ASTORIA, OREGON, MONDAY,' DECEMBER 21, 1903. The Daily Astorian AND '' Astoria Daily News , EsUbliihtd 1873 FKAXKLIN PRISTIXG Publisher. CO. RATESi t"ent by mail, per yew. 86 00 Sent by mail, per month 50 Served by carrier, per month 60 SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mail, per year. In advance $1 00 The Astorian guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia RIVer. - , A MR. AND THE SENATORS. SCOTT At Washington cjty, on Thursday, Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Ore gonlan, and United States Senator Hoar met in an elevator at the capltol. oenuior .uiumell was with Mr. Scott, ana introduced the editor to the vener able senator. Mr. Scott extended his hand, but Senator Hoar declined to grasp it. "I should tell you why I will not shake hands with you," said Mr. Hoar. "There once appeared in your paper a paragraph 1-eflectlng upon my friend, the late Senator Morrill, of Vermont. It said he was living along several years to save funeral expenses." Mr. Scott denied knowledge of the editorial paragraph in question, but sam ne was responsible for all that appeared in the paper. The outcome of the meeting was that the intended acquaintance did, not materialize. Mr. Scott richly deserves the rebuke tnus administered to him, although It Is lamentable that so prominent an ed itor should be snubbed by one of the most highly respected members of the greatest law-making body in the world. For years his paper has taken advant age of every possible opening to rldl- ruie me members of the senate. Mi'. Scott has brutally attacked sentaorial dignity and unmercifully berated those senators who have sought to uphold the reputation of that body. On the day following publication of the dis patch telling of Senator Hoar's direct snub the Oregonlan contained a villain ous urralgmnent of the senate. Jn an editorial expression called "Senator lorukera Error," the practices of 'the upper house were ridiculed and belit tled In every conceivable manner., Mr, Scott did not write the article, but he is jeHponalble for lt publication, for it Is quite in line .vith his oft-expressed views. Abuse Is a poor weapon, and poorer argument, and it would soein that a life time spent in newspaper work would Iwfe taught Mr. Scott this. The cal umnious utterances of the Oregonlan hiive brought that journal Into disre pute with nearly all (he senators, and it Is not surprising that the respected Mr. Hoar declined to make the person al acquaintance of a man whose pubr Mcly expressed views had always been so bitterly unfair to our highest leg islative body. Apparently Mr. Scott Vould malign the senators in the col umns Of his paper and hnlmob with themat the eapttoljbut InSenator Hoar he found a man who entertains some regai d for. the proprieties. The idea that Mr. Scott might . vilify senators individually or collectively in his paper and then extend the hand of friend chip to them at the capitol did not ap peal to the conceptions senator from Massachusetts; who can but be com mended for his manly course In frankly tilling Mr. Scott what he thought of him. , , . i . Tn connection vith the incident Thursday it is interesting to note that Mr. Scott has sou'ght for many years past to ' break Into" the senate. Only at the last legislative session he en- deavored to deprive Senator Fulton of his strength, and his "now-ls-the-time telegram Is still fresh In ,the memory of the observant public. That he should have labored to become a member of the body whose customs are sb utterly despicable in his eyes is remarkable, to say the least: but, if Mr, Scott were not the personification of inconalbioney, perhaps he would not so far 'disregard the rules of common decency as to slan der the senate of the United States. It is to be hoped Mr. Scott will, even at this time of his life, profit by the lesson of Thursday's Incident. The message of Governor Chamber. lain is, as the governor promised, not able for Its brevity. The executive quotes the supreme court extensively, but his own recommendations occupy comparatively little Bpace. He deals exclusively with the tax muddle, mak ing no reference to other important matters. Dougtless he has felt that, if he made any other recommendations, it would be but an inducement for the legislature to delve into legislation, as It. might at a regular session. There is pressing need for a new general law covering the matter of fees for record ing deeds, and perhaps another bill cr two may be offered. If so, they should be passed without delay. The brevity of the governor's message in dicates that he is anxious that the ses sion shall be a brief one, and for his interest in the welfare of the state he Is to be commended. incident sajd to have occurred some years ago. An Italian gentleman sent to a friend In Africa for "one or two monkeys," or, as it was written In the language of Rome, "1 o 2 monkeys." By next mall he received a note saying that S5 had been dispatched, and the remainder should follow by another boat." . , t. Every dollar devoted to libraries ad vances humanity. Public libraries are the homes of those intelligence-seeking persons who 'have no domestic connec tions, besides affording the studious every facility for extending their knowl edge of art, science and literature. It should be the aim of every municipality to build up its libraries, and Astoria shoud be no exception to the rule. Senator Hanna is the most popular member of the upper house Of the cong ress. When a man comes to Washing ton to take a seat In the senate Mr. Hanna extends to him the hand of good-fellowship, take3 him out driving and otherwise makes matters pleasant for him. He is high-minded, generous, and withal a first-class public servant. Twenty-flve dollars stood between Marcus Susman and the county Jail last Saturday. This is a powerful ar gument In favor of putting away a few dollars oecaslonaly for a rainy day. The United States fish commission wants to operate the Ontario hatchery. By all means, let the commission have We can find plenty other good lo cationsand we need the fish. Seems like Christmas never grows old; and that's the reason, no douht, the 'holiday means so much. TO CURE ,A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig- PI Jt III GHRISTMA5 IS DRAWING NEAR I I nature Is on each box. 25c. tf Charles Gibson, the Indian editor. ciaims mat consumption was never known by tfbe Indian until he began to live like the white man, in a house. "To euro a cold an Indian went to a mountain to camp, and hunted and ate wild meat for forty-eight hours, which Is now tlje easiest way to cure a cold on earth. You never contract a cold in a camp. It is curious, but neverthe less true. Try it and be convinced. No one ever saw a tepee Indian with a cold or cough. Nature will cure you if you are not a coward ,and wll go Into a tump. It is curious, but is neverthe less true. Try it and be convinced. No camp and give nature a chance." KOPP'S BEER flfltdi Aator Street Pool and Billiard Parlor Astoria's Most Popular Resort . . . Kopp's Celebrated Beer Always on jLraugao. xmportea uooda; for eign and Domestic Cigars AL. SEAtfELDT One of the largest checks ever draw- was used in Completing a deal in Kim berly mines, It was drawn up by the He Tteersca for the round sum of , 000.000 (25,000,000). At the time w,is supposed to be tlhe largest check ever drawn, representing more wealth In the smallest possible form than any other object tn the world. Since the drawing of the De Beers check, how ever, several new records have been made, Including a check for 10,000, 000 ($.10,000,000), drawn upon the Bank of England by the Chinese government In settlement of the Chinese-Japanese vyir Indemnity. The story of the mutilated telegram, which was transposed from "200 levla- jnuns to "200 live cats" reminds a cor respondent of the London Globe ot an If f rr?n mrz VV That Depot Exchange 8TEINEE & SNOW, Props. The Finest and Best liquors in the City .Kopp's -Celebrated Beer Always on Tap, ...Your Patronage Solicited... Don't let off buying until the eleventh hour, when you can get neither proper attention nor selections. ' .- r I Grand Display Pillow Tops Newest novelties. 1904 Novelty Calendars. Indian and Chinese Stamped Linens. Colored and Stamped Scarfs and Table Covers. j& j& j& & Great assortment of1 Christmas Hand Kerchiefs, Novelties and Fancy Aprons. Beauties in Ladies' Furs. A big line of Children's Fur Sets at - Remarkably Low Figures. 4? j& j& j& We have received some high novelties in the Cloak Department in three-quarter lengths blacks and tans. Now is the time to secure one of these choice coats at a bargain. j& j& s& TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, OF ALL KINDS AND DESCRIPTIONS. Come in rush. X? j& the morning to avoid the j& 4 j& j& v ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVE f I am . a - t i l rush, j& j& s & j& v i ah -p--, ...... -! u.M J.W.SUPRENANT . Carpenter and Builder Special attention gl vn to the oonstrnotion ot due business and residence building,. Commercial Ktrot astorla. Ore 8:00 a m Portland Union De- 11:10am i ;w p m pot ror Astoria and 9:40 p m Way Points ASTORIA PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone 12L 7:45 a m 6:10 pm For Portland and 11:30 am Way Points 10:30 p m SEASIDE DIVISION 8:15 a ml Astoria for Waren-I 7:40 a m 11:35 am ton, Flavel Fortl 4:00 sin 5:60 pm Stevens, Hammondl'lQitt a m land Seaside I 6:15 a ml Seaside for War-I 12:60 Dm 9:30 a ml renton. Flavel. 7:20 nr., 2:30 p ml Hammond. Fortl 9:26 am Stevens & Astoria Sunday only All trains make close connections at Ooble with all Northern Paclflo train. to ana from the East and Sound points. J. C. Mayo, General Freight and Pass. Agent OKAYING AND EXPRESSING A'll goods shipped to oar car Will receive special attention. tty 538 Duane St W. J. COOK. Mgr. Fulton Bros. ATTORNEYS And Counselori-at-Law Offices. Odd Fellows Bids;., Tenth and Conl v.... -j obvuj to, ure John Fubrman, G. W. Morton. Central Meat Market 64 COMMEHCIAL ST. , Your orders for meats, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to Telephone Nn. 831. THE'-; LOUVR0 Program Wee. Commencing jWAinliPr 7 A Cure for (he Blues, MADELINE EARLE." Overture, Beer is 5c, The Waiter. A return Engagement of the Sparkling Soubrette, . . CARMELITA MEEK. Overture, "Mistress Neil Waltiei" ' L , L. V. GUSTIN. Now we have the sensational hit of the season, JOHN J. - LORD, and MEEK CARMELITA, in a novelty act of their own. Overture, "Bamboo Queen" HARRY VON TILOER. The peer of Song illurtrators, LUCY CUNNINGHAM, presenting Howley Haviland and Dresser's Latest Sue cesses, "Down In the Meadow where the Oreen Grass Grows." Overture, Wait for the Moving Pictures, Edison. The somewhat different commedian, J JOHN J. LORD), 01 holf Wafc ' ' . tentioni S Overture, "The tioffflunter" li ,.l UYDELCRAlGv more of the Latest Eastern Successes, Okrture'BenHurWalftai" tl i- .. CHA& HOFFMAN; TheSWgneflc Star; CARMEUTA MEEK tm please you. Overturey "The VartyGir tl e ,v.' f RED f. AflHTON. I he Eccentric Comedian, JOHiN Ji dORD, will pass out a few knock-o ut dwp. Overture, Don't forget the picture . Once more will ; the same old sm , n 'u u , , ADELINE EAftLEv Overture, "Marita," Flotow. Edison's Latest invention, The Profecfo. scope, in different' subjects and scenes .. . Program is iubect to change without notice.' - When you are out for a good time don't overlook THE "O. K." DICK DOHEKTY and OUS PETERSON Proprieton ST. ASTOIUA, OR. C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Eipresa Companiea. Cuatomi . House Broker. O. R. THOMPSON ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. 48 Commercial Street RELIANCE Electrical Works 428 BOND ST. W art thofougUy KH14rta lof 1 maklnj Umatet and czecuUng order for all Uada of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In itoek. We 11 the celebrated 8HELBT LAMP. Call up Phone no. H.W.CYRUS. Mgr Astoria iron Works Foot of Fourth Street OSTE O PATHY DR. RHOBA C HICKS Mansell Bldg. Fhone Black 206S 571 Commercial St . Astoria Ore. fnists I Boiler Makers Lnd and Marine Kneines Hmi, k,it. i0".! fS-i,rMi',en, Bnnerlntendent F. L. Bishop','.'.'".. ic "Went Perfection of Fit Ajstorla aavlnci iBank.! .HecraUrr Treaaarer AbercromUe & Wilson ATTOENEYS-AT-LAW Pago Building A.torlM TH. FREDERff!K-crivr wu.wUXlf PIANO TUNE ." 71 Bond Street. - .Aatorta, Oregon and style can always be depend! upon when you get a Suit it clothes from , , A. Lake v.v , Astoria's Leading Tailor. M terials and workmanship are the best that can be procured and prices within reach of alL Pont forget the number, 22 COMMEBCIAL STREET COWING & COWING, ATTOHNETS AT T.AW. Boom 4,La hd Office B'd'g, Oregon CitT "Land Offloe Business Specif ..i'i