2 ASTORIA, OREGON, TIIUKSUAY, DECEMBER 17 1WM. , " 1903. i i j 1 ( H It- 1 ! I S l i t ! 'i I !0 I, I U f ! The Daily Astorian ' 1 AND Astoria Daily News . . .. .. Established 1873 F1CANKLIN P1UNTIXG CO., ' Publishers. -UNIONlffLABEL MATES: cent by mail, per yew ....66 00 Bent by mail, per month 50 Served by carrier, per month CO SEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mall, per year. In advance (1 00 The Astorian guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. numerable, and bequeathed ; to the Southern Pacific one of its most expen sive pieces of track, to maintain and operate. Now the modern engineer and builder devise and , curry ortt the cut-off, by means of 754 miles of land work and 27 miles of trestle and fill ing, thus making a line between Lucin and pgden 103 miles long, against 147 around the lake, straight as a ruler, for the most part, and practically level except a slight grade on the western end a far better and shorter line than the original and probably costing less money. The engineers of 1869 would have said of the Salt Lake cut-off. If they had thought of It, "It can't be done." the railway executive of to day draws a straight line on the map and says "Build there," and the en gineer finds the way to do It. Whether or not the cut-off will save all of the $200,000 or so a year necessary to pay Interest on its coat may be a question, but the Increase In both passenger and freight business which the shortening of distance and time must attract will doubtless justify the additional out lay. , . T. T. CEER ON HENS T. T. Geer, now editor of the Salem Statesman, used to be called the farmer-governor of Oregon. His pronounced a-laptiliilly for polities, however, creat ed the Impression in some quarters that pei haps he was not a real, live farmer after all, but he has lately given proof that he is indeed a governor-farmer-Journnllst. Some days ago a woman living at Oregon City wrote a note to the Oregonian asking whether or not she was right In saying that a hen "stts." She had discussed the prop osition with a preacher, who said that "sits" was the word to be employed in dealing with hennery situations. The Oregonian printed the note, but, as Mr. Scott is .alleged never to have been a, farmer, the question propounded by the woman a Mrs. Johnson was not answered., Perhaps Mr. Scott was a farmer a.t some stiilge of hla career and lie may now be ashamed to aeknowl dse his agricultural learning; but, however that may be, Mr., Geer comes to the front wth the desired informa tion. ' The two phases "sit" and "set" as applied to the average barnyard hen, ?Knlfy different frames of mind, rather than any particular act on her part, says the former governor, who con tinues to the end of his dissemination as follows: When, day after day, she (the hen) is engaged in filling her nest with eggs in' anticipation of a forth coming brood, she "sits" thereon with an equanimity of mind that Is equalled only by that of her waiting but pa tient mate, because every prospect pleus&H. But 20 minutes after she Is convinced that the last fgg has been laid she is transfoi md into a "setting" heni and all the rl.vtve.'g of earth could not change her timid -V it It, She at once becomes the "fry ess "nee of con centrated determiiiiitlon, Insufferable eontrarlness and Insui mountable lin- ; , - moviibleness. 8I... Is a "setting" hen. with all that that ! spiles. You may re move every egg that , no rational attachment to the v .t ieems to re main, destroy every vestige of the nest Itself and place a broad board over the abandoned spot and that "setting" hen will immediately file a homestead appll cation on the mere reminiscence and will come nearer complying with the very letter of the law thnn nine-tenths of those other bipeds who, under the name pretense, show a mlrfhty sl?ht Vss resard for conscientious "staying" iiualltles. She would construe nothing so quickly into an unfoi'glvenble af front as a suggestion to take advant age of any communication clause In her rules of conduct. ' So, we repeat, It Is not a question of grammar. As proof, .the reader Is to one of Webster's definitions of the tvord "set" "that which is set or fixed," and until some can name one bjt under heaven that Is more per manently and definitely "fixed" than a setting hen, it will be contended that ft Is only proper to refer to her as in the , "setting" mood, and generally speaking, m the future tense, Indefi nitely. For these reasons Mrs. Johnson Is notified that her hen "set" and that the. controversy with her minister is decided In her favor without recourse. When, 34 years ago, the builders of the first transcontinental railroad pushed the line around the rocky north ern shore of Great Salt Lake, they little thought that In a gneratlon 147 miles h( that costly road would be abandoned for a cut-oft straight acrosa the lake 44 miles shorter, says the Railway Age. Their engineers, perhaps the ablest of that day. neem never to hava thought of plllnr and filling through SO miles of water, and so they carried the line, luninlt labor, over grades reaching 104 fet to the mite curves In- An Innovation in garbage disposal Is under consideration at Wilmington, Del., which has points of considerable merit. Ordinary garbage contains a large amount of water and the evap oration of this water in crematories calls for fuel of one sort or another that might well be saved. At Wil mington about 60 per cent of the total weicht of the garbage is stated to be water, of which two- thirds can be re removed by oresslng. A local designer is accordingly preparing plans for a machine to produce this result. With out discussing the design of such a, machine, It may be stated in a general way that the Idea is one which merits careful study. In some cities, partic ularly In the south .the water in the refuse is a serious factor in the opera tion of crematories. There is abund ant reason for the belief that a press ing machine can be designed which will cost in operation much less, than he fuel used in evaporating the water It can remove. It is even possible that the heat of the crematories can be util ized under boilers and enough steam raised in this way to operate the press. It Is to be hoped that if the experi ment is made full information con cerning the results, whether successful or unsuccessful, will be made public. at the main entrance. One of the door keepers' assistants announced him for mally, m usual: , "Mr. Speaker ! A message from the senate," at the same time making the customary profound bow. "It is proper at this point for the speaker to bow," whispered Mr. Can non's elbow man. - ' "Bow?" returned the speaker in a re bellious semi-tone, and adding one of his famous expletives of four letters. "I wouldn't bow to the d d senate, and I won't bow to its secretary." Therefore, instead of bending grace fully, Mr. Cannon stood perfectly up right, and he stands that way when ever the senate deigns, in the fashion prescribed by hoary precedents, to in form him and the house officially what it has been doing. Bring your job work to the Astorian, JAPANESE! GOODS. Hew stock of fancy goodB just arriv ed at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and sef the latest novelties from Japan. , C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Express Companies. Customs House Broker. , Fulton Bros. ATTORNEYS And Counselors-at-Law Offices, Odd Fellows Bldg., Tenth and Com merciai Sts., Astoria, Ore Repair Shop. The business of the late C. A. May will be conducted by his son, ' George May, who is now prepared to give personal attention to general repair work. . The bye elections held In England Tuesday Indicate that Chamberlain's policy of protection is to be upheld by the voters of the United Kingdom. No general election will be held for three or four years to come but the prob able outcome of the present political discussion will doubtless be apparent early In 1904. Free trade made Eng land the greatest maritime nation on the globe, and It Is one of the surpris ing features of national evolution that protection shoukl now be essential to her maintenance of that position.. The American tendency is towards modified protective tariff, since there Is no long er very pressing need of protecting in dustries In this country. England will plunge Into the tariff problem at a time that will enable we Americans to view without favor the effects of the experiment, and It is not at all Im probable that we may be able to profit thereby. House Moving : AND : Seneral GonWipg J . House Moving a Specialty First Class Work , Guaranteed at J Reasonable Rates i BIRCH & JflGOBSON, f ASTORIA. ORE. : a We would suggest that the Multno rmih I'lub football team provide itself with two names one for use in the event of victory and the other for use in the evert of defeat. Such difficulties as that arising at Astoria last Sunday could then be overcome. MR. SPEAKER WOULDN'T BOW From the Washington Post. When the secretary of the senate appears at the head of the center aisle of the house with an official message, Speaker Cnnnon's backbone becomes as rigid as a ramrod. Hourly In the extra session, when Mr. Cannon was still new to his job, and warn taking lessons in the etiquette of the chair from his elbow .man, as all new speakers must do, the senate's sec retary pushed through the double doors rpnnnf Li LI '! hT tnffond with pUet for Ihtrty-iii yn. On year ago Ust April I bgti taking Caaoaret foroouattpatioD. In the count of a vek 1 noticed Die pilot bvttan to disappear and at the end of its week they did not trouble tne at all. Caaeareta hare done wnnden for me. 1 am entirely cured and feel like a new Kaa." tieorge Kryder, Napoleon, iX Jf4pmi for ft tr Tht Dowtls J ' Piaeiant, Palatable, TutftOood. DoQm4, Vmx Stoke, Waakoo or Orlp. lta. e. Ho. Htmw 8.sl4 la katk. Tk rnlm Mbt stuipad OOU lunatMd tft ear or your noaoy bek. Sterling Rrawdy Co., Chicago Of N.T. ), $2X111 SALE, m Umi E3HS C. R. THOMPSON , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 48 Commercial Street. HOPP'S BEER HALh Astor Street Pool and Billiard Parlor Astoria's J Most Popular Resort ... Kopp'a Celebrated Beer Always on Draught. Imported Goods; For eign and Domestic Cigars AL. SEAFELDT Depot Exchange STEINER & 8 NOW 1 Props. . rhe Finest and Best Liquors in the City Kopp's Celebrated Beer Always on Tap. ...Your Patronage Solicited... When you are out for a good time don't overlook THE "O. K." DICK DOHERTY and OUS PETERSON Proprietor) ASTOR ST. ASTOItIA, OK. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD LEAVE I PORTLAND ARRIVE 8:00 a m Portland Union De- 11:10 a m :uv p m pot ror Astoria and 1:40 p m I Way Points I ASTORIA 7:46 a m For Portland and 11:30 am :10 p m Way PolnU 10:S0pm SEASIDE DIVISION 8:15 a ml 11:36 am 6:60 pm Astoria for Waren- 7:40 a m ton, Flavel Fort 4:00 pm Stevens. Hammondn0:46 a rn lna seaside f:16aml Seaside for War 9:30 a mj renton. Flavel, 3:30 p ml Hammond. Fort! Stevens Astoria! 13:60 pm 7:20 pm :2f am j "Sunday only -All trains make close connections at Qoble with all Northern Pactfio trains to and from the East and Sound points. 1 : J. C. Mayo. General Freight and Pass. Agent . Iffls 1 ji A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. In every department of our store can be found suitable Christmas presents for every one. Cloaks and Suits which have been slaughtered in price make most acceptable presents. . . In notions, Fancy Pillows, Head Rests, daintily trimmed Pin Cushions. In the toy department, Kid Body Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Drums.Tool Chests, Iron Toys, Magic Lanterns. Before maRing your purchases favor us with a call. - i c J.W.SUPRENANT ,' , Carpenter, and Builder r Special attention given to the oonntrnetion ol duo bualnoee and residence buildings. Dominerelal Wre Astoria. Ore PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone 331. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our care Will receive special attention. No 538 Duane St. . W. J. COOK. Mgr. John Fuhrman, G. W. Morton. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Tour orders tor meats, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly aud satisfactorily attended to Telepbone No. 321. RELIANCE Electrical Works 428 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared (or makinj estimate and executing . ordere for all kinds f electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies in stock. We sell the celebrated BHELBT LAMP. Call up Phone 1ML H. W. CYRUS. - MKr OSTE O PATHY DK. RH0DA CHICKS Mansell Bid. Phone Black S055 t?I Commercial St Astoria Ore. THE LOUVRE .. ' .' CHAS, WIRKKALA, Proprietor JAMES GARDNER, Manager ' , - LUCY CUNNINGHAM, Pianist Program Week Commencing December 7 A Cure for the Blues, MADELINE EARLE. Overture, Beer is 5c, The Waiter. A return Engagement of the Sparkling Soubrette, . CARMELITA MEEK. Overture, "Mistress Nell Waltzes" L V. CUSTIN. Now we have tht sensational hit of the season, JOHN J. LORD, and MEEK CARMELITA, in a novelty act of their own. Overture, "Bamboo Queen" HARRY VON TILOER. The peer of Song lllurtrators, LUCY CUNNINGHAM, presenting Howley Haviland and Dresser's Latest Sue. cesses, "Down in the Meadow where the Green Grass Grows." Overture, Wait for the Moving Pictures, Edison. The somewhat different commedlan, JOHN J. LORD, will hold your at tention. Overture, "The Lion Hunter" CLYDE L CRAIG In more of the Latest Eastern Successes, MADELINE EARLE. Overture, "Ben Hur Waltzes" . CHAS. HOFFMAN. The Magnetic Star, CARMELITA MEEK will please you. Overture, "Tht Varsity Girl" FRED T. ASHTON. The Eccentric Comedian, JOHN J. LORD, will pass out a few knock-out drops. Overture, Don't forget the pictures. Once more with the same old smile, MADELINE EARLE. Overture, "Marita," Flotow. Edison's Latest Invention, The Proecto scope, in different subjects and scenes " Program Is subject to change without notice. dstoria iron Works f Foot of Fourth Street Machinists 5 Boilef Makers Und and Marine Engines, Boiler work cuetlnits of all descriptions made to order on hort mHioe. Steamboat and can aery work specially. J John Fo President sod Superintendent p:i!rB'8hop;;v::v.v.v.v.v.v;.& astoruiBYimrBan .... Treasurer Abercrombie & Wilson ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Page Building Artorto TH. FREDERICKSEN, PIAJSO TUNER, , . n Bond Street, - .Astoria, Oreeon Perfection j of Fit and style can always be depei : upon when you get a Suit v , clothes from....;. . i A. Lake ... Astoria's Leading Tailor. H terlals and workmanship aret! best that can be procured prices within reach of alL I forget the number, 22 COMMERCIAL STREET COWING & COWING ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Boom 4,Land Office B'd'g, Oregon C" JLftnd Offloe Business a Sped!;,