ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1903. NEW GOODS w Chafing Dishes, Havilajnd China, ''New Shops" German China Rich Cut Glass; Steihs; Silver-plated ware, Carvers, Door Mats, Baskets, Priu-Olas, Domino Sugar, Meat Roasters, Pre ferred Stock Can Goods, Nuts, Raisins, Anti-Rust Tinware," Beans, Olive Oil, Christmas Candles and Holders, Tablets, Lowney's Chocolate and Cocoa and lots of good things to eat BJJSS, HIGGINS (a CO. .V 1 I j- GOOD GOODS OCB SPECIALTY THB TIDES I Jbecember," IMS."' I High Water. A. M. P. M. 1 Date. h.m. ft h.m. ft I SUNDAY ... 6 2:04 7.5 1:29 8.9 Monday .... 7 2:47 7.6 2:15 8.7 I Tuesday . . .. 8 8:34 7.6 3:05 8.3 (Wednesday . .. 9 4:23 7.6 4:01 7.7 Thursday . . . 10 6:17 7.6 6:09 7.1 Friday 11 6:12 7.8 6:22 6.6 Saturday . . .. 12 7:10 7.9 7:45 6.3 December, 1903. tow Water. A. M. P-"mT Date. h.m. ft. h.m. ft. SUNDAY . . .1 6 7:40 2.8 8:19-1.0 Monday .... 7 8:32 2.8 9:05-0.8 Tuesday .... 8 9:27 2.8 9:61 -0.3 Wednesday '. .. 9 10:25 2.8 10:43 0.2 Thursday . . . 1011:25 2.7 11:87 0. Friday 11 ... 12:36 2.4 Saturday . . .. 12 0:36 1.6 1:48 t.l For sale, cheap GooJ at this office. " l ' Today Brevities organ, Inquire tf a case of measels was found in the' home of J. W, McMullen, 553 Eleventh street. Mr. McMullen's six year-old son Is down with the disease. The house is under quarantine. ; t .' A farewell reception will be given by Rev. and Mrs. Marcotte in the parlors of the Presbyterian church tomorrow evening at 8:80. A cordial invitation to be present Is extended to the public. undertaken aF crivenleut .date" certain. . 'Zrvf&H. i " . ' , $ is A marriage license was granted to lay to Miss Hilda Korpela and Andrew Wirkkala.! " The British ship Vincent cleared to-' day at the customs house. The ves sel is bound for the United Kingdom with a cargo of wheat valued at 389,327. tt tt tt nnuunnutttt 8n8ttttt(Rtttt I 1 8 I FIT ?8 8 i" t'tt . a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ' 8 8 h 8 8 la f j 8 I "h r 'tt ?8; 8 8 FOR A Senator! FOR A Merchant!! FOR A Mechanic!!! c MAKERS AIEWyRK Comet Clothes hr Men, 4 ft-IT' V V Supposing you do jpay a trifle more for a Benjamin Suit or Over coat. . It fits better, looks better and holds the shape longer than other kinds. Not only because we say so and our word is good, but BENJAMIN clothes are acknowledged the Best by all. erman Wise Sole distributor in Astoria for BENJAMIN and KUPPENHEIME'S Clothes. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 fi 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 in A force of workmen are engaged in making extensive alterations and re pairs to the building inj which the old Popular restaurant wa conducted for so many years. The property belongs to the Taylor estate, and has been leas- to John Stevens, Henry Laxell, et al., who intend opening a .saloon in the building. The cigar store of P. Miller & Son at the corner of Commercial and Elev enth streets has been purchased by Dell Scully, who will hereafter conduct It personally. v The deal was closed; about 5 o'clock last evening, and Mr. Scully will take possession at once. Dell will doubtless get a share of the cigar business of Astoria. The case of M. Busman, who is charged by Mayor Suprenaht with cru elty to an animal, will come up in the Justice's court late this afternoon. Sus man has been driving an old, crippled horse about the streets, and It is in re lation to this that the charge Is made. i The wedding of Miss Euphena Smart sn Mr.' It! Vance Hutchins took place in this city last evening, Rev. Oscar Ostrom officiating. The bride is a res ident of Ihvaco, and Mr. Hutchins is the bright young' editor of the Pacific Journal, The couple will make their home at Ilwaco. The mandate of the supreme court in the case of Ferguson & Houston vs. George Kaboth was received Monday morning by County Clerk Clinton. The decision of the lower court is affirmed. The case grew out of the purchase by George Kaboth at tax sale of lot 3 in block 44, McClure's Astoria, and Judge MaBrlde ordered the sale set aside. At last night's meeting of the council a petition wasTecelve,d from interested property owners asking that an electric light be placed at the corner of Twenty ninth street and Grand avenue The petltio nwas referred to the street com mittee. There have been numerous re quests for street lights during the past few months, and members of the coun cil have been Inclined to regard them favorably. - The police department for the past two days has been on the lookout for (wo crooks that blew in here from San Francisco. Positive assurance was given the force that the miscreants were In the city, but careful vigilance failed to reveal them. It is thought that the men left the city yesterday morning, but of this the officers can not be sure. No attempt has been made to turn a trick, and it is pretty certain that the police will prevent the carry ing out of any nefarious plans that may have been on foot. ' ' . It Is reported upon good authority that a syndicate will be organized for the purpose of purchasing the city hall property, and Bteps toward that end ave now under way. The parties inter ested do not, for obvious reaslons, wish their names mentioned for the present. but as soon as the syndicate Is perfect ed, a definite offer, with every possible evidence of good faith, will be made to the city council. ' , - An election of officers was held by the Epvvorth League last evening that suited as follows: First vice-president , C. Turner; second- vice-president, Miss Nellie Busey; third vice-presi dent, Mrs. S. C. Turner; fourth vice president, Miss Mary Whldby; secre tary, Miss Maggie Shanks; treasurer, Walter Berry. The office of president will be filled at the next meeting, as no choice could be made last evening. ' s Contractor C. L. Houston, of the 'firm of Ferguson & Houston, who has 'been absent from the city several f.wei'ks,, has returned. Mr. Houston enjoyed his trip, which was an extend ed one, very thoroughly, as did, also, Prs, Houston. They went as for east ias New 'York, and from there went south to Florida, thence to Cuba, and hen to California. In San Jose they saw Mrs. Houston's brother. Homer Fletcher, who .is rapidly regaining his health. When Mr. Fletcher left this city for California it was supposed he m as to undergo a dangerous operation, jut the physician in charge of his case concluded that It was hot necessary. He will remain under the care of the physicians, however, for a few weeks longer, before returning to Astoria.. Mrs. Houston remained over in San Diego, and will probably not return here for a couple of weeks. Sheriff Linvllle was busy today dis tributing the ballot boxes and blanks to the different precincts in the county. The Nehalem country had already been supplied. The senatorial election takes Place tomorrow, but no Interest Is be ing taken In it. as. there is to be no contest. The wholesale selling price of fresh butter is now 30 cents a pound. Eastern article is on the market and the de mand for butter has grown less the last few weeks owing to the logging camps closing down. These conditions have caused a cut of 6 cents to the roll Local creamery men find no difficulty In securing the raw product, but It Is not an easy matter to dispose of the manufactured article. The same om plaint emanates from Tillamook, the conditions applying to cheese as well aa butter. WANTED To purchase residence property or building lot having good view of the river, with payments of $30 monthly. Address, stating exact location and price, J. W. R., care Astorlan. NOTICE. All members of Astoria lodge No. 180, B. P. O. E., are requested to meet at the regular session to be held this iTuesday) evening. There will be Im portant reports of committees submit ted, and a large attendance is desired. F. C. FOX, E. R. 1 F. J. CARNEY, Secretary. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice Is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing . between W. L. Trullinger and M., F. Hardesty under the firm . name of Trullinger & Hardesty has been by mutual consent dissolved, W. L. Trullinger retiring and M. F. Hardesty continuing In business. All debts and obligations of the firm up to and including the 15th day of December, 1003, will be paid by W. L. Trullinger, who wlU also collect all money due the firm to and including said date. ' f W. L. TRULLINGER, . M. F. HARDESTY. Dated Dec. 15, 1903. . "" We are exclusive agents for 7h WHERITY, RALSTON ,(a.,GQ.f?w Successors to John Hahn 88888888888888 8888888888 88888 88 8 8881 The Be$t Restaurant I 8 8 8 8 8 8 n 8 8 8 8 8 UK I The Palace Cafe Regular Meals, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty ' Everything the Market Affords Palace Catering Company 88 88888888 88888 88 8888888888888888$ Bring your Job work to tile Astorlan, -ii- '31 One of the nicest things for either Home or Office Gunn's Sectional Book Cases SUPERIOR IN WORKMANSHIP CONVENIENT AND DURABLE FIT ANY PART OF A ROOM ' I , You only buy? what you need each section independent of the ) other. Saves money, room and time. -. Let us explain it to you. f ' CHARLES HEILBORM & SON ASTORIA'S LEADING HOUSEFURNISHERS Everything for the hom. . Ask to see our Jewell ranges. A fair-sized audience greeted the great McEwen at Fishers' opera house lant evening. yThe entertainment -was a continuation of hlgjj-cla&s' magic hypnotism: ' Mpweti is a, pMt-master in, the afVof handling thit mysterious and elusive natural force known as hypnotic power. His natural develop ment of the power is so great that he utilizes it in the presentation of his prestidigitation acts. Some of his hyp notic tests last evening caused great amusement and laughter. Tonight there will be an entire change of per formance. Secure your seats at Grif fin's book store. -. The Astoria Lumber Company has a force of men employed gathering to gether the wreckage of the late bark Cavour. In spite of Warning notices the company does not hope to save all the scattered cargo that has not wash ed to sea, but will endeavor to secure as much of it as possible. While some of the lumber may bf disposed of on the ground where It is brought ashore, It is likely that much' of the material will be used In the construction of the mill proposed for the est end. There is nd certainty now hw much will be saved. Xo plans havajbeen laid for the erection of the mill, bAt that it will be To my friends and patrons: I have this day sold my interest In the firm of Trullinger & Hardesty to my former partner, M. F. Hardesty, together with the good will thereof. I wish to be- speakkfor him the former good patron age enjoyed by said firm, and recomi mend him as a first-class, painstaking, reliable and conscientious workman, and entitled to the confidence of the community. W. L. TRULLINGER. December 15, 1903. Fight Will Be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommend' atlon of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will nave a long and bit ter fight with their troubles.if not end ed earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had every pymptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's new discovery- fter every thing1, els) had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her.- Guaranteed by Chas. Rog ers, druggist. Price B0c, and" $1.00 Trial bottles free. Astoria souvenir crockery In Dresden china. Just In at Forad & Stokes Com pany. The very latest shapes and de signs for the holiday trade. Captain Goodalu, of the quartermas ter's department, received a telegram from the quartermaster-general at Washington today that awards the contract for sinking the five wells at Fort Stevens. There were four bids. C. G. Palmberg's being the lowest. He will sink the wells for 12225, and will make the!test for $22.50. r Housekeeping Is e t s y enough so far as Schilling's Best ! la kftkinf powder ayico uvgrittf Mtnctv go. They are moneyback ; make no trouble to anybody. P. A. TRULLINGER Cigars and Tobaccos The Edison Graphaphone, Disc and Circular! Agent for the Portland Safe and Lock Company. Best on the market. DELSANTO, LA VERDAD, SANCHEZ HAYA, EL CABINET Popular Brands of CIGARS -AT: WILL MADISON'S S6 4 COMMERCIAL ST. and 114 BLKVBNTH T. 'tiniMimftttititiitnitnntttfr' The Boston Restaurant s;wcommekcia8tbket: 1 n -1 - - I & Best and Neatest Eating House In Astoria -Try Our 25-Cent Dinners I Prompt Attention II ic;r Class Chef MARINOVICH &CO! I: P9 i TWIIIIHtfgl