8 ASTORIA OREGON, &ONDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1903, Inhabitants of Ilwaco Pleased Lumber Company Proposes Light Up Town With Electricity. to Ilwaclans are delighted with the pros pect of having their town lighted with electricity at an early date. The Ilwaco Lumber & Mill Company purposes to Install a plant that will generate light not only for Hi business but for the community. The citizen are favoring the plan In every way possible, and ex pect to fee it carried througb.r..TThe foundatio nof the new mill Is now In course of building.. More than half of the piling has been driven, the driver having commenced ; operations last week.' "When the foundation is complet ed the machinery will be at once placed. Then the lumber for the struct ure will be sawed on the ground. ' In the event of an electric light plant be. ing Installed if sufficient power to light the town, the homes as well as the streets and business houses will be equipped with arcs and incandescents, Such a system is very much needed at the north shore town and its Intro duction can not occur too soon to suit Us Inhabitants. f ' 1 Subscribe for the Aworian. SI G. SI CHCL EL CO. . For Sale Everywhere. One of the nicest thing's for either Home or Office Gunn's Sectional Book Cases SUPERIOR IN WORKMANSHIP CONVENIENT AND DURABLE FIT ANY PART OF A ROOM You only buy what you need each section independent of the other. Saves money, room and time. Let us explain it to you. CHARLES HEILBORN & SON ASTORIA'S LEADING H0U3EFURMSHERS Everything for the home. Ask to see our Jewell ranges, , The Columbia Oyster House 1b now handling the celebrated TOKE POINT OYSTERS for Retail and Wholesale trade. Oysters always cooked and served in tart class stylo. Shoal Water Bay Oysters always fresh every day. , NICK KAZEPPI, Proprietor. 105, 107 TWElFfH.St. Astoria, Or. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. ' TOBACCO AND CIGARS...... i Supplies of all kind at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmeniwid Loggers. ' ,,i( x !..'.'..; - .' NEWHUJpff'" DEDICATED Mr. Marcotte Assisted By Local Pastors and Chorus Choir at Initiatory Services. RETIRING PASTOR REVIEWS Speak Kiudly of Building Com uiittee-Fuuds Raised Morii tag and Kveniiig To Sleet ", ; Financial Obligations. Yesterday iu certainly a. day of blessing to the Presbyterians of this city. The new church was filled at both the morning and evening services; and was well attended in the forenoon when communion of the Lord's supper was held and a sermon was delivered by Rey. W. S. Holt, D. Dv prominent in the denomination of this state. A choir of 12 voices sang at both ser vices, and produced a profound and favorable impression on the large con gregations.' The choir was under the leadership of Miss Reba Hobson, -and Miss, Cleo Kelly presided at the organ. Sopranos were Miss Hobson, Miss Ut zinger, Mrs.H. Prael, Miss Bessie Ro,ss Miss Bess Reed; altdB,' Miss. Margaret Busey, Miss Lois Carnahan; tenors, Messrs. J. T. Ross, James Carnahan! i, Messrs. 'watkins, ' Carnahan and Professor Eyre. In the morning Miss Hobson sang "Come .Unto Me," from Handel's masterpiece,. "Messiah." In the evening her solo was "My Re deemer and My Lord," by Dudley Buck. There were no services at the Methodist and 'Baptist churches in the evening, ,the congregations and their istors attending the new church in a body. Besides the sermon by the re tiring pastor, Rev. Henry Marcotte, short addresses were delivered by Dr. Hoit, Rev. W. S. Grim, of the Metho dist church, and Rev. L. J. Turnbull, of the Baptist church. Dr. Holt spoke of the struggles of the early church in this country; how, in 1846, Rev. Lewis Thompson built the little ohurch on the plains and labored there with a faithful few, and In 1877, assisted by another sainted missionary, organized the church in this city a church that was destined to grow and flourish until It reached a point where it was able to erect a sanctuary of worship worty of any city on the coast Mr. Grim drew a striking analogy between the temple of worship and the temple of the heart, bullded for eternal things, and which Is required of those who seek for the higher life,' In introducing Mr. Trumbull to the congregation, Mr. ' Marcotte spoke of the seven, harmonious years they had passed together, and how on many oc casions they had spoken from the same at form. Mr. Trumbull responded neas as may lawfully come before the Mccttnff; " "" J:',;":; m A ..I C. W. HIGGINS. Sec.' 3.;Z, MITCHELL, Pres. December 14, 1903. - St-14-21-2S GREAT SCHEME ABANDONED II- HERE'S YOUR (Continued from page one.) lem rights and properties was the ful fillment of the prophesy," he says, "but from the attitude of our leaders, as a loyal Chrlstan Scientist, with full rec ognition of her wisdom, I freely admit that I must be mistaken in my script ural interpretations on the subject Having entered into obligations, how lever, to the town of New Harlem and its members, and being authorized by it and them to prosecute suits in the re covery of the lands and rights, I have transferred all the authority conferred upon me by the corporation to a firm of attorneys and deposited moneys to car ry a test case to a final determination. Property worth three billions of dol lars is claimed by. the corporation in royal grants of land lyng north of the present Seventy-fourth street. There are said to be 17,000 heirs to the origi nal 26 owners of "New Harlem." They include many prominent families of this city and persons' scattered all over the country.1. m DRIVING OUT THE ENEMY '' i These are . the idays of colds, sharp and sudden, attaching throat and lungs and leading to consequences one does not like to think about. AvofB further exposure arid fight the enemy of health and comfort with Perry Davis' Pain killer the family stand-by for 60 years. It conquers a cold in a day. See that you get the right article. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. . 8 CHRISTMAS LIST . NOTICE. , , . . , All of Wise's customers who have bought $10 worth of goods or over since June 1, 1903, who have not as yet re ceved their numbers are requested to secure them before the drawing for four first-class round-trip tickets to the world's fair at St. Louis. The drawing will ...take place at Foard & Stokes' hall on January 14, at which time Wise s customers will be given a masquerade ball, 2w. - The Epworth League will meet this evening and elect officers. A. V. AIJLEN, Tenth aid Commercial Streets ASTORIA, OREGON Wemhards r Beer THE PORTLAND r H. C. BOWERS, Mgr. Special Rates to Astorians pii feelingly and at times with a touch of humor, He dwelt particularly upon the marks being left by him who had been his colleague for so many years. First was the good Impression left with all those with whom he came In contact; the many uplifted and others strength ened. And then the beautiful new church .'. j . i "In years to come,,' said the speaker' strangers will see the edifice and ask when and by whom it was erected. The reply will be that it was erected during pastorate of Mr. Marcotte, or it may be Dr. Marcotte, now pastor of the first church of Portland or San Francisco. He came with a wealth of education and a recruit in the work; he goes with broader education and a J veteran." . ; . . .",; " Mr. Marcotte'i address was in the nature of a review of his work in the cltyvand the circumstances attending the building of the church. The build ing committee, composed of Messrs; Wm. Bon J. T. Ross, D. M. Stuart, C. It. Hhjglns. John Bryce and Dr. Alfred Kinney coma in for much cor dial comment. The pastor's address closed with an appeal to the congrega tion for fundi t meet the financial obligations Incurred by building the church. In the morning the sum of S2JM.6S wu provided for by cash and subscriptions and in the evening this was materially increased. There Is reason to ' believe ' that the entire amount, 14691. 5S will be provided for before the departure of Mr. Marcotte for Portland, which will be the latter part of this week. - Now that the midwinter circus is over, the people should not forget the grand ball to be given by the local branch of the National Letter Carrier's Association at Forad & Stoke's hall on New Tear's eve. There will be a great time, so every one should attend. Astoria souvenir crockery in Dresden china, just in at Forad & Stokes Com pany. The very latest shapes and de signs for the holiday trade. STOCK HOLDERS MEETING The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Astoria Electric Company will be held at the office of the com pany, Page block. Astoria, Orefcon. on Monday, the 4th day of January, 1904, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to servs during the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other bust- PERSONAL MENTION. Starr Smith vvisited here today from Sklpanon; : ( , ' '."Ml lit .Strawn was over from Knapp ton yesterday. 3 V? A. W. Reed was in town from'South Bend yesterday. .-. -,'5' Frank Sweeney was In town today from the west side. J. B. DeBevoise, a Portland travel lng man, is in the city. ,. j - Dr. Belt, of Seaside, made a busi ness trip to1 the city today. .. ! Mis. W. B. Hawkins visited in the city from Ilwaco yesterday. '-' . Mayor C. F. Lester, of Warrenton, was an Astoria visitor today. Nello Johnson was down from Port land yesterday to attend the football contest. . , , ; , R. Vance Hutchins, editor of the II Waco Journal, was an Astoria visitor yesterday. - Miss Pauline Colbert visited with her friends In the city yesterday! ' The young lady resides at Ilwaco. Charles Steilright, of Portland, was among those who came down yesterday to see the big football game.: Harry McDermott was down from Cathlamet yesterday, and, with a large party of other Wahkiakum county resi dents, went to A. T, C. park to root for the Commercial Club team. Alfred Dawson, Fred BidwelL D. T. HaL'erty, W. F. Halderman, Ray Mc- Intire and James Peterson came over from the west side yesterday to take In the football gams between the Com mercial and Multnomah teams. House Coats Smoking Jackets : Lounging! Robes Bath Robes y- N eckwear Ladies House Robes j '. Fancy Suspenders 1 Full Dress Protectors Fancy Vests f Handkerchiefs S. DANZIGER COMPANY A handsome Suit . Case Free to every purchaser of a Man's or Young Man's Suit or Overcoat. iffitmrntrnnrrmtttmrngti WE THANK YOU To Call and See our line of Christmas Slippers and Shoes, the finest that mon ey can buy. Call and be convinced. THAT IS OUR BUS PETERSON 6b BROWN Fears' soap is dried a whole year. That's why it lasts so. It wears as thin as a wafer. V'"-' " . told an m the nrH, f ! H. CO.-) Upholsterer and Furniture Dealer. Hindlcj Stovci, Tinware and Second Hand Goods. PHONE, RED 2305 504 BOND STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. HOTEL PORTLAND s, e The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. Stow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Rlasafactufcfs cf rron," Steel,' Brass and Bronze Casting " ' '"1 ; " : ' General Foundryinen and Patternmakers. ' : , '.. Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest ! lS8243f. Cofosr iliSitetli ssiJFf cslHa. New Style Restaurant" r Everything First Class. The Best the Market Affords. ' Open Day and Night Good Service. ' CO Bth St. Mxt door to Griffin int. . and adjoininj the Ofllca Saloon ' ASTORIA, OREGON ' Hh (ELATERTTE Is Miseral Bsbbcr) . ..(.f ELATE RITE ROOFING -1 Ppared root iBvvai wu luiurmHuua. ' ymj to iu iOr ' TKE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Bci'ding, Portl ?