The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 18, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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, Real Estate values mar fall, 8toeki of an; kind may'
decline, banks may suspend, and so, also, may In- '
Insurance companies, but If you want to make a safe
vestment and be sure ot converting your cash Into
something that is bound to appreciate in value,
And now that the rainy season is at hand, remember
that we can turnish, at reasonable ooat a handsome
811k Umrella tor yoursels, your wife or your sweet-
heart. ;"; ,," . .
H. SEYflOUR, 466 GommmM SUtx
, , ' . You will find every morning during the ",
months of November and December
Solid Gold and Gold-filled watches, with
the finest Walthan,. Elgin and Hampden
movements, all away below eastern prices.
Change of entire display daily. Come and
see. Count them. ' . : : :
Carriage and Wagon Bonding.
First 'Class Horse Shoeing
Logging Camp Work,
AH kinds of wagon materials in stock
for sale. We guarantee the best work
done in the city. Prices right.
Corner Twelfth and Duane Sts.
W. N. SrliTn
limercial Street
pie rates. Home cooking and wholesome food, and courteous
eatment to our patrons.
The Central Hotel
tenth and Dnane St.
Scow Pay Iron 8 Brass Works
: tELATEMTB Is Miners! Rubber) "
and intormation. '
Astoria, Oregon
'Phone 921.
nq and Tinninq
est Work
est Prices .
est Material
pmpt Attention Given to All Orders
Astoria, Ur.
We nrenared to furnish rood table board at the most reason-'
so well as nicely laundried linen. We have the neatest
and most sanitary laundry jij the state and dp, the best
work.-7-All White help, I M iU i S7&UlUU fX .
The Troy Laundry
' RIanufacturers ef
Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings.
General Foundryuieri and Patternmakers. :
Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest.
?.s 2451. , - Corner EUnteentb ana franklin.
ib plao of shingles, tin. iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofinga
es. Beaaonable in cost. Sold on merit. Gnsranteed. It will pay to ask for
ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester BuiMing, Portland
j. :i . . -v.-.
Every Household In Astoria
f Should Know How to
I f'':, Keslstlt. '.ytj'
The back aches because the kidneys
are blockaded, -. ,,,':'. i f
Help the kidney with their work. '
The back will ache no more. 7
Lots of proof that Doan's Kidney
Pills do this. . ' .,: -
It's the best proof, for It cornea from
Oregon., , : '
T, W. , Shankland, who is' a street
car conductor on the Woodstock street
car line, residing at 710 Ellsworth St.,
Portland, says: "Some time last fall
I began having considerable trouble
and' annoyance from a dull aching
pate; in the back over the kidneys.', !
think it was caused from the: constant
shaking i-and-; Jarring .of the ' ca.b.V'1
thought at first it would disappear
quickly as it came, but this was. not
the case. Learning of Doan's Kidney
Pills X procured a box and took them
according to directions. The result was
entirely satisfactory.)-' The "backache
grew less and .- less and soon disap
peared and as far as I can tell It has
gone for good for there have been no
symptoms of reoccurrence."
Plenty of similar proof In Astoria.
Call at Charles Rogers, druggist for
particulars. . ."....
For sale by all dealers; price 50 cts.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.,
sole agents for the U. S.
Remember ihe name Doan's and take
no other.
j House Moving j
General Contracting
House Moving a Specialty
First Class Work '
Guaranteed at
v Astor Street
Pool and Billiard Parlor
Most Popular
Kopp's Celebrated Beer Always on
Draught. Imported Goods; For-
eign and Domestic Cigars
Depot Exchange
8TEINER & SNOW, Props.
The Finest and Best Liquors in tbe City
Kopp's Celebrated Beer
Always on Tap.
...Your Patronage Solicited...
48 Commercial Street.
8:00 a m' Portland Union De- 11:10 a m
7:00 p m pot for Astoria and 8:40 p m
I War Points
7:46 a ml
6:10 p m
For Portland and 11:80 a m
Way Points j 10:30 pm
8:15 a m
Astoria for Waren-I T:40 a m
ton, Flavel Fort 4:00 pm
Stevens, Hammond 10:46 a m
11:35 a ml
6:50 p m
and Seaside
8:15 a ml
9:30 a m
2:30 pm
Seaside for War-I 12:69 pm
renton, Flavel,) 7:20 pn,
Hammond, Fortj 9:26 a m
Stevens & Astorial
Sunday only , i n "
AU trams make close connections at
Goble with all Northern Pacific trains
to and from th East and Sound points.'
J. C. Mayo,
' General Freight and Pass. Agent
. Repair Shop.
The business, of the late O. A. May
will be conducted by hla son, George
May. who is no prepared to give
personal attention to general repair
work. - ..
Dr. Oswald H. Becttman
Kinney Building. Pbooe No, 2481.
Office boon. 10 A. M. toTU M., 1 to 4 P If
7P. Uloe.H. uudy loll e K
B RaaltoM tk lfeeeasltil' For Cor
; net Dicn 1m Baslmess. .
It baa become the unwritten bill
none tbe less stringent law that young
men shall dress well and neatly during
business hours. In many of the lar
gest banks and financial institutions
none of the clerks is permitted to go
costless, and In the mercantile estab
lishments where' salesmen are em
ployed "loud" attire Is actually dis
couraged. Tbe old time salesman glo
ried in his flamboyant cravats and
shirts, his diamonds and his peculiar
clothes. His capital in trade consisted
of flashy appearance, vulgar stories,
a constitution that would stand intoxi
cating liquor and an unlimited amount
of cheek. He did not have to know
anything about the goods be sold, ex
cept in a general way. He slapped
men on 'the back, took them out to din
ner, got drunk with them and then
booked their orders. The modern sales
man Is a well educated, neatly dressed
gentleman who knows all about the
goods he sella He is never called upon
to drink, he never needs to dine out
be trades on honor and brains, and bis
customers are men who only admire
men who .know as much as or more
than they do about their business.
Dress plays the most important part In
the game of commerce, no less with the
salesman than It does with the man
ufacturer,, the mill man, the banker
or tbe financial man. They all dress
to Impress their fellow men favorably.
-O. M. Connolly In Success.
Got the Oysters.
A captain of a Massachusetts regi
ment, stationed In Washington at the
time of the civil war, was noted for his
love of good things to eat and one day
dispatched one of his soldiers, a man
named Bailey, to Alexandria to get
some, fresh oysters, giving him instruc
tions not to return without them Tbe
man started, and no more was seen of
him for nine days. .The Washington
Times prints the story of bis return:
After a lapse of nine days Bailey
came Into camp leading a train of four
horse wagons, loaded with oysters.
Approaching and respectfully saluting
the amazed captain, 3alley said:
"Here are your oysters, captain.
Couldn't find any In Alexandria, so I
chartered a schooner and made a voy
age' to Fortress Monroe and Norfolk
for them. There are about 200 bushels.
Where do you want 'em?"
Bailey did really make the trip, hired
his men and sold oysters enough In
Georgetown before "reporting" -to pay
all expenses and leave him a profit of
about $100 The 200 butfccls were di
vided among the numbers of the regi
ment and Bailey returned to his duty.
Paper Making; and the Egyptians,
The art of paper making is almost
prehistoric. It is believed that the
Egyptians Invented the first crude
process. This Is shown in the name
Itself, which .Is derived from the word
papyrus, a reed which grows in Egypt
and other warm countries.
The ancient Egyptians made their
primitive paper from this plant by tak
ing the smooth, fibrous layer between
the rough outer bark and the Inner
flesh of tbe reed. This they dried and
glued together In long rolls, which
served as a means to , convey their
thoughts in hieroglyphics. This proc
ess bas been so improved upon during
the succeeding ages that today the
most perfect paper can be made from
the meanest substances.
Borne Treatment.
In Ohio, as in several other states,
persons condemned to death are taken
to the state capital for execution.
Recently in the Greene county court
a Jury was being chosen to try a mur
der case. '. ; 1
One member of the panel had been
asked the usual questions and bad giv
en satisfactory answers until tbe law
yer for the defense Inquired:
"Do you believe in capital punish
ment?' . "No, sir," was the prompt reply; "I
believe in banging them right here at
bome."-What to Eat. '
When. abeautifu.Lwoman smiles some
(wcketbooli is weeping.-ScbooTmaVter.
Mice That Snbaiat on Scorpioua.
Among the queer forms of animal Ufa
tbat inhabit Death valley is a mouse
that hits acquired such a taste for scor
pions tliut they form Its entire bill of
fure. TUe scorpion carries Its formida
ble armament In the end of its Blender
elongated abdomen in the shape of an
exceedingly venomous hooked sting.
When disturbed it elevates this in the
air and goes in search of its disturber.
But it is comparatively slow In Its mo
tions, while mice are proverbial for
their quickness the world over. , The
mouse learned many generations ago
where the scorpion carries its weapon,
and when he meets It he leaps at the
uplifted abdomen, takes off the sting at
a single bite and proceeds to make t
moal of his helpless prey. It Is sup
posed to be the only animal that rel
ishes scorpions.
Gladstone and the Actor. ,
All English speaker related this an
ecdote to an audience of theatrical em
ployees:, Mr: Gladstone, - when Mr.
Beerbohm Tree- was Introduced to blin,
hardly knewnpon what topic to con
verse with blin.. but at length asked
Mr. Tree's opinion as to tb politics oi
the stage, whether it is, n ij rule. Lib
eral or Conservallve. "B'hIj. sir,' salt
Mr. Tree wickedly, i rrall 1. bnve not
studied the qus;ion. b it I tuoald think
the actors, arermo tly Cmsertfatlrc.'
'Dear me.' replied' Mr, if'dftone.. ')
wonder whether there U a y .exception
to that rule;1 i rhor.hl ui7.' replM
Mr. Tree, tbe ex-en.- ibK n are Bud
lea Is to a msiu:"
Jka Jmaal HMaaa Vraaaar f mm
... Baat laatam rrlsmii j
Not long ago an old peasant was
(Pandering is the jungle about half a
mile from the city of Abmadnager, in
India, when he found a round ball of
metal. - It was black and looked Ilka
an old iron round shot but when the
old man lifted It be was strnck with
Its Immense weight He carried It
home and found on scratching it tbat
it was a lump of solid gold. It weighed
eight pounds and its sale made the
finder rich for life.
There are many more of these can
non balls, each worth a small fortune,
lying bid or buried in tbe recesses of
this Jungle, and their story is a curious
one. At the end of the sixteenth cen
tury Akbar, the greatest emperor Hin
dustan ever 'saw, was at the height
of his glory. At tbe head of his con
quering army he summoned Abmad
nager to surrender. The city and its
rich treasure were then under tbe rule
of the Princess Cande. Knowing tbat
resistance could be but short, and in
bitter rage against the oppressor, she
caused all the treasure of gold, and
silver to be melted down. She cast
the metal into cannon balls and en
graved upon each maledictions against
the conqueror. ' These were fired Into
tbe Jungle and when Akbar entered
the city, instead of the rich board he
had hoped to win, he found a treasury
absolutely empty.
That this Is not the only occasion
upon which cannon balls of gold have
been cast Is proved by the fact that in
the treasury of tbe shah of Persia
there may be seen in the same room
where stands the famous peacock
throne two small globular projectiles
of gold. They were estimated by a re
cent visitor to weigh about thirty-one
pounds each and are roughly made.
Their origin or purpose is, however,
totally forgotten.( It is only known
that they are very old. Chicago Chron
icle. BU Tima-Was' ITot tTpV
A man of a mercenary spirit had
several sons, one of whom was on the
eve of his twenty-first birthday. The
father bad always been a strict discipli
narian, keeping his boys well under pa
rental charge, allowing them few liber
ties and making them work hard.
; It was with a feeling of considerable
satisfaction that the young man rose
on the morning of his birthday and be
gan to collect his personal belongings
preparatory to starting out In the
World. . '
The farmer, seeing his son packing
his trunk, which he rightly judged to
be evidence of the early loss of a good
farm hand, stopped at tbe door of the
young man's room and asked what be
was going to do. ,
The boy very promptly reminded his
father of the day of the month and the
year and declared his intention of strik
ing out in the world on his own ac
count "Not much you won't" shouted the
old man, "at least not for awhile yetl
Yon wasn't born until after 12 o'clock,
so yon can just take off them good
clothes and fix to give me another half
day's work down in the potato patch."
Fate's Ironies,
1 Fate at times works some strange
Ironies. t
Mr. McHugh, an Irish member of par
liament some years ago brought for
ward a bill for the amendment of the
law relating to contempt of court In Ire
land and was soon afterward sentenced
to three months' Imprisonment for that
offense. Mr, Mcllugh's bill was sent to
him in proof form while he was under
going bis sentence and revised In EU
malnham Jail.
Two convjets were executed at the
Icblgaya prison in Japan, and one of
them as he ascended the guillotine re
marked that be had built It himself
while serving a sentence for larceny
two years before.
: A few years ago a story came from a
town In Staffordshire, England, of a
man who took bis dog to tbe river to
drown it In order to save the expense
of a license, but slipped and was
drowned himself, while the dog re
turned borne. ,, ; , ,
; Aren't the perfect trust and confi
dence engaged people have In each
ether perfectly beautiful I" u-!
; "Perfectly Idiotic, I should say "
i ; "Because when. I-was engaged I tola
my future fife all about' my income
and prospects, 'and how I can't spend
a dollar on myself without her knows
lng about It." New tork Times.
inn fil
j They have) ailments and weaknesses peculiar to their sex causing; '
'them distress 'and anxiety. Thousands are carried to the grave)
by Decline, Consumption and other diseases of a fatal character
by not correcting the evil in time. Tirrio' and trial have proved
that no medicine will equal Beecham'a Pills to combat these ail
ments and give happiness and health. Millions of women in every
part of the world take no other medicine to keep them io per
feet health but , ,1 - .
c '. v j vi . c? v 0 (t n " t v i" tt r -, .-, -", e,
Women of middle age will find that Beecham's Pills strengthen .
and invigorate the nervous system, purify the blood and lay the
foundation of health and strength. '.,,
; Full directions will be found in the pamphlet wrapped around .
each box of pills,,, ,., ; . -iMVfn
1 Fir's Im Hoar.
, An Illinois congressman said tbat
daring a hot summer day he sought
rest in a hammock beneath the scant
shade of an old- tree that stood at the
corner of a down state hotel. 7
'1 had no sooner stretched myself In
the hammock," said be, "than these
files attacked me, seemingly by the
million. It was Intolerable, and in no.
pleasant frame of mind I looked op the
proprietor. - - 1 :'' T "V J
" 'What Ao you mean,' I demanded,!
y stretching your hammock In tbat
fly haunted field of torture you call a
lawnr (
" 'I know the files are bad out there'
now,' he answered, 'but you ought to
use tbe hammock during tbe hammock-
hours, and you'd have no trouble from
the flies.' . ' J ,
"'What are hammock hours P I to-:
quired. . ! ' ". ' - I
" 'From 12 noon to 2 p. m. dally,' be
replied. 'During those hoars files will
not attack you In tbe hammock.'
"I was much interested In tbe man's.
Socratic skill In evading the Issue, and
wishing to draw him out I asked:
.i"'Why are there no files around the)
hammock between 12 and Vt j
" 'Oh,' he rejoined, 'at that time,
they're all In tbe dining room.' " Chi-i
cago Inter Ocean, 'i f ; . ts j
Tha Docs of tna Itefl Kefi. I
- When Columbus discovered America;'
he found that the Indians possessed
dogs. They were direct descendants of
the wild coyotes of the plains. You can
find a beautifully mounted group of
coyotes In a glass case at the National
museum, a male, female and young
one. Their resemblance to certain do
mesticated dogs Is very striking.
; Wasted Time. "' 1 .
"You want that book bonnd, sir! Yes,
sir. It will cost 8 marks. But there
are pictures In it That will make It B
marks, sir." v.'
"But why is it more with picturesr
"Oh, you , see, sir, my helper will
waste so much time looking at them!"
-Fliegende Blatter. V ,
Forgotf at Father-in-law. ,
"I've bad another quarrel with my
lon-ln-law, Count Fuscads," said Mr.
Cumrox gloomily. . '.
"Have you refused him money?"
; "Certainly not But I forgot to take
my hat off and address bin. by bis title
when I handed blm the check." Wash
ington Star.
A Trick With an Egg.
Place two V shaped wineglasses of
the same size near tbe edge of a table,,
In the right hand one put an egg, Just
fitting the rim of the glass. Hold the
bases of the glasses firmly down, tbs
top rims touching each other. Now,,
with a quick, sharp breath, blow uponj
the line where the egg and the glass
meet. The egg will jump to the other!
glass.' With a little practice this canl
be done every time. Be careful to
blow in a line with the left baud glass.
or the egg will jump In the wrong di
rection and land on the table with dls-l
astrous results, j ;' '
Her Objection.
1 "Don't you think you are taking the
wrong stand when you say you do not
wish your son to marry, Mrs. W11- :
loughby?" asked an Intimate friend.
"Don't you know it Is natural and best
for a young man to marry and that he
will not think any the less of his moth
er because be bas a wlfer .
"Oh, It Isn't that" protested Mrs.)
Wllloughby. "I don't mind bis marry-1
lng on general principles, but I don't'
want to be called 'tbe old Mrs. Wll
loughby.' "New York Press. 1'
. 1
. Awake. ' ;. t
Sharp Why, I almost lost money on '
the goods I sold to you. How muclt ;
ip you think I made on the order? .
: Byer About twenty-five times ai
much,'., . ,,. . j,.
Sharp Twenty-five times as much !
as what? I ;
Byer As you were going to say you )
made. Philadelphia Ledger. it
' lot Cni to it. : ' ''
Hostess I wonder . why your little!
brother seems so restless and uncom
fortable? ,
' Little Ethel-i think it's 'cause his
hands is clean. Stray Stories.
AH Ona to Him.
"Look. Dana I The duke has brought
his coronet"' - f f?, 2 U
"Ten binr to' go ahead and play It rij
don't mind the nolse."-Llfe. . :k
Litis wJ l.
IB wi