombia'a Note. , Wasaington, Dec. 28. (Special) Although Secretary Hay haa not yet , replied to the note of Reyes, prepara tions are going on rapidly for the clos -tng of the Colombian legation here, ,nd the departure of Colombia's rep yesenta.tives. A favorable reply Is not 'anticipated, and diplomatic - relations will be broken us soon as the answer iia received. v'-T . Hay Not Improved.' f Washington, .Dec. 28. (Special) ;The condition pf Secretary- Hay has- Bot Improved. , He la suffering from ' bronchll trouble." Ke secretary will Cleave early In January for the south ito try the effects of the milder climate Assistant Secretary Ixtomls wjll , pflr fclHte during hla absence. i , - X MR. BRYAN MEETS T0L8T0I. . (Count Pleated With Aaauranca That Bryan ia Not Socialist. The "Hague,: Deei 28. (Special) "William J. Bryan arrived here today from Berlin and visited . the foreign minister. Bryan said he found Tolstoi looking well though aged. Tolstoi's first question was: "Are you a socialist?" t',, When 'assured 'to the contrary the count said: "I am very glad to hear it. I am no( a socialist myself." , PERSONAL MENTION. ; W. G. Howell ia in the city. Miss Morton .returned to her schoo: at Knappa this morning. Beijamin Powell returned to. his school duties at Portland last night. David Morgan. Sr., went to Port land ("his morning on a business trip, Mr. and Mrs. , H. Calif returned to their Portland home this morning. Prof, and Mrs. J. W. MeCormac are In Portland today. - I'aptain Hazen returned Saturday nighfrom a visit with his parents at Warren. .Mr. iand Mrs. B; B. Shaw, who had been ati Cathiamet for. Christmas, re tained to the city today,.,, f Duncan McLean returned to Port land last night after spending a few 4m vs with his mother. T. K, Johnson, a prominent Colum bia river seiner, came down on the Vanguard' this morning from Skamok awn . John Nelson of Oneida, Wash., who had tieen visiting relatives lir the Wil lamette valley-and at Cathlamet, ar rived here this morning on the Van guard. Don Ross,, 'who has been visiting with his parents for the past few days, THEOLD RELIABLE flS A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all points east; Leuls vilie, Memphis. New Orleans, and all poinu south. 7 i 7 Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE VALUE OF ROADJHSTRISTS. New Law Passed at Regular' 8ession of Legislature Soon to Be Felt. In keeping with the law passed at the last regular session of the legis lature relative to road Improvements, tn Pnvtlnnfl Inst nleht. Mr. i , - . . . , . ,!a valuation of the taxable property in Ross is head of the traffic departemnt ! 1 . . n ,, , , -o ., me roiiu uisiricis in me county nas 111 the Portland office of the Postal ihoan nl a part a n fl a fnnnrtl nt tha actrra Telegraph Company. i Miss Laura McCann returned to . , 1 .thin will ho Rant to tha rliffararit aimat. Portland last night. She has been ' , .. ,, , ,. . . . visors throughout the county. The to In the city since Christmas day, vis- I itlng with her parents. While in the " ,.k- -., Dixie Sails For Cuba Philadelphia, Dec.1 28. (Special) The auxiliary cruiser Dixie, sailed from League Island navy yard today for Colon, carrying 600 marines and five months living rations for 1000 men,: Six companies of marines di vided into two battalions, sailed on the Dixie. , Scientifio Association Meets. St j Louis, Dec, 28. (Special) The 53d annual meeting of the American Association for the advancement of Science began here today, Between 700 and 1000 members are present, comprising some of the most notable men In the country. The convention will remain in session during the en tire week , city Miss McCann rendered good ser vice at St. Mary's church with the Christmas music. , Her singing of ."Ave Marie", showed the effects of the excellent training she Is reeciving un der Mrs. Walter , Reed, . Portland's noted vocalist . , , C. H. Chandler, traveling secretary of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, left this morning for the east, Mr. Chand ler has been in the city for the past few days, the guest of Rev. W. S. Short, and yesterday J morning deliv ered an eloquent ,v : address ' at Grace church. The secretary's headquarters Is At Pittsburg and his field of work is tli entire western country. Murderer is Captured Portland, Dec. 28. (Special) David G. Van Houghten, who , shot Al. Young yesterday because he had stol en Van Houghten's wife, was captur ed In a barn at Montavllla this morn Ing. Drowned While Rowing Whatcom, Dec. 28. (Special) Ernest Frost was drowned In Welser take by the capsizing of a boat In which he and two women companions were rotting. The women were saved by a rescuing party. Killed By Indignant Husband. St. Joseph, Dec. 28, (Special) H u. Udinunaon, a real 1 estate dealer, wor found In a room in a hotel here today with. Mrs. M. W. Grote. and was fatally shot by the woman's hus band. Mrs. Alexander Sullivan Dead. Chicago, Dec. 28. (Special) Mrs niunuuci ouiiivHii, wen Known on both sides of the Atlantic as an auth r and editorial' writer, died today, aft r a week's Illness, following a stroke t paralysis. The ball to be given tonight In Han- won i s nail by the Wakohw Club gives every promise of being the best ronitucted function of the kind to be given in Astoria this winter. The hall is resplendent with decorations, green and red predominating. Fresh, green boughs line the walls and hang- m from the ceiling there Is a cen tor pl'-e of red and white, the beauty at which will be enhanced by colored electric lights. Green and red bulbs are distributed about the hall. The Columbia orchestra will furnish music tor the-occasion. It is anticipated tlm! tihere will be 50 couples In at (entlanee. '"' ' it vi, ('w! A black purse containing a small aum of money, a locket and chain, and a roundtrip ticket on the A. & C. R. R. between this city and Portland, was lost near the depot Christmas eve. Under will please- return to this office. The dredge Chinook resumed or ations on the bar toduy. If the pres ent weather continues it Is expect ed that the dredge will do good work, aa the east wind renders the bar In the aatooth condition necessary to perate et'ectWaly. ' A lr ef lady'a ew black gloves was foaad Saturday near the Oregon bakery. They are bow at this effice and the ewaer eaa have same by prov tuf areeerts aad paying far this ce. Advertised Lettens. Dec. 28, 1903. Achison, J. M. & Co. Anderson, J. H. Bergeron, E. ' Bernstein, Reuben Dowry, Marie , , Brown, Orns ' Clark, Geo. W. Craig, Emma J. Crescent, Emb. Co. Klynn, P. F, Fostn, Jsmunson Christ " Frits in, Freel Godley, Clarence Harper, T. J. Mr. and MrB, Hurras, Clara , Hostetter, Levi S. Jonsen, Julius Johnson, B. A. Johnston, Jack Johnson, Anna Miss London, Josephine McCoy, W. N. Mrs, Miller, Iyena Mary Miller, J. F. Mieller, Nettle ' Mattoin, Gabe Nettleton, G. H. Occident Pkg. Co. ;( Pacific Coast Mill Co. Pacific Unbn Co. Percy D. L. ;, Peterson, F. J. Powell, R. G. ' Price, R. C. Riley, S. G. - ' . Lmhardt, L. W. Sanderson, V. Sanders, D. R. frVverson, Henrlch Smith, Win, D. Strebe Linhart Stau'o, Frank. Htrenmetx Peter Stone, R. E. Svedrup, M. ,Tyro, Emll, (package) Brown, C. H. ' Foreign ' , Goiln, David , lluasanen, Matte ( , Hurjukoski, Emile CiV- T-easiirers Notice. "!: There Is money in the City Treasury to pay the following warrants drawn on the following streets: . , ' ; Alleyway and Cedar, No. 16,460 to 16,- 468, Inclusive. Fifty-one and Birch, No. 16,441, Fourth street, Bond to Astor, No. 16,- m. Fifth, Commercial to Astor, No, 16,334 and 16.395. Fifteenth, Jerome to Niagara, noi 16 20S. 16.201. 16.204. Eighth etreet. Commercial to Aator, Not. 16.6K, 16,691 16,697. 14,691 Eleventh street, Bond te Franklin, Noa. 16.701 to 16.714 Inclualve. Internet will eeaee after thla date. THOMH MAUET, '' ' City Treasurer. Aaterla, 4re., ee. . 1H. hf 613,195. i.The new law Is on the same princi ple as( the one governing school dis tricts. Each district will be iprivi leged to levy whatever tax it sees fit, the same to be devoted to road Im provements. Besides this there is the regular state levy of . 5 mills to be met, !. . Following is the list -of the road districts of the county together with the valuation placed upon the proper ty of each: , , , Astoria ......... i $1,808,282 No. 1 ,, ... .'116,396 No. 2 82,304 No. 3 283,793 No. .4 , No. 5 No. 6. . See that your ticket reads via the Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod ern trains connect with all transconti nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha. If your friends are coming west let us know and we will Quote them direct the specially low ritss now in effect from all eastern points. ' Any Information as to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on application. B. IT. j TRUMSOf-L, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland. Or. . J. C. LIND3EY, T. F. A P. A., 142 Third street, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON, F. 4. P. A., T LUXURIOUS 1 HAVEL 65,911 39,532 131,425 No. 7 128,808 49,657 63,226 269,732 269,526 272,882 246,892 89,64 152,983 173,175 j 66,162 113,405 No. 8 . Xo. 9. No. 10 No 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 The "Northwestern Llmltid" trains, electrio lighted throughout, both inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, toe finest trains ia the world. They embady the litest, newest and best ideas for comfort, conveniwee and luxury ever offered the travelling public, and altogether are the meat complete and splendid production cf th car builders' art. These splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Tacific and , The Canadian Pacific' ' . AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO 'and the EASTr No extra charge tor these superior acommodatlons and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the trains on this line are protected hi the Interlocking Elect System. ( ) WETHANKYOtl - To Call and See our 1 1 line of Christmas Slippers and Shoes, the finest that mon ey can buy, Call and be convinced. THAT WUUKBUS. inwOi,T,.T..('r; rip ? PETERSONS BROWN The ColufflbialOystefllse; is now handling the celebrated .. . TOKE POINT OYSTERS - for Betall and Wholesale trade. Oysters always looked and served in first class style, Shoal Water Bay Oysters always fresh every day. NICK KAZEPPI, Proprietor.? c a 105, 107 TWELFTH St. Astoria, Or, r The Mug Saloon Corner Ninth and Astor fits CLlines, Liquors and , Cigars Of the Finest Quality Fishermen and Seiners' Headquarters No- " 189,420 TotaI .$4,613,195 Lloyds Bank. , Tha bank that has shown the most remarkable expansion of any bank in the world du.-lng the last thirty-five years is Lloyd's Bank of London. This bank was formed in 1866. 'Within three. months It absorbed two large private banking houses. Since then it has ab sorbed no leas than twenty separate joint-stock and private banking con cerns. Lloyds bank has twelve offices in London, two hundred and sixty coun try branches and one hundred and twenty sub-branches and agencies. For the past Ave years it has paid divi dends of 18 per cent to its stock holders, of whom there are aboat twelve thousand. Lloyds Bank Is now much the most powerful banking in stitution In Kngland, with the exception of the Baak of England. It was announced (he other day that arrangements have practically been completed for the absorption by Lloyds Bank of the Liverpool District Banking Company. With the absorption of this company Lbyds Bank will have depos its and current account balances amounting to $360,000,000. This com pares with $5,$30,000 in 1863. No other bank in the world shows such a re markable expansion. CARLSON'S... Family Liquor Store Choicest Table Wines for Families PBJ VATE BTOCTC -Cream Rye, Old Hickory Frldeof Keatuckey and Hermitage Repsold California Brandies. DON'T DRINK : If you do, get the best and purest, for family and ' medicinal use, ; "'"'r 'at, the, . :':;''J;,.,''';' California Wine and Liquor' House NO BAR.,,,,,W,,,,,M' WILL CONVINCE YOU A TRIAL ORDER 4224BOND STEEET.. PHONE , 2174 BLACK The Waldorf Twelfth Street Astoria .The.Germania. WM. BOCK. Prop. WINES ItlQUORS and CIGARS Welnhnrd's Celebrated Beer Corner Bop and Tenth -1 -. Astortu fOUBT ASTOBIA.No. 8, Foresters of America Meets Wednesday even ings m i ai uaa u euows nail. C. E. Posteb, Fin'l Sec'y. L. A. Spbaceb, Chief Banger. Assessment Notice. Cotice Is hereby given that the as sessment made for the purpose of im proving BOth street from the south line of Cedar street, to the north line of Date street as per assessment roll No. 71 was made by an order of the com mon council due and payable January 8th, 1904 by ordinance No. 2873 con- flrmln? said assessment roll. That th following are the names of the persons against whom the assessments are made, amounts owning by each, to-wit: Allen, B. F. 11.61 Anderson, George SO . 00 Duffner, Otto 25.41 Kelly, Mary M. 1.8S Wevang. AndrewHelrs of 1.39 City of Astoria 7.22 By order of th common council, OLOF ANDERSON, AaJiter and Police Judge. : Satea Aataria. Ovegaa, Sec. 2, IMl. , How Grant Came to Smoke. At a recent army reunion, General James Grunt Wilson told how it was that General Grant became such an in veterate 3moker. He said that after the Fort Donnelson fight the newspa pers all over the North were filled with the story of how the silent Captain hnd fought tint battle with an un llghted cigar in his mouth. "l-p to that time," said General Wil son. "General Grant never smoked more than two cigars a day in his life. When the people of the north found that their commander evidently liked cigars, loyal souls from every great northern city sent in cigars to Grant's head quarters, until he had piled up in his tent 20,000 cigars. "He felt that it wouldn't be polite to return them or to give them away, so the only thing to do was to smoke them. That was the beginning of It,and It end ed with the smoking of something like a bunch of cigars every day." CHAS. F. WISE, Proprietor. THE BEST OP WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, Concert Every Evening Corner 8th and Astor Sts. Astoria, Oregon R, J. Owens, Proprietor Phone 831 11 THE WIGWAM GIS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast 5 Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE THt ILLUSTRATED PICTURES .1 A Frightened Home, Running like mad down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidenta, are every day occur ranees. It behoves everybody te have a reliable salve handy and there's none aa good aa Buoklln'a Arnica, Salve. Burn, cute sores, sssaina, aad piles, disappear ' tuickly under Ma sastfaina; effect. See, at ?haa. Bogara eVr atare Eighth and Astor Sts. v ,t . ASTORIA -vBnvnnnuanauuuuu'nttnnuuttnnM MOVED TO NEW QUARTERS The Popular Restaurant formerly conducted at the corner of Astor and Seventh streets, lias moved two doors eastward . where the pro prietor will b pleased to see all his patrons. The good errica heretofore given the public will be continued and improved if possible, and the proprietor'illaim will, always be to please. , . "; '