The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 17, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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. Chafing Dishes, Haviland China, ''New Shops" German China
Rich Cut ' Glass, Steins, Silver-plated ware; Carvers, Door
. Mats, Baskets, Priu-Olas, Domino Sugar, Meat Roasters, Pre
ferred Stock Can ' Goods, Nuts, Raisins, Anti-Rust Tinware,
Beans, Olive , Oil, Christmas Candles and Holders, Tablets,
. Lowney'8 Chocolate and Cocoa and lots of good things to eat.
. i
December, UOS.
High Water. , A. M. P. M.
f Date. h.nn ft. h.m. j ft
3CNDAT . . . 2:04 7.5 1:29 8.
Monday .... 7 2:47 7. 2:15 8.7
ffrcsday . . .. 8 3:84 7.6 3:05 8.3
Tedneadar . .. 9 4:!3 7.6 4:61 7.7
Aarsday ... 10 1:17 7.6 S:0 7.1
Plday . 11 6:12 7.8 6:22 6.E
turday . . .. 12 7:10 7.6 7:45 1.3
December, 1908.
Low Water. A. M. P. M7
Date. ' h.m. ft h.m. ft.
SUNDAY . . .'l 7:40 2.8 8:19 -1.0
Monday .... 7 8:82 2.8 9:05 -0.8
Tuesday . . . . 8 9:27 2.8 9:51-0.8
Wednesday . .. 9 10:25 2.810:48 0.2
Thursday . . . 10 11:25 2.711:37 0.J
Friday . . . . . 11 12:35 2.4
Saturday 12 0:36 1.5 1:48 1.1
Local Brevities;
First-class meal for Il5c; nice cake,
coffee pie or doughnuts, 6c.
tauraut, 434 'Bond street.
U. S. res-
7. '
A marriage license was Issued today
to Bernard C. Anderson and Miss El
len Erlckson, both "of this county.
-7 $ - ''" ' ' -r-' ,
Worth Buying'
Smoking Jackets
Suit Cases :
Silk Handkerchiefs
Suspenders '
. Mufflers
Dress Shirts
With Gold, Pearl and Silver Trimmed
erman Wise
The Reliable Clother.
Charles Edmbndsen was arrested last
evening by Officer Thompson on a
charge of a somewhat serious nature,
according to the complaint made out
this morning. The law fixes a maxi
mum penalty' for violation of the or
djnance regulating such offenses as
that with whldh Edmondsen was
charged, but were it not for that fact,
tie complaint In the case would Justify
tie police Judfce in imposing a much
iiiore severe penalty.
IjAn offer of lot 4, block 132, Shively's
Astoria, as a site for an engine house,
was filed with the auditor and police
judge this morning. It comes from the
Astoria Abstract Title ft Trust Com
pany, agent for the owner, and the
price asked is (1500.
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very expen
sive. Occasionaly life itself is the prloe
of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong
if you taka Dr. King's New Life Pills
for dyspepsia, dizziness, headache, liver
of bowel troubles. They are gentle yet
thorough. 25c, at Chas. Rogers' drug
store. i " "
One of the nicest things for either
- Home or Office
Guin's Sectional
Book Cases
' ; 7 "
-You only buy what you need each section
" independent of the other. Saves money, room and
time. ' Let us explain it to you.
Ererything for the home. Ask to see our Jewell ranges.
The La Toaca, under the new man
agement, will have their grand open
ins on Saturday night. Call around.: '
' A - -IT.
First citizenship papers were Issued
today to Herman Hlnsala and Henri
Salvon, natives of Finland, and to
Jacob Carsters and Henry PrahaA, na
tives of Germany, , j
The La Tosca is under, new manages
men and the new proprietors solicit a
continuance of the former trade and
are :unply able to care for the new.
All treated alike. They keep an ord
erly house and they solicit a call. . tf
Prove feianiwerable when the case
is tried.
The Thursday Afternoon Club Is be
ing entertained this afternoon by Mr.
N. A. Majrfl at her Fifteenth street
home. The ladies are enjoying doubt
less the first Christmas tree of the sea
son, . n mlnature on "being provided for
their entertainment, there will be no
games played during the afternoon.
but each guest will be presented with
a delightful souvenir, the gifts to be
remoed from the tree, where they
were placed for decorative pur-
A sale of fancy articles and Christ
mas novelties will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 4 o'clock at Elmore chapel
in the west end. The sale will be con
ducted under the auspices of the Meth-
odlst mission Sabbath school.
A copy of an almanac sent out by
John Kopp ft Son, from Bozeman,
Mont., has been received here. As in
dicated on the ' almanac the former
Astorlan. and, hie son are now engaged
in th packing business in thir new
home, and from appearances they are
evidently doing well. '
It may not be generally known, but
it is a fact nevertheless, that air the
votes were not ,cast for Dr. Tuttle for
slate senator yesterday. M. Busman,
the cattle king, etc, got one vot and
there are Indications that It was polled
in No. 3 engine house. For further par
ticulars the curious may apply to Har
ry Jones.
Seaside is the banner precinct of the
county, according to the vote cast yes
terday for senator: There were 57 votes
cast there, as against 62 in No. 4 pre
cinct, this city. At No. 5 there were 42
votes cast, at No. 1 there were 9, and
at No. 7 there were 18. Melville cast
6 votes, which were brought in by Wil
liam Hartell this morning.
The Deep River Logging Co.'s camp
was closed down by the operators yes
terday. The camp employed about 125
men, most of wtwm came over to this
city. The steamer Mayflower carried
her limit of passengers every trip since
the camp closed down, and today was
obliged to refuse passage to a number
of people who Intended to visit town.
The camp will resume business Febru
ary 1.
Ross Hggins & Co. received two car
loads of hay yesterday brought from
the vicinity of Portland. This recalls
the fact that Clatsop county farmers,
as a rule, do 'not raise nearly enough
hay for their own use. This Is also true
of the residents of the north shore
streams. Hay Is sent out to the Lewis
and Clark and over to Grays and Deep
rivers In large quantities, In spite of
the fact that conditions appear favor
able for Its production in those 'sec
tions. ' '
Yesterday's election at Chadwell
brought to public notice In a political
way a new man Mr. Judson Cole, of
Astoria. Judson was not the nominee
of any party, but he received the sup
port of one-seventh of the residents
who voted there yesterday. Indeed, he
ran Dr. Tuttle a close race, the doctor
defealng him only six votes. Chadwell
usually polls about 60 votee, but yes
terday only seven men1 observed the
formality.., ., .- ;i
The 'members of the Presbyterian
church and friends of Mr. Marcotte
spent a pleasant time together last
evening in the parlors of the new
church. There was no special program
but everyone was on the program and
all assisted to make the reception an
enjoyable one, albeit the farewells to
the retiring pastor at the close made
things look rather glum. Mr. and
Mrs. Marcotte leave Astoria tomorrow
where the young minister will assume
the pastorate of the 5 Westminister
Presbyterian dhurch situated on the
East Side.
The newJMergenthaler linotype ma
chine for fhe Astorlan and News ar
rived yestajday and is now being In
stalled ""ft Is a marvel-of mechanical
ingenuity, -and marvelous as was Mer
cer.tfcler's first attempt at a type-setting
machine, were he living now he
would be surprised at the improve
ments that have been made in the In
terval. The Astorlan and News have
been throwing away much valuable
news matter owing to tnability to
handle It with the present facilities,
but In the course of a few days the
proprietors will issue a paper of which
any town of double the size of Astoria
might well be proud.
Haste was made this trip by the Brit
ish steamship Stanley Dollar In load
ing her cargo. The vessel waa cleared
at the custom-house for three ports
Kobe, Nagsakl and Yokohama by G.
W. ilcNear ft Co. She Is chartered
by Malsui ft Co. of Ban Francisco, but
McNear dispatched her. The cargo
consists of 90,000 bushels of wheat, on
which a- valuation of $70,000 was placed
and 5008 barrels of flour, valued at
$18,000, the total value of that portion
of her freight taken at Portland being
$SS,000. The Dollar also had some mis
cellaneous stuff loaded at the Bay city.
The orders are for the steamer to pro
ceed to Puget sound from the Colum
bia river, for additional cargo,
With six precincts to be heard from,
the vote for state 'senator now stands
327. The largest vote in any precinct
of the county waa cast at Seaside,
while the precinct that recorded the
smallest was Waluski, where four votes
were cast, in the city 167 votes were
cast, divided In precincts as follows:.
No. 1, ; No. 2, 16; No. 8, 7; No. 4, 62;
No, 5, 42; No. 6, 13; No. 7, 18, Out-of-town
precincts follow: John Day, 11;
Svensen, 12; Walluski, 4; New Astoria,
22; Warrenton, 8; Clatsop, 7;, Seaside,
37; Melville, : Chadwell, 7; Olney, 11;
Knappa, 7; Clifton, 8;'Westport, 9. The
precincts to be heard from are Youngs
River, "Vesper, Jewell, Mlshawaka, El
sie, Push. ,
.Tickets for the entertainment to be
given under the auspices of the Con
vent of the Holy Names at Fishers'
opera house on the 22d lnst. can be ex
changed for reserved seat tickets on
Monday and Tuesday of next week at
the book store of J. N. Griffin. All
the preparations for the aflalr are now
complete, and those who are to partici
pate ar ecdnfldent that every number
nn the program will be a success. The
rehearsals show that very great care
has been taken In the preparations,
and there is no doubt that the program
will be rendered as well as If the par
Icipants wereprofesslonaus. It is ex
pected that there will be a full house,
and those who attend are certain of
witnessing a splendid entertainment,
We are exclusive
agents for -
Sn of Women
Successors to John Eahi
The Best Restaurant
tt i
, , . ftetular Meals. 25 Cent . . .. .
, Sunday Dinners i Specialty '
ETCtythiae the Market Affor ; .
Palace Catering Company
8888 888 88888888 88 8tttt8
The charge against Nelson Jones will
be aired In the Portland courts the
latter part of tMs month. Mr. Jones
is now in this city, under (1000 bonds.
He found no difficulty In obtaining
bondsmen. The preliminary hearing
was delayed two days 'owing to the
nonappearance of the plaintiff, who de
posed that she was unaware that she
was. needed so soon. While the de
fendant possesses no official notifica
tion that the plaintiff a obtained a
I divorce, the circumstances that point
to her having secured one will doubt-
The Indrasamha is the only member
of the "Indra" fleet that is to be re
lained in the service of the Portland'
Asiatic line after the expiration of the
three present charters, according to re
poi'ts. The Indrawadi and Indramayo,
Uvo other carriers about an equal size
and 300 tons register greater ihan the
IndraveUl and Indrapura, are ,tb come
out In their stead. The'tndrasamha is
in the class of the Indramayo and In
drawadl, and after the changes are
made the trio will be of about the same
capacity. The move Is made by the
Portland-Asiatic to give a better serv
ice, as promised, and It is not improb
able several other carriers will be ad
ded so that the company's schedule will
be arranged to permit of a trl-monthly
service. Captain Porter who for a time
was master in the O. R. ft N. fleet and.
first officer ori the IndraveUl preceding
his promotion. Is in command or tne
Ipdrawadl, j to which vessel he was
transferred-a few months ago. She is
now at New York loading a general
cargo for her first trip to the Flowery
Kingdom. She Is practically a new
carrier. The Indrawadi has been piy-
Ine In the oriental trade, but from
Gotham by ; way of the Suez canal.
i Don't like Schilling's Best?
Your 'grocer returns your
money, i 7
Cigars and Tobaccos
The Edison Graphaphone, Disc and Circular.
Agent for the Portland Safe and Lock Company.
Best on the market.
Popular Brands of
114 LVNTH if.
The Boston Restaurant
Best and Neatest Eating: House In Astoria
Try Our 25-Cent Dinners
Prompt Attention
High Class Chef