The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 18, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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The Beer of the North Pacific
Co. is manufactured right here
at home.
I OroAirig in Popularity Daily j
Realizing Astoria's need of greater facilities for the aceommoda- J
tlon of the traveling public, I have leased the Astoria Hotel, Seven .
teenth street near Commercial, and am now prepared to accommodat ' 4
guests. 1
Good board, a table well supplied with wholesome food, comfort- X
able rooms, reasonable rates and courteous treatment to guests com- 1
bine to make the Astoria Hotel all that is desirable to the public. J
217 Seventeenth Street, : : : : Astoria, Ore J
In order to make home happy, , good meals are indis
pensible, but you cannot have good meals if the principal
part the beef is poor. We are prepared to furnish the
very choicest ;
as well as Poultry, Fish and Game in season. Fresh
Crabs every Wednesday and Friday.
.Astoria iMeat, fish and Poultry fJarket,.
Malar & Johnson, Proprietors.
Twelfth St.
The Imperial Oyste
I and Chop Houserirn: .
Toke Point and Shoalwater Bay Oysters.
First ClaBS Cooking Quaranteed. We Make a '
Specialty of Coffee.
We have just received a large
consignment of seasonable Cloth
ing, and feel confident of our
abili:y to please in this as in all
other lines.
41511111 II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I '
Q0 00000000000-00000000000000 o
o , Bishop Hicks of Park City, Utah. o
o Alias Lee Herring, Skipper o
Bill Munford,
Day Clerk.
The National Saloon and Cafe
o finest W nes, Liquor and Cigars
O 473 Commercial St. Astorio, Oregon O
n n
O 0 ,0 O O 0 0 OO0Q000OC00000000009O
Opposite Petersen & Brown's.
1 1 I I M 1 1 I l M 1 1 M i 1 1 l n I
' ' Oscar Morton,
Insist on getting it and drink
no other.
Dr. N. H. Stewart
Rooms In Kinney building . ,
Over Griffin's Book Store o r I
Dr. T. L. Ball
524 Commercial street. Astoria Ore
Holmes X Sieberts
By Experienced Mechanics .
650 Duane St. Phone 2561
- -
Washington Market
Wholesale and Retail
Batchers and Packers
Live stool bought and sold Steam
boats, ihlps and mills supplied
on short notloe
Families Supplied at the honest Sate
9 :30 a. m.
6!p. m.
6 p. m.
10 p. m.
Correspondence Soli cited.
d. wTlipps
Imperial Hotel. - . Portland
' Only tbe better clans or patronatrr
In catered to. Try one and you will ,
com. regularly, Price, jb cents. ,
Ladies' Private Apartments
aiy Aitor Street
Enolt's SiWcpi Capsules
9or or Cfetarrs
Mho Blaster sad
tLi&iMj. 50 car. bo m
OsiM ntcklr and hl
Beiitlr th wont ewi of
fc.nffrrbora and ttieat,
ao matfr of how loos tud
lor. AbsolnMir Sormtaa
fold y drorrMa. rrlo.
IM, I torn, tl'h.
Sold br Chaa. Rogers, 459 Commercial
G U A R A Nf E::E;E)
Nice Little Love Story.
A dreamer and a man of action loved
a woman. v
The dreamer said: ' "I shall write
verses in her praise. They will touch
her vanity, and she will love me tor
them." ,
tut the muu of action said: ,"How
old fashioDed! 1 shall-corner the stock
market, and that will bring her."
So the dreamer wrote verses, and he
Induced a friend of his who ran a mag
azine to print them. And the man of
action cornered something or other and
beemie n billionaire.
In the meantime the girl married n
man who inherited bis money ntid
livfd happy ever after
U lit the dreamer was so proud of his
verjos that lie didn't cure,, and the man
of action was so busy that he didn't
The only one to suffer was the man
she married. Hmurt Set. .
A .Mile Village.
A traveler of the upper Nile thus de
scries a typical native village: "The
hd.ises are built of Nile mud, each
house accommodating a family of no
mutter what siae, the Inhabitants of
ea-lt village almost nil related to each
other, comprising sometimes several
hundreds of people.
"Their streets are littered with filth,
animals of every kind obstruct one's
path, dogs growl and snarl at the ap
pearance and intrusion of a stranger,
and women Uee, hiding their faces
In their yashmaks lest a white man
Bhould behold their features. Files In
swarms settle on the children and lay
their eggs on their eyelids, unwashed,
because they believe it to be contrary
to their religion to wash or remove the
flies from their eyes." Chicago Record
Herald. Fighter In Loadon Streets.
' Tbe reign of George II. was a great
fighting time. Every man who went
abroad knew that be might have to
fight to defend himself against footpad
or bully. Most men carried a stout
stick. When Dr. Johnson beard that a
man had threatened to horsewhip him
he ordered a thick cudgel and was easy
in bis mind. There were no police, and
therefore a man had to fight It cannot
be doubted that the martial spirit of
the country, which was extraordinary,
was greatly sustained by the practice
of fighting, which prevailed alike in all
"Who lives in that big honse on the
corner, Dennis?"
"The Widdy Q'Malley, sor, who Is
"Indeed! When did she dier
"If she bad lived till next Sunday
ithe would have been dead a year."
Kansas City Journal. ,
Mrs. Laura S. Webb,
VlcPsident of Vomen'j Democratic Clubi of Nctbera Ohio.
tUilUi AKE liLA.Nl
I I sickly women be-
I tween the ages of
49 and 65, but there are
Tery few invalids over 65
and 60 years of age. The
change of life coming to
a woman near her forty
fourth year either makes
her an invalid or gives
her a new lease on life. . Those who
meet this change In ill health sel
dom live ten years afterward, while
a woman who lays aside the active
duties of womanhood in health sel
dom fails to live on in happiness,
years after she has passed 60. This
1. truly a critical time. .'
Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo,
Ohio, recognizes the change of life
as a dangerous period and she also
has faith in Wine of Cardui. She
"As I hid atarays neea troubled more
or lea at the menstrual period, I dreaded
Kn. Laura 8. Webb.
' ' j' f j.;
Helps to advertise your town.
Is it deserving ot your patron
age? '.
No Sense of Proportion.
The young man who bad spent his
efforts for several years without re
sult In studying art was talking with
bis practical uncle, who bad patiently
paid the bills. . "
"Of course," said the young artist,
"I know I haven't made much of a go
of It, but I don't think you ought to ad
vise me to try something else. You
know It's best to put all your eggs In
one basket and watch that basket." '
"Urn! That mu be, Charlie; but did
you ever think how foolish It is to put
so many baskets around one bantam
egg?" Youlh's Companion,
The Great Porcelain Tower.
In 1430 A. D., after nineteen years of
ceaseless labor find an expenditure of
about 800,000, the Chinese govern
ment finlsJieoT the wonderful porcelain
tower at Nankin, which stood for near
ly four and a quarter centuries, until
1830, the most .marvelous building ever
erected bjr humnn hands. It was of
octagonal form, 200 feet In height, with
nine stories, each having a cornice and
a gallery without.
Cholly's Repartee.
"Cholly is so clevah at wepartee!"
exclaimed Clarence, . ,
"Isn't he?" said Reginald. "What's
his latest V"
"A gweat, Iiowwld bwute said to
Itim, 'You are the biggest fool In this
Itate.' And Cholly answered wight off,
1 don't agwee will) you!' "Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune.
Two Kffeets. ,
"I ne'er send out n story for publica
tion," said Dullpath. the realist, "with
&ut first having slept over It."
"I doti't believe I've ever read one of
them either without doing the same
thing," returned Hawley,
Sweet Content.
Blobbs Slllicus is very proud of his
lineage, Isn't he? ,
Slobbs Yes; he would rather have
incestry than make a name for him
self. Philadelphia Record.
People would be more willing to take
.'heir whipping if the fact could be
.oncealed that they were getting one.
ttchison Globe.
A l'nllnre,
"See here,' young innu!" said the min
ister. "You never paid me that fee for
marrying you,"
"You're mlfrhry lucky I haven't sued
you for daniuges." London Tit-Bits.
Still More Anfocfatir. - "
Knlekpr niiln't ha ,i i '
...... t u imm iu re
turn to civil life after commanding in
Bocker Nrl. Inriiwl tz ... . 1
- aft a jiuni-
rion as janitor Smart Ret.
the change of life which was
list approaching. While vis
iting with a friend I noticed
that the was taking your
Tine of Cardui, and she was
so enthusiastic about it that I
decided to, try a bottle. I ex
perienced some relief the first
month, so I kept on taking It
for three months and now I
menstruate with no pain and
I shall take it off and on now
until I have passed the climax. I do not
dread It now, as I am sure that your
Tine of Cardui will be of great benefit
at this time.'
Wine of Cardui Is the remedy to
re-inf orcc a woman against the shock
that comes with the change of life.
It re-establishes healthy functions
after years of suffering. In doing
this it has saved thousands of suf
ferers juxt in time. ' Do not wait
until suffering is upon you. Thor-,
ough preparations should be made
In advance. Begin ' tbe Wine of
Cardui treatment today.
A million suffering women
have found relief in
.Wine of Cardui.
Be Enjoys Nature's Beauties and Is
Not a Mere Butcher.
The angler's art Is but a pretext, or, ,
rather, the incentive to a ramble, and
not the sole object of tbe fisherman,
unless, alas, he belongs to .that tea
common, variety, the man whose sole
object is his catch. 1 Such a man flsbe
with a worm, hides flngerllngs In tbe
depth of his basket and photographs
bis catch as a witness of his crimes.
He is' not a fisherman, but a butcher.
A yellow primrose on the river's bank
Is to him a primrose and nothing
The true fisherman loves to catch
fish, to match his wits against the
weary trout, hut as he wanders from
pool to pool the songs' of the birds
greet him rostfully. Every turn In the
stream reveals a nook In which strange
wild flowers nestle. The gentle ex
citement of the sport prevents the
scene from becoming monotonous. Ths
element of chance, the uncertainty of
the catch, add the drop of tabasco
sauce which gives zest to the day, And j
the noontide meal by the brink of tbe
stream! When did a meal have a more
delightful flavor? Delmonlco never
served a trout like unto those we have
eaten by the banks of a mountain
brook with the clear blue sky above,
the waving forest round about and
tbe murmuring stream at our feet.
The bour of contemplation comes:
afterward, with the pipe ,of piace In
our band Instead of the relinquished
rod. How far off the city seems! Are
there such tilings as corporations,
trusts, stocks, bonds, electric lights
that amaze the sight, harsh warnings
of trolley gongs, the rumble und grind
of the wheels and the brakes on die
elevated road which affright the esr!
The harshest note that breaks the still
ness here Is the Loom of tbe bittern Is
the distant marsh.
Home to camp the fisherman goes,
taking a cast In this silent pool ' in
which the trout rose "in the forenoon
to his cast, but missed" the fly, or In
that daft hole deep under the bank .
In which a vigilant eye may detect lbs '
brown sides of a trout with lazily warr- ;
lug fins mid tail, an old campaigner,
not easily caught. Dr, A. T. Brlstow
In World's Work,
We bake bread; in China they steam
We divide the day into twenty-four '
hours; they into twelve.
- We locate intellect in the brain; they
locate it In the stomach.
Our calendar is based on solar time;
theirs is based on lunar time.
With us the seat of honor is on the
right; with them It is on the left
Our given minie precedes tbe sur- '
name; theirs follows the surname.
The' needle of our compass points te '
tbe north; theirs points to the south.
We haw standard weights and meas- :.
ores; their weights and measures differ ' ;
In each district,
Our children stand facing the teach- ;
er to recite their lessons; theirs turn .
their backs to the teacher.
Our watchmen quietly go their
rounds with a view to catching
thieves; theirs beat gongs and yell, to
frighten them away. ,
We bury our dead n few dayB after V
their deceuse; they often keep theirs In ':
the house In heavy, sealed coflins for '
faanu "China's Millions."
A ('npfd Prescription.
"Well, then, how must 1 make lovef '
"First you muxt believe that there Is
so one in the world but me."
'Tve got that far already." '
"Next you must make,' ne believe
that there is no one In the world but
7on."-Mfe. . ' j
. ,
Am Faklnd SnKK'.Hoa. A
"You love iny, daughter?" :
"8he' all the world to me, sir." j
"Then I don't supiiose you'll want a
ettlement"-KflHitiKe. ' 1
Just about the time- yon conclude you
are down and out your feet strike
something that will bold you,-Atchl-
son Globe. ' "' " J
Trite Difference. '
"go that distinguished looking lady Is .
your wife, eh?" 1
"No. I'm that distinguished looking
lefll'S husband,?
; t